I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 626: Resurrection Nepenthes

After listening to the explanation from the house elf named Linick, Sean was slightly confused.

Linick and Polis were similar in that they blamed themselves a lot, but they did not make any mistakes in the actual operation.

Sean also didn't expect that he originally thought it was the house elf who was slacking off in his operation, or that the other party had some unexpected situation - he came to the kitchen with the idea of ​​​​comforting the other party, and also to comfort him. Hermione felt relieved.

Unexpectedly, nothing went wrong with the house elf.

Sean frowned and thought. Daisy beside him, who had received the eager admiration of the house elves for saying some sweet words of comfort, was smiling happily while holding different kinds of desserts.

Spreading a spoonful of pudding into her mouth, Daisy moved closer to Sean and said, "According to the house elves, there are no problems with food preparation, cooking, and pre-meal inspection. It can only be a problem during the serving process." Already?"

Sean was still confused: "It stands to reason that this is the case, but if it is a problem during the serving process, then there should be problems with other foods as well."

With the spoon in her mouth, Daisy raised her head and thought for a while, then took another spoonful of pudding and put it in Sean's mouth. She nodded with satisfaction after watching him eat it.

She continued: "Hogwarts uses magic to serve food. It seems to be the overall transfer magic... Why is there a problem with baked snails? And according to you, the baked snails have such a strong earthy smell. It is obviously There’s only a cooking problem.”

Hearing what she said, Linick immediately waved his hands and explained: "There is no problem with cooking! Really! Linick was responsible for cleaning and blanching the snails, because Mr. Wallop had told him to produce more foreign dishes. , so Rinnick and everyone were very serious about it - and because it was the first time to make the dish, Rinik even blanched it several times!"

Sean was stunned: "Have you blanched it several times? Linick?"

Linick nodded cautiously: "Because snails have a lot of mucus, Linick is worried that there will be an odor left behind."

"Hey, this is weird..." Sean frowned.

"Why?" Daisy asked curiously.

Sean explained: "Snails need to be blanched to remove the mucus and earthy smell, but they cannot be blanched too many times, as this will cause the meat to become old and chew like a rubber band."

Hearing this, Daisy recalled the snails she had eaten from Sean's plate. She shuddered and said, "It tasted very bad...but it doesn't seem to be too hard to chew, right?"

"Yes, the taste is wrong, but the texture of the meat is normal or even tender, as if it has not been blanched... Linick, please take me to see the set of kitchen utensils used to make snails."

Linick led Sean and the two to a corner of the kitchen. On the stone platform in the corner, there was a stove that was adding fire to the bottom. The water inside was boiling.

"This is a kitchen utensil that existed when Hogwarts was founded. It has been modified by many wizards during the period. It is mainly responsible for heating hot water. Now I am responsible for using this stove to blanch various ingredients - of course, the stove is also It can change the water by itself," Linick said.

Sean stepped forward to observe it. This set of kitchen utensils was indeed very period, and the magic on it made him a little scared.

Precise and complicated spells were stacked on the surface layer by layer. There were more than a dozen spells that Sean could see at a glance. After a cursory glance, there were hundreds of spells on the entire stove!

Among them, there are many repeated spell effects, but the repeated spells are just to allow the original spells to continue to exert their original effects after the death of the caster - that is to say, in addition to maintenance, latecomers do not think that The original enchantment above has room for improvement.

There is such a thing in the kitchen of Hogwarts, and it is a stove... Sean looked around and found that there was more than just this one. One-third of the kitchen utensils he saw were the same as those in front of him. similar.

"Is this something left by Ms. Hufflepuff?" Sean asked in disbelief.

Who knows, Linick nodded seriously and said in an adoring tone: "As expected of Mr. Wallop, you already knew the origin of this set of kitchen utensils before Linick said anything."

Sean choked, it was really a relic of Hufflepuff...

However, since it is a relic of Hufflepuff, there will probably be no functional problems. My own investigation just now also came to the same conclusion.

Still only the serving part is left...

After speaking to Polis, the latter took them both to the other direction of the kitchen.

There was a huge table here, and there were many huge golden dinner plates on the table, just like the tableware they usually saw when dining, only bigger.

Polis said loudly: "This is where the food is delivered! Every dish is cooked, I will check it, and then put it on the dinner plate! The dinner plates here and the dinner plates during the meal are magically Contact! The dishes will be transferred to the four long college tables! Of course, only the principal, vice-principal and I have the right to do this kind of transfer!"

"Is this also left behind by Ms. Hufflepuff?" Sean asked.

"Yes, that's right!" Polis replied loudly, looking like he admired Hufflepuff.

"Have there been any problems with these dinner plates?" Sean asked again.

Polis recalled: "In all my years of working, never! I heard that it had happened before, food was missing during the transfer process! All the students and professors were hungry, and finally the president at the time fixed the problem , but the missing food didn’t come back!”

"Oh? Is there anything else?"

"Yes, that's right! I heard the previous headwaiter say, and that's what his previous headwaiter said - food is Mrs. Hufflepuff's favorite thing, and the food transfer in Hogwarts is actually Hufflepuff's. The madam’s soul is controlling. She controls the food on these plates. She first transfers the food in front of her, then divides it into four equal portions and transfers them to the long tables of each college! During this period, she will check the status of the food from time to time. It's what she values ​​most!

"The food disappeared that time. It is said that there was a problem with a batch of raw materials at that time, but the house elves did not find it. This caused the food to be poisonous. In order to protect everyone, Ms. Hufflepuff's soul All that food has been withheld!"

Sean was noncommittal. This was probably a beautiful legend. Otherwise, would Ms. Hufflepuff’s soul stay in an unknown corner of the school and distribute food to the students every day?

And, if that were the case, today’s terrible baked snails shouldn’t be on the table.

"Show me the rest of the baked snails," Sean said.

Polis held his head in pain. He thought this was a disgrace to the entire Hogwarts kitchen - but he still listened to Sean and brought over the remaining baked snails.

If you pick a few at random, you will notice a huge earthy smell when you smell them.

Taking out his magic wand, Sean pointed it at a baked snail: "The true shape is revealed ()"

no response.

With great nausea, Sean cut off another piece and put it in his mouth to chew.

He immediately spit it out again and wiped his mouth. The taste was the same, but the meat was tender and tender. It seemed that it had been cooked without blanching.

But Linick said that he had blanched it several times, so it should be in a chewy and tasteless state...

Have these baked snails been turned back in time?

Sean didn't know many magic spells about food, but there was no such kind of magic spell in his mind, and the repair spell couldn't achieve this kind of effect.


"Poliss, which plate were these baked snails transferred to?"

Polis heard this and pointed to a dinner plate in the corner of the huge table.

Sean looked over and saw that the golden dinner plate was a bit awkward, like a rectangle with an extra thread.

"Is the extra amount normal?" Sean asked.

Polis hesitated for a while: "It should be normal, right? We didn't use so many dinner plates in the past few years, but as there are more and more students, there are more and more dinner plates - Ms. Hufflepuff took it into consideration At this point, she left a lot of dinner plates and we take them out based on usage – this one is indeed a new one.”

It seems that something went wrong during the transfer process...

Sean went over and picked up the dinner plate and looked at it, but he didn't find anything wrong.

The house elves also don't know the specific principle of food transfer. According to them, this is a secret known only to Hufflepuff - she built the kitchen with her own hands.

After thinking for a moment, Sean found an apple in the kitchen and put it on the dinner plate.

"Poliss, help me move."

Upon hearing this, Polis snapped his fingers, the plate trembled, and the apple disappeared out of thin air.

"Take it back and take a look." Sean commanded.

Polis snapped his fingers again, and an apple appeared on another table dedicated to handling leftovers.

Sean walked over and picked up the apple. Its appearance had not changed, and its red color was still attractive.

Wiping it with his sleeve, Sean took a bite.

It is full of juice, sweet and slightly sour. It is a normal and delicious apple.

Damn it, why is this normal again...

Seeing Sean's puzzled expression, Daisy took the apple from his hand and took a bite of it without disdain where he had chewed it.

"That's a good time -" Xiao Baihua said, blinking.

"Logically speaking, it shouldn't taste good—" Sean said depressedly.

He tried every link where problems could arise, but couldn't find the problem.

Moreover, there should be no magic spell in this world that can reverse the state of food.

Then, he checked the snails that had not been cooked yet. They were ordinary species and there was nothing special about them.

"What the hell? Either Linick was too busy and forgot that he didn't blanch, but this is unlikely, or it was just an unexplainable accident, and Hogwarts is best at creating all kinds of magical things. Accident……"

Unable to find the problem, Sean could only take Daisy and leave first.

This matter had nothing to do with the house elves, and Sean comforted them a little more before leaving.

"Is there really Ms. Hufflepuff's soul floating in the castle?" On the way back, Daisy turned her head and looked around from time to time, and said in a confused voice.

"There are many ghosts in our school. Besides, if Ms. Hufflepuff's soul still exists, there is no need to hide. She is one of the founders of Hogwarts." Sean said helplessly.

"That's right——"


At breakfast the next day, Sean told Hermione about his experience in the kitchen yesterday.

"How is this possible? There is no magic spell that can reverse the state of food!" Hermione said decisively.

"That's what I thought too, but it just happened and I haven't found the problem yet." Sean took the omelette onto the plate and said helplessly while cutting it.

"Sean, did you go investigate yesterday's baked snails?" A voice came from behind.

Sean turned and said hello: "Hey, Neville, good morning - yes, I did."

Neville was sitting having breakfast with his girlfriend Hannah Abbott. The couple had established their relationship during the summer vacation. They were now in a passionate relationship and stayed together every day.

"Yesterday's baked snails were really weird -" Neville made a disgusted expression.

"It seems like it was cooked directly without blanching it at all, but the house elf in charge said that he decided to blanch it many times - but there is no spell to reverse the state of food in this world, and it only reversed one dish." Sean spread his hands.

Neville nodded in agreement: "Indeed, magic can't do it - only herbs can do this."

"Herbal medicine?" Sean was stunned.

Although his herbalism has been maintained at an excellent level all year round, due to his interest, his research has not been in-depth. Neville is an expert in herbalism and is usually loved by Professor Sprout. His range of knowledge Much wider than Sean.

Neville looked at him in surprise: "Sean, you have magical animals, and you don't even know about them?"

"What?" Sean asked confused, he really didn't know.

"Of course it's Nepenthes resurrectalis!" Neville was very excited when he mentioned the herb. "This magical herb is the favorite of all magical animals, no, it should be the favorite of all animals!"

Nepenthes resurrectalis?

Neville continued to explain: "This is a very rare herb. It usually takes root in a place that can receive warm sunlight. The underground rhizomes are more than ten meters long, but the cage formed by the leaves is only a dozen centimeters in diameter. Nepenthes resurrectalis will subconsciously wrap up any animal that comes close to it in a cage, but instead of digesting the animal, it will reverse the state of the animal!"

"The rhizome, which is more than ten meters long, will absorb huge nutrients and magic power, forming a unique magic power of resurrection - of course, resurrection is just a description, not a real resurrection. However, the effect is also very powerful. If the animal's limbs are injured, , put the injured part in the cage, and it will heal in a while.”

"Actually, it's not called healing, but the reversal state I just mentioned. The part wrapped in the cage will be infused with the magic power of the Resurrection Cage. This magic power can make the part that has lost its vitality reverse back to its original form bit by bit. , which is equivalent to being cured. Of course, dead creatures like baked snails cannot be resurrected, they can only be reversed to... um, the freshest state? "

Sean thought thoughtfully, and then asked: "Is it effective for fruits and vegetables?"

Neville shook his head: "It has no effect. It only works on animals. Nepenthes resurrectalis is very rare, so the research is not comprehensive, but I heard that there will be animal trainers who collect this stuff and then treat those magical animals with necrotic limbs - of course , you have to seize the time, otherwise it will return to the state of a larvae."

"Then...isn't it those baked snails from yesterday?"

Neville shrugged: "If what you said is true, the only thing that can do this is the resurrection cage - but it's not realistic, right? How long does it take for the food to be transferred from the kitchen to the long table in the auditorium, even if someone takes the resurrection cage? It’s too late to make a prank.”

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