I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 685 Dual-line operation of the system

The time node that Sean came to was not the time when Sean died, so there were still a lot of points left in the system.

The command to draw a lottery was issued and the system immediately and faithfully executed it.

"Congratulations, you got Harry Potter's lightning scar sticker."

The most common reward is of no use...

But Sean didn't rush for the next draw, but just waited there.


In the current world, another Sean Wallop is looking at all the prizes in the inventory.

Just as his eyes passed over several things, he suddenly found a number in the inventory jumping.

Harry Potter’s lightning scar sticker suddenly came to x24 from x23.

Sean's eyes fluctuated. He opened his eyes subconsciously and looked around. When he didn't notice anything unusual and made sure there was no one around, he lay back down and turned on the system.

He can be sure that he did not make any mistakes in conducting one more lottery draw, and at the same time, the system did not issue a new winning reminder.

Harry Potter's lightning scar sticker, which is the most common white prize in the system's prize pool, can be encountered several times in every draw, and Sean himself is used to it.

However, this sudden extra picture...

Sean's pupils fluctuated violently.

Just now, I won a new prize in the lottery, and immediately after that, I got a new prize...

The system only belongs to Sean Wallop, and the level of the system is also ridiculously high...

Is the other me drawing the lottery?

There is no parallel timeline in this world. It is impossible for two Seans in different worlds to perform lottery operations at the same time - and the current system essentially belongs to Sean Wallop in this world. I only use the branch The body was temporarily taken over by the spirit of Sean Wallop.

In other words, operations that can affect this system can only be issued by Sean in this world.

Sean closed his eyes and thought about all this.

I am the soul of the branch, and he is the main body... So, I just won James Potter's bloody leather boots through a lottery, and as the real owner, he also saw the system panel?

So what's his current condition...soul? He noticed the changes in the system panel and inventory as a soul? At the same time, a lottery was also held to respond to me?

No, there are no additional changes to the points in my system now, only one reduction from the one I used just now... So how did he get the points for the lottery?

If he is still alive in the state of his soul, only one of him and me should be able to use the system. Now that person is obviously me...

Then this proves that his soul is no longer in this world...

After quickly clarifying the situation, Sean frowned and looked at the system panel, and at the same time issued the command again - he wanted to confirm this situation.

"System, lottery."

"Congratulations, you have obtained the little thumb (purple) dropped by Minerva McGonagall (one-time consumable)."

The little finger (purple) dropped by Minerva McGonagall (disposable consumable): After use, you will gain an explosive power bonus of transformation. At the same time, the probability of the user's transformation will be greatly enhanced, and the transformation will last for the duration. The magical mutation will not affect the user and lasts for thirty minutes.

During that terrible battle, Professor Minerva McGonagall was probably the one suffering the most. Her conscience and rationality were constantly torturing her at both ends of the scale. The shape of the Transfiguration Professor, who was in a bad mood, was in a worrying state. Obviously, it is not the right choice to be distracted when facing the new generation of Dark Lord, but just a bloody little finger can also prove the outstanding strength of this professor.

Sean, who had drawn another prize, waited calmly for his other self's response.


In the memory of the timeline, careful searches in the barrier were still continuing, but no one expected that the Dark Lord they were looking for was lying there as a comatose waiter in the very center of the barrier.

Sean waited anxiously for a while, and sure enough, the inventory fluctuated again.

"Minerva McGonagall's lost little finger... Hiss, my Professor McGonagall is still fine, and is already the current Headmaster of Hogwarts... So, it is certain that it is his soul and My body is drawing a lottery, and the lottery will be comprehensive..."

"The waiting time is one and a half minutes, which is basically the same as the time I waited before, and there was only one lottery - he should have noticed my presence. This is to confirm the situation... I just don't know if he has judged me. The current situation... is a bit difficult, there is no information..."

The two have noticed each other, and they can confirm it by drawing another lottery later. The key now is how to communicate - it would be great if the system could be like a chat software...

"However, he was the one who drew the lottery first, which means there is no emergency on his side. Everything should be fine now, but it's all trouble on my side..." Sean silently felt the magic fluctuations around him, and luckily What's more, the enemy hasn't considered coming to the dark place under the lamp.

"What we can detect now is the changing spells in the inventory... Hiss, basically all the spells are at full level. It cannot be verified through changes in proficiency, but the increase in proficiency is not stable enough... I want to start with Let him realize that I am in his memory in another timeline...wait a moment."

Sean turned his attention to several items in the inventory.

After waiting for a minute and a half, he first drew a lottery to confirm the situation, and then quickly took out several items in the inventory.


Sean in the real world quickly received a response, and as expected, a new white prize suddenly appeared in the inventory.

"One and a half minutes...as expected." For some reason, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly discovered that the rewards in the inventory began to change again.

This time it's not an increase, but a decrease.

All of them are white prizes that are numerous in number. No matter which world Sean is from, except for some food, these white prizes have basically no chance to be used, so they have accumulated a lot.

Sean saw that the number of Harry Potter lightning scar stickers was dwindling rapidly.

The number of other white prizes is also decreasing sequentially.

He immediately wrote down the declining number.

"Nineteen, ten, twenty-four..."

After making sure he didn't miss anything, Sean frowned.

Three numbers, this is conveying a message to me...but I don't have any code table to crack the numbers in my memory...

No, I am Sean and he is Sean. Our thinking patterns are the same. This is Sean's pride - never change and always confident.

So what do I think of first when I see these numbers? No, it should be, what would I do if I wanted to send a message to my other self?

It needs to be simple, specific, and able to be understood quickly, and this is a communication between the two of us, so there is no need to keep it secret. When the number of characters is not enough, it must convey as much information as possible. His top priority must be to I describe his current situation...

"The order of numbers in the alphabet..." Such an idea immediately popped into Sean's mind.

"If we compare it -" he thought silently in his mind, "that's S, J, X..."

"sjx... I am a time traveler, so I will keep the habits of my previous life. When I see the initials, I will definitely think of Chinese..."

"Triangle? It has meaning but it's too vague, so it's definitely wrong. Data line? It's impossible...it's not self-motivated...worldly? It's too rigid...it's——"

Sean's eyes suddenly lit up, and he showed great shock.


He finally understood, and was immediately convinced that this was the message that Sean's soul was trying to convey to him.

"Timeline! It must be a timeline! He entered another timeline? No, souls cannot time travel - he entered my timeline?!"

Sean's breathing became rapid. He sat up suddenly from the bed and continued to calm down.

"My timeline has ended, and I was a little older than him when I died... Could it be that it was some kind of projection of my timeline? It's very possible that I left that mysterious place without understanding the situation. Where he is, he has no choice but to explore the information by himself, and the projection of my timeline is naturally the best choice."

"Although I don't know how he did it, this is the only way to explain everything now - but, how do I return my body to him? Moreover, although there is no need to save the white prize, this way of transmitting information The number of demands is too great and it is impossible for the two of us to communicate like this..."

"Tell him the situation first—"


"It's all Sean, the first thought in his mind should be easy to detect, right?" Sean thought silently as he lay on the floor pretending to be dead in the Park Villa Hotel.

Sure enough, a new prize appeared after a minute and a half.

Independently assignable talent points*1 (gold)

The corner of Sean's mouth twitched.

It’s only been a few draws, how come he has withdrawn the gold... It’s also Sean Wallop, is the difference in luck so big? !

At the same time, the number of the first white prize in the inventory jumped down one.


Sean breathed a sigh of relief, which meant affirmation and meant that his meaning had been conveyed.

However, it is definitely not possible to communicate in this extremely inefficient way. Let alone the big trouble I have here, the number of prizes is not enough to cause such trouble to the two of us... Sean thought for a moment and decided to let the other party go first. Find solutions to problems.

Gryffindor is still under the Black Lake.

The information was passed on in the same way, and soon the other party responded.

Sean breathed a sigh of relief. He finally had an idea and he could look for information here with peace of mind.

However... Sean felt that he seemed to have found a system bug.

At present, Sean's points in this timeline are not small, but no matter how many, this is a timeline that has been annihilated. He has essentially entered the memory. To put it in a simple concept, everything here Everything really happened in a once real timeline, but to me, this place is just a shadow.

Although, your soul may be hurt here.

However, the system doesn't seem to follow all this...

Inventory item changes are the best example.

Here, the items that originally belonged to Sean are now unable to be used by him. He has been using those 'jittering' numbers, which are the parts of himself in this world. This is easy to understand. This is memory after all.

Of course, when Sean uses items in this world, it will also be reflected. This is the key to the communication between the two.

But... Sean discovered Hua Dian.

On the other side, Sean in this world used points to draw a lottery, and the items that appeared were all real, because the points would also be consumed in real terms, but... the things I just got from the lottery seemed to be recorded on my head in this world?

All the items here are illusory, bubbles that once existed but are now long gone. Only the points...

Because the thing Sean had just won through the lottery was also shaking, which was a mark of this world.

Looking at the bright points next to the lottery pool, Sean immediately came up with a bold idea.

Does this count as taking advantage of the system?


As soon as this idea came up, Sean immediately spat at himself vigorously in his heart.

What kind of despicable and shameless idea is this? Sean was ashamed of what was going on in his head.

What a bullshit, this is what I deserve!

And... Sean looked at the newly appeared prize.

The other Sean's luck seems to be much better than mine, right?

He once again sent a concise and clear message with a small number of prizes.


After a minute and a half, Sean no longer hesitated and gave the order directly to the system.

At this time, in the present world, the other Sean also immediately understood the meaning.

"System, draw, consume all points!"

"System, draw, consume all points!"

Two Sean Wallops in different worlds issued exactly the same instructions at the same time.

Suddenly, a lot of light flashed! ——

"Haven't found it yet?"

"Yes, Wallop should be very careful about hiding..."

"Keep searching!"


None of them noticed that the waiter lying on the hotel floor trembled his eyelashes out of excitement and reluctance.

"Isn't this... the gap too big?!"

Sean, who was lying on the cold floor, felt that his heart felt even colder at this moment.

He was just staring closely at the lottery interface...

But, but...this gap!

In the timeline memory, there are still more than ten points in the system, but the probability of shipment...

Looking at the pile of gold and purple prizes shaking in the inventory, Sean was happy and sad at the same time. He was happy that these prizes were all his, but he was sad...

He felt like he was the kind of person with a small guarantee who was completely crooked and was kicked by the European emperor who had two or three yolk eggs ten times in a row.

Even if you want to stab this seal to death, you can't help it - the guy opposite is also Sean Wallop?

The same is Sean Wallop, why is the gap so big? !

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