I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 711 The secret in the ring

There was no one in the dilapidated building, except for some dust particles in the quiet corners.

The cold night wind blew in along the damaged parts of the building, as if it was trying to take away the warmth from every corner.

In the corner covered by the invisibility cloak, a desperate Hermione fell helplessly against the wall. She had lost all her strength.

Sean took out his wand angrily and touched her neck: "Miss Owl, I hope you can remember every word I said when you go back - remember, the person who killed me was not Haierbo, It’s not anyone else, but you.”

"No, it's not me..." Hermione's eyes fell into tears, "I, I just... just want to save you..."

"Do I still want to thank you for your kindness?" Sean glanced at her with disdain and disgust.

"Kindness is the most noble character because it requires the highest ability! Without matching ability, kindness is just a stupid and powerless sore! You are not worthy of kindness! You are just a murderer!"

Sean vented, then pointed the wand at Hermione's temple: "What the hell! I actually want to save you!"

"Then...let me die..." Hermione was heartbroken.

"What does it have to do with me whether you die or not? If not..." Sean gritted his teeth, raised his other hand high, and finally put it down, "Damn... I will give you a chance now and take the initiative to start tomorrow. All the memories before you came back are extracted, do you hear me?"

Hermione had no time to think about why Sean did what he did. She was overwhelmed by endless despair and just followed Sean's instructions.

The silver strands were pulled out mercilessly, and Hermione's tears fell uncontrollably.

This was a complete extraction, and she didn't leave a single memory for herself.

When it was all over, she fell to the ground helplessly. The huge consumption of her mind and the recent period of hiding had exhausted all her energy.

Looking at the unconscious Hermione, Sean's ugly face gradually returned to calm.

Apology flashed in his eyes, and then he raised his wand.

The correct use of the time turner is to stay for the time traveled after traveling, and then return without meeting the original body.

But Hermione has traveled too long. If she stays here for two years, the repair ability of time and the gaze of the world's will will directly deprive her of her life. She has lost a lot of vitality now. If she continues, she will only be three years old at most. Months later, she must completely age and lose her life.

Therefore, Sean had to find a trick - this was a small loophole he found after dealing with "time" so much.

Extract Hermione's memories from the "future" and let her return early.

The difference in physical condition can only be solved with magic. Fortunately, two years is not enough to cause earth-shaking changes. Except for Hermione herself who can detect a little strangeness, no one else can find anything wrong.

Of course, as Sean who knows all this, he must also seal the memory of the conversation between the two to avoid causing inconsistencies in time information.

Looking at Hermione's memory bottle in his hand, Sean sighed.

Then, his eyes became sharp.

Calm, cool blue flames rise, but they contain terrible destructive power - Sean has mastered the magic flame blessing to the extreme, and he can also use this mutant power as freely as Grindelwald. Fire.

Throwing the memory into the flames, under Sean's deliberate guidance, the silver wadding was regarded as a disloyal partner, and the dark blue flames completely devoured it without any hesitation.

The flames died down and the memory was completely lost in history.

He looked at Hermione who was unconscious. There were still tears of despair in the corners of the girl's eyes. If possible, she would never want to wake up again.

However, in order to make up for this time travel, Sean must help her weave another memory.

For a memory master, this is not difficult.

However, false memories are only false after all, and those that are deep in the soul will never be annihilated.

Sean finished all this calmly. He stared at Hermione in fascination for a long time, and finally stood up slowly.

In fact... the method Hermione mentioned can be achieved.

At the cost of her death, the small changes in time are covered up, and Sean, who will die in the future, also has the possibility of "suspended death".

The essence of this is to completely annihilate Hermione's time travel and erase all traces of "Hermione Granger". This girl will no longer exist in the world - how can a person who does not exist exist? What about the possible changes in time?

This was the essence of Hermione's approach.

She did think it over rationally and made the decision with tremendous courage and heartbreaking emotion for Sean.

And this seems to be the only way.

What Sean said is actually correct. When Hermione uses the time turner to come to the present, then in the future, Sean's death has become a foregone conclusion.

However, he didn't tell Hermione that the only way Hermione came up with was possible.

The girl lay on the ground, with dry hair covering half of her terrifying and withered face.

Sean gently pushed aside a bit of the girl's hair, and the distress in his eyes could no longer be suppressed.

He took several deep breaths to calm down his emotions.

Touching Hermione's cheek tenderly, Sean's mouth curved slightly: "I am the extremely proud Sean Wallop. Why do I need other people's lives in exchange for mine..."

And, the most crucial point is...

During the exchange with Hermione, Sean suddenly understood.

He will definitely die...and must die.

Luna's appearance was not an accident, the world had already reminded him.

Sean stood up, stretched, and chuckled.

He picked up the ring and his eyes gradually became blurred.

Perhaps, there is a secret hidden inside that can confirm his conjecture.

Without any hesitation, Sean recited the spell he set, and the ring opened, revealing a familiar entrance.

Sean walked in slowly.

It was almost the same as his arrangement in the ring. He was obviously a wizard who could fly freely, but he still installed high railings on both sides of the stairs from top to bottom for the sense of security he needed.

The familiar workspace is slightly cluttered, with only messy claw marks left on the beams installed for Dave who likes to hang upside down.

The scenery outside the house has hardly changed. The only difference is that the magical landscaping that lacks magic power and lack of care has gradually become dilapidated and messy.

There was nothing in the huge ring.

Sean slowly walked through the roads he had walked before, and finally found what he was looking for in a cave.

"Isn't this the place where I kept my obsession body before..." Sean muttered while looking at the entire cave.

However, the contents of the ring were basically cleared away, not to mention that Sean didn't know if he had ever obtained an obsession in that timeline.

But obviously, the two people still store things in the same way.

There is a pensieve on the pitted stone platform, and a crystal bottle is quietly placed in the box next to it. The memory wadding in the bottle shows a faint yellow color.

"Remember to do it under the invisibility cloak."

A short sentence with the same handwriting as his own was carved on the stone platform.

"I really have foresight..." Sean raised his eyebrows.

After uncorking the bottle, Sean felt a sense of trance coming over him, and he took the bottle a little further away in surprise.

"This feels really disappointing..."

Speaking casually, he turned the bottle over, and the yellow strands sank into the pensieve.

Following the stirring of the wand, the light silver pensieve gradually turned into a deep yellow, and Sean sank his face directly into it without hesitation.

He fell through the endless darkness and finally landed on the marble floor.

Looking at the surrounding scene, Sean frowned slightly.

This is the villa of the Wallop family, where he grew up.

Sean turned his head and looked at the familiar yard, but saw no one.

Just when he was wondering, a footsteps sounded from the other side.

That's Sean, of course, it's Sean in another timeline. To be precise, it's the timeline in which Grindelwald defeated Dumbledore.

Sean Wallop lazily walked over from the direction of the kitchen. He was wearing a loose bathrobe and had a cigar in his mouth. However, the ice-cold sparkling drink in his hand might be more refreshing if it was replaced by champagne. suitable.

His slippers were drooping, and the heels of the shoes collided with the ground, making a reluctant sound. Then, he walked to the sun lounger where he often lay, put down the drink, took off his bathrobe, and whipped hard. After taking a puff of the cigar, he threw it into the swimming pool.

As he lay down, Sean saw that he was covered in bruises.

The body that should have been strong has become extremely thin, and the ribs like ribs open and close like dry bellows when the owner gasps for breath.

Much like a drug addict.

Sean chuckled secretly: "This looks a bit like the rich second generation of a stinky capitalist."

The other Sean switched his legs on the sun lounger. He picked up the iced drink and took a sip directly. The bubbling liquid flowed down his neck.

He lay back down again without caring and said lazily: "Look at my body being hollowed out by drugs. Is this what a stupid rich second generation from a stinky capitalist family should be like?"

The two Seans laughed at the same time.

On the sun lounger, Sean put on his sunglasses and looked at the sky where there was no sun.

"In a few days, the teacher should be about to implement his plan. I'm going to ask him to take some things back. However, he can't take anything else with him. The impact will be bad and it won't be easy to solve. As expected, it's still in his head. Things are the least valuable, but they are also the most valuable.”

He smacked his lips, seeming to taste the drink he just had.

"It's still not as good as Jenny's craftsmanship——"

Jenny is the maid of the Wallop family. She started serving the entire Wallop family when Sean was born. In Sean's heart, she is roughly equivalent to the status of a sister.

"It would be great if Jenny hadn't died." The skinny Sean sighed casually.

Jenny is dead...

The other Sean continued: "I know you must have a lot of doubts, um, can you give me a brief explanation?"

"I didn't know anything when I was born, and I was secretly happy that I was born into a wealthy family. However, after I turned eleven, when I received the admission notice, I knew something was wrong - you see , who will make you comfortable."

"This time, Professor Dumbledore did not defeat the teacher, not even a tie. Grindelwald became the new principal of Hogwarts, and Dumbledore was imprisoned in the tower."

"I won't talk about campus life. Anyway, I won the favor of Grindelwald and became his favorite student - tsk, I originally thought this was someone I could work hard under the boss of the villain, get information, and then rescue and defeat him. The story of the villain Dumbledore who finally succeeded in saving the world."

"But in fact, I found that Grindelwald did many things better than Dumbledore. Although he was moody, at least he had clear rewards and punishments, and he would not show any strange inaction. Voldemort? That old boy is in Hogwart? He started making Horcruxes when he was a child. It was probably similar to the routine in the original work? Oh, I’m not sure. Anyway, after he made the first Horcrux, he started to promote his ideas. Unfortunately..."

Sean gave a funny smile: "Grindelwald's control over the entire Hogwarts is far beyond what Dumbledore can match. He doesn't care about freedom or privacy - Voldemort was caught just as he was about to show up. Then the making of the Horcrux was also discovered. I heard from Hagrid that Voldemort and his Horcrux were burned together and died miserably."

"The most important point is -" Sean showed a sigh of relief, "I later went to the tower to see Dumbledore, but he didn't want to come out at all, and he never thought of any counterattack plan - that's the case. , the wizarding world is booming, why is he going back to attack?"

"I originally thought this was a completely different line of development, but at least for me, there is no harm - but, as you know, guilt, Haierbo and other things rushed up at once."

"When I tried to control [Pride], Grindelwald gave me the greatest support and devoted all his body and soul to fighting against Herbo - obviously, he and I failed."

A calm and helpless smile appeared on Sean's face: "My life has been extremely smooth, extremely smooth, and even there were no obstacles when controlling [Pride]. However, I found that I was wrong. "

"To be honest, it was only after [arrogance] was taken out of my body that I discovered this - my success is just making a wedding dress for others."

"I'm just a container - I haven't realized it yet, and I'm ready to become the master..."

"As a result, all the things I did were aided by Haierbo. This is so shocking...Gan."

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