"I feel the same way. I've never met you - but I still feel like you know me. It's a strange feeling, isn't it?"

Whether this was Luna's keen intuition or some unknown influence, Sean didn't know now, because he began to realize something else.

I saw Luna's name and remembered everything about Luna. Luna's family also returned to the real world from being 'blocked' by the world.

What about everyone else?

Are there still people, maybe I know them, maybe others know them, and will those people gradually appear in this world? In fact, the word "emergence" should not be used, but "return"...

Sean thought of Lilian. Maybe this is how she "obtained" magic power...

Seeing Sean thinking, Luna gathered her nightgown and sat down on the carpet casually: "Mr. Wallop, can you tell me about the wizarding world?"

Sean turned his head and said softly: "Mr. Lovegood never told you?"

"Dad told me... But, I always forget, or I don't know if he has told me -" Luna had a look of reminiscence on her face, "On the contrary, it was my mother who told me A lot of what was said stuck with me, but she died when I was nine because of a spell that went horribly wrong.”

"I'm very sorry--"

Luna shook her head and smiled for the first time, looking very warm: "I miss her very much, but I know that I will see her again one day, which comforts me."

"That's true... huh?" Sean suddenly realized something was wrong. He looked at Luna, "You said that your mother died due to a curse accident? However, your father cannot use curses, and your mother May I?"

In the "shielded" state, the magic power should also be isolated. Potion accidents are still possible, curse accidents?

Unexpectedly, Luna was also stunned. She murmured: "Yes... Mom can't use magic either... But, I clearly remember that she died due to a curse accident..."

She showed a slightly painful expression: "I hate this feeling. I feel like I am no longer myself."

Luna's memory is disordered...

Sean felt that there might be some kind of conflict between her real memory and the state when she was "shielded".

He wondered if that was a good thing, because if Luna could escape her memory-disordered state, she might be able to provide some information.

I have to take her back...

After deciding, Sean stood up and wanted to wake up the sleeping Xenophilius.

Luna stopped him: "Please let my dad have a good sleep. I always feel that this is a rare thing."

A rare thing... Sean still didn't wake up Xenophilius in the end.

He came to the yard alone. He didn't know when the snow stopped, and the sky turned completely late. The unclear stars hung in the velvet-like black curtain. The moonlight was completely blocked by the clouds, and everything was pitch black. of.

Only the Lovegood family's yard had some strange plants that emitted fluorescence in the dark night.

Looking into the distance, Sean sighed.

Just discovering Luna's abnormality does not solve the big problem at hand - Hermione's life or death is still uncertain.

Sean was puzzled as to how Hermione could be dying without any attack or assassination - he had an intuition that this had something to do with Luna's appearance, but he couldn't figure out the reason.

There were footsteps behind her. Luna was barefoot and walked out wearing what seemed to be a tablecloth on the coffee table.

Sean waved his wand, and a quiet flame appeared at the soles of Luna's feet.

Feeling the warmth brought by the flame, Luna smiled happily: "Thank you, you are such a good person."

"You are welcome."

Luna walked up to him and looked up at the night sky.

She exerted so much force that her neck was stretched so straight that it was almost as if her head would be broken.

"Mr. Wallop—" Luna said suddenly.

"If you don't mind, you can call me Sean. I'm still a student, but I'm just responsible for a lot of school work." Sean said.

"Okay, Sean -" Luna's voice sounded dazed, but she could clearly feel her mood rising a little.

She looked at the sky and continued: "Does this world really belong to us?"

Sean also followed her example and raised his head: "Who knows."

"Things have been really weird lately -" Luna's voice seemed to have some kind of magic in it, "I sometimes feel that I don't belong to this world - but dad is here, and you came to see me today, I suddenly felt like I belonged in this world again.”

Sean chuckled: "Maybe it's just that you've been alone for a long time."

"Loneliness is actually bearable, but if one day I find that I really don't belong to this world, I think I should be sad - my father is no longer my father, my mother is no longer my mother, and I am separated from everything They’re all out of place.”

"Out of place..." Sean was suddenly startled, "Don't you belong to this world..."

Hearing the sudden deepening of the voice, Luna lowered her head. She looked at Sean seriously, and a flash of realization flashed in her big silver-white, protruding eyes: "Sean, there must be a lot of harassment on your head. "

"Harassment?" Sean, who had just fallen into a deep depression because of Luna's words, didn't react for a moment.

"You look like you're being harassed—" Luna said sympathetically.

"I-what did you say?"

"Harassing bugs... they are invisible and will float into your ears and mess up your brain." Luna said, "You suddenly became depressed. It must be because of these bugs - I I just thought there were a few flying here."

She slapped the air with both hands, as if chasing away large invisible moths.

Sean decided not to talk to Luna about these worlds and travelers.


"Oh, that's a good thing too - but, Luna, you have to remember, don't let those creatures in the air affect your thoughts, and don't believe every word the Ministry of Magic says, I bet, Millie Sen Barnold is a vampire disguised as a wizard, and she is probably raising an army of magic."

In the yard in the early morning, Sean made up a reason to take Luna to Hogwarts. Xenophilius was reluctantly saying goodbye to his daughter, although his words to the woman were very... distinctive.

Luna nodded seriously. Her luggage was only a small cloth bag, which was carried on her shoulder.

"I'll be careful, dad. Goodbye."

Sean motioned for Luna to grab his shoulders: "The first time the follower appears may be uncomfortable."

"You can crush Eggplant and apply it on your belly button! It's very effective!" Xenophilius said loudly.

"I will, Dad."

Sean pursed his lips: "It does have an effect, because the juice of Tomato Topis will make you faint directly. In addition, Mr. Lovegood, Millicent Barnold is no longer the Minister of Magic. She I’ve been laid off for a long time.”

After saying that, he took Luna and disappeared, leaving only a shocked Xenophilius Lovegood.

Returning to Hogwarts again, Sean led Luna beside him and walked quickly to Professor McGonagall's office.

During this period, Luna kept looking around curiously. She couldn't help but said: "It's so beautiful. I seem to have seen it in my dream-"

Here it comes again, this kind of disordered memory... Sean sometimes even suspects that this Luna comes from another annihilated timeline.

But this is not true. The annihilation of the timeline will not bring new people, nor will it make the original people disappear-this is a hidden danger that time travel accidents may bring.

Just as he walked to the door of Professor McGonagall's office, this stern but gentle woman walked out.

"Oh, Mr. Wallop! I was just looking for you." Professor McGonagall said.

"Good morning, Professor McGonagall - this is Luna Lovegood. I would like to apply for early admission for her. She is on the new student list for next school year."

"New student? Why is she so old? I would have taken her there, but," Professor McGonagall pushed up her glasses, "Miss Granger has woken up."

Hermione is awake? Sean was stunned at first and then overjoyed.

"Professor, where is she now?"

"She woke up last night, and..." Professor McGonagall showed an incredulous look, "She is intact..."


"You don't feel any discomfort now?" Madam Pomfrey said again incredulously beside the bed in the infirmary.

Hermione, who was lying on it, nodded hesitantly: "Really, madam, I feel like I'm no different from usual...except for being a little hungry. Can I go back now?"

"No -" Madam Pomfrey said decisively, "This is the fifth time of inspection. You have to stay here all day today."

"But I really have nothing to do..."

"Just listen to Madam Pomfrey -" Daisy on the side held Hermione's hand, the worry on her face still not gone away, "You may not feel it yourself, but you scared us all yesterday. …”

Hermione frowned and said, "Why did you all say that I seemed to be dying yesterday? I have no impression at all..."

Daisy shook her head: "I don't know what happened at that time. Anyway, it was Sean who carried you to the infirmary, and he hurried to other places later. When I came, you were barely breathing. A little bit."

"Why don't I feel anything?" Hermione wondered. "I feel like I just slept."

"That's why I have to keep checking you - well, you should be fine eating now." Madam Pomfrey ended the check.

Daisy pushed the breakfast she brought over: "Then let's eat first. I don't know where Sean went..."

Just when Hermione had just eaten something, the door to the infirmary was carefully but forcefully pushed open.

Sean appeared in front of several people.

He quickly rushed to Hermione who was eating and said seriously: "Hermione? How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, I really don't feel any discomfort." Hermione explained again.

Sean looked at Madam Pomfrey and Daisy. After they described Hermione's situation, he first breathed a sigh of relief, and then circled around Hermione again.

Looking at his eyes that wanted to see through her clothes, Hermione unnaturally pulled her clothes and asked doubtfully: "Sean, did you send me here yesterday?"

"Yes, it's me -" Sean even grabbed Hermione's hand and felt it. It was warm and energetic, and felt very healthy.

Hermione moved nervously, but didn't take her hand away: "Am I really going to die?"

Sean pursed his lips: "More than just dying, when I found you you were lying on the floor of the classroom, the window was open, the snow came in, your breath was even weaker than a mosquito, I almost thought I Gonna lose you.”

Hermione's eyes flashed with emotion, and then she apologized: "But I really can't remember."

"Can't remember?" Sean frowned.

"Yes," Hermione nodded, "Daisy told me about it, but I didn't feel anything at all. It was like...sleeping."

"There is no uncomfortable place, and there is no memory before fainting? Or, in other words, have you seen someone who might attack you?"

"Yes, no," Hermione said firmly.

Sean's brows furrowed together. When he found Hermione who had fainted, she fell in front of the most empty stone wall in the classroom. It was obvious that she wanted to seek help through the Room of Requirement - that is to say , Hermione must have had memories at the time, and she struggled to save herself.

But after she miraculously recovered, she lost that memory again.

Sean thought for a moment: "Then do you still remember why you went to that classroom?"

Hermione's expression became a little unnatural, and she nodded slightly depressedly: "Remember..."

"Then when did you fall into coma? Of course, you thought you fell asleep - what were you doing and what were you thinking before you fell asleep?"

Hermione looked a little embarrassed, but she knew it was not a joke, so she recalled it seriously.

"I was thinking...thinking about what happened the night before..." she muttered, "I thought about it for a while and then decided to brew some potion. I have no memory of what happened after that - it looks like Did I really pass out right away?"

"No, you still have a process of self-rescue." Sean shook his head.

"I really don't remember..." Hermione rubbed her head painfully.

"If you don't remember, then don't think about it yet -" Sean comforted him, as he remembered something again.

He turned to look at Daisy and whispered: "Daisy, do you know someone named Luna Lovegood?"

Daisy shook her head blankly: "Who is that?"

Daisy doesn't know...

"Wait for me for a moment -" Sean flashed out of the infirmary and then found Harry.

"Hey mate, what's the rush?" Harry greeted.

Sean asked the question again.

"Who is that?" Harry looked equally confused.

Sean returned to the infirmary and looked at Hermione who looked confused.

"Hermione, do you remember Luna Lovegood?"

"Luna..." Hermione was a little confused at first, and then suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"I seem to have some impression - I must know this girl named Luna, my God..."

I've been quite busy recently. I'll make it up after the leader adds more updates. I'm sorry.

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