There was silence between the two for a while, Sean was thinking, while Grindelwald smiled and waited for Sean's next question.

It didn't take long for Sean, who had guesses but still had doubts, to ask: "Does being consistent mean something else?"

Grindelwald gave a very narrow smile and said, "You need to understand this yourself."

Sean was not angry because of the other party's riddle, but realized one thing - Grindelwald knew something, but he knew that these things could not be told to Sean openly.

Although this old man is playful and often only acts according to his own preferences, he never plays trivial on important matters.

Therefore, it is impossible that he is deliberately looking for Sean's happiness, but he really cannot say it out loud, or it may be that he does not know everything comprehensively...

But why is this...

Sean had only encountered an unspeakable situation once before, and that was Grindelwald's time travel accident. Due to the existence of the will of the world, he could not tell the truth of the whole thing in words. He still remembers Dumbledore and The words he said: "Shhh, the world will hear."

Does your self in another timeline also fall into this category?

Suddenly, Sean was a little unsure, and he even looked around furtively - could it be that there is another Sean Wallop in this world?

Grindelwald saw his doubts and reminded with a chuckle: "It's not the situation you think. Well, it's hard to explain, and I can't explain it clearly, but I know that it does involve a deeper existence. ——My advice to you is to let nature take its course and move forward according to your own heart.”

"Let nature take its course..." Sean chewed on the meaning of the word.

Grindelwald showed a nostalgic look: "I can tell you about some situations - another Sean Wallop... No, there is no other, only you... Your character, your goal, always Ruyi...Of course, due to different growth environments, there will be some small differences in some aspects, but that has no effect, you are still you."

"Actually, there aren't many stories in the other timeline. It's just that the winner was me - ha, the entire wizarding world is more prosperous than it is now. In Hogwarts back then, only the first grade There are 400 freshmen, more than 3,000 people in the entire school, more than 30 professors, and hundreds of teaching assistants.”

"The cheapest shop in the corner of Diagon Alley costs thousands of Galleons. The goblins of Gringotts have to work more than twenty hours a day - money, gems, props, antiques, there are many priceless things in there. It flows throughout the wizarding world.”

"And I -" Grindelwald smiled more cheerfully, "I am still the headmaster, even though Nurmengard has not been established."

Sean was stunned for a moment, then reacted: "You entered Hogwarts?"

"The winner will naturally control the future of this world. Hogwarts has the foundation and reputation. Becoming the principal is not a bad thing - in fact, I can be regarded as the most successful principal in the history of Hogwarts. One of them."

"The students love and respect me. Graduates one after another are vying to return to Hogwarts to teach. And the British Ministry of Magic depends on my face for any decision. Half of the International Federation of Wizards The congressmen are all my former students or subordinates - I could take over the world and be a dictator, but I don't do that."

Grindelwald showed a look of nostalgia: "Because he has refused to admit defeat - ha, of course I know that if I lose, I will not admit defeat."

"But you've given up now." Shawn reminded.

Grindelwald hit him on the head again: "You don't need to remind me - ha, all in all, I think I did a good enough job."

"Then, I met Sean Wallop, who was full of enthusiasm for admission -" he laughed again, "I still remember what you said when you first met me."

"What?" Sean became curious.

Grindelwald glanced at him: "You said, 'Mr. Principal, you are a little more handsome than I thought.'"

Sean was speechless, would his other self speak like this?

"I flattered you the first time I met. More importantly, I can clearly see your desire to flatter me in order to get closer to me - unlike other flatterers. In the same way, they either want to get huge power from me, or they want to learn powerful spells from me... Only you, what you want is everything about Grindelwald, about Hogwarts, and about this wizarding world. "

"Huge ambition that is not really ambition, bold behavior, coupled with enthusiasm and desire for the entire magical world - I fell in love with you at first sight."

Grindelwald smiled happily: "Just like the first time I met you, you met me through the Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement - you acted very scared at the time and wanted to escape urgently, but, in After you found out that I won't do anything to you, you became much bolder."

He narrowed his eyes: "Although I still don't know how you did it, I'm pretty sure that you got some benefits from me."

Sean blinked. The old man's sense of smell was a bit too keen...

There are indeed benefits. He thought that he would finally meet Grindelwald once, and he drew many prizes in front of him - by the way, the prizes were Grindelwald's junior set and Dumbledore's junior set.

I should have concealed my expression very well at that time, was this visible...

However, Grindelwald obviously didn't care about this: "My dear apprentice, your acting skills are very good. If you put it on a first-grade child - do you know why I want to teach you about human nature? Your first mistake was caught by me." I'm attracted to you, but your boldness and enthusiasm really make me hate you... So, let me help you become a better person. The world should be a world of brave people and ambitious people."

"What's more -" Grindelwald touched his short beard proudly, "If this continues, I can at least defeat Albus as a student, even if you are more like him."

Sean was speechless. Grindelwald's competitiveness towards Dumbledore might not end until his death.

It's really just "until death do we rest"... huh?

Sean suddenly thought of something: "Teacher, the memory you left for me, what are you facing in the end? Is that Haierbo who has completely descended into the world?"

Grindelwald shook his head: "No, that was Halper's vanguard."

"The vanguard...what about me? What was I doing at that time?"

"You? You've been missing for half a year."


"At first I suspected that your soul had been completely controlled by [Arrogance], and I even held a silent silence for you for thirty seconds, but it didn't seem to be the case later - do you still remember the last attack in that memory?"

"Of course." Sean nodded.

Grindelwald looked thoughtful: "That's [arrogance]——"

Sean's penis shrank suddenly.

Grindelwald continued: "That's [arrogance], but it's not you."

"Not me?" Sean was confused this time, "Then why is [Arrogance]? Are she and I separated?"

"You are the host of the guilt, and I am not." Grindelwald looked like I don't know but I am very proud. "However, it was no longer important to me at that time what the situation was. I had already done it." Prepare to travel back."

Sean was speechless: "Then shouldn't you dig out more truth and bring it back?"

Grindelwald gave him a strange look: "I was planning to die when I came back. After that, it should have been Albus's trouble. Why should I help him solve so many problems."

Sean: "..."

This old man has such a bad character...

"So, now it's backfired and it's your turn to have a headache." Sean rolled his eyes.

Grindelwald raised his eyebrows: "Then just face the difficulties - what's the difference? I want to find more truth in that timeline, don't I still have to face the same troubles as now? ?”

Sean actually didn't know what to say, because what the old man said seemed to make sense...

"Although Albus's character is terrible, there is one saying I quite agree with - in life there is always the joy of leaving the unknown to explore more." Grindelwald said, nodding.

Sean was speechless: "I have never heard Professor Dumbledore say this."

"Then you've heard it now -" Grindelwald jumped down from the rock, "Okay, after chatting with you for so long, it's time for me to leave."

"Hey, teacher, leave me your contact information." Sean said quickly.

The old man's whereabouts are now unknown. Sometimes if you want to discuss something with him but you can't find him, you have to wait for him to come to your door, which is very troublesome.

"Don't you have one?"


Grindelwald took out a silver lighter from his arms and shook it: "Albus's one should be in your hand."

Sean was stunned and took out a deluminator - is this thing even available in a couples version?

"Don't be dumbfounded, the one in your hand is a replica - in the original plan against your sister, the Deluminator was an important part, but how could Albus give the real Deluminator to the Returned? And he has no interest in it. That kid Reinhard Nott is not completely reassured. He is much more suspicious than you think - your imitation has all the functions of a deluminator, but everything that happens in the mirror space is in my hands. Under the surveillance here."

Okay, Dumbledore has settled it all...

Grindelwald waved his hand: "Contact me if you have any questions. The information will be in your hands in two days. By the way, if you need it when you take people out for actual combat, you can contact the International Magical Cooperation Department of the local Ministry of Magic. The International Magical Cooperation Department there The Wizards' Union chapter is all my people."

"Any Ministry of Magic?" Sean asked.

Grindelwald turned to him and blinked, looking a bit like Dumbledore at one point.


After saying that, his figure disappeared from the spot.

Sean was stunned for a moment and decided to take back his thoughts - Dumbledore would not place his own people in the Ministry of Magic of various countries...


In a restaurant on the outskirts of London.

A man and a woman were bickering over each other.

"Oh my god, this should be the most peaceful holiday - rare good weather, beautiful restaurants, a group of energetic children - everything is so perfect..." a young woman who looked full of energy exclaimed He said something, and then his face darkened, "If it weren't for you."

"What a coincidence, I thought so too, Dear Miss Hawke." Colton sat on the chair, picked up the coffee cup and took a sip.

Charlotte glared at him angrily and grumbled dissatisfied: "Why would Sean invite a guy like you to come with him? Really..."

"Obviously, Sean believes that this kind of actual combat team needs several wizards with good strength to help lead the team - and you can't meet this part of the demand." Colton remained calm.

"What the hell -" Charlotte became even more angry, "Looking at your face every day in school is enough to make me tired. Why can't I get rid of you during the holidays? Ah! I can't get rid of you every holiday!"

"Then you can try to make yourself better and less likely to be tricked, deceived, plotted, or sneak-attacked..."

"Stop!" Charlotte was so angry that she wanted to go up and tear the other person's mouth apart.

However, there are still many students watching around, so you must maintain the demeanor and dignity of your teaching assistant.

Thinking like this, she made a plan, secretly moved her body, and while Colton put down the coffee cup, she threw all the candy cubes on the table into the other person's coffee.

"You are so sweet!"

"I like to drink sweet drinks."

"Then I'll make you fat to death!"

"Thank you, but I have always maintained good exercise habits. "

"Then I'll exhaust you to death!"

While the two were arguing, many people in the student team on the side were also secretly staring at the two teaching assistants who were well-known in the school.

"Miss Hawke and Mr. Sterling are in love, right?" Milani secretly whispered to Capone beside her in a low and excited voice.

Gossip is a woman’s nature, regardless of age.

Capone thought with some embarrassment: "It looks like it, but it doesn't quite look like it..."


"It shouldn't be like this when you're in love..." He glanced at the two people who were still bickering like children, "Do you quarrel every day?"

Milani retorted: "Every couple is different, they are happy enemies!"

"Really? But that's not what Mr. Wallop said when he chatted with me last time..."

"Although Mr. Wallop is very powerful, he has never been in love - I have read the Love Witch's Manual!"

"Oh, that's right...well, why do you want to see that?" Capone was confused.

Melanie's face blushed slightly, and then she quickly changed the subject: "Why hasn't Mr. Wallop come yet?"

"It's not yet time to gather. We all arrived early. Mr. Wallop must have something to do. He has been very busy -"

Most of the other students also had this conversation with each other.

Although it was a practical training, everyone was very relaxed.

At this moment, the originally sunny outdoor area suddenly darkened, as if the light had been taken away in an instant.

Capone was so shocked that he couldn't even see Milani in front of him.

"Milannie? Melanie?"

"I'm here - Capone, where are you?" Melanie's voice was right next to her, but he couldn't see any outline.

"Enemy attack!" Charlotte shouted.

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