I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 578 Stephanie’s reminder


"That's what I said..." Sean was helpless.

Stephanie took a light step forward, and then pressed her face against his chest: "But that's what I thought..."

Here it comes again, the familiar straight ball attack...

However, after the last third-line operation with the help of the Fuling Elixir, Sean became much more shameless than before.

He originally wondered if he was getting closer to Grindelwald, who was unscrupulous and unscrupulous at critical moments, but then he thought about it, if Grindelwald knew his thoughts, he would probably sneer at him.

Look at you, then look at me, then look at Albus - apprentice, you are much more shameless than me.

Sean would bet his wand that the old man would definitely say that.

Of course, with all the thoughts in his mind, Sean still hugged Stephanie with his backhand.

Facing the silver-haired girl's direct attack, Sean was no longer as helpless and panicked as before.

He chuckled and stroked the girl's soft and elastic back. Summer was coming, and Stephanie was wearing a thin black casual dress. From the outside, it looked unremarkable, but when she touched it with her fingers, she could hardly feel the fabric. exist.

The silver-haired girl trembled uncontrollably, but she did not choose to separate, but hugged him tighter.

Then rubbed it.

Bold - Sean raised the corners of his mouth a little, he had now figured out this girl's thoughts.

Without any evasion, Sean lowered his head a little, and his hand on her back became increasingly restless.

Feeling the warm hands moving around and the chin on top of her head, Stephanie's body tensed up even more, and her delicate face began to turn red visibly.

"You learn very quickly..." Stephanie mumbled as if she was unconvinced.

Sean, who had rarely seen a girl look like this, was a little proud. He rubbed Stephanie's hair with his chin, tickling her.

"I've always been a quick learner..." he responded with a smile.

"It's not that your ability to cope with my temptation is getting better and better -" Stephanie raised her head, her eyes that had always been stable were filled with misty stars, her red lips were lightly pursed, arousing affection, and a An appetizing look.

Sean felt his heart beat a little faster. He didn't know whether this was the innate charm of the [**] host or a change caused by the girl occupying an increasingly important position in his heart.

She is really beautiful... A barren and weak adjective came to Sean's mind.

At the same time, his hands became more restless.

Stephanie did not refuse his increasingly aggressive movements, but instead raised her butt in a very cooperative manner, looking at him with a bold but shy and charming smile on her face.

This gave Sean some inexplicable feelings - after all, Stephanie was two years older than him, was already a graduate, and was about to leave the Hogwarts campus.

She has long since grown up...

For some reason, Sean's throat twitched and he licked his dry lips involuntarily.

Stephanie's eyes flashed with confusion, but after a moment she stood up on her toes.

The soft and slightly cold lips separated her at the slightest touch.

"I won this time." The girl's cunning voice sounded, with an unstoppable look of pride on her face.

Sean was surprised, and then he burst into laughter: "Who did you win?"

Stephanie looked at him seriously: "I don't want to win, and I don't want anyone to win. What I win is you, Sean Wallop's restless heart, even if it's not all filled with I."

Sean felt that his breathing was a little heavier. The silver-haired girl in front of him was too alluring.

Before he could make a move, Stephanie moved again, and Sean's already restless hand felt more softness in the other person's movements.

His breathing became heavier, he held Stephanie's cheek and prepared to kiss her.

Then, this time he was stopped, a long white finger pressed against his lips.

Stephanie's breathing was much more intense than before, and some of her hair even stuck to her temples.

"I'm happy to accept all your love, even if it's...here..." Stephanie's voice became softer and softer. Sean didn't even hear the following words, but he could guess what she said. What.

Stephanie took another deep breath and her voice recovered a little: "But I have to remind you of something. I thought you would notice it yourself, but you don't seem to have."

There was a puzzled look on Sean's face. He knew Stephanie's character. If she didn't want to, she would refuse directly and give a suitable reason, and would not make such a poor excuse.

That means that she did find something wrong with herself, but she didn't notice it at all.

The two people's tight bodies relaxed a little, and Stephanie took a big breath. She winked at Sean coquettishly, and then took his hand and came to the side of the velvet armchair.

"Sitting and talking makes me tired of standing."

When Sean sat down, she sat on Sean's lap and put her hands around Sean's neck.

"Hold him, but don't do anything -" She glanced at Sean warningly, then put on a serious expression.

"Okay." Sean still has some determination, although...

Stephanie blinked, satisfied with Sean's reaction, and then she said softly: "Sean, do you really feel nothing at all?"

"How do you feel?" Sean wanted to say that his feeling was very strong now, but this was probably not the time to talk about it...

"Many of your subconscious actions are changing rapidly." Stephanie said seriously.

Sean frowned, involuntarily thinking about his past actions, and subconsciously licked his lips.

"Action..." He licked his lips again.

Stephanie stared at him: "Like now."

"Now..." Sean was stunned, "Licking your lips?"

After being reminded by Stephanie, Sean reacted.

Thinking back carefully, it seems that he has really licked his lips a lot recently, even though his lips are not dry most of the time - this kind of action is something Sean has not done before. After all, before enrolling in Hogwarts, his family has been doing various aristocratic activities. Education, such actions that are not "gentlemanly" will be actively stopped.

That's true...but I didn't notice anything wrong...

Looking at Sean who was deep in thought, Stephanie continued to speak, hoping to help him recall more things: "We have known each other for five years, and I have made a judgment for you since the first meeting - a person who has deep feelings in his heart. A violent gentleman."

Sean was dumbfounded, but Stephanie was very accurate in judging people. He himself was unruly, and he also carried [arrogance] in his body, which is a collective body of negative emotions in the world.

"But no matter what, you always maintain the appearance of an orthodox gentleman. At most, you will be more casual when getting along with familiar people - but in the education you received since childhood, posture and movement should be compulsory courses, so , I have been observing you since before. No matter what time, your body will always sit up straight. When you talk, you like to put your hands together on your waist, and your right leg likes to be crossed on top of your left leg. There is a smile on your face. Listen to others, even to me, Hermione, and Daisy, you do the same thing."

"No matter how familiar we are, you will just become more casual, but you will not completely lose those things that are engraved in your bones."

Stephanie paused, staring at Sean with some worry in her tone.

"However, you are different now than before. I am not talking about personality or other things, but the small actions that can represent the master's habits - these are actions that should have been developed since childhood. Unless you experience some big things, otherwise you will not It may change - in my memory, you do not have such an experience."

"However, from the second half of the fourth grade, I began to feel that your habitual movements began to gradually change - for example, when you eat, you prefer to use a knife with one hand and a fork with the other. After cutting the food, you will put down the knife. You just use a fork to bring food to your mouth, but now you never put the knife down in your other hand when you're eating."

"Another example is licking your lips. The frequency of your licking your lips is getting higher and higher, so high that I can no longer ignore it. And many times your mouth is not dry -" Stephanie's face was insignificant when she said this. He blushed for a moment, then continued seriously, "This is not in line with your habits."

"Or finger movements? Didn't you find that you now like to use your index finger, middle finger and little finger to tap without rhythm when leaning against the stone wall? In the past, when you were thinking, more movements were made with your right hand. The palm of the left hand, and the rhythm is regular.”

"In addition, your living habits are also changing - the most obvious one is your diet. You were very resistant to raw food and blood clots at first, but now your favorite is medium rare steak, and you can even eat black pudding. Went in... In addition, your preference for sweets is slowly increasing. You clearly didn’t like things that were too sweet at first.”

Stephanie said a lot of things eloquently, which was enough to show how deeply she observed Sean. Therefore, before Sean noticed it, she, who was the most keen, first discovered what was wrong.

There was worry on Stephanie's face: "I wanted to remind you of this before, but at that time various things came together. I was worried that my reminder might disturb your mind and cause some accidents to happen, so I slowed down." Now.”

Looking at the girl's face, Sean fell into deep thought. He knew what Stephanie meant.

People's habits will never change suddenly, and the other person's reminder also made him realize that this was not just a simple change of a few subconscious actions. For Sean, this might mean more.

For example, [Arrogance] woke up in the dark, but Sean himself didn't even notice it.

After carefully recalling those actions, Sean was a little confused. [Arrogance] was naturally the first suspect, but he instinctively thought that it seemed to have nothing to do with [Arrogance]...

But confirmation is required.

"Wait for me." After saying to Stephanie, Sean entered the empty island of his soul.

When he came to the edge of the empty island, he looked down.

According to the conversation with Reinhardt, it was learned that the soul world of the host where Guilty resides is presented as an empty island, and the height of the island from the magma often represents the degree of Guilty's awakening.

Reinhard Nott's Sky Island has become an "island" in the magma. After talking to him later, he learned that Sean helped him suppress part of the magic power of [Jealousy], but the island only floated up a little. It proves that the awakening level of [Jealousy] is difficult to reverse and can only be temporarily contained.

Sean looked at the magma below, and he frowned. He had never measured the height between the sky island and the magma before. Now, with the naked eye, it seems that there is no change...

Is [arrogance] really gradually awakening? But was he deceived in some way?

Thinking of this, Sean simply raised his wand and fired a magic spell at the magma.

The curse rushed away and exploded after hitting the magma. Dark red viscous liquid burst out, but it was just a small splash in the red sea.

There is no illusion... Sean touched his chin.

The magma suddenly fluctuated, and [Arrogance] stretched out a huge head from it.

She looked at Sean above, the sound was like thunder.

"Mortal, your provocation is meaningless."

Sean raised his eyebrows, [Arrogance] felt that he was provoking rather than testing...

Thinking of this, he shouted to the bottom: "Hey, big man, do we want to discuss something?"

[Arrogance] The emotionless blood boy stared at him with some contempt in his voice: "Humble and despicable guy..."

Still has this stinky face... Tsk, with her [arrogant] character and her name, the other party doesn't seem to bother doing these "sneaky" things...

"Thank you for the compliment. You are quite shameless."

Leaving these words behind, Sean left the Soul Island after confirming that [Arrogance] was not tampering with him.

Looking at Sean who suddenly left, [Arrogance] showed doubts in his eyes.

She found that there were more and more things that were difficult to understand recently, first the conversation between the boy and the old man, and then the changes that happened to the boy.

After thinking about it, she finally sank into the magma again.

Returning to the present world, Sean opened his eyes and shook his head at Stephanie: "It's not [Arrogant]'s wish, I went to confirm it."

Stephanie didn't ask Sean how he was sure. She frowned and said, "It's not the influence of [Arrogance]? Then why is it like this? If it is a change caused by other spells, even those that require a very long time to take effect." The curse should not be what it is now - curses that affect your character are often very strong. Not only those actions, but your entire character will slowly start to change and become gloomy during the duration of the curse. And irritable, but you don’t have such symptoms..."

Of course Sean knew that he was not cursed... However, after ruling out the influence of [Arrogance], he had another idea.

Not guilt, but...

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