I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 712 The strange journey of another Sean

Latest website address: Container... This word made Sean frown.

The skinny Sean on the sun lounger was still talking lazily: "When Haierbo invaded, I had reached a preliminary consensus with [Arrogance]. Although he was still unwilling to reveal all the secrets of the year, I at least Got some assurances.”

"After many attempts, I can finally maintain a clear consciousness when using the power of [Arrogance]. On the one hand, my body has been transformed by the magic power of [Arrogance] and can withstand higher levels of magic power; on the other hand, my body has been transformed by the magic power of [Pride] and can withstand higher levels of magic power; On the one hand, after commitment, [Arrogance] no longer fights for control.”

"When I initially took control, the battle situation was already extremely pessimistic - although the teacher has integrated almost the power of the entire wizarding world, he is still stretched thin in the face of Haierbo's endless magic army."

As he spoke, he sighed: "And this is because Haierbo's true form has not yet appeared in this world."

"His clone was solved by the teacher when he first came, but the teacher was also seriously injured... Oh, that was the first time I heard the unruly Grindelwald lamenting in the hospital bed."

"I have been concentrating on controlling [Arrogance] and only understand the general situation. When the teacher was recovering from his injuries, the entire wizarding world suddenly lost its backbone, and I was unable to assume the responsibility of being the leader. In desperation, I had no choice but to Another way."

Sean's eyes gradually became fearless, but his thin body seemed to be able to withstand the mountain.

He chuckled: "We are retreating steadily on the frontal battlefield, and our backbone is hanging on by a thread. I only have strength but no heart... Rather than putting out fires everywhere on the frontal battlefield, it is better to give up being a general and be the sharpest knife."

He turned his head and looked at Sean, as if he knew that even through his memories, he would only be standing directly opposite him.

"I went to Twilight Zone."

Sean's heart suddenly tightened, and he was confused and dreamy...

That is Haierbo's base camp, where he can give full play to the stolen divine authority.

Even if one had mastered the power of the Seven Deadly Sins, going there would be tantamount to death.

Sean on the sun lounger spoke calmly, as if he was just telling a normal thing.

"I found the secrets left by the ancestors of the Wallop family, and then used this to deduce the path to the Twisted Illusion - I don't know if you have discovered it now, but that path is at Hogwarts."

The flow of Wuwu...

"There is a dim yellow water flow at the bottom of the black lake. The source and the end point cannot be seen. I don't know the origin of this river. I only know that this was once an important place that the ancestors of the Wallop family searched for. None There are some overlaps between the characteristics of the flow of the flow and the trance. All creatures close to it will have their souls separated from the body. However, this characteristic of the flow of the flow can also be used to make some articles. I didn't need it at the time. You now Maybe it’s necessary—by the way, there’s a gatekeeper monster named Scylla, who’s easy to deal with.”

I've already written articles about that thing... It doesn't matter what it is, it's all Sean, and the ideas are basically the same. When I see such a magical thing, I will think of using its properties in turn.

Sean in the memory continued: "I sneaked into the Wuwu Flow through the [arrogance] method - this method is very troublesome, I don't know if you need it, I put it in the second cabinet in the workshop in the ring Bian, it depends on the situation."

"This method is essentially a kind of death, which separates the soul from the body, but it is different from real death, because my separated soul is still entangled with [Arrogance]. In this way, even in the trance, I can also continue to borrow the power of [arrogance].”

"I entered a trance like this - ha, it's such an indescribable place..."

He showed a sigh of relief, and even had some fear in his eyes.

"I thought that the tangled illusion had completely collapsed. Apart from Haierbo and the magic army created by him, there should be only magma and scorched earth left. What I didn't expect was that even if the tangled illusion collapsed, it still retained some characteristics."

"For example, when I enter a trance-like world, this world naturally gives birth to a unique image that belongs to my soul."

He waved his hand, and the water in the pool floated and slowly transformed into a new image.

It was a miniature fire dragon, except for its size, it was exactly the same as Sean's initial image when he transformed into an Animagus.

"How should I put it, this thing is like coming to a new world, and then the new world sends you a guide - of course, this guide will not enthusiastically introduce you to the scenic spots in the trance world, it only has one function , constantly tempting you..."

Sean, who had been listening, tensed up unconsciously. He thought of the little sparrow that appeared in that fable.

The little sparrow kept tempting the bard to fall into the abyss when he went through various tests. In the end, when the bard completed killing the god, the little sparrow began to revel from the bard's perspective again.

"That Charmander should look familiar to you. It looks like an Animagus. I suspect that Animagus may be the specific image of everyone's soul in a trance - and, strangely, if you master it skillfully, Animagus, then your guide in the trance will have greater power."

"But -" the other Sean exchanged his legs on the sun lounger, with dissatisfaction in his tone, "It's obviously the image of my soul, but it follows the rules of the trance. Damn it, I just arrived. Son, it kept urging me to jump into the lava, saying there was treasure hidden in it."

The corner of Sean's eye twitched.

"I should find a Squirtle and give it a water gun, shit... However, verbal temptations have no effect on me. I went to the trance to stop Haierbo. For this reason, I explored the trance for a long time. .”

"A magical but collapsed world, where some places completely follow the rules of the real world, and you can even order a cup of coffee there. However, the rules of most places have been destroyed along with the collapse of the trance. Most of what is hidden there are various free and unstable magic groups. Once you touch it -" he gestured, "bang - your magic power will explode along with it. If you can't control the explosion, Then your soul will be completely absorbed in it.”

"In addition, there are some weird dark creatures. You can think of those monsters as variants of sins. The seven sins are the collective expression of human negative emotions. Then these monsters are just fish in the trap. They are not difficult to deal with, but if It’s easy to get entangled and consume some magic power, but the main reason is that negative emotions will come up all at once. If I didn’t have the soul of [arrogance] following me, my soul would have gone crazy long ago.”

He raised the drink and took another sip, and continued: "I have been acting cautiously, because I know that even if I find the location of Haierbo's true body, I will not be able to defeat him. My purpose is to find... Robin."

Robin... Sean remembered what he saw on the moon. Later, he fell asleep in the soul world and saw the remaining soul of the robin in the trance.

"How about gods and gods? Although in my opinion, they are more powerful high-level creatures, the power they control is indeed huge. Now that Haierbo has stolen the power, Robin Still not completely fallen.”

He smiled a little: "This is also an important reason why [Arrogance] and I can reach an agreement - we both want to bring the robin back to life."

"How difficult is it to resurrect a god of the highest level? I lack the necessary means, so I came up with a relatively cheap idea -" Sean touched his nose, but with a somewhat proud expression on his face , "[Arrogance] is like a stupid dog. When will I have to protect the secrets of the so-called gods? I thought, in this case, instead of me taking all the trouble, I might as well let the robin worry about it."

He smiled slyly: "Being a god...who could be more familiar than a god from the past?"

"I don't know if you already understand the relevant information, but the explanation is very simple. To become a true god, you need three crucial things - the authority of the god itself, the kingdom of god that accommodates the existence of the god, and the recognition of the world—the true rite of becoming a god.”

"Why did Haierbo enter the human world? On the one hand, he needs a new kingdom of God. On the other hand, he is looking for a ritual to become a god. This is something that only true gods understand."

"And what about the robin? He lost the authority to represent the power of the gods, and his soul almost died. But in other words, if he can send him the authority of the gods and provide some help to his soul, he can return to the throne. God's position - after all, the illusion is his former kingdom of God, and he does not need the world's recognition, because that has already happened."

"As long as Robin returns to the throne, the false god Herbo will be vulnerable, and everything can be solved."

Sean's eyes also showed something strange as he listened. He had never thought about the corresponding direction before, but now that he heard it, it was indeed the truth.

Let the right people do the right things, and as long as the robin regains his divine power, then whether it is a broken soul, a collapsed divine kingdom, or a clamoring false god, it only takes time to solve the problem.

Of course, there is one most important issue here.

Divine authority.

Robin's authority fell into Herbo's hands, so the most important part of the plan had been blocked from the source.


Sean has already thought of a way to replace it.

On the sun lounger, Sean in his memory also said: "It only requires the authority of another god - such as the Deathly Hallows."

He pursed his lips: "Although there is a feeling of injecting inappropriate things into other people's bodies, I personally feel that this plan is very feasible - isn't Robin the God of Love? But He and the God of Death are not opposites. , the two of them have a good relationship. Anyway, the snake of wisdom, the god of death, is more dead than the robin, without even a remnant of his soul. What's wrong with borrowing the authority? Maybe the robin can give it to him after he kills the traitor. One piece has been resurrected."

"So, I took the Deathly Hallows and prepared to try my method."

"There is no concept of time in the trance. I don't remember how much time it took and how much suffering I went through. But in the end, I found the remaining soul of the robin. However, the noise in the end was a little louder. Haier Bo found me too.”

"Originally, I should have been able to complete all this before Hai Erbo arrived, but after all calculations, I missed one point. This point is ridiculous, but it happened so real..." He showed his annoyance. "Legend has it that after gathering the three Deathly Hallows, one can control the God of Death. Of course, that is just a brief summary of the fable, and the real situation is not that simple."

"But one of the things is that you have to become the master of the three Deathly Hallows - damn, I just..." He couldn't help but cursed, "I feel like a stupid dog... Mom The... Resurrection Stone and Invisibility Cloak just need to be given to the robin, but only the Elder Wand. The Elder Wand must defeat its previous owner to become its new owner - Gan!"

"Originally, I thought that I would just let the remaining soul of the robin defeat me, but I never expected that the remaining soul of the robin could only use a little bit of magic power on me. He could only speak. strength!"

He flailed his limbs in annoyance, and then lay down again as if resigned to his fate: "Damn, originally He still had some power, but He told me that it had been used up! How did it run out? You may have guessed it - leave it to the dreamland! In Before me, Sean and I found Robin. I don’t know what happened between them. I only know that Sean asked Robin to use almost all his power to give Sean in the timeline after him Entrust the dream to leave the key information."

"The problem is, I didn't receive it either! I did have a dream, but the old man Grindelwald is too busy and doesn't let people go out to look at the moon at night. Who knows that the dreamy world is behind the moon? How can we get a real reminder by observing the moon for a long time? Your uncle, our astronomy classes have been cancelled!"

He slumped down and said, "I never expected that I would be tricked by myself... No, it's all because of Grindelwald. He has no idea about the comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic, and labor..."

Sean's temples twitched violently. He never thought that Sean in this timeline would lose at this point...

But this doesn't seem to be an accident?

He sighed: "Plan A failed, so we had to activate Plan B. Haierbo brought people to arrest me. I tried to use the power of [Arrogance] to fight with him for a while, but I was no match at all - I directly Choosing to self-destruct, the power of [Arrogance] collides with the free magic groups that exist everywhere in the trance, and I am ready to directly destroy the entire trance and let Haierbo sink into it."

"It's just that-" He gave a bitter smile, "Helbo calculated this... No, not calculated. He knew I would do this."

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