I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 637 Provocation and arrogance

From the cave path to the enchanted stone road, passing through a huge arch with an obvious medieval style, the entire Hufflepuff Chamber of Secrets was displayed in front of the three people.

The main body of the Chamber of Secrets is nearly half the size of the Hogwarts Great Hall. The vaulted ceiling is made of a single piece of Instra marble, and the ring beams extending from the spire to all sides are carved with wheat ears and laurel branches.

On the vaulted ceiling is a complete mural, with beautiful and complicated pictures carved on it. I don’t know whether it is a magic spell or a recessed visual effect. If you stare at it for a while, you will see it. You will feel that the mural is slowly getting closer to your retina.

On both sides, long pavilions wrap around four huge columns. They move automatically without wind, swaying lightly in the warm sunshine.

Hellebore, belladonna, rue and other common magical herbs were planted around the secret room, and each plant grew extremely strong. ,

There is no magical sun here as imagined, only the huge milky white stone statue standing in the center is emitting bright but not burning sunlight. If you get closer, you will feel warm all over.

At the same time, several white flowers are planted under the stone statue. Under the influence of the slightly higher temperature, the white fresh essence emits a slight fragrance, which is refreshing.

This place seems to be the palace of the Mother Earth in myths and legends, with vitality, sunshine, and the fragrance of herbs, everything seems so beautiful and comfortable.

And this was not what amazed the three Seans. What made them dizzy was something above the stone statue - it was a feather.

The orange-red feather about half the size of a human comes from unknown sources. It floats quietly on top of the stone statue, rotating clockwise. At the same time, due to the strange murals on the ceiling, the entire feather seems to have become the focus of this secret room. .

Everyone felt a gentle and peaceful magic that seemed to be washing their bodies and minds, making people unconsciously want to smile and hug the person they loved most.

"Is this... the feathers of some magical animal, or a magic prop?" Hermione had a faint smile on her lips, but this feeling of physical and mental relaxation did not affect their emotions and thoughts, so she Still able to maintain his curiosity and desire to explore.

Daisy stretched out comfortably, with the same indifferent smile: "It's so comfortable..."

Both girls turned to look at Sean, trying to see what his expression was.

Surprisingly, Sean closed his eyes, with a peaceful smile on his lips, as if he was completely immersed in this comfortable magical atmosphere.

"Sean? What did you feel?" Hermione asked curiously.

However, Sean didn't seem to hear it. He still kept the smile on his face and stood there with his eyes closed, motionless.

Hermione and Daisy looked at each other, a little strange.

Although this magical atmosphere is very comfortable, you shouldn't enjoy it to this extent, right?

And given Sean's character, he should have checked on the feather at this time...

"Sean?" Daisy also called.

Sean still had no reaction.

Hermione and Daisy's expressions suddenly became serious, something was wrong!

At this time, Sean has arrived on the empty island of his soul.

The moment he entered the Hufflepuff Chamber of Secrets, he felt the same as Daisy and Hermione. Indescribable peace and relief filled his body, like a warm breeze and the faint scent of flowers and plants washing his body.

However, just as he was staring at the feather in trance, indescribable fluctuations came from the soul world.

Sean just subconsciously immersed himself in the situation and wanted to feel the situation. Unexpectedly, he was directly pulled into the soul island.

As soon as he landed on the Soul Sky Island, Sean raised his wand vigilantly.

I have understood the mystery of the Soul Island, and it is up to me to decide whether to enter or not...

He glanced around, alarm bells ringing in his heart—could it be that [Arrogance] suddenly awakened?

However, just by standing on this land of souls, Sean could conclude that the control of the soul island was still in his hands.

Then how could I be suddenly pulled in... Sean looked at the edge of the empty island.

"Rumble--" A huge wave sound came from below, as if something was struggling violently.

Sean carefully walked to the edge of the empty island, and then he saw that the originally slowly flowing magma seemed to have been filled with countless explosives. Dazzling red lights continued to erupt, and pillars of scorching hot magma emerged crazily, almost reaching the point where they could be climbed. Below the empty island.

[Arrogance] rages in the magma pool.

"Why is this happening suddenly..." Sean frowned deeply.

[Arrogance] seemed to be greatly stimulated. [Her] huge and terrifying magic power almost formed a substance, and the magma around her body was roaring and rushing like her angry blood.

She gritted her teeth tightly, and the originally red and indifferent twins were stained with overwhelming hatred and murderous intent.

Was it the sudden outburst of [arrogance] that pulled me in? No, that's not right, she still belongs to me in essence. Although I can't control [arrogance], I have full control over the soul world before she wakes up completely.

Is it that feather? Or is it something magical in the Hufflepuff Chamber of Secrets? Or is it the complicated mural?

At this time, [Arrogance], who was extremely angry, noticed the small dots appearing on the edge of the empty island. She straightened up hard, and the terrible oppression felt like a rocket shooting straight into the sky, heading towards Sean.

"Mortal..." [Arrogant]'s head was just a few meters away from Sean, with lava hanging from her hair and face. She stared at Sean.

Sean frowned: "Why are you so crazy?"

"Mortal!" A loud, thunderous voice rang in Sean's ears, and there was madness in her eyes, "Go get that feather and give it to me! I can promise you one thing, including preserving your intact soul. And the body!”

feather? Sure enough, it was the problem with that feather...

Sean didn't answer [arrogance], just narrowed his eyes: "Did you drag me in?"

"No! It's the attraction of the origin!" [Arrogance] spit out a word that Sean had never heard of before. The anger in her eyes was still there, "These shameless traitors! Traitors! Go, mortals! As long as you get that feather , I will pay you an unimaginable reward!"

What is the origin of this feather that can make [Arrogance] so excited... But she is obviously still mainly angry...

Sean looked at the other person up and down, frowned and said: "You are still answering my previous question. Why are you so crazy without my permission?"

There was a strong murderous intent in [Arrogant]'s eyes, and this murderous intent refused to fade away for a long time.

"That's hatred that spans the entire world and you will never understand it and you don't need to understand it."

Sean raised his eyebrows: "So, you are incompetently angry?"

Suddenly, [Arrogance] bumped into me!

The transparent barrier blocked the giant's approach, and her red eyes stuck to the transparent barrier like a whirlpool of blood.

"Mortal...your level is too low. There are many things that I don't need to argue with you, and I don't have to argue with you...but don't try to challenge my bottom line."

Even with such a terrible sense of oppression, Sean didn't even blink. He showed a slightly crazy smile: "Are you threatening me? Lord Arrogant?"

[Arrogance] became surprisingly angry, and magma rose crazily from the bottom, swallowing it in mid-air like a huge wave. At the same time, huge magic power condensed in [Arrogance]'s palm.

The huge wave of magma and the terrifying attack belonging to [Arrogance] hit at the same time!

A huge, almost deafening explosion accompanied by terrifying steam shook the entire soul world. [Arrogance] stared at the terrifying red twin children and continuously launched terrifying attacks that could destroy an area.

The entire world has become unstable, and the space cracks that once appeared appear again in mid-air.

In the huge crimson waves, the Soul Sky Island was finally no longer stable. The land was shaking vigorously. Every attack by [Arrogance] could make the Soul Sky Island tremble greatly.

At the same time, the transparent barrier that enveloped the entire island and protected Sean began to crack.

With every crack that appeared, Sean's face became paler, and blood even began to flow from the corners of his mouth.

This is Sean's unique world. The attack of [Arrogance] is equivalent to a constant attack on Sean's soul. The unbearable and untransferable pain makes wanton carnival sounds in every corner of Sean's body.




[Arrogance]'s attack still didn't stop, every heavy blow was like hitting Sean's heart, and every blow could make Sean spit out a large mouthful of blood.

The land and air around Sean were rapidly heating up due to the huge waves of magma. The blood he spat out just fell on the ground, and it didn't take long for it to evaporate into a dull blood-red mist.

[Arrogance] seems to be completely angered by Sean, and she fiercely attacks Sean's soul island at all costs.

"Wow -" Another large mouthful of blood spat out, and Sean's vision blurred, and the unbearable severe pain never stopped.

However, he stood firmly in place, with his back never bending and his knees straight.

"Ha--" Sean let out a happy and crazy laugh. He could feel that while his soul was being severely damaged, the intensity of the [Arrogance] attack was also weakening!

After all, she still didn't fully wake up, and she was still living in Sean's body.

[Arrogance] also noticed this, but she did not stop, there was only endless anger in her eyes.

Another palm with huge magic power struck, Sean spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body began to shake.

But Sean just raised his wand and cast a petrification spell on himself. He would stand forever and look at the angry and unreasonable god.

"Come on -" he laughed out loud.

After another heavy blow, Sean felt that he was about to be shattered into pieces. His eyeballs bulged hard, and dense bloodshot eyes filled the hole.

"Come on -" Sean was still laughing crazily.

[Arrogance] made a terrifying sound like muffled thunder. This time she raised her hands directly, and the magic power condensed into substance shrouded her fists - it was like the sky was torn apart, and a meteorite from the sky was violently falling on the ground. Coming on impact!

The transparent barrier made a hard creaking sound. It was like a broken mirror, with dense cracks all over it. Even the ground of the empty island began to crack and sink.

Sean spat out a large mouthful of blood again, and his nostrils, corners of his eyes, and ears were all bleeding.

But he still stood upright, even though in front of him was a terrifying giant.

"Incompetent and furious waste—" He smiled crazily, as if all the victory in the world had already been given to him.

"Mortal..." The coldness and anger in [Arrogance]'s voice were indescribable, but a heavy breathing could also be heard.

Suddenly, she began to chant some unknown magic spell. Just hearing the sound made her dizzy and her brain swollen.

A huge crimson ball of light slowly condensed from [Arrogance]'s heart along with the completion of the spell.

The light ball was pushed, and for a moment, it seemed that the entire world's light was absorbed away. The light ball advanced slowly, the space was broken layer by layer, and the terrifying magic power that spilled out brought an irresistible terrifying power.

Facing this terrible attack, Sean's mouth widened almost to his cheekbones, his eyes widened crazily, and he smiled like the most cheerful devil in the world.

The ball of light is getting closer and closer, and Sean's laughter echoes wantonly in this world of souls.

He directly removed the barrier on the Soul Sky Island!

"Come on, let's see who dies first... Ha -" Only madness remained in his tragic laughter.

As the ball of light got closer, Sean could almost feel himself melting and his soul shattering.

He was only a few feet away from complete destruction.

Then, the ball of light stopped.

The ball of light that could destroy the world just stopped in front of Sean's eyes, and then dispersed like a bubble.

Sean laughed even more wildly.

He knew he had won.

His death means that [Arrogance] has completely fallen into a deep sleep. This sleep may take more millennia to wake up again.

Sleeping in exchange for the life of a rampant provocateur does not seem to be a heavy price to pay - but Sean knows all too well that their concepts of this high-level life are always different from wizards.

They are always on top.

"How dare you, a little ant, buy my sleep?" Sean bets that this is [Arrogance]'s true thoughts.

For Sean, he could never lower his head in a confrontation with [Arrogance].

He has his own pride and madness, as well as the confidence to see through the guilt.

Therefore, when [Arrogance] was provoked by him and couldn't help but take action, Sean knew that in this confrontation.

He was victorious.

Sean licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked happily at [Arrogance] outside the island, who had cold eyes but no longer made any movements.


He made no further provocation, and just laughed happily.

[Arrogance]'s breath was like thunder in her ears. She was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "You are fine, mortal."

Sean was still laughing. He took out his wand with difficulty and raised the soil beneath him until he looked down at [Arrogance]'s huge head: "Boring god."

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