I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

A fake note plus a critical review of the game


I bought Hogwarts Legacy and played it for ten hours straight. I would like to give you some buying advice.

The objective score is 6.5 points, which is a passing work, but it is highly repetitive. From the perspective of an experienced player, the game system is average and even a bit boring.

Moreover, the ps5 has serious frame drops, and I happen to have some problems with my monitor, which is a bit torturous.

. Of course, it may also be related to the performance of the PS5, which is a broken console.

At the same time, I must severely criticize the character modeling. Let alone the young version of Grindelwald, I can’t even imagine the Sean in my mind. I really can’t find a face that is as handsome as the young readers.

And when I turned to Stephanie or Daisy, it was even more messed up.

. Maybe it's because I'm not good at my craftsmanship, but if I want to find a delicate face similar to that of the reader girl, I can't do it at all.

Such problems also appear in NPC modeling. Walking into Hogwarts, I thought I was in a game ten years ago.

. Forget it, but unfortunately, regardless of modeling accuracy, character expressions, etc., none of the NPCs had a good face. When I walked around the campus, there was no handsome guy or beauty.

This makes me feel very low, ahem.

In addition, the characters have obvious zzzq factors.

As for mold penetration, air walls, etc., I won’t talk about them, they are everywhere.

At the same time, the amount of plot is a bit too much, too crammed, and the original plot is not amazing enough, at least where I have played it so far.

Then there is my personal rating, as a loyal fan, 9 points.

For all HP fans, this game is a wonderful world.

The detailed and charming castle, the interestingly designed Hogsmeade, the armor, oil paintings, spells, wands, magical animals, potions, etc. that appear again and again in books and movies, all sound like HP-flavored BGM ( typical!).

For non-fan players, there are too many collectibles without many rewards. In my eyes, they are full of interest. The statues and the pages near the area are all details and expansion of the world view that I like.

Also, tacit understanding.

It was like the Headmaster came on the scene, and even before he was introduced, I knew it was the most unpopular Phoenix, Sirius's great-grandfather - look at that annoying virtue.

This kind of point that only HP fans can get can be found everywhere in the game.

If you don't say too much, just like Dumbledore's "fun of exploring the unknown" that Dumbledore praised, saying it will save some surprises and knowing smiles for friends who haven't bought it yet but are ready to buy it.

To sum up, non-loyal fans need to be careful when buying this game. It is not an excellent work, it is a completely fan-oriented product, but it is still interesting.

And for deep fans, well, aren’t fans just cutting leeks off guys like you?

Well, I was stunned too.

But no loss.

Because it’s fun to have fun.

By the way, one last bit of rant, friends with poor eyesight and poor memory must not get stuck just because there are always reminders of the Appearance Spell in a certain area.

Otherwise, I will be like me who has obsessive-compulsive disorder but my eyes are confused - where is it? where? Sorry, am I blind?

My scalp is so itchy, I feel like I'm going to grow a brain.

Take a day off and grow your brain.

Ahem, please vote by the way, I love you~

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