When Sean opened his eyes again, he came to that familiar place again.

However, as soon as his figure appeared, he looked towards the sky of the empty island.

Originally, the sky here was bright blue with no clouds, but there was always a breeze passing by. Once you reached the edge of the sky island and looked down, it turned into the red magma.

Except for the few times when the sky collapsed and the space was distorted, the Soul Sky Island did not change much.

However, the originally bright sky now became dark and gloomy, as if invisible dark clouds were blocking the view.

"Is it because of the huge number of Obscurs? Or is it because I have activated Dark Sleepers continuously?" Sean frowned, having some bad premonitions.

He quickly walked to the edge of the empty island and looked down. The magma was still rolling, and [Arrogance] did not appear.

The method that Sean came up with was very simple. Just like when he was parasitized by the Obscurus, he actively "attracted" all the Obscuras from the outside world into his soul world.

Because of his high magical animal affinity and high black magic talent, he can easily gain the favor of dark creatures even without using Dark Sleeper. If he takes the initiative to open the entrance to the soul world, the Obscurus in the outside world should be unconscious. The ground is drawn in.

Sean is completely enveloped by the Obscurus in the outside world, but he can find a crack to express his power from within.

However, it is not clear whether this method is good or bad.

When all the Obscuras in the outside world are attracted into Sean's soul world, Sean has two choices.

First, just like the original Obscurus, solving their destructive instinct derived from the dark power is equivalent to absorbing the Obscurus - of course, Sean cannot let so many Obscursions reside in his body. Although the destructive instinct has been resolved, the nature of the dark power will not change. A few Obscurans are his limit. Any more, and his mind and soul will inevitably be eroded by darkness and undergo negative changes.

After Sean realized that he was a god on the empty island, he could do a lot of things in the empty island of souls. For example, he could make those ownerless people stay on the empty island. A space that binds them, and then slowly guides them one by one back to the world itself.

However, this method has a very troublesome point - [arrogance].

The destructive instincts of the Obscurus that Sean solved will take away part of his own dark power, and this dark power, as expected, will be controlled by [Pride].

Just like the first time, if Voldemort hadn't brought the Mouth of Silence during the Paris night, [Pride] would still have a part of Obscurus in his body.

In other words, Obscurus was divided into two parts by Sean. The ultimate darkness and the consciousness of dark creatures are with Sean, and the part that has no consciousness and only knows destruction will be taken away by [Pride].

If there are one or two Obscuras, Sean can still accept it - [Arrogance] is originally a high-level product of negative emotions, and the power of a few more Obscurs does no harm... although this is a mentality of having too many lice and not itching. , but the fact is that the power of [arrogance] is too powerful.

However, a few Obscurities won't play a key role, but maybe dozens...

Sean is now well-informed, so he can judge that the Obscurus Giant who fought with Grindelwald before has extremely terrifying power. This collection of dark power seems to be vaguely exposed to a higher level. strength.

And this power was divided into two parts. Sean did not dare to use this part, but [Arrogance] would not be polite.

He will eventually have to face [Arrogance], so if he does this, such a huge force will inevitably become his enemy. Undoubtedly, the difficulty will increase a lot.

The second method involves the illusion of confusion.

Sean's soul island is a part of the trance dreamland. It belongs to him alone, but it is still included in the whole world. Otherwise, the last time Sean said the conjecture of "killing gods" in front of [Arrogance] time, the space here will not collapse.

The last time he saw the entire trance, he followed the guidance of the elixir and fell asleep on the Soul Island.

Therefore, Sean is very confident that after he attracts all the Obscuras to his soul island, he can directly take those Obscuras away from his soul island by falling asleep.

At that time, the power of Obscurus can naturally return to the tangled illusion - even though it is already a broken world of the dead.

Whether it explodes due to instability or returns to the world itself, it will not affect Sean's soul island and everything in the outside world.

But Sean must consider another existence-Helbo.

Haierbo seized the power of the gods, but was trapped in a collapsed illusion and unable to return to reality.

His clone in the present world has been eliminated, and naturally, all consciousness will be concentrated in the trapped body - then there is a high probability that he will be able to detect what is happening in the confused illusion.

He shouldn't be able to detect some small changes, otherwise Dumbledore wouldn't want to hide it from the truth and die in order to sneak into the illusion. However, he would definitely be able to detect dozens of Obscursions appearing at the same time.

The most important thing is that these little wizards were artificially cultivated into Obscurus, and all of this came from the Returners organization established by Haierbo.

In other words, a huge number of Obscuras may be exactly what Haierbo needs!

If I did this, wouldn't it be equivalent to sending the gift to Haierbo, who was not supposed to be in the receiving area?

Will this speed up Haierbo's return to reality?

Both methods have huge hidden dangers and uncertainties, but now there is not much time left for Sean to think about it.

He paced back and forth on the empty island, his eyebrows furrowed.

He must make a choice quickly, otherwise, the Obscurus in the outside world will explode, and the Obscurus in his body will return to the world.

After thinking carefully and carefully, Sean made a quick decision.

Still the first type.

[Arrogance] is a difficulty that he will definitely face in the future, and there is a high probability that he will face it alone, while Haierbo has Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and many others who will face it together...

If I were more rational and selfish, I should choose the second option. By then, the extra trouble could be shared with others, and I wouldn't have to be so tired...


Sean gave a helpless smile, and then his eyes became firmer and brighter.

If you are afraid of trouble, you don't have to carry out the rescue of the little wizard this time.

If you are worried about trouble, there is no need to try to save those children who have become Obscurials.

The reason for Sean's choice is very simple. Haierbo has seized the power of the gods, and according to the bard's story, the rank of the gods is higher than the seven sins, even the top sin is "arrogance".

Of the two unknown and terrifying enemies, Sean chose to let the one with a lower level gain strength, even though the enhanced [Pride] was faced by him alone.

"I don't know if the teacher will scold me or praise me if he knows my decision?" Sean smiled.

As a student of Gellert Grindelwald, his current choices are more like Albus Dumbledore.

Now that he had made his decision, Sean no longer had any hesitation. He stood in the center of the soul island and gently closed his eyes.

He is opening the wall of his soul's empty island to the outside world.

outside world.

"Orrick?! What is going on?" Obscurus surrounded Sean and became a black cocoon. Professor Flitwick, who was bounced away by the powerful force, asked in disbelief.

Aurelius, who was also bounced away, looked extremely ugly: "Shaun has attracted all the Obscuras for some reason. He is now wrapped, and the Obscurus in his body has become the one being guided... Moreover, these Mo Ran no longer accepts my attraction..."

"So?!" Professor Flitwick asked eagerly.

"The Obscurus lodged in Sean's body will return to the world, and these ownerless Obscurities will cause explosions due to instability..." Aurelius said through gritted teeth.

"Merlin's beard..." Flitwick was stunned, and then he realized, "What about Sean?!"

"He is wrapped. The dark power is too thick and the magic power cannot flow out... Damn it!"

Aurelius cursed angrily, then looked around: "Gellert! We have a problem here!"

However, Grindelwald is still missing.

"Damn it, didn't this old guy tell Sean how to guide Obscurus back..." Aurelius's eyes were filled with despair.

"Think of a way, can you break this cocoon?!"

"I can't help it. If I could, I would even be willing to replace Sean, but now even the guy in my body is not obedient! Damn it! Damn it!"...

Just when the two were helpless, they were suddenly surprised to find that the huge black cocoon surrounding Sean suddenly began to tremble.

The black magic power peeled off slowly like silk threads, spinning like a cocoon.

However, the goal of Black Magic is not to return to the world, but within!

All the Obscuras began to surge towards Sean!

The terrifying dark forces were like wanderers who had found their hometown. They cheered and turned into completely pure darkness, and then couldn't wait to integrate into Sean.

The black magic exploded and almost formed a substance, but they had an opening, which was Sean's eyes.

Power rushed into Sean's eyes so fast that neither Professor Flitwick nor Aurelius had time to respond.

"Oh my god, my god..." Almost at the same time, the dozens of children who had been dropped in mid-air by the invisible force suddenly fell down.

Professor Flitwick quickly caught everyone with magic spells, and then looked anxiously at Aurelius, who was already running towards Sean.

"How about it?"

"Not sure... Sean?" Aurelius tried to wake up the boy in front of him.

However, Sean was half kneeling on the ground, his whole body shaking uncontrollably. He covered his eyes with one hand and let out a painful and crazy dull roar.

At this time, on the empty soul island, Sean was half-kneeling on the ground like his real body.

The influx of silent energy was too fast. Although his soul world could bear it, his body was not that strong.

If the previous battle hadn't consumed a huge amount of his magic power and energy, Sean suspected that his body might have been seriously injured just by the process of silent influx.

At the same time, the characteristics of Obscurus are also destined to actively absorb these powers, which will lead to the erosion of a lot of negative emotions.

However, Sean's mastery of the Soul Sky Island was no longer the same. Although his body and soul felt great pain, he still gritted his teeth and endured.

The Obscuras floated on the Soul Island, completely dyeing the sky into pitch black.

Such a huge change attracted the attention of [Arrogance], the magma rolled, and a huge head slowly rose to the edge of the empty island.

She glanced at the astonishing number of Obscurans on the empty island, and then let out a dull laugh: "Actively attracting the Obscurans to come here? Mortal, your boldness deserves my respect, ha."

Sean didn't even look at her. Instead, he forced a smile and said, "I'll give you some gifts...big man..."

[Arrogance]'s voice was like thunder: "Suddenly it became interesting...are so many Obscurans artificially cultivated? Ha, it seems you want to save other mortals..."

"Well-informed, as expected of [arrogant], I haven't said anything yet..." Sean finally recovered from the pain, he stood up straight, spoke softly, and opened his hands.

"Separation and destruction instinct... Hey, mortal, do you know what this means?"

Sean turned his head and looked in surprise: "Of course I know...but you would actually remind me? Normally, shouldn't you pretend not to know and then trick me at a critical moment? Of course, the premise is I don't know either."

There was a hint of contempt in [Arrogance]'s tone: "I am [Arrogance], the first to blame."

After all, he still has a bad temper... Sean curled his lips and stopped talking.

He wanted to concentrate on separating all the obscurial destructive instincts here.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Sean's figure disappeared in an instant on the empty island, and then appeared next to an silent man. A light that could not even be caught up with the naked eye hit the silent man.

Silently trembled and spun, a red, almost invisible mist spilled out, and then drifted toward the outside of the sky island, and the remaining black part became quiet.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Sean's figure keeps appearing and disappearing, accompanied by powerful killing curses.

In the past, he might have to keep casting, but now, he is the most powerful one on the empty island.

The restless Obscuras calmed down one after another, and more and more red mist escaped.

When Sean finally calmed down all the Obscurans, the red mist almost condensed into a small river.

[Arrogance] kept looking at Sean. After everything was completed, she opened her mouth in front of Sean.

The red river was sucked into his dark mouth.

"Mortal, you have some shadow of me, I am very satisfied."

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