I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 693 Sean’s letter to himself

Stephanie's worry and sadness were clearly understood by both of them.

The girl underestimated her calmness in love, and Sean also underestimated his fear.

Yes, what Stephanie said during her emotional breakdown frightened Sean a little.

Life now can't be called perfect, but it must be what Sean wants most.

He is just a human being, not an omniscient and omnipotent god. He has not even met the conditions for a wizard to reach adulthood.

When the beloved girl expressed his love in his arms, Sean clearly realized that he was also afraid - afraid of losing everything.

Thinking of this, he hugged the girl tighter and said softly: "Stephanie, actually, I am also afraid..."

"Yes." The girl kissed his fingertips.

"I'm afraid of losing you and everything I have now, but -" Sean looked apologetic, "I'm sorry, I..."

Stephanie shook her head seriously: "Don't ever apologize to me."

Sean was stunned for a moment, then smiled calmly: "Okay..."

Yes, he is afraid, but who can not be afraid? Fear is an emotion that a person should always have.

Before him, countless hours of time had been annihilated, and countless scared Seans had sunk into the memory of annihilation.

But Sean is Sean…

He hugged Stephanie and said softly but firmly: "Let us go on with fear...and then live in the moment without fear."

"Well - suddenly I don't seem so scared anymore..."

"Me too……"

"Is this a positive feedback from the two of them joining a group to keep warm?"

"Forget it, but I think...this can be considered the greatness of love?"

Stephanie turned her head, with expectation in her eyes: "You..."

Sean nodded and smiled: "I love you."

The girl's eyes turned softly, and all her affection turned into soft but firm words: "I love you too..."


At night, looking at Stephanie who had fallen asleep but had a smile on her lips and tears still in her eyes, Sean smiled softly.

Pulling some quilt over the girl, he reached out and groped in the robe placed beside him.

A crumpled piece of parchment was taken into hand.

Sean's eyes became slightly more serious.

This was the last message that the annihilated Sean Wallop left for himself.

However, time seemed to be correcting. The parchment jittered like a snowflake screen, and the words on it kept disappearing and reappearing, as if someone was writing continuously, and someone was chasing after them with an eraser to erase them.

Fortunately, Sean found that as time passed, the parchment was slowly stabilizing.

"You should be able to see it now..." He whispered to himself.

Slowly unfolding the parchment, the words on it are still unstable, but all the words can be clearly seen.

Sean looked at it seriously.

"Yo--isn't this a good start?"

Sean couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. This was probably a kind of cold humor that only Sean could understand and only he could laugh out.

"I originally thought about writing the beginning in a more formal way, using more literary words, to make this... um, letter? Well, it should be a letter. Make this letter more meaningful. However, I noticed a little fluctuation in time. I suspected that after the incident, the information I left behind might be corrected by the world as something outside of time. Then shouldn’t I talk so much nonsense? Then I thought about it, what if If I really need to correct it, what I say is bullshit, and what I think is so much bullshit - even though I have written a lot of nonsense now."

"Getting back to the subject, you should have an idea of ​​the general situation. I won't say anything else. I've thought about some situations that you probably don't know, so that you can feel more confident."

"First of all, let's talk about something we both know, cheating. Uncle, I like cheating the most."

Sean's mouth curled up as he looked at it. Just like his own habits, he was careful when giving out key information, and he also habitually liked to add some jokes into it - even though he usually complained in his heart.

"Tsk, it can only be said that it is not powerful enough, and it requires me to work hard. If it is all-powerful, why do we need so much effort? Bad review! However, at the beginning, I thought it was just an ordinary life, and it should be enough for me to think about it. , even when I received the admission notice, I felt that my biggest enemy was the noseless monster. That guy was too low, had no ideals, and was easy to deal with. Damn it, who knew he was such a bitch? Condition."

"But I looked at it and found that there is no difference in our functions, but the results are completely different - you were a little unlucky, and you didn't have full talent by the time you reached sixth grade? Logically speaking, it's all Sean. ·Wallup, bad luck and good luck should be the same, but excluding some human-influenced factors, your luck is too bad."

Sean narrowed his eyes to see what this meant. His bad luck was not just bad luck?

"Didn't we both smoke together once after that? You were far behind, even worse than my worst luck. This must be unreasonable. I thought about it for a long time, maybe it was because of [luck] .”

【luck】? Why should I suddenly highlight it...

"Luck sounds like a very ethereal word, but you and I both know that in the wizarding world, luck can be artificially affected. However, different timelines are annihilated, and there is only one in this world. Everything should happen again. Rather than showing a state of being affected, I can confirm this after investigation. I think you should be able to detect the only flaw? "

Sean's pupils shrank, the loophole...

This vulnerability is the system...

"You have thought about it, right? Yes, its status is also affected by the retrospection after the annihilation of the timeline, but this influence will have some untouchable aspects - [luck] is the most important one."

"I also came into contact with other Sean before my timeline ended, you know, Sean from the timeline before mine... However, the information left behind was not detailed enough, too Riddler-like. , I lack the basis for accurate interpretation (I also tell you here: 'You have come to this land again, please save this collapsed world, save them, those lost souls - the snake's fangs are breaking through the boundaries, be careful The true face of that snake, you can take away a treasure, this is what you leave to yourself. Finally, you asked me to remind you that good luck is the most magical thing, remember to save it.')"

Sean frowned. This was exactly the same thing he heard from the robin in his dreamy dream above the moon.

"I personally speculate that some important influences, the important influences on Sean Wallop, will remain due to its intervention. Even if the timeline is annihilated and the new world begins to fight, this influence will still be secretly Effective."

"It's like [luck]."

"I believe that you will definitely come into contact with the Fortune Elixir, and you will also understand the true effect of the Fortune Elixir. Yes, it will bring you good luck, but correspondingly, it actually 'takes away' certain things in the future. One day of good luck, but after taking too much, the day it is 'removed' will become your most unlucky moment."

"I initially suspect that your shitty luck is related to Sean Wallop taking too much Felixir - by the way, I have taken Felixir eleven times, which is also the same as when I drew the lottery. Luck has something to do with it.”

Sean's temples twitched, eleven times...

He has only taken it twice now...

"What I mean by this is that other Seans burped before the side effects came after taking Fuling Ling, and under a large amount of influence, it brought this effect to the present world, so... ahem, You might be the unlucky one."

Sean: "..."

"However, this can also be used to derive some information. [Luck] will be retained, but what about other things? I am considering things you are born with, because I have noticed your talent. There is no such thing as 2+5 According to the statement, the standard talent of runes is 5, and the upper limit is 10-so, I suspect that the influence of the talent has also been retained. But specifically how it is retained and how much it is affected, I have no accurate conclusion. I hope you can notice it. at this point."

"Secondly, let's talk about what we have in common - arrogance. I believe you are wondering how I expel [arrogance] from my body... In fact, I have begun to slowly master the [arrogance] part before I have gained strength, and I have reached a partial reconciliation with [Pride]. At least until the main problem is solved, he will be my helper. However, because Dumbledore is too powerful, I have no choice but to use [Pride]'s I fought with him with strength, but it was still useless. I got the method to expel [Arrogance] from my ancestors. I finally chose to expel [Arrogance] and used the huge power when expelling... It is very powerful, but unfortunately, Deng Bullido is more powerful, and I took the initiative to expel [Arrogance], but I still didn't defeat him."

"The specific method of expulsion is too lengthy, so I won't describe it. You can go find the oil painting of your ancestor, which is in Hogwarts Castle, and use the key to summon the fragments he left behind. Then you can know the specific method. ”

"What I want to say is that in my world, Dumbledore is already a false god... If my judgment is not wrong, he has even mastered the authority of a certain god, but he does not know how to truly be crowned Become a god.”

"Moreover, on the one hand, Dumbledore doesn't know how to be crowned a god, and on the other hand, my world doesn't seem to meet the conditions for becoming a god? I'm not sure about this, because Dumbledore has cultivated many Obscurus. , if energy is needed, so many Obscuras are enough."


The previous chapter has been posted, but it got stuck... I'm going to try now to see if I can untie it. If not, I'll have to make major revisions... Alas, my driving skills are not up to par, so the original text will not be revised by then. Posted in all booking groups.

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