Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, located in the Scottish Highlands, can be roughly regarded as a combination of four large areas.

The main castle of Hogwarts, the Black Lake, Hogsmeade, and the largest and most dangerous Forbidden Forest among the four areas.

Except for the skilled magical animal experts Newt, Hagrid and others, and the extremely powerful wizards Dumbledore, Grindelwald and others, this lush jungle basically refuses entry to all strangers.

And going deeper, even the former principal Professor Dumbledore did not dare to say that he had explored the entire Forbidden Forest.

Sean's destination this time was the deepest side of the Forbidden Forest near the mountains, and he saw the test he was about to face.

"What the hell is this..." Sean looked at the... creature in front of him in disbelief?

Maybe it's a creature...?

It was a huge round mouth, enough to accommodate the entire Hogwarts Great Hall. The mouth was surrounded by sharp teeth, as if a terrifying insect had been enlarged in proportion.

However, the center of the mouth is not a dark hole, but solid stone and soil, with some trees and flowers in the middle.

It was as if a mouth had risen from the ground, but it did not swallow the contents in its mouth and remained at the scene.

Why did Sean think it was a creature? Because, there was a lot of saliva dripping from the edge of the mouth, turning the surrounding area into a corrupting green color.

This strange sight made Sean frown.

The skull belonging to the first generation of unicorns was shimmering, reminding Sean that he had indeed arrived at the location of Gryffindor's test.

"Is this thing an awakened monster? Or is it just a janitor?" Sean wrinkled his nose and raised his wand and moved closer.

Dave's biohazard instinct didn't signal a threat, and Sean didn't feel any fluctuations in magic power.

"It's weird..." Sean looked around. He remembered that Unicorn Queen Cisse said that the location of the test was to turn right after coming out of the Unicorn Cave, next to the tallest tree.

The route was indeed correct, and the unicorn skull responded, but Sean did not see the tallest tree.

The trees here are indeed thick and tall, but there is no one that stands out from the crowd.

Sean, who was not sure, walked to the side of the giant round mouth. He was always paying attention to the movement of this thing, but even if he poked the fangs that were as big as a person with his wand, there was no sign of any movement in the giant mouth. reaction.

Sean looked inside. Only one edge of the giant mouth seemed to rise from the ground. The ground and trees inside were not damaged.

"How do we get in here..." Sean was sure it should be here. He hesitated for a while, and finally chose to put the unicorn skull on his head.

As soon as he put it on, a very honest-sounding voice sounded in his mind.

"Can you help me pick out the tree between the seventy-eighth and seventy-ninth teeth in my mouth? It's really uncomfortable for me."

Sean: "..."

This big round mouth is indeed a living thing!

"The place you are standing is right in the middle, just count to the left. Do me a favor, please." The voice in my head said again.

Sean looked in the direction pointed by the other party. After walking for a long time, he saw a big tree growing in the huge gap between the seventy-eighth and seventy-nine canines.

However, normal people are stuck by shredded meat and vegetable leaves. What is stuck here is a big tree that requires two people to surround it.

Sean didn't say anything. He waved his wand, and the big tree was pulled out along with the soil and some green saliva.

The voice in my head immediately brought relief: "Oh, great...Thank you, you are such a generous wizard - OK, do you want to take the test?"

Sean didn't react for a moment, so fast?

He asked tentatively: "Do you know what I'm here for?"

"Of course - I am a Hell Cave Worm. The sounds I make are inaudible to humans. I can only communicate with a unicorn skull. If you can get the skull and find it here, it is not for Gryffindor's test. ? Well, then what are you here for? Are you specifically here to clean my teeth? Thank you very much."

No wonder we need a unicorn skull...but this guy is actually a hell cave worm...

Sean looked at the edge of the round mouth and found that it was indeed similar to the mouth folds of the Hell Cave Worm, but this guy was too big. The longest length of the ordinary Hell Cave Worm's body was only ten meters, and the radius of this guy's mouth was They are all ten meters long...

"Well, I am indeed here to take part in the test, but I would like to ask, what is the test?" Sean looked at the big mouth in front of him.

The Hell Cave Worm even yawned, and it said lazily in Sean's mind: "I don't know, Godric Gryffindor, he saved my life and then asked me to help. Guard this place—I’ll be sleeping for two hundred years anyway, so it doesn’t matter. Do you want to take part in the test?”

Sean blinked and finally replied: "Of course, I'll help you."

"Wait a minute - I'll move a bit...you stay back, friend."

Sean walked back for a while. At first, the ground was calm, but suddenly, the ground under his feet shook violently.

The huge vibration caused the entire Forbidden Forest to panic. Many magical animals ran out of their habitats in panic and fled towards the Black Lake. The centaurs who had seen this through the stars had expressions on their faces. He stared solemnly in the direction of the shock, protecting the foal beneath him.

Hermione, who had just reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest and was about to wait for Hagrid, turned back in shock. She had to hold on to the huge pumpkin in Hagrid's vegetable garden to steady herself.

The gamekeeper staggered out of the door with his big dog: "Oh my God, my God! There's an earthquake?! Hey, Hermione, come to me, be careful that the shed next to it collapses!"

This huge movement could be clearly felt even in Hogwarts Castle. The students watched in horror as the floating candles in the auditorium fell one after another, at a loss.

Fortunately, the shock didn't last long and it was over before things got worse.

At this moment, Sean was completely covered by a shadow, and his temples twitched violently several times.

Now I know why Cisse said the test is under a tall tree...

What trees! That's a hell cave worm that straightened up and came out of the ground!

The huge earth-brown cylindrical body stretched out, carrying the rolling mud and rocks - unlike the disgusting fleshy folds of ordinary worms, the body of this big guy was no different from the uneven mud wall.

The head of the extended worm could not be seen at all, and at this moment, a voice sounded in Sean's mind: "Did you see that hole? Get in."

Sean looked over after hearing this, and sure enough he found a cave at the root that could accommodate three or four people - but how could this cave be opened in the Hell Cave Worm?

Isn't this the excretion port of hell cave worms...

"Get in and I'll take you to the test-" Worm urged.

Sean had no choice but to get in. The strange thing was that there was no strange smell inside, only a big smell of mud.

"Sit tight? I'm going down again -"


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a huge feeling of weightlessness, and the hell cave worm was retracting back into the ground at a terrifying speed.

"Why this way of entering?" Sean wanted to use transformation to create a handle, but this place seemed to be inside the body of a hell cave worm. He couldn't use the opponent's body tissue to transform.

So he had to use a glue spell to stick his hand in the cave to prevent it from touching the ceiling.

The Hell Cave Worm's voice sounded a little happy: "This is Godric's request. He said that the excitement brought by high speed is what an adventurer dreams of. Before experiencing the real test, there must be something with enough energy. The ritual of intensity.”

Sean: "..."

Crazy, this Gryffindor!

No wonder this guy never even held a girl’s hand until his death!

Fortunately, the landing time of this "worm elevator" didn't take long. When Sean felt that his internal organs were about to shift, the elevator finally stopped.

The Hell Cave Worm called out like an elevator attendant: "Here we are, my dear tester—very clever, isn't it?"

Sean almost vomited, but he supported him before slowly moving out of the cave.

"It's too clever..."

The Hell Cave Worm said proudly: "This is a wound I got when I was chased by a hell-horned sea monster. Godric said it couldn't be cured, so he kept it as a little wound to lead people underground. The room - it just feels itchy when I wake up, could you please help me see what's in it?"

Sean endured the pain of vomiting, lit his wand, took a look inside, and caught a few small hell cave worms squirming inside.

"Oh, thank you. You're such a nice person - by the way, there's a test ahead. Remember to come out early. I usually only wake up for three days. If it's late, you'll have to wait two hundred years." Hell Cave Worm said at last.

"Okay, I get it."

Saying goodbye to the Hell Cave Worm, Sean walked forward holding up his glowing wand.

This is a deep corridor. The strange thing is that this is not an underground tunnel, but a very open area.

Looking back, you can see the thick and terrifying body of the Hell Cave Worm. The path in front of Sean can only accommodate one person carefully passing through, and there is bottomless darkness on both sides.

After walking for about ten minutes, the land ahead seemed to suddenly become larger.

Sean tried to throw the light ball away, but the light ball suddenly lost its trace when it passed through the enlarged land.

There is magic defense here... Sean frowned and lit his wand again, and walked forward carefully.

"Bo——" He heard a sound clearly.

I have stepped into a magical realm!

Sean's subconscious reaction caused him to immediately raise his wand and cast a lot of defensive magic, but the moment he stepped into the magic barrier, the surroundings suddenly lit up.

Deep blue has become the main color of the world.

This is a huge circular venue, with the deep blue of the sea water above and around it, and strange soul-like creatures swimming around in the blue barrier.

The edge of the field is still pitch black, and it seems that if you fall, you will fall straight into the deepest part of the world.

This place... is like an area carved out on the bottom of the sea, surrounded by bottomless trenches...

Sean had this idea immediately.

The stone road under his feet lit up in the gaps, showing a clearer picture of this place.

It is very empty here, unlike the other three founders who have their own secret rooms. There are various things with their personal characteristics in the secret room.

It's empty here, like a dueling arena on the bottom of the sea.

"Wave" came another light voice.

Sean was surprised to find that the ground under his feet became like water, and the water turned into pale silver, and he could clearly see his figure.

And the things on the ceiling were also reflected.

The thing curled up and seemed to be blended into the barrier. All that could be seen was a huge, blue-gray ball of flesh.

Sean immediately raised his wand warily. This was probably the monster left by Gryffindor that he was going to face.

And the blue-grey monster seemed to be aware of Sean's arrival because of the awakening of the entire barrier. The blue water curtain fluctuated, and the thing fell straight down as if it had burst out of an egg. .

Sean was engrossed in staring at the big thing that fell down, but he didn't notice that the monster's image was constantly changing in the mirror water below him, which reflected his figure.

Sean didn't notice this until it was about to hit the ground.

And his eyes immediately widened in shock.

He has seen the monster in its entirety, and that look is very familiar to him!

It's the huge squid in the black lake!

The most horrifying thing is not this, but that as the squid falls, the mirror below it appears on the ground to look like a squid, and then looks like a human being!

"This..." Sean's mind had already popped up that whimsical word that many people used as an after-school talk.

Gryffindor has turned into a giant squid in the black lake. He will turn back into human form on the playground during the full moon and watch quietly in this castle...

"Winter--" The squid landed on the ground and made a dull sound.

It did not attack Sean, and Sean also did not take action.

Because, he saw that after the giant squid landed, what appeared on the ground in the mirror below was a human form!

A man who looked very heroic, with a fearless smile on his face, who once appeared in the Gryffindor common room.

Although his face has changed, Sean can be sure...

That man is one of the founders of Hogwarts, Godric Gryffindor!

How is this possible... Gryffindor is not dead?

No, no, the giant squid is still in front of me, but what is shown on the mirror floor is Gryffindor. This may be some kind of magic left by Gryffindor.

At this moment, the giant squid, which had always been like a ball of meat, finally started to shake. It didn't seem to be stiff because it was not in the water. It flexibly swung its tentacles and moved quickly towards Sean. come over.

Is it going to attack? But Dave said that he did not feel threatened...

As the giant squid approached, Sean hesitated, but finally raised his wand.

But just as he was about to cast the spell, the giant squid stopped.

It stood upright and looked at Sean. After a brief silence, a large ball of ink was spat out.

Before Sean could determine what the spitted ink was, he saw the dark liquid squirming.

A dark man stood up.

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