I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 682 There is also a system here

The moment the barrier unfolded, a flash of cruelty flashed through Sean's eyes.

Sean has already experienced this kind of barrier that blocks sight and rejects all teleportation and teleportation spells.

Max Dawson, who once sneaked into Hogwarts, once cast this kind of enchantment, and he used fragments of the obsession body - the obsession body is the blood of the robin and the snake of wisdom during the killing of gods. A part of the black gemstone formed by fusion.

What is certain is that the Obsession Body is basically held in Haierbo's hands and handed over to his subordinates to carry out a series of conspiracies.

In this timeline, in order to catch himself, he used the obsession body fragment again.

The timelines are different, but the choices are the same...

The leader of the black-robed wizard casually threw the waiter controlled by Sean into the corner. He flew out of the window and overlooked the entire area from the highest point of the barrier.

"Search all places! There is only such a big place in the barrier. This time, Sean Wallop must not be allowed to escape!"

With an order, the wizards who came to arrest were divided into several teams and began to search every corner carefully.

At the same time, black monsters descended here, and the Dementors and the Mouth of Silence stared at every place where Sean might appear.

"The same old thing... Tsk, that means that in this timeline, I have not shown the power to control Dementors and the Mouth of Silence... No, I can attract dark creatures by relying on the extremely outrageous black power. The magic talent and the [Dark Sleeper] obtained from the lottery... Hey, why didn't I remember it..."

The wizards who searched with all their strength didn't notice that the waiter who was kicked away by their leader actually twitched his brows.

Of course this is Sean. It is not difficult for him to pretend to be a soul-snatcher, and the most dangerous place is obviously the safest place.

Sean did not act rashly, but frowned deeply.

It has been several days since he came to the memory of this timeline, but he has never realized this - the system!

Yes, Sean has never thought about whether Sean Wallop in this timeline also has the system.

It wasn't that he was too careless, but that some force made him unconsciously ignore this point. It wasn't until the system appeared in his thinking logic that Sean realized it.

This is just a memory that can affect the self in memory...

Sean thought for a moment, and then called out in his heart: "System."

Unlike the one he was always on call in this world, the system panel has not appeared for a long time.

Just when Sean thought he had no system in this timeline, a shaking picture suddenly appeared on his retina.

It's the system panel!

However, the system panel was shaking violently like a broken screen, with many strange symbols flashing and disappearing, presenting a very unstable state.

The system panel can also be summoned from the memory in another timeline... Is this my panel or Sean's panel in this timeline?

He frowned and calmed down, trying his best to stabilize the flickering panel.

Name: Sean Wallop (born from a Muggle family, bloodline awakening completed)

Bloodline: Son of Magic (Note: He has the same bloodline as Merlin, but has no blood relationship with Merlin)

Sean's pupils shrank violently. This is not his system panel, but Sean's...

The bloodline of the Son of Magic...or the same one as Merlin?

Sean immediately looked at the note.

Son of Magic: Possessing the most acute perception of magic. After thoroughly sensing a certain magic, he will quickly understand the nature of the magic - regardless of the level of the magic. You were born in magic and will eventually be magic. The flow of magic in your body is faster. The speed at which you recover magic depends on the nearby magic environment. The richer the magic, the faster you can recover magic - regardless of whether the magic environment is It is harmful, and it can restore magic power normally even in a magic-free environment. You are naturally compatible with all magic. After understanding the nature of a certain magic, you can absorb the magic without hindrance, or become a part of the magic.

Sean took a breath. Just looking at this introduction, it seemed that all the magic in the world could be used for his own use?

Since there is no field verification, Sean does not know exactly what role the Magic Son can play in the actual environment, but he has rich imagination and has thought of something related-guilt.

He has been able to confirm that the gods in the wizarding world are not omniscient and omnipotent, nor are they completely superior to ordinary wizards. Their knowledge is more terrifying, their magic power is higher, and their lives are more tenacious - but the gods of the wizarding world still have not escaped from the category of 'creatures'.

This is Sean's understanding, and it is also the motivation that keeps him going against God.

And he has personally experienced the different properties of the magic power of guilt. At that time, he could only have a weak perception and could not use or learn it. But now, the bloodline of the son of magic has awakened...

This means that Sean may be able to convert his magic into a higher level of magic!

This is almost equivalent to crossing the level of a wizard and moving towards a god!

Even though high-level magic is just the first ticket to becoming a god.

Sean almost trembled with excitement, but he soon realized that this was just a memory from another timeline, not his present self.

It's a pity... I don't know if there are any other ways to speed up the bloodline awakening... Why did I awaken so quickly on this line...

Sean read quickly again.

Magic items: Hands of glory (purple), no-wash wool socks (special), self-fixing lapel pin (special), high-precision looking glass (purple), Hermione Granger's echo (gold) (cooling completed), The Black Sleeper (gold) (cooldown completed), Echoes of Daisy Potter (gold) (cooldown completed), Albus Dumbledore's Lament (gold) (disposable consumable), Gellert· Grindelwald's Book of Dead Skulls (gold), Merlin's Ashes (gold), Merlin's Fallen Love (gold) (disposable consumables), Lily Potter and James Potter's bloody fingers (gold) (disposable consumables)…

The system's inventory was filled with various golden rewards, which dazzled Sean.

What the hell, is my luck a bit too good in this timeline...or is my luck in this world just too bad? I can have fun all day long if I draw 20 gold...

He looked at several golden prizes that he had never seen before.

Daisy Potter's Echo (gold) (cooldown completed): After use, when you cast the Patronus spell, you can briefly obtain the image of Daisy Potter's Patronus to strengthen your Patronus. After every five uses, the Patronus Charm can be used next time when the Animagus transforms. Daisy Potter's Patronus will plate you with protective armor. (Preparation completed) (cooling time seven natural days)

Albus Dumbledore's Sorrow (gold) (one-time consumable): After use, you will receive the blessings of Albus Dumbledore in his heyday, including but not limited to magic, spell experience, etc. This effect Can be superimposed on the user's own magic power, spells, etc. Also: After using this item, the power of your spell against Gellert Grindelwald is reduced by 90%, and the power of your spell against Albus Dumbledore is increased by 100%.

Gellert Grindelwald's Book of Dead Skulls (Gold): A book of dark magic made by Gellert Grindelwald using the skulls of several mysterious people he chopped off with his own hands. It can record dark magic and powerful magic. In this book, you can use it directly without magic, spells, or wands in combat. At the same time, due to the character flaws of the creator, the power of the spells recorded in this book is determined by the relationship between the user and Gellert Grindelwald himself. It is decided that most people in this world cannot exert the normal power of this book. (The current spell power bonus brought by the relationship: 195%.)

Merlin's ashes (gold): After Merlin died completely, his body was stolen by a mysterious person at the time. After that, Merlin's body was scattered around the world. A mysterious person collected part of Merlin's body and burned it in a higher level to obtain this treasure. This item can be used directly. The method of use is to ignite the magic fire, which will cause an unparalleled magic shock. All wizards who are using magic will fall into a brief shock and all magic power will be extracted. After the delay, the surrounding five kilometers will be Transform into a magic-free environment, lasting twelve hours.

(Note 1: After use, Merlin's ashes will slowly gather into the container. The gathering speed depends on the number of wizards within the range when it is ignited. The more people, the slower the gathering speed.)

(Note 2: This item is also a consumable and can be swallowed directly, but the effect is unknown.) (Currently one-fifth of the effect of swallowing: the bloodline of the swallower Sean Wallop accelerates the awakening)

Merlin's Sunken Love (gold) (one-time consumable): Merlin's last relic. After use, it will summon a black tomb that is almost impossible to escape from. There is a certain chance of summoning the phantom of the Archmage Merlin. There are many There is a high chance of summoning the phantom of the Lake Fairy.

(Note: This item is extremely dangerous! Please use with caution!)

Lily Potter and James Potter's bloody fingers (gold) (disposable consumables): The items left behind by Lily Potter and James Potter when they died in battle. These are two tightly entangled fingers. The terrifying fingers that came together, even if the flesh and bones at the tail end were completely torn apart, these two fingers never let go. After use, the user will release an ancient curse based on the closeness between the user and the Potters. It may be a powerful protection by blood, or it may be a terrifying curse that penetrates directly into the soul.

(Note 1: After use, unless the conditions are met, the spell effect cannot be manually removed.)

(Note 2: The tendency of the current relationship to be a curse - a slight but powerful enough protection.)

(Note 3: Best users, Harry Potter, Daisy Potter.)

(Note 4: Snape will also receive the most powerful protection, but he himself will fall into his own curse.)

These prizes...are really...

Just by reading the descriptions, Sean could feel the power or terror of these prizes that he had never seen before, and the names and origins of these prizes could actually prove some of the terrible things that happened on this timeline.

Sean allowed his slightly violent heart to calm down and continued reading.

In addition to these golden prizes with special effects, there are many rewards in the system's inventory that I have never seen before, but most of them are purple.

One thing worth noting is that many of the prizes here have side effects to a certain extent, or may cause considerable risks when used.

In contrast, the prizes he won in the lottery in this world basically had no side effects except for the Dark Sleeper.

Thinking of the Dark Sleeper, Sean looked at the inventory and then frowned.

The system panel has been shaking and flickering erratically, but after careful observation, you can find that the line that shakes the most is the line "Dark Sleeper". Others include "Sigh of the Ancient One" and "Sibyl Trelawney". Cards etc...

A guess came to Sean's mind. The prizes that shook the most seemed to be things that Sean in this timeline had never owned... There was nothing strange about the prizes that already existed in this timeline. The place.

Does that mean that the system can travel through the timeline? However, the system is not omnipotent and cannot provide complete help to him, a host in another timeline's memory - such as allowing his own unique props to be used in this timeline?

Putting aside his thoughts for the time being, Sean continued to look down, and then his pupils shrank violently.

Talent of Charms: 10+2 (You are a born spellcaster. The road of spells is thorny to others, but plain and smooth to you - however, as you go deeper into the world of spells, you should remember to be careful. Malice from the mysterious side.)

Transfiguration talent: 10+10 (A grain of sand is your world. Is this the charm of Merlin’s same talent?)

Potions talent: 0 (Except for doing it deliberately, I can’t imagine anyone’s Potions talent being 0?)

Magical Animal Affinity: 10+5 (Natural Archdruid - Are you really not considering opening a zoo?)

Ancient Rune Talent: 10 (The world should sing for you, cheer for you, cry for you, and then mourn for you.)

Dark Magic Talent: 10+5 (Ha! You are not in Azkaban surrounded by a hundred dementors. Then the entire Ministry of Magic should resign - in fact, they did the right thing, letting the dementors surround them. Living with you is really not a smart choice)

This talent...

Sean's temples almost trembled. Except for the Potions talent which was 0, they were all 10+.

Why is Sean Wallop on this timeline so much faster than himself? The Potion Science talent of 0 is more like deducting the Potion Science talent and distributing it to other talents!

Because, Sean saw Severus Snape's advanced suit in the inventory. This suit has a Potions talent bonus, but now it has 0 points!

The progress is too much ahead of myself... However, the progress is so much higher than myself in this world, both myself and the situation in this world are a hundred times worse than in this world.

Drinking poison to quench thirst... this word came to Sean's mind.

But in this world, 'Shaun Wallop' realized that he seemed to have forgotten the system.

"System——" He called silently.

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