Hogwarts Infirmary.

Sean suddenly appeared, and then left with a solemn expression in front of his face, which made the unsuspecting people's eyes widen.

However, someone like Professor McGonagall, who knew the inside story, felt a twitch in his heart when he saw Sean's expression.

She knew a lot about the guilt, so she knew better that when Dumbledore passed away, Sean was the person who knew the most about the guilt.

If he couldn't solve it, Harry's situation might be much worse than imagined.

While looking at her brother anxiously and secretly observing the expressions of several professors, Daisy subconsciously grasped the railings of the hospital bed.

She didn't know what exactly happened, but the blood connection between brother and sister made her vaguely aware that her brother was currently in a very terrifying situation.

"Why is this happening...why would Harry be like this..." Daisy buried her head, not daring to let her cowardly tears fall.

At this time, Sean was in great confusion.

The problem did lie with the ring, but why didn't Ariana give the ring away even though she had been in contact with Harry?

Assuming that the mastermind behind this incident wanted to awaken the guilt in Harry and cause huge damage, there was no need for Ariana, whose subconscious had been modified, to hand over the ring to Daisy.

It's true that Daisy is Harry's biological sister, but the people Harry spends the most time with at school are Ron and Neville, followed by his girlfriend Ginny, and finally Daisy, and Daisy spends most of his time with him. Sean and Hermione stuck together.

If the target is actually not Harry but Daisy, Sean can't understand it even more - although Daisy has experienced many magical events, she is not the host of the crime...

Even if, contrary to everyone's expectations, Daisy is the last host, then she has not changed after being in contact with the ring for a long time - even if the ring needs to be "triggered" by Sean, the time Daisy and Sean were in contact is also Far more than Harry.

You know, Harry touched Sean briefly and was blamed for the explosion. If the ring was aimed at Daisy, it would have exploded long ago.

Ariana was taken to rest by Aberforth, and Sean called Grindelwald. The other party might not be able to deal with the matter of guilt, but there might be some hidden dangers in Ariana's subconscious. This kind of thing Grindelwald is the most Got good at it.

He and Stephanie stood in a deserted alley corner. The sunlight above Hogsmeade was blocked by various buildings next to the Hog's Head Bar, leaving only a trace of light shining on their faces.

"Inconsistent and contradictory..." Stephanie frowned and said, "Whether it is directed at Harry or Daisy, the logic does not work. If the opponent is a child who has just entered kindergarten, I might believe it."

"So, there must be a deeper meaning - the problem is, I don't know what this ring actually represents..." Sean said solemnly.

He checked the ring repeatedly, and found no other abnormality other than constant trembling. He couldn't even find any fluctuations in magic.

He also tried to use magic spells to suppress the trembling of the ring, but failed.

Sean loves to explore the unknown, as long as the pain caused by it does not happen to people close to him, so he naturally and inevitably becomes irritable.

He often does this, but if there is no evil person worth killing in front of him, he has no choice but to suppress his violent emotions in his heart - anyway, [arrogance] will gradually absorb it, and then become the fuel for him to cast the life-killing curse.

Of course, what won't go away is the awful feeling he felt when he had it - just like now.

Stephanie didn't speak, and she didn't even give Sean an enthusiastic, warm, or gentle hug. She frowned as tightly as Sean - holding the most straightforward and sincere values ​​in the girl's wise brain.

When a loved one is in distress, it is not the best solution to suffer together or comfort the other person, because only when the problem is solved can the distress disappear the fastest.

"Let's change our thinking..." After a long time, Stephanie said, "Suppose that this ring needs a blood relative like Daisy to open it, and then it needs to be in the hands of a guilty host like you to be effective, and finally it can affect Harry - —This is a process that happens sooner or later.”

"The relationship between us is very transparent. Daisy will ask you for help when she encounters something she doesn't understand. You are worried that Daisy will help her avoid danger when she encounters a mutation - this is an action that can be inferred. At the same time, you and Harry has a good relationship, so it was only a matter of time before the two of you came into contact."

Sean nodded silently. Stephanie's guess made sense, but...

"But the purpose of the other party is still unclear. Harry's current state is that he is about to die. This will cause the guilt to suddenly explode and then fall into deep sleep - just for this?"

Stephanie nodded thoughtfully: "That's true...so, I have other guesses."

Sean looked up.

"What if this ring is not to awaken the guilt in Harry, but to detonate the guilt and kill Harry?"

Stephanie calmly stated her guess, but it made Sean break out in a cold sweat.

"It's indeed possible... I'll talk to her when I can."

Arriving at the Soul Island, Sean immediately called out [Pride] loudly.

The huge head slowly raised to the edge of the empty island: "What's wrong, mortal."

"Seven sins, killing one of the hosts and putting one sin to sleep will have any impact on your other sins?" Sean asked in a deep voice.

[Arrogance] narrowed his eyes: "Killing the host... has an impact, but not much. In addition, they will not want to sleep in all the guilt outside."

"Why?" Sean asked confused.

[Arrogance] slowly opened his huge mouth, and a fierce murderous aura overflowed: "Because these traitors know that if they fall into a deep sleep, when I wake up completely in the future, I will definitely wake them up and kill them. they."

"A terrifying enemy is staring at you, will you sleep peacefully?"

This... does make sense.

Sean looked at [Arrogance] and said again: "In this case... I guess you can also guess... There is a host that has fallen into a state of rapid loss of vitality and soul. This is obviously the result of Guilt's forcible awakening, and you It doesn’t match what you said.”

"No, it fits..." [Arrogance] smiled coldly, "I know who that is."



A sinful name came out of [Arrogant]'s mouth, and Sean thought about it subconsciously.

Harry is [furious? 】

"Why do you say that?" he asked hurriedly.

Maybe it was the fruitful exchange before, or maybe there was no need to keep secrets for the identified traitors, [Arrogance] answered readily: "Because, only [Rage] can 'die' like this."

"Death? You have confirmed with me before that if the host dies before it fully wakes up, the guilt will definitely fall into slumber." Sean said quickly.

"That's right...but what if she can master more powerful power after her death?"

"How to say?"

[Arrogance] looked into the distance with some emotion, and said leisurely: "Of all the negative emotions, what is the biggest?"

Before Sean could answer, she said to herself: "It's not me, it's anger... Human beings are angry all the time, incompetent rage, righteous anger, trivial anger... All kinds of anger, all the time It happens to and around all humans because anger is human nature."

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"Yes, in terms of the collective energy of negative emotions, [Rage] is bigger than me, so..."

[Arrogance] showed a smile that made Sean's hair stand on end.

"Mother gave [Rage] two hearts."

Sean's eyes widened in disbelief, and he spoke almost incoherently: "Fuck...are you telling me now that there are actually two people in [Rage]? There are eight total culprits in total?"

[Arrogance] snorted nonchalantly: "Two, doesn't mean you are stronger than me."

"...Is now a good time to show off?" Sean was speechless.

"[Arrogance], [Laziness], [Lust]...these are originally the code names of the guilty, but they are just used as names - [Rage] has always represented two existences."

Sean's breathing was already quickening.

[Arrogance] is still saying slowly: "No one told you? In the beginning, [Rage] was two people. They are not two in one, but really two independent individuals. Well, according to you In mortal terms, you can understand [Rage] as a couple, ha, even though they have no gender."

Husband and wife... Sean suddenly thought of that scary nursery rhyme.

One of the paragraphs is:

Who will provide the coffin cloth?

It's us, said the Wren,

We, as a couple,

We provide bier cloth.

"By the way, let me tell you a little secret. [Rage] is the only one of the sins that has descendants. When the other [guilts] come, they either choose a suitable bloodline, or randomly select a lucky person to store their power in the bloodline. Only Du [Rage], long before their mother died, they gave birth to their children - their divine power did not need to be lodged, but was passed down along with their bloodline from the beginning."

"Of course, regardless of whether this inheritance is expressed or not, there must be two hosts of [Rage], and they must have the blood of their descendants. In most cases, they are one male and one female. It is possible for them to be brothers and sisters. Of course, brothers , sisters will also appear, huh, from your mortal perspective, the genders between gods are very similar."

Under Sean's heavy breathing, [Arrogance] chuckled softly: "So, [Rage] can 'die' once. After one of the hosts dies, half of the divine power that should have been dormant will automatically be transferred to the other one. In one host's body, [Rage] still has two existences, but there is only one host, and they can control the host's soul more easily. Well, when they really wake up, the host's body won't matter."

Sean's hands were clenched into fists: "Then...then why does the other host never show any abnormality?!"

[Arrogance] glanced at him casually: "How is that possible?"

"I can confirm..."

[Arrogance] interrupted him: "How can you be sure? It's just that a complete sleep will not attract your attention... Moreover, there is no abnormal host in your mouth, haha, as long as you have been controlling it since childhood, use other huge Use the magic power to cover up the high-level power of [Rage] due to its immature body, and no one can discover it."

With other huge magic power... Sean's fist tightened a little tighter.

Silently... blood curse...


[Arrogance] noticed Sean's unstable state at a glance, and she said casually: "When you asked me this question, I knew the answer - tsk."

"How to deal with it?" Sean took a deep breath and did not go out to check on Daisy immediately, but asked [Arrogance] calmly.

The latter was still nonchalant: "How to deal with it? This is the tacit understanding between [Rage] and [Rage]. If you guessed correctly, it should be the blood relics of their first-generation descendants. This kind of blood will be used when encountering the same but sleeping The bloodline will wake up when the bloodline is connected, and the bloodline and magic power unique to [Rage] will undergo changes that I don't know about. In short, in this case, they will definitely choose to sacrifice one host and jointly control another host. Ha, interesting Once this process is completed, the awakening level of [Rage] will jump to the next level. Of course, only they can do it."

"Tell me how to deal with it..." Sean said forcefully.

[Arrogance] frowned, then smiled sarcastically: "Mortal, one thing you often say is that gods are no different from wizards, and gods are just higher-level wizards - then why do you think I am omniscient and omnipotent? "

"But you have a way to seal other crimes, and I can give you the feather." Sean's expression remained unchanged.

"A good deal...I want to agree to it, but I'm afraid you'll go crazy afterwards - the sealing spell I have can indeed suppress other crimes, but...heh, your eyes have exposed it, your friend is The host of [Rage]? After my seal takes effect, one of the hosts of [Rage] will inevitably die, and the other 'lucky one' will definitely bear the weight of his bloodline."

"I'm telling you clearly that I can't undo the death of your friend, so you have to think about whether you want to exchange."

Sean seemed to fall into a cold cave all of a sudden.

He couldn't save Harry... He couldn't even untie Daisy...

Just thinking about it made Sean feel breathless.

I can't act on my own... Sean patted his cheek hard and looked at Arrogance with cold eyes: "When this process advances, what will happen to the two hosts? And the host facing death, In what way are lives and souls lost?”

"Is this a deal?"

"Yes, I changed it. The feather belongs to you. I want the sealing method, plus all the details you know."

"Very good..." [Arrogance] smiled.

At this time, in the school doctor's office, Snape was the first to notice something strange about Daisy beside the hospital bed.

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