Nepenthes resurrectus has the effect of reversing the state of all animals in it, including wizards...

Although he didn't know why he was directly wrapped in it, Sean reacted immediately.

He immediately turned into black smoke and flew out of the slowly closing opening.

The first time he came out, Sean observed his body.

Sure enough, after only staying inside for more than ten seconds, Sean felt some changes in his body. He couldn't describe it as younger, but his physical condition did change.

If he stayed in there forever, wouldn't he be able to rejuvenate himself... Sean let out a grunt.

Only then did he look around.

This is a narrow cave, and the Nepenthes resurrectalis that has just wrapped itself is in the center of the cave.

"I'll wonder..." Sean sighed as he looked at the huge plant in front of him.

He had gone to see Neville before to see the hand-drawing of N. resurrectans, so he was sure that the plant in front of him was N. resurrectae.

However, the general Nepenthes resurrectalis is semicircular, with the circular opening at the top about a dozen centimeters in diameter. When an animal enters it, the outer leaves will begin to close upward, eventually forming an oval, similar to a larger football.

However, the resurrection plant in front of us is as big as a small room!

No wonder he was wrapped up as soon as he was transferred. No wonder the food transfer process took less than thirty seconds but such a big change occurred.

The effect of such a large Nepenthes resurrectatus would certainly be exaggerated. Sean had reason to suspect that this plant was left behind by Hufflepuff and has grown to this day.

However, Nepenthes resurrectalis is not simply "resurrection" and "healing", its effect is to reverse the state - that is to say, if Sean stays in it for a long time, he will become like a child, but his The actual lifespan will not increase, nor will the magic power decrease, only the state of the body will be changed.

Of course, when used properly, this is a healing tool.

And, it just so happens that Sean has an army of magical creatures.

This is simply a medical warehouse delivered to your door.

Just from this huge resurrection plant, Sean made a lot of money during his trip.

However, transplanting Nepenthes resurrectalis would have to be discussed later, so Sean turned around and observed his surroundings.

The narrow cave is almost filled with the entire N. resurrectae plant, but it is not dark here. On the contrary, it has a quiet and bright beauty because of the blue light of the N. resurrectiona plant itself and the fireflies constantly flying around.

Looking to the other end of the cave, the place gradually became narrower, and there were many herbs growing along the paths on both sides.

"Mandrake...killer vine...crying fruit...devil's net...fluorescent spore tree..."

While identifying the herbs around him, Sean raised his wand and let a flame burn at the tip of the wand.

Some of the herbs here will actively attack and require fire to expel them.

"However, the sizes of the herbs here are ridiculous. Could it be said that they really started growing in the era of Hufflepuff? How can they have such a long lifespan..."

Sean groaned and moved forward, and soon he came to the end of the narrow cave.

At the end is a stone door. What is strange is that the stone door is bare. There is no handle on it, no keyhole for inserting a key, and no mark representing the identity of this place.

"This may be Hufflepuff's Chamber of Secrets..." Sean walked around the stone door looking for clues.

However, after turning around several times, he found no mechanism or secret passage to open the door, except for the large number of fireflies in the cave.

"That's weird..." Sean frowned and looked around.

The entire stone gate is integrated. If it weren't for the tight gap in the middle, many people would think it was a smooth rock.

"Talk to me, Hufflepuff, the greatest of the four giants of Hogwarts." Sean cleared his throat and tried to say to Shimen.

No movement.

Sean smiled. It seemed that Ms. Hufflepuff was not a Slytherin.

He tried to let the shadow bug get through the gap, but still failed. Obviously, this ordinary-looking stone door was a magical creation.

After searching around for a while and finding no clues, Sean had no choice but to leave the shadow bug in place, and then a trace flashed back to the kitchen.

Seeing Sean suddenly appear again, Polis jumped up in shock, and then his eyes were filled with admiration.

Why is this look so wrong... Sean didn't ask in detail, but turned to look at Hermione and Daisy who were looking forward to it, and nodded to them.

"My guess is correct, there really is a secret location and a resurrection plant."

"What's in it? The secret treasure left by Hufflepuff? Lost ancient spells? A rare medieval magic record manual? The true founding history of Hogwarts?" Hermione asked impatiently.

Daisy also looked excited: "Is there any recipe left?!"

Sean shrugged: "Maybe, the problem is, we have to find a way to get in..."

Hermione and Daisy looked at each other.


In the Room of Requirement, looking at Sean who opened the door and walked in from another room, Hermione and Daisy both looked at him expectantly.

Sean spread his hands: "No way, I tried it, but the Room of Requirement cannot open there, even if I have been there - however, according to the feedback from the Room of Requirement, Hufflepuff's secret room is probably located under the kitchen. Place."

Ever since Sean learned from the Sorting Hat that many magical creatures in Hogwarts have their own autonomous consciousness, he has begun to consciously communicate with the Room of Requirement, using words and magic. In addition, he has half the power of Ravenclaw. This kind of communication is not too difficult, and the Room of Requirement is not as "cold" as the Sorting Hat said.

"Located underground in the kitchen? The kitchen is connected to the sewer. That should be the Black Lake, right?" Hermione said thoughtfully.

"I'm not sure, because Hogwarts can open up a lot of space. Hufflepuff may have used magic to open up an extra space. It's probably difficult to get in from the outside." Sean knew what Hermione was thinking. So replied.

"Then what is the key to Hufflepuff's Chamber of Secrets?" Hermione frowned and subconsciously paced on the spot, "Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets needs to be opened with Snake's accent, Ravenclaw's Chamber of Secrets It is to unlock the secret of the Room of Requirement, which is in line with the personal characteristics of the two..."

Sean also thought along Hermione's train of thought: "Slytherin shows blood, Ravenclaw shows wisdom, these are actually the characteristics of the two houses, then what is the characteristic of Hufflepuff? Loyalty? But there is no mechanism on the stone gate to test the visitor..."

The little white flower objected: "No, no, I think you have passed the test of Hufflepuff."

Sean and Hermione looked over, wondering: "Why?"

Little White Flower put her hands on her hips confidently: "You came from the kitchen. Isn't Hufflepuff's specialty the food?"

Sean: " seems possible..."

Hermione disagreed with this statement: "That's not right. If the Nepenthes resurrectus hadn't grown too big, who would have discovered this secret room? It's more like an accident. I don't think Sean's method was the real way to enter."

Xiao Baihua blinked: "Yes, Sean used trajectory flash to enter through the back door."

"This is wit and strength. Watch your words, Miss Potter." Sean said dissatisfied.

The little white flower smiled and made a face at Sean.

However, ridicule aside, the exploration of Hufflepuff's Chamber of Secrets seems to have reached an impasse.

The clues Sean got this time did not seem to be left by Hufflepuff for future generations, but more like an accident. This caused Sean, who did not have the "previous summary", to lose the clues for further reasoning.

"Hey, do you think you have to go there with Hufflepuff's token so that Shimen can respond?" Xiao Baihua put forward another guess.

"It's possible..." Sean nodded, "However, Hufflepuff's token..."

Sean only knew about the only object related to Hufflepuff, and that was the gold cup.

But the golden cup was made into a Horcrux by Voldemort, and Sean deceived it from Bella, and then gave it to Grindelwald to be destroyed.

Speaking of which, Bella seems to be still locked up? Do you want to find a time to release her? And little Barty, after Voldemort completely disappeared, I don’t know where he went...

Two "loyal" subordinates flashed through Sean's mind. However, it wouldn't be of much use to release them, so it would be better to keep them...

In the Room of Requirement, the three people's brainstorming lasted for a while and then ended without any resolution.

Sean was going to go to the library to look through relevant classics, and then ask Professor Sprout to talk to see if he could get some relevant clues.

However, before that, the first thing to welcome is the weekend.

"Shawn - are you up yet?"

"Wake up, what's wrong?" Sean replied while getting dressed.

"Neville is looking for you. He is outside the common room." Terry shouted from outside the door.

"Neville?" Sean glanced at his watch in confusion. It's not even half past seven now. Why is Neville looking for me? And shouldn't he go on a date with Hannah?

After getting dressed and washing up, Sean quickly walked out of the common room, and sure enough he saw Ron on the side of the circular staircase.

"Hey, good morning, man," Sean greeted.

Neville turned his head to look and immediately came forward: "Sorry, Sean, for waking you up so early."

"It's okay, I was already up, what's wrong?"

"Hehe -" Neville scratched his head in embarrassment, "Actually, it's not me who's looking for you, it's Harry."


ten minutes later.

In the Room of Requirement, Harry looked at Sean helplessly: "Brother, you must help me."

Looking at the sets of clothes he held in his hand, Sean's eyes twitched: "I thought it was some big deal...just to choose clothes?"

Harry was shocked: "Isn't this a big deal? I'm going to hang out with Ginny today!"

Sean then remembered that Daisy had gone on a date with Ginny for his inexperienced brother, and that was today.

Harry begged: "Brother, everyone knows you have a certain way of dressing up. Please help me match it - please!"

On the side, Ron, who was unhappy because his good friend was going on a date with his sister, couldn't help but mocked: "Sean has the bonus of being a handsome guy. A handsome guy can wear everything fashionably."

"Ron, shut up. Ginny doesn't object."

"But that's my sister!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight again, Sean stood helplessly between the two of them and looked at Harry.

Frankly speaking, Harry is not a handsome guy with outstanding facial features like Cedric, but he is definitely not ordinary-looking either.

But apart from the styled hair, the other outfits really have nothing to do with fashion.

The problem is that Sean himself is not a person who knows how to dress well. All his clothes are matched by his mother, and designers will also send him the most suitable clothes based on his appearance and figure.

Picking up some of Harry's clothes and looking at them, Sean shook his head: "It's so old-fashioned, man. Although I don't know how to dress, I still have good taste."

Harry immediately became dejected: "But these are all the clothes I just bought."

"It might as well be a uniform...Have you ever seen someone wearing a Quidditch uniform on a date?" Sean was speechless.

Harry wondered: "But Ginny also likes Quidditch."

"There is no hope for fanatical fans like you..."

Sean looked at Harry, and suddenly a bold idea came to his mind.

"Hey man, I have a few questions."


As Sean circled Harry, he asked, "When was the last time you told the story about the broomstick that almost hit the helicopter?"

Ron answered quickly: "Three days ago, he said it again when he was speaking to the new Quidditch players - this story has been iterated in every way since the first grade."

Harry bumped into Ron and then scratched his head in embarrassment: "I'm doing this to motivate the new team members..."

"Ginny is a chaser, right? How did she react?" Sean asked again.

Harry recalled it for a moment, and then his face became a little solemn: "Ginny...Ginny didn't seem interested at the time, and sometimes she seemed to shake her head..."

"During the last Golden Dawn gathering, what about that time when you and Ron praised each other in front of the newcomers?" Sean asked again.

Hearing Sean's straightforward words, both of them blushed, and Harry hesitated: "I didn't pay much attention..."

Sean spread his hands: "I saw it. Ginny was talking to Daisy. When I passed by, I heard a word - [childish]."

Harry's face suddenly became anxious: "What should I do? If it's bad, wouldn't it mean that I left a very bad impression on Ginny?"

"It's not a bad impression, but to be honest, buddy, you have to be more mature and steady." Sean said seriously.

After listening to his words, Harry held up a very old-fashioned maroon coat: "Like this?"

Sean: "...I'm talking about behavior, man."

"All right……"

"Of course, you can also put some thought into your clothes..."

"For example?"

"Come here, I'll give you a haircut..."


Half an hour later, Harry stood in front of the half-length mirror and looked at himself.

The oily head is gone, replaced by short broken hair, the glasses have been replaced with more stable black frames, and as for the clothes, they are the simplest black uniforms.

He looked a lot more honest.

Sean glanced at the lightning scar sticker in his hand, and when he put it on, it looked more like...

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