
The upper body of the sea monster is that of a beautiful woman with a good figure and a gorgeous and delicate appearance.

It did not use the wolf head on its waist to bite Sean's body directly, nor did it manipulate the sea snake under it to absorb Sean's soul. It just looked at Sean quietly with its beautiful eyes.

In the dim lake bottom, there seemed to be thousands of lights in its eyes, switching rapidly between brown and orange.

At this time, Sean, who was standing in front of it, had just recovered from the impact of the screams, and his whole body was still in the state of being about to leave the body. When he was not quite awake, the beauty of the sea monster woman Her eyes were fixed on his.

A strong impact came. This time, not only the soul was about to escape from the body, but the soul was also about to be killed!

An inexplicable smile appeared on the face of the sea monster woman, as if she already knew the fate of the intruder.

Then, a red, seemingly inconspicuous curse erupted a few feet behind it.

The curse hit it without any hindrance, and it didn't even know where the curse came from!

The eyes on the beautiful face suddenly widened due to pain. With its little wisdom, it was difficult to understand why the human in front of it could hit itself. He should obviously die...

The sea monster was disintegrating rapidly from top to bottom. All the skin on its body was peeled off. The beautiful skin on its upper body, the wolf head wrapped around its waist, and its lower body formed a huge shadow of a pile of sea snakes.

All the skin it had changed into was peeled off, white, furry, and scaly, no part of it was spared!

Even so, the sea monster has not completely lost its combat effectiveness. It seems to have understood that its most powerful ability is useless to the humans in front of it!

The wolf head with its fur stripped off roared and rushed over, trying to kill the person in front of it with physical attacks.

However, what it bit was just an illusion that turned into nothingness.

Sean's figure emerged from the back of the sea monster. In order to avoid the wolf head and sea snake, he even went higher up, just to let his spell hit the human body of the sea monster!

Before the sea monster's roar could completely subside, Sean's spell immediately took over!


Red tongues of fire began to emerge from every corner of the sea monster's body. Its skin was peeled off and its bloody appearance was as if it had been steamed red all of a sudden. The flames continued from its beautiful face, ferocious wolf head and terrifying sea snake. Emerge from the ground!

And Sean seemed to feel that this was not enough. After burning himself out, another series of curses followed!

The terrifying sea monster that had almost been suppressing Sean and his three magical animals before had now turned into a huge fireball, with jumping flames coming out of every corner of its body and dancing happily and crazily.

Waiting for it, there is only death.

The cautious Sean was not even prepared to give the opponent time to scream in pain. When the fireball ignited and the opponent completely lost the ability to resist, he threw another vicious splitting spell at it.

"Boom -" The fireball made some dull explosions at the bottom of the dim lake.

The sea monster's body completely disintegrated and turned into a blackened mass of flesh, which then burned stubbornly in the lake water until it became nutrients in the silt at the bottom of the lake.

Sean held up his wand and checked back and forth to make sure that the annihilated sea monster would not be resurrected, or that this guy had a companion. After everything was safe, he breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his magical animal.

The little Selma Lake Monster, who was having his soul sucked, has returned to normal. When he saw Sean coming over, he tied him up and started acting like a baby.

"Thank you for your hard work -" Sean touched the head of the little Selma Lake Monster with some distress. The little guy resisted an attack from the sea monster's snake tail.

After calming the animals, the fire ring disappeared at this time, and the lake water poured back in, calming Sean's somewhat rapid heartbeat.

It was his plan, but a bold and risky one.

From the very beginning when facing the sea monster, Sean was focused and cautious, and the sea monster did show a powerful ability - it can scream at the soul and is almost completely unprepared, as long as it is hit by it, it will Loss of concentration occurs.

The sea monster also has a wealth of attack methods and unexpected combat IQ.

After each scream, it will change its attack method according to the situation of the previous attack, and it has also achieved good results. There is no doubt that this opponent is extremely difficult.

However, when Sean discovered that it seemed to have no soul and only had combat intelligence, he had already thought of a way to deal with it.

The soul is the essence of a person's consciousness. Having only combat IQ without thinking is the easiest trap to fall into - of course, this trap can only be laid by Sean.

From the beginning, the distance between Sean and the sea monster was compressed, and he was sure that the opponent could use magic to close the distance between him and the target. Although this speed was not comparable to flash and teleportation, in battle, Unexpected uses can be very powerful.

And the basilisk told Sean from the beginning that the other party's gaze was more powerful than the basilisk's ability!

This is the dangerous instinct of magical animals, and Sean can completely trust the judgment of the Basilisk!

So, with such a powerful ability, why has the sea monster never used it in previous battles?

limited? Is there a launch time? Or is it another possibility?

After the opponent showed such fighting IQ, Sean was sure that the opponent was keeping his hand - of course, not the kind that let others go, but the kind that kept a trump card.

A sea monster with a high combat IQ but no soul can judge the enemy's situation and reserve its trump card. This sounds incredible, but Sean can be sure of this - of course, 100% certainty may not be realistic, but [Smart Reckless Man] gives gave him some motivation to take risks.

Therefore, Sean deliberately kept the distance between him and the sea monster, and at the same time kept distance from his own magical animals. Firstly, he wanted to determine the situation of the ravine at the bottom of the lake, and secondly, he wanted to give the other party a loophole.

Knowing that one's screams can effectively control the enemy, and the enemy "does not know" or "ignores" that it has the two abilities of closing the distance and lethal gaze, the sea monster's next attack can be predicted. .

It will close the distance and "look" directly at Sean when he is distracted.

So, this is a trap that Sean can set - he is immune to all child magic.

He had previously made his magical animals close their eyes and put on magic glasses himself. This was to convey Mohu's signal that he was afraid of children's magic.

With such a high combat IQ, it is impossible for the sea monster to miss this point - but after all, it has no soul and cannot think of Sean's real goal.

It even couldn't imagine that in order to achieve all this, Sean deliberately extended some of his "absence" time.

Therefore, in Sean's opinion, its gaze was just a powerful shock to his brain, which had almost no effect on him.

The combination of Illusion Spell and Trajectory Flash allows Sean to use all aspects of his abilities.

[Prudent Person]: Plan before acting. The power of magic spells is increased during sneak attacks, the effect of poisons is increased when poisoning, the effects of Disguise and Illusion Curses are strengthened, the speed of flying spells is accelerated, and the activation time of Apparition and Trajectory Flash is shortened.

Moreover, considering that the other party may not have a soul, Sean did not use his most powerful death spell, but replaced it with the "Clean Up" learned from the Slytherin laboratory.

Of course, unlike the Household Curse, this spell can instantly peel off all the skin of the target.

Instead of using fatal spells recklessly, Sean thought it was more reasonable to first completely reduce the opponent's resistance and then use spells that could kill the opponent multiple times - and his reasonable and somewhat risky plan paid off.

He had no intention of capturing the opponent alive. The pressure the sea monster put on Sean was too strong. He was even ready to use [Future Gaze], but it seemed that it was no longer needed now.

After all, things without souls lack important qualities - if the two were swapped, and Sean was the sea monster, he would definitely use screams endlessly, and then poison the water or something...

After dealing with this troublesome opponent, Sean highlighted a few bubbles with water that was not too cold and walked towards the gully guarded by the sea monster.

The ravine was embedded deep in the bottom of the lake. When Sean looked over, he immediately felt a sense of confusion. It seemed that his soul was beginning to become unstable again, and he was finally sure that this was the long river he wanted to find!

That gully is not just a gap at the bottom of the black lake. When you look carefully, you can find that there is another faint yellow water flowing in the gully in the lake. The gully seems to be only a short length, and it seems to lead to a dark distance. No end in sight.

The dim water seems to penetrate directly into the place. If you look into the deepest place, the sense of confusion in your mind and consciousness becomes more and more serious.

Sean asked the basilisk to tie himself with its tail, and then carefully swam toward the edge of the ravine.

The more he swam, the stronger the stickiness around him became, and the stronger the feeling that his soul was about to leave his body and fly to the end of the river.

When he came to the dim water, Sean no longer dared to get closer. He had a feeling that if he got closer, he might die, and his soul would be entangled in the water and lead to the end.

"This is it..." Sean took a deep breath, although all he spit out were bubbles.

With a wave of the wand, a brief vacuum appeared in the area of ​​his left hand, draining the water out of it.

Then, he took out a pile of fragments.

That was the broken blood alliance between Grindelwald and Dumbledore.

The complete blood pact was taken away by Grindelwald, and the broken blood pact and the Deathly Hallows were placed in Sean's hands.

Without hesitation, Sean scratched his palm with the fragments of the broken blood alliance, soaking the fragments with blood. At the same time, he touched the Resurrection Stone.

The dim water was still flowing, but Dumbledore's figure had not returned.

Sean panicked, but he immediately calmed down, and after thinking about it, he closed his eyes again.

When he opened his eyes again, he came to the empty island of his soul again.

And in the sky island, a figure made Sean overjoyed.

That's Dumbledore looking around in surprise!

"Professor!" Sean ran over quickly.

"Sean..." Dumbledore looked over in surprise.

He looked a little different from before. The robe on his body was in tatters, and the white beard that had been well taken care of was stained with some black marks. At the same time, there was a lot of fatigue on his face.

"Professor..." Looking at Dumbledore's somewhat illusory figure, Sean smiled with difficulty, "I found you again."

Dumbledore's expression changed from surprise to gentleness, and he blinked his eyes with emotion and joy: "Oh, Sean, Sean...it feels so good to see you again."

"Me too, Professor."

Dumbledore came over and seemed to want to hug Sean, but he still retracted his hand and said helplessly: "It's really bad for students to see me in such a mess... Oh my God, you really found all the information. ?Although I am not so sensitive to time after my death, I also know that only a short time has passed, and I thought you still need some time."

Sean grinned, showing his white teeth: "This is what I've been doing."

Dumbledore's eyes blinked rapidly again: "...This is really good..."

After telling Dumbledore how he found this place, the latter breathed a sigh of relief: "Sure enough, you can deal with that monster."

"Professor, do you know what that is?" Sean asked curiously.

Dumbledore nodded: "Scylla, the monster guarding the trail, it uses some characteristics of the trance, so people with souls can hardly compete with it, and it has no soul itself, so there is no need to worry about erosion here - oh, Sean, you see, [arrogance] is quite useful sometimes, isn’t it?”

"It's really useful -" Sean smiled and then took it out with his backhand.

An ancient key appeared in his palm.

Dumbledore smiled: "Sure enough, only you can get this."

Sean handed over the key and asked with some confusion: "Professor, did you get some hints from another..."

"Hush -" Dumbledore put the key in front of his mouth and shook it, with a smile on his face, "Frankly speaking, I don't even understand some of the things that happened to you, but I know one thing, some things are absolutely Can't say it."

Sean frowned: "Similar to Mr. Grindelwald's time travel?"

Dumbledore shrugged childishly: "I'm just an old guy, not a god, so I also have a lot of doubts, but I can remind you of this - but I think you can guess some of it yourself. Otherwise, I should tell you everything."

Sean's brow twitched, "No, Professor, I always thought you were just like the Riddler."

However, he also knew that he couldn't ask more about what was going on behind the scenes, so he could only focus on what was in front of him: "Professor, do you want to, uh, sneak into the tranceland?"

Dumbledore smiled and nodded: "The adjective is very accurate. Only in this way can I avoid the erosion of Haierbo. Moreover, there is half my sister on the trail."

Sean suddenly realized: "Arianna has been in such a situation before?"

"Absolutely. Please forgive me for not being able to go into too much detail. However, Ariana is now in a rather irritable state?"

"Yes, Professor."

"Go to Gellert, he knows how to solve this problem," Dumbledore said, showing an expression of shame again, "This time, I was selfish."

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