Sean was bleeding from all his orifices, but he still stood upright, with the high mounds of earth bulging, and he looked down at the gods beyond the island with a smile.


[Arrogance] An inexplicable look flashed across his ruthless red eyes, and the previous anger, indifference, and madness all disappeared.

She leaned her head closer, looked at Sean, and asked in a Gujing unwavering tone: "Mortal, are you not afraid of death at all? No, not only death, your soul will disappear completely, and you will not even fall into the underworld. No chance."

Sean coughed up a mouthful of blood. He raised his trembling hand that was in severe pain and wiped it casually. His smile remained: "Are there people in this world who are not afraid of death? [Arrogance]... Hehe, you are the same as in the eyes of the world. God, but you dare to tell me that you are not afraid of death? Are you not afraid of completely disappearing from this world? Disappearing in the underworld and the illusion?"

[Arrogance] was silent for a rare moment, and after a moment she actually nodded: "Yes, I am worried about complete demise, but it is not that I am afraid of annihilation, but that I am afraid that I still have unfinished business... However, this is also You are right that you are afraid of death. So, this brings me back to my question, why are you not worried about death? You are obviously afraid of death."

She could feel that if she desperately broke through this soul barrier, the human being in front of her, this bridge of her own, would completely die, and because of the existence of the thief, the dead man would not even be able to rest in peace in the underworld—— This is obviously the case, but he is not afraid of death.

He has the consciousness to die together with himself - even if the so-called death together is just in exchange for a period of sleep for himself.

He just doesn't want to lower his head, he just wants to stand higher than the god himself.

Sean chuckled: "Isn't it obvious? When we can't reach an agreement, I should be the leader - and I will do whatever it takes. Because, the result may become worse? Although it is very strange to say that Arrogant, but you still can't win my respect. To me, you are just a tenant who lives in my body but defaults on the rent."

[Arrogance] looked at him deeply: "If there was an eighth crime, arrogance would be more suitable for you."

"Arrogance is part of arrogance, ha."

The god's eyes were lowered, and she now vaguely felt why this human being became her host.

Sean's petrification spell could no longer be maintained. He sat down on the ground, and the severe pain from everywhere in his body and the maddening dizziness in his head suddenly came over him.

"Ha...ha..." Sean gasped and stretched out his fingers to [Arrogance].

Seeing that there was no movement from the other party, Sean's face turned foul: "Where is my trophy?"

[Arrogance] Her huge eyes seemed to be swallowing up Sean, and her eyes were extremely weird.

But she raised her hand.

A large stream of magical light points with indescribable colors fell from the sky. These light points were not blocked by the transparent barrier, but fell on the entire soul island and on Sean's head. .

An indescribable coolness suddenly rose from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, and the unbearable pain quickly shattered and disappeared like foam in the sun.

"This is a reward for you, mortal." [Arrogance] said expressionlessly.

Sean, who suddenly regained his energy, stood up and stretched: "You still have a tough mouth."

Although his expression was lazy, Sean was trying his best to hide the excitement in his eyes.

His guesses, his attempts, and his trophies all confirm one thing - [arrogance] can feed him back.

And [arrogance] can be controlled!

Sean is not satisfied with cooperation, he wants complete control!

Everything is slowly advancing in his attempts and temptations. He wants to find more secrets about the gods and explore the places that [Arrogance] is most concerned about and cannot give up.

He wants to see through the heart of the gods and grasp their weaknesses.

All this made Sean almost tremble with excitement.

As the host of [Arrogance], it seems that he is burdened with a bomb that will explode and be irreparable when the time comes, but this is also his biggest reliance.

Is he willing to die? Even if his death can only bring [arrogance] to sleep?

No, Sean is very afraid of death!

However, only those who are unwilling to die and dare to die can gain an advantage in the game with the gods.

Now, it's harvest season.

Sean lazily changed his posture and looked at [Arrogance] casually. This time, he was no longer aggressive, as if he was talking to an old friend: "How on earth did I get in? That feather attracted me in ?”

[Arrogance] glanced at Sean, and then said in a thunderous voice: "This is the soul world that belongs to you alone, but it is also a branch of the trance world. This is the trance world - so, when something can trigger the entire trance world Appear, your soul island will of course be affected, and this influence will show a stronger attraction to people who have a higher degree of control over their own island."

Sean raised his eyebrows: "What is the significance of that feather?"

[Arrogance] glanced at him, with an obvious look of disgust on his face.

Sean was stunned for a moment, then realized: "Are those robin feathers?"

[Arrogance] She wanted to mock the other party's reaction speed, but her tone involuntarily became heavier: "That is part of God..."

"Hiss—" Sean gasped. He didn't expect that the mysterious feathers in the Hufflepuff Chamber of Secrets actually came from the gods in the trance world!

Wait... Taken together, [Arrogance]'s words revealed a huge amount of information.

First of all, the robin's feathers can cause such changes, which shows that the robin has a profound connection with the trance world, which may lead to Sean's re-evaluation of Helbo's true strength.

Secondly, he had seen a robin, although it was in a broken and confusing illusion - that illusion was actually located outside the island of his soul, but without the robin's dream, he would probably not be able to enter freely.

However, no other changes seem to be happening?

It was just a matter of bringing in Sean, a person with a high degree of control over the soul island, in a "passive halo", and then watching [Pride] go crazy.

There seemed to be no other changes outside the trance.

Thinking of this, he looked at the big man outside: "Since it is a part of God in your mouth, then these are the only changes that will happen?"

Sean pointed around: "Although the illusion has collapsed, it still exists, right? Shouldn't there be other changes happening?"

[Arrogant]'s tone was filled with anger again: "The collapsed illusion is no longer controlled by the gods..."

"Helpo?" Sean frowned.

[Arrogance] nodded slowly: "The illusion is the world of souls, but this world is not born out of thin air, but is born from the origin of the entire world, and God is also born from the origin. After Haierbo took control of the collapse In a confusing illusion, he stole the authority of God, but he has no origin - this kind of origin of attraction can only be achieved by God and the world."


Sean tried to understand it, that is to say, the whole world can be divided into multiple levels. Haierbo only controls the surface layer of the trance, and the deep origin. As an alien wizard, he cannot touch it. The only origin is the robin. This kind of existence can only be possessed by beings born with the world. This is not authority, but similar to... uh, DNA key?

Although it’s not quite accurate, that’s probably what it means…

"Then Halbo's ultimate goal is not to obtain this origin?" Sean asked again.

Who would have thought that [Arrogance] shook his head, with some rare doubts in his tone: "I don't know, the origin is not something that can be stolen. He has the authority of the god, the power of the god, and the body of the god. But he is still not a god. If he is not a god, he will never be able to contact the source."

As he said that, [Arrogance] hesitated for a while: "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Sean asked.

[Arrogance] In the end, he didn't tell Sean, but said, "The secrets between gods cannot be seen by ordinary people." Sean was so angry that he had no choice but to give up.

After talking about the topic of gods, Sean turned the topic to [Arrogance] itself. His tone was normal, but with some curiosity: "You were not like this last time when you saw [Lazy], the traitor you called him. Angry, what happened this time?"

The topic being brought up again made the air become violent again, and [Arrogance]'s anger began to surge uncontrollably: "This is blasphemy! This is shameless betrayal! They are more disgusting than I imagined!"

Sean didn't quite understand. Wasn't betrayal something that he already knew about?

Or maybe [Arrogance] discovered some new clues?

"Well, I might as well ask, what is your relationship with the robin?"

Anger and sorrow flashed across [Arrogant]'s eyes, and she seemed to realize that she had no good solution to this mortal - rather than holding everything back, she might as well reveal something.

" my mother."

"Hiss—" Sean gasped again.

The robin, who they deduced as the god of love, was the guilty mother?

This is a lot of information...

Sean asked in disbelief: "Isn't guilt born from the negative emotions of the world?"

[Arrogance] stretched out a hand, and the huge magma rolled up and solidified quickly. She just sat down.

"In that doesn't hurt to tell you——"

There was a look of recollection in the crimson eyes: "The seven sins were indeed born from the negative emotions of mortals. Various dark sides merged together, and then the sins were gradually born. The sins are actually products of the original source, negative emotions. It is the concept of the world, from which we are born, and naturally we can have a slight touch of the original existence, although there is a huge gap with our mother."

"Although we were born from this, at the beginning, we were just some kind of energy bodies wandering in a blurry illusion. Time will bring more energy, but that's all - mother shaped our... hearts. "

"We begin to give birth to wisdom, give birth to consciousness, and then absorb more negative emotions - this energy makes us stronger, but because of the heart given by mother, we can achieve the ultimate dark side without falling into darkness. .”

"We have our own tendencies, but they are just tendencies. We guard the trance hall for our mother and provide trials for those... stupid and arrogant prisoners who have a little bit of talent."

Sean was amazed when he heard this. He found that the responsibilities of the seven crimes were somewhat different from what he had originally imagined.

They do accommodate seven different negative emotions, but they are not meant to destroy the world from the beginning - they are containers to accommodate those huge and complex negative energies.

Thinking of this, Sean couldn't help but ask: "Is it true that without the heart given to you by the robin, the real world would be disrupted by unconscious negative energy bodies?"

[Arrogance] nodded: "Although I have not experienced such an era, it should be the case. Without human control, magic will only cause unconscious and meaningless destruction."

Hiss, doesn’t that mean that the seven sins are equivalent to maintaining the stability of human beings?

Thinking of this, Sean looked at [Arrogance] in a strange way.

Why would such an existence destroy the world in the prophecy? Yes...because of the fall of the robin...

"Originally, everything was fine, at least that's what I thought...until! Until!" [Arrogance]'s terrible breathing made the sky tremble, and the flames on her body flickered on and off, enough to show her grief and anger.

"Until those betrayers and that Haierpo appeared!" She roared angrily, with overwhelming hatred.

This doesn't look like a lie... Sean asked cautiously: "Did other culprits join forces with Haierbo?"

"Of course!" [Arrogance] roared, "otherwise, how could he, a mortal, let his mother fall? These shameful traitors! They have all forgotten the heart that their mother gave them!"

"But you just now?"

[Arrogant]'s voice was filled with great sorrow: "Because, that is part of mother... They are more shameful... more cruel than I thought... That is part of mother... part..."

Sean was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the meaning of [Arrogance]'s words, and his eyes widened.

"you mean……?"

[Arrogance] did not answer or deny.

Sean understood.

part of...

In other words, these god-killers and Haierbo teamed up to...dismember a god...into pieces.

Even... something even more terrifying happened!

This time, the way Sean looked at [Arrogance] couldn't help but change a little.

The god of love gave him the ability to think about guilt and the consciousness of guilt. However, he was killed by his own children and the ambitious Herbo, and even did more terrible things.

I'm afraid... the name of God Killer will be changed to God Eater...

This is equivalent to watching one's own brothers and sisters and outsiders sharing the food of one's own mother... Who wouldn't be crazy about this?

"I can understand your feelings a little bit - but what I don't quite understand is why you want to destroy this world? Moreover, you are the chief culprit, and the other culprits have all betrayed you, right? You still Want to lead them to destroy the world? The others didn’t mess with you.”

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