I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 621 I am really not a white man!

Daisy's figure is indeed a bit foul... This was the first thought that popped into Sean's mind.

Xiao Baihua is not a child-like beauty in the traditional sense. She is very similar to Lily Potter, but her eyebrows are more delicate and smaller. However, the combination of these facial features does not look childish, but only gives a sense of weakness.

It makes people lovable, but at the same time...it also makes people can't help but feel some inexplicable desire to bully her.

This feeling is aggravated by her good figure, and combined with her innocent expression, it's a killer look.

In fact, sometimes when Sean can't help but have those thoughts, he will feel a little guilty.

Xiao Baihua's lively and cunning personality will perfectly contrast this feeling and minimize the feeling of guilt.

Of course, Sean felt that if he was shameless enough, he wouldn't feel guilty.

Fortunately, he is making steady progress towards this stage.

Daisy was never on guard against Sean. She held her heavy uniform shirt with a slightly distressed expression on her face: "It's really troublesome sometimes..."

"Then should I try to make my chest muscles bigger, so that they will be just right when standing together?" Sean raised his hand in a pretentious manner and gestured to his chest muscles.

The little white flower snorted, and said with a smile: "No, although it feels safe, it doesn't look good."

"But you're beautiful-" Sean blinked.

Daisy didn't feel any shame at his slightly frivolous joking words. Instead, she puffed out her chest in cooperation: "This means that my worries have been reduced a lot - thank you, Mr. Wallop~"

"It would be my pleasure, beautiful lady."

Daisy made a trembling look: "Wow, I feel like goosebumps are rising."

"Then I have to go back and tell my etiquette teacher tactfully that this doesn't work against smart girls." Sean blinked.

"Then I'm going to tell Hermione - she whispered to me that you called her 'my princess~' before, and she looked very happy when she said that." Daisy said immediately.

"That's Hermione's generosity and kindness. She is so smart - besides, I want to tell her that if you tell me the whispers between the two of you, she will definitely take back the class notes she sent you."

"Insidious! You are so despicable!" Daisy looked angry, but there was a smile in her eyes.

She knelt down and moved forward, pretending to hit Sean, and her fist fell limply.

Like a massage.

Not to be outdone, Sean took out the soft cushion from his back and patted it lightly.

The two of them just started thinking in the Room of Requirement. For a while, the cushions were flying around, and the laughter and exclamations were caught in the ambiguous air and danced together with the torches.

When they were tired of playing, they piled the cushions together and lay back down, panting among them.

Probably only when the space is small enough can you feel safe, just like when you were a child, you would feel comfortable if you piled pillows and quilts into a slightly larger place. Sean and Daisy didn't even use magic, they just put all the cushions together. Stick them together, and enclose a space for more than one person in the middle.

The two of them were so close to each other that they could clearly feel each other's heartbeat.

His breathing gradually calmed down, and his heart beat less rapidly.

Daisy moved unconsciously, but she did not choose to let the "cushioned cabin" built by the two collapse. Instead, she squeezed her body closer to Sean and squeezed in again.

There was some joy and memory in Xiao Baihua's voice: "When I was a child, what I longed for most was to turn my mother into many pillows and then build a small nest that only I could get into - but my father would always be too sentimental. Build me a particularly exquisite little castle. Hehe, you can’t say he’s being sentimental, or he’ll be sad.”

Sean could feel the girl's warm breath on his chest, tickling a little.

His hand went around from behind and held Daisy's shoulder.

This action made Xiao Baihua feel a flash of joy in her heart. She did not twist, but naturally let her body squeeze more tightly into Sean's arms.

"I guess Mr. Potter will also decorate the castle with some elves caught in the garden -" Sean said with a smile.

Daisy sighed: "You guessed it right... He and his old buddy stubbornly believe that girls will like creatures like elves."

"Are garden elves a creature that normal girls would like? I still remember that in the last herbal medicine class, Neville almost had his index finger bitten off by an elf hiding under the leaves of a man-eating two-headed narcissus." Sean said Unable to understand the thinking of James and Sirius.

"Who knows -" Daisy made a cute helpless expression, "I suspect that Harry also inherited his father's idea. Last time he gave Ginny a whole set of bat-spirited accessories, just because of Ginny's bat-spirit. The spell worked well."

Sean recalled the appearance of the bat spirit. Such accessories... should be quite non-mainstream...

He stretched his legs comfortably and asked with a smile: "How far have Harry and Ginny developed?"

It is the nature of girls to gossip. When she mentioned this, Daisy's expression became obviously excited: "Didn't I tell you? He went on a date with Ginny during the summer vacation!"

"Huh? Harry usually follows Ron and Neville - did he confess his love to Ginny?" Sean also became interested.

Daisy's smile suddenly narrowed: "You will never believe what my brother did - he set out in the name of visiting Wes Lai's house."

"After contacting Ron, he went to the Burrow, wearing a new cool robe - what should be normal behavior?"

Sean thought for a moment and said uncertainly: "Bring a bouquet of flowers, greet Wes as a couple, and then invite Ginny to hang out?"

"No...he stayed at the Burrow! And he stayed there for a whole week! Oh my god, Ron was already very unhappy with his best friend wanting to pick up his sister, but Harry still hid in the bedroom looking for him every day. Discuss how to ask Ginny out!”

Sean couldn't help laughing.

Daisy was equally happy: "He had to quarrel with Ron every day, play simple Quidditch with Freddy George every day and accept teasing, and be embarrassed by the warm greetings of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley every day. The answer was that he stayed for a week and even only exchanged a few words with Ginny at the dinner table."

"Then what?"

"Then, Ron's two uncles invited their family to have dinner, and by the way, they helped Freddy and George buy clothes for a newly minted wizard in Diagon Alley. Harry was also invited."

"Have you got the courage, Harry?"

"No--" At this moment, Daisy's expression turned into one of hatred. "It was Ginny who invited him! She asked him if he wanted to go shopping after dinner... Hey, boys don't have to take the initiative. It’s good for girls to take the initiative. Love is inherently equal, but he was too hesitant..."

"When the two of them were shopping, Ginny gave him a set of Irish national team uniforms. It was the Leprechaun limited edition released for Valentine's Day this year - yes, it was the gift set with two sets for men and one for women. Ginny Must have been saving up for a long time - and then what? My brother thanked Ginny with great joy and said 'Oh, Daisy will love this women's uniform!' Oh my God, I'm as basic as you I don’t want to play Quidditch... Then my brother bought that set of bat-shaped accessories... or bought them in Knockturn Alley... Ginny also wore that set of accessories, she is so gentle."

Sean laughed uncontrollably. It seemed that the rich second-generation version of Harry was not very good at emotional matters either.

Daisy couldn't help but laugh, but after all, it was her biological brother. The little white flower only laughed for half a minute and stopped Sean's plan to laugh for three minutes.

She stood on tiptoes happily and put them down again, thinking as she said: "I did him a small favor a few days ago, and I hope he can grasp it - if he and Ginny go to Hogsmeade this Sunday, Take Ginny to the Hog's Head pub and I will never help him again!"

"Harry still has the courage to take the final step - besides, Ginny already likes him."

"Who says it isn't? At last year's Yule Ball, Ginny was so happy when she agreed to his invitation... It turned out that Neville was already with his dance partner Hannah, and Harry took the Valentine's Day limited-edition team uniform given by Ginny He left one for his sister, obviously one of them is the seeker and the other is the chaser..."

Sean wanted to laugh again when he heard this. No wonder Harry had been a little restless recently. It turned out that he had a date waiting for him on Sunday.

Daisy was worried about her brother: "Now I'm really starting to worry again... He won't really take Ginny to the Pig's Head Bar, will he?"

Sean suppressed a smile: "That shouldn't be the case, right? The door number of Mrs. Puddifu's Tea House is not difficult to find."

"Hey, all it takes is a bouquet of flowers and a confession. Ginny is the most beautiful girl in fifth grade."

Sean shook his finger and his expression became serious: "I need to correct your mistake."


"The most beautiful girl in fifth grade is currently with me."

After hearing his words, Daisy's face turned slightly red, but her eyes were obviously filled with happiness.

Which girl wouldn't like to be praised by the boy she loves?

Moreover, Sean felt that what he said was sincere.

Talking about a girl's appearance is something that hormonal boys often do - just like girls will discuss in private which boy is the most handsome.

Of course, there is basically no controversy about the most handsome boy.

She is the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts, and the boys all have their own opinions.

However, the candidates are basically concentrated among a few people.

Hermione, Daisy, Stephanie, Ginny, Qiu Zhang, etc., the Parvati twins are also inserted from time to time. In addition, Astoria Greengrass, a fourth-year girl in Slytherin, also Often mentioned.

The boys argue endlessly because of their own preferences, and occasionally they get red-faced.

Among the guys, Sean was more in agreement with Harry.

Throughout Hogwarts, Harry Potter's aesthetics definitely ranks high.

After careful consideration, Harry gave the ranking in his mind - Stephanie, Ginny, Cho Chang, Astoria, Hermione, Parvati sisters, and finally his sister Daisy.

Relatively accurate, except for Daisy's ranking, which was obviously something Harry had seen too much of.

Of course, the names mentioned are all the top beauties at Hogwarts.

In addition, if you include the figure, Daisy ranks first in Sean's mind.

As soon as the thoughts passed through his mind, he felt an amazing softness in his arms.

Xiao Baihua pressed herself closer to the ground, and the bottomless ravine pinched Sean's arm.

The sudden "attack" made Sean move his arms unconsciously, and there was immediate shaking feedback.

There was a little shyness on Xiao Baihua's face, but her eyes blinked innocently.

"Is this a gift?" The girl's voice was charming.

"Of course." Sean replied simply.

"That's good -" Daisy's smile was cute and bold.

After quietly feeling the great beauty of the beautiful girl, Sean thought for a moment and raised the wand with his other hand.

He cast a copying spell.

Many pillows and cushions fell from the air, burying the two people inside.

His breathing was a little stuffy, and Sean arched his head downwards, pressing it into Xiao Baihua's hair. The pleasant and gentle fragrance mixed with warmth lingered on the tip of his nose.

"Can this be considered a return gift?" Sean asked with a smile.

Daisy's voice was full of excitement and joy: "Forget it! Ah! I like this! Pillows and cushioned castles!"

The little white flower moved restlessly, as if she wanted to use her whole body to feel the soft and lingering castle.

It's so beautiful... Sean also felt another softness and sighed in his heart.

The two of them chatted about the childish but beautiful castle for a long time, until they were both out of breath and each raised his head - there were too many pillows and cushions, and it was really stuffy after being pressed for a long time.

Despite this, both of them had smiles on their faces, and their whole bodies felt much more relaxed.

Especially Sean, who has always been under a lot of pressure, but every time he is alone with Daisy, this beautiful girl always uses various ways to make the atmosphere relaxed and happy.

Without breaking the spell, the two climbed out of the cushioned castle, panting and jumping on the high pile several times before giving up.

Climbing down from the pile of mats, Sean discovered that one of Daisy's white stockings had rubbed off at some point, and her white calf dazzled people's eyes.

She didn't mind at all, and she didn't even let Sean lift the spell. Instead, she stuck her butt out and got in to rummage around again.

Sean: "..."

This girl really doesn't guard herself at all...but she really likes white.

After a while, Xiao Baihua still couldn't find the sock she left behind. Seeing this, Sean looked around and, as expected, found the white stocking in the corner.

"Here it is." Sean raised the socks in his hand.

Xiao Baihua came out and shook her messy hair, then sat down again: "Here you are, I'm exhausted..."

As she said that, she paused suddenly, as if she thought of something, and then looked over cautiously: "Well, Sean..."


"You, you like stockings?"

"Huh?" Sean was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't laugh or cry, "I didn't take it off, I found it for you nearby."

Daisy blinked: "Really?"

"Really." Sean was helpless.

Little Baihua tilted her head and didn't know what she was thinking. After a while, she raised her leg and shrank her naughty toes.

"Then, why don't you help me put it on?"

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