I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 698 Am I still your sister?


"Dear Sean—"

Sean secretly turned his head and glanced at the little white flower. At some point, the cute girl buried her head in the soft cushion again.

With a secret chuckle, Sean unfolded the greeting card and read it carefully.

"Today is your birthday, and it is also the fifth year that we have known each other. I often wonder what is it that connects two people together..."

"Friends, stories, feelings...there are many, many things that connect two people, but I finally boil it down to 'luck'..."

"The lucky little girl met someone who was worthy of——" There were traces of magic smearing on the back, and I don't know what the original word was. "My trusting big brother, I longed to struggle out of the dark corner, and you reached out to me." .”

"I have said many things many times, and I was afraid that you would get bored of me, so I decided to change it, hehe."

"The boy who once held my hand has become a more reliable man today. I feel more and more that I am lucky to have met you."

"Happy birthday to my favorite Sean..."

"Sooner or later I will be your lucky one."

"From—your dearest, dearest, dearest Daisy Potter."

On the signature at the bottom, there is a small magic daisy swinging its petals happily.

What a beautiful girl...

Sean didn't even notice that he had read this short birthday card back and forth many times, and he unconsciously put a smile on his face.

He couldn't help but turn his head to look at the lucky girl in the greeting card. The moment his eyes turned around, he met a pair of smart and beautiful dark green eyes.

Sean chuckled, and Daisy's face turned red again. She quickly pointed to the greeting card, and then trotted to the nearby bookshelf.

"Is there more later?"

Sean grinned and twisted the greeting card, only to see a line of words circled with a heart on the back.

"How about putting it on -"

Put it on?

Sean opened the small package and was surprised to find a traditional ball gown inside.

From suit jackets to single-breasted vests, from white shirts with jacquard small collars to wide ties with delicate pin tie clips, slim suit trousers, and even leather shoes and socks are all available.

The entire suit was enchanted, and Sean could feel it as soon as he touched it.

All he had to do was slap the dress on his chest, and a whole set of dresses would be on his body immediately.

The only strange thing is that this beautifully crafted dress does not seem to be made by a wizard costume manufacturer. The magic is added later, and the style of this dress has some wedding elements.

While he was looking at his clothes, the light sound of high heels hitting the floor came rhythmically.

Sean turned his head and sighed unconsciously.

"Merlin's beard..."

The beautiful girl is wearing a low-cut white evening dress. The whole skirt is pure and elegant. The back hem touches the floor and the front slit reveals half of her white thighs, making her look charming and lively.

She wore a very girlish and youthful veil, which was only lightly draped to the back of her head, and she was holding a bouquet of daisies that had just bloomed in her hand.

She is like an elf who has just fallen into the world. She is so beautiful that it makes people's hearts beat.

"Oh my God - Oh my God..."

Sean's mesmerized look made Daisy puff out her chest proudly. She still looked a little shy, but her steps towards Sean were brisk and bold.

"Am I good-looking?" Daisy seemed to be eager for Sean's praise so directly for the first time.

Sean laughed: "Please forgive me - I can't find the words to describe your charm right now."

Daisy raised her nose proudly and couldn't suppress the blushing smile on her face.

She walked up to Sean step by step, showing the beauty of the girl to him unreservedly.

She no longer has any stage fright, her eyes are warm and fascinating.

Sean smiled and wanted to take the bouquet from her, and then invited this beautiful girl to dance with her.

Unexpectedly, Daisy took a step back, and she suddenly threw the bouquet in her hand into the sky. The delicate petals of the daisy bloomed in mid-air, and the rain of flowers fell on the heads of the two people.

Xiao Baihua walked over lightly and stretched out a hand towards him.

She said boldly and passionately: "Can I ask you to dance, handsome sir."

Sean grabbed the girl's hand without any hesitation: "My pleasure, beautiful lady."

There was no music, no dancing, just the gentle noise of the fireplace, and only the petals flying in the sky.

Daisy was not satisfied at all with being led away by Sean. She boldly turned her body and took the initiative to lead Sean towards more intense dance steps.

She danced so enthusiastically that she looked like a blooming flower.

The veil was thrown out at some point, and some hair wet from sweat was stuck to her forehead, showing the vitality and beauty of a young girl.

As they danced lightly, the two held hands and stuck together tightly. They seemed to be able to clearly see each other's long eyelashes and the glistening beads of sweat on their noses.

Daisy raised her head and leaned over enthusiastically.

No one knew how long the kiss lasted, only that the two of them were almost out of breath when they separated.

Daisy's chest heaved, she boldly stared into Sean's eyes, and asked softly but forcefully: "Do I look like a wonderful little sister now?"

Sean laughed and shook his head: "You are a beautiful woman, you make me dizzy——"

This is what Daisy seemed to want. She smiled with satisfaction, and inadvertently showed a hint of naivety.

"This is my coming of age gift to you - do you like it?"

"I like it, I like it very much..."

Daisy bit her lip gently: "Then do you want..."

Sean felt his breathing quicken, and he hugged the girl's soft waist: "What do you think..."

Amid Daisy's exclamation, he hugged the girl into his arms, and then shook his brows at the surprised and delighted girl in his arms: "Help me untie the tie——"

"There is magic, you can unlock it all - no, just wait, wait..."

Sean had already started to throw Daisy onto the cushion, and couldn't help but smile when he heard this: "I can't help you now, my beautiful girl."


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