I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 720 How to deal with girls?


Sean took a breath, but he didn't expect that Xiao Baihua's troubles actually stemmed from this.

This situation is not easy to handle...

"Wallup!" Daisy shouted again, with anger on her delicate face, "Am I unattractive?"

Sean blinked, his face full of confusion and shock: "Generally speaking, when you come to this conclusion, you can only prove one thing. Do you know what it is?"

Although full of grievances and dissatisfaction, Xiao Baihua's words still aroused the curiosity of Xiao Baihua. She calmed down a little, and with the addition of her angry and aggrieved tone, she sounded more like a coquettish coquettish person.


"This only proves that Sean Wallop is blind -" Sean said with a smile.

Roundabout pursuits often have better results. The emotional value brought by curiosity and the other party's sense of humor will be greatly amplified.

The corner of Daisy's mouth that obviously couldn't help but raised was the best proof.

Of course, people also need to be divided - Sean is the one who speaks, and Daisy is the one who listens. This is the most important point.

Upon seeing this, Sean immediately struck while the iron was hot and added: "Not only must he be blind, he cannot even smell, hear beautiful sounds, and feel the gentle magic..."

Daisy even muttered: "There is no such person."

"Yes, there is no such person." Sean blinked.

Let the questioner come up with the answer to the question himself, and the effect will be more obvious.

To outsiders, this seems to be a very nonsensical question, more like a girl throwing a tantrum when she is in a bad mood.

After all, how could a cute girl with exquisite appearance, invincible figure, excellent personality, and powerful magic not be attractive?

But Sean knows one thing very clearly. Because of Daisy’s childhood experience, the shadow in her heart is much stronger than that of ordinary people. This is inevitable, even if she has parents and brothers who love her, even if she finally escapes to the demons that tormented him.

Human character is shaped by various experiences. Once the seeds are planted, they will grow. Even if they wither, branches of character will remain.

Sean understands this - this is where Daisy's troubles come from. She does have such troubles, just like before - she always takes every step carefully to prevent herself from sinking into the abyss again. Also try not to let those around you fall into your bad moods.

In a sense, this can be regarded as a kind of inferiority complex - Daisy is still afraid that she will become a monster again, and she cannot avoid this no matter how strong her heart is.

Of course, Sean could have gone through the sloppy lake. The considerate little white flower never forced him, but he still chose to answer seriously in a relaxed way. Even if it was really just Daisy's little temper, this temper was still It's Sean's turn to take care of it.

In just two words, Daisy felt that her mood had improved a lot, but she still did not forget the reason why she said these words.

So, the girl still maintained her angry and aggrieved expression: "Then you haven't answered my previous question."

We are all like this, why haven't you confessed your love to me yet?

Sean's smile almost froze on his face. This problem couldn't be ignored...

Confession is just a sentence, but the meaning behind it is different...

The most important thing is that this is related to Sean's moral bottom line that has been lingering nearby - you see, humans are so shameless, especially Sean who is already thick-skinned.

Sean blinked, showing an obviously confused expression: "I thought our relationship didn't need this anymore."

Xiao Baihua also followed his example and blinked: "What if I want you to tell me once?"

"It's not impossible..." Sean said this, but he never said the words Daisy wanted.

Xiao Baihua was just too lazy to think, which didn't mean she was stupid. When she saw Sean's appearance, she wrinkled her nose: "Sure enough, I should still be a shameless bad woman. I said before that I understand you and be considerate. What a shame, take it all back, huh! I’ll make you so angry!”

In the end, she just complained. Although she couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes, she still didn't forcefully make demands on Sean.

"If you want to..." Sean smiled, and he held the girl's hand slightly harder, which was obvious.

Xiao Baihua looked over, but to her surprise, she didn't see Sean's common gentle smile, nor the cynicism in his bones.

He looked serious and his expression was solemn.

For some reason, Daisy felt herself flustered.

"Daisy, do you know how I grew up?" Sean suddenly smiled and talked about a completely unrelated topic.

Daisy nodded and shook her head. She pestered Sean to tell her stories about the other person's childhood. She also heard the Wallops describe a lot of things in the Wallops' villa, but it seemed that Sean was not prepared to talk about these things.

"My family is very wealthy. When I was a child, I accidentally broke one of my father's watches. He just smiled and told me to pay attention next time. But most people in this world will not be able to own that watch in their lifetime."

“It’s a class barrier you can see at a glance, and I live on top of a wall that others can never see.”

"I, to put it bluntly, have been very smart since I was a child. I can read faster than others and learn more than others. My family can also provide me with the best conditions. The reality is that I have not let them down. Even my servants puff out their chests with pride when Sean Wallop is mentioned, as if it brings them some glory."

"But, do you know the reason why I did this?" Sean smiled.

Daisy shook her head in confusion. She didn't know why, but she felt that there was a sense of sadness overflowing when Sean told these things.

Sean smiled even more happily: "I have an excellent background, I have talents that others don't have, and I have even more desperate efforts and self-discipline - when a child does all these, most of them People will begin to fantasize about his lofty ideals and what an outstanding person he will become in the future."

"What I didn't tell anyone, though, was that my dream was simply shameful."

"I have been trying to make myself excellent since I was a child. I have looks, knowledge, money, and even a healthy and strong body - all of this is not for entering politics or becoming a noble again in the future, let alone some lofty dream. "

"I just want to lie on the mountain of money my father built for me and be a vulgar person. Yes, that's my dream."

"I can see a lot of things, but I'm not ready to change. I'm so vulgar and selfish - I had planned it all at that time..." Sean showed a smile, "Before entering college, I would have made myself Become a gentleman that everyone loves. Starting from college, I have to find a girlfriend..."

"I hope my girlfriend is a stunning beauty, preferably with bigger breasts. When I hold her in my arms, I can enjoy the envious looks from others, but others will only think that we are talented and beautiful, and we are a perfect match."

"I will drive a sports car and take my girlfriend with me to various parties. I may also 'inadvertently' show off my wealth in front of some people who don't know my identity. I will also drive in the middle of the night and make people unable to sleep, but The police won't come and arrest me."

"At the same time, I will still maintain good grades in school, which makes some people secretly wonder if I gave several houses to the principal and professors."

"If I break up with my beautiful girlfriend due to various personality differences, I can immediately find another one, or if I want, I can take a lot of beautiful girls to party on my yacht."

"The decadent and vulgar life ends with college, and then I will start traveling around the world, seeing places I haven't been to yet, and visiting every corner of the world."

"After that, I will inherit my father's business, but I will spend a lot of money to hire a lot of smart people to work for me. As for me, I will just be responsible for the command. I may also spend a lot of money to do other things, be a Play a game? Make a movie? Build a building? Or create a beautiful identity as a philanthropist? It’s all fine, if I want to do it, I can do it.”

"All I have to do is follow my own heart, and everything I do is what I want to do. I have no lofty ideals or lofty ambitions. I just use money, knowledge, talent, looks, etc., that I have." Advantages, the freedom to enjoy this beautiful and ugly world.”

"My dream is so simple and vulgar. I don't want to change the world or save mankind. I just want to enjoy everything and be a vulgar, hypocritical and selfish person, as long as everything makes me happy."

He looked at Daisy with a smile, the sincerity in his eyes proving that what he said was true.

"Later, I received the admission notice to Hogwarts and Nurmengard, and I began to realize that the world was different from what I imagined. However, my dream did not change, to become an indulgent and happy person. The wizard, it just makes my life more colorful."

"Look, when I want to win a girl's favor in the future, I don't even have to learn magic. I want a pretty girl to crawl into my bed. Wouldn't it be easier?" Sean laughed happily.

He was obviously smiling so happily, but Daisy couldn't feel his happiness at all.

Sean continued to smile and said: "Unfortunately, the world does not run according to my will, and dreams are just dreams. Reality is what we need to face. A lot of things are coming, and every one of them I can’t escape from it, and whether it’s for my own safety or for my own will, I have to do those things.”

"A lot of things..." Sean said, his smile gradually disappearing, "I can't say 'no', what I should do, what I must do, what I should do, I want to do Everything will pile up on me, even if no one forces me, there is still a voice constantly reminding me."

"You have to do this, you should do this, you have to do this."

"Gradually, I found that I had fallen into it - the things I liked, the things I didn't like, the things I escaped from, and the things I was happy with, whether they were people or things, everything had gradually been mixed together. Together."

"I have many paths to choose from in my future, and everything should have followed my own will, but now, there is only one path in front of me."

Daisy couldn't help but grab Sean's hands, and the pain in her heart could no longer be hidden.

Sean is carrying too many things...

However, to her surprise, she felt the warmth from her hands. The boy in front of her did not show a tired expression. Instead, he looked at her apologetically.

"Sean..." Daisy called softly.

Sean held her hand tightly with his backhand, and his tone was heartbreakingly serious: "You know me...well, I really want to say, 'This is not actually me complaining,' but the reality is, I am complaining. , I’m not happy, I should have had an easier life.”

"This is indeed what I mean -" he paused, "but, I have decided to do this, and I will still sit down like this. I just want to take over what I should do and what I shouldn't do. Since I have done something, I must do my best.”

He looked at the girl seriously: "I will not let myself regret it, and I will not allow myself to regret it."

"But..." The apology on Sean's face became more intense, "I can't give you what you want now... I am a greedy and selfish person, and Sean Wallop has always been like this."

"If I can't do it, then the world will not be what I want to see... Promises without a future are powerless and meaningless. Besides, I am so selfish."

He said seriously: "I don't want to go to the final battlefield with too many promises. This is my only cowardice, and it is also the most sorry thing for you..."

"Stop talking..." Daisy shook her head, with distress and guilt in her eyes, "I understand you, Sean...I'm sorry..."

Sean shook his head: "Don't say sorry to me, you didn't ask me for anything, I want to thank you, thank you for always understanding me, but I can't give it now..."

"No," Daisy looked at him, her eyes full of anxiety, "You gave me a lot...I, I just...I'm too greedy..."

"This is not greedy," Sean hugged the girl, his voice soft and understanding, "What girl doesn't want these?"

Daisy was even more moved by his understanding, and she began to regret what she had just said in her mind.

Sean has too much on his shoulders, why should I add a little more pressure to him?

Daisy became more and more annoyed when she started to think so.

However, Sean seemed to read her thoughts.

"Don't regret it, and don't apologize to me, because you did nothing wrong..."

"Sean..." Daisy was so moved that she wanted to cry.

Sean blinked: "I'm serious."

"No," Daisy shook her head seriously, "It's my fault..."

The two argued for a while, and then Sean said generously: "Okay, okay, do you think we are even?"

The little devil in my heart is even shouting: Sean Wallop, you are so shameless! I like it so much!

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