I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 725 Shylock’s great victory

"Sir, how did you do this? Oh my God, my God, I heard Professor Flitwick say that Dementors are non-existences and are strange creatures that cannot be destroyed by curses. Just like Hogwarts. Like Peeves."

The class was over, but the hand Sean showed just now still shocked the students greatly.

Because, in the common understanding of wizards, dementors can only be expelled, not eliminated.

It was outrageous enough that Sean could get an obedient dementor to serve as a "temporary assistant", but destroying the dementor was what was truly incomprehensible.

Sean blinked at the curious students who gathered around him: "Conquer fear - if one day you can stand next to a dementor without changing your expression like me, I will teach you... Well, who has done it?" I’ll leave it to whoever it is.”

The bold promise immediately set many hearts on fire.

A hint of cunning flashed in Sean's eyes - he couldn't teach the life-killing curse that the system had upgraded even if he wanted to.

However, this does not prevent him from painting an attractive pie for these young people - anyway, he can stand next to the dementors because of the effect of the Dark Sleeper, and these children have nothing to do.

I'm not telling lies... Sean thought with satisfaction.

An impressive teaching class kept everyone discussing as they walked out, and everything Sean did made their desires grow stronger.

It is foreseeable that this group of students will not be able to slow down their progress in the Patronus Charm.

The reason why Sean prioritizes this spell is that Helbo and his army may be faced in the future. The composition of dark creatures is likely to be the keynote of Helbo's army. Dementors and the Mouth of Silence are also indispensable. Proficient in guarding The magic spell is very necessary.

After tidying up the somewhat messy classroom, Capone walked over.

"Teacher-" His tone was as admiring as ever.

Usually when there are many people, Capone will call Sean 'sir' or 'professor' like everyone else, and when there are few people, he will call him teacher.

This is similar to the situation between Sean and Grindelwald.

"How's it going? Are you okay with this class?" Sean asked with a smile.

Capone nodded seriously: "It's very rewarding, and I can vaguely feel some vague things. Although I can't explain it clearly, I think it should be the magic power related to the patron saint."

Sean nodded approvingly: "Well done."

Capone immediately blushed: "It's teacher, you teach well."

Sean was secretly ashamed - you, teacher, and me, the patron saint has not yet been formed...

I have to say that Capone is really a genius. Sean eliminated the hidden dangers of Obscurus in his body before it was fully formed. This left him with extremely huge magic power - you know, this kid can always suppress Obscurus. The important reason for not being formed is that he is born with huge magic power.

Adding the two together, in terms of the source of magic power, Capone's current magic power can surpass everyone present, and is only a little weaker than Sean.

Not only that, but his talent in spells is also gratifying.

Professor Flitwick has praised Sean in private more than once - for keeping this kind of genius firmly in Ravenclaw, he is also very respectable as the headmaster.

His talent for Transfiguration was slightly weaker, but under the influence of Sean, he worked particularly hard on Transfiguration, and the results he achieved were no less than those of Charms.

Moreover, with Capone's background and mature mentality, he even worked harder than Sean back then, which made the latter even more delighted.

Sean is now considering equipping Capone with a small object with a traceless expansion spell, such as a ring, a necklace, etc., and then help him expand his space, and then take him to conquer some magical animals.

For example, the Crooked Winged Devil is good. Dave recently had a heated fight with Newt West's female Crooked Winged Devil - it's not really hot, it's just that Dave does whatever Sean tells it to do, fall in love. There is also a reason...

Although there was a strange déjà vu of an arranged marriage, Dave himself didn't care about it - he had already agreed with his 'daughter-in-law' that the first egg would be left to Sean.

Starting with the Winged Demon, you can continue to conquer more magical animals suitable for Capone in the future. Judging from this growth trajectory, he is like a little Sean Wallop.

Sean has now begun to feel a sense of joy in harvesting. The saplings he has cultivated so hard are starting to grow, which is indeed pleasing to both the body and mind.

By the way, Capone's Potions talent can be considered as "in the same vein" as Sean. It is slightly stronger than when he didn't add talent points, but its strength is limited...

Forget it, I have gold Galleons anyway, and I can buy any potions - if I can't buy them, I can use Daisy to threaten Snape, and just do some dirty work afterwards...

After chatting with her beloved apprentice about magic spells, Hermione came to inform Sean that it was time to work.

Christmas is coming, and as the president of the student union, he needs to help the professors count the names of those who will go home for the holiday.

"I almost forgot that I was the student union president - Capone, you want to go back and spend Christmas with your dad, right? Well, I know..." Recording Capone's name first, Sean touched his own Nose said.

Hermione rolled her eyes at him angrily: "You are really dedicated, Mr. Wallop."

"The main reason is that my partner is too capable - Hermione, I have to express some dissatisfaction with you. You do everything beautifully, how can I express myself in front of the professor?"

"Really? Then you start working -"

"But you are too strong. I always feel inferior when I work -"

"Are you feeling inferior or shameless?"

"It depends on what you like——"

"The bastard - he's gone, let's go and count the people."

Looking at Sean and Hermione walking out of the classroom, Capone had a look of admiration in his eyes.

Milani, who had been waiting for him, looked at the expression on this guy's face suspiciously, and then pulled him away without any explanation.

"Tsk, look at Sean's mouth..." Sherlock sighed after witnessing all this. "He got rid of all the work he was supposed to do, and he kept praising Hermione openly and secretly - Hermione's mouth He reprimanded Sean, but actually he was very happy."

As she said that, she looked at Colton, who was always cold beside her, with disgust: "Don't you think you should learn from this 'senior'?"

Colton slowly smoothed a wrinkle on his sleeves and said calmly: "I don't need it - not to mention, if Sean and Hermione are a pair, you and I... can also be considered partners. Haha, I Maybe the role of Hermione? Miss Hawke, I suggest you learn from Sean."

Counterattack - Colton is quick-thinking and never loses when it comes to bickering with Sherlock.

However, surprisingly, at this time, Sherlock would usually have started to get angry and talk harshly, but this time, the restless Miss Hawke just smiled maliciously, with no intention of getting angry at all.

Colton glanced at the girl next to him silently, took steps, and walked toward the outside of the classroom without saying a word.

Sherlock, who originally disliked Colton being around all the time, smiled a little more happily. She immediately chased after him, with a proud look on her face: "What's the matter, Mr. Sterling?"

Colton stared straight ahead and kept his pace: "I really feel powerless against my partner's stupidity - I will consider applying for a different job position with Professor McGonagall."

Sherlock didn't mean to be angry at all. She stopped in front of Colton and said playfully with her hands behind her back: "Hey, Colton, don't you like to stick next to me all the time?"

Colton's eyes paused, and then he said calmly: "Those are just coincidences, and I respect Professor Dumbledore very much. After seeing it, I think that for the graduation of Hogwarts It is a sign of respect for students to keep some face."

"That's all? Respect?" Sherlock, who should have been furious, laughed proudly.

"Otherwise?" Colton said coldly.

"Yo——" The expression on Sherlock's face became more and more excited. She hugged her shoulders and imitated Colton's usual expression of everyone owing him a million. She closed her eyes tightly and said with a kind of expression. He said in a sleepy tone, "Hawke... you are such an idiot..."

The cold-tongued man panicked for a rare moment. He managed to calm down and said in a disdainful tone: "You are so childish."

How could Sherlock, who had been staring at him, not catch the expression on the man's face? She became even more excited.

"Oh~ Sherlock~ Do you know how worried I am about you? I will follow you and I won't allow anything to happen to you~"

Colton's face turned red visibly, and he calmly shook the wand in his sleeve to return his face to normal.

"If you want to make fun of me with this, then do whatever you want - after all, only under the influence of potions can you find some fun in making fun of me. In view of your stupid words and actions all the time, I can Mercifully not to hold you accountable.”

"My responsibility?" Sherlock changed his tone and showed a smile that made Colton uneasy. "The influence of the love potion is indeed great, but it is not the love potion I used? As we all know - there is no user. The love potion only stimulates the inner love of the person being affected~"

Colton's face was livid: "Not only was it a love drug, I also drank a lot of wine and talked nonsense while drunk. Don't you know that?"

"Are you explaining to me?" Sherlock took a step closer.

For the first time, Colton stepped back a little during the confrontation between the two. He could clearly see the faint freckles on the face of the sunny girl in front of him.

"This is not an explanation, this is called a simple explanation-" Colton's mouth was still stiff.

Sherlock rolled his eyes and his expression became more excited - after Sean's crazy party at his coming-of-age ceremony, she never found a chance to be alone with Colton. This guy probably knew what nonsense he said and kept hiding. As for myself.

However, how could Shylock, who had suffered repeated defeats and defeats, let go of the opportunity that his opponent would bring to his doorstep.

A woman's acumen told her that she had found the secret to victory in this battle!

Seeing that Colton was about to bypass him and leave quickly, Sherlock couldn't help but pull on his robe, smiling like a flower: "Colton, what do you mean? Everything you said that day was all nonsense?"

"Of course." Colton said without changing his expression.

"Is that so?" Sherlock raised his nose proudly, "In other words, those are not your true words?"

Colton fell silent, and then took steps to escape from this place where he couldn't stay.

"Wait a minute-" Sherlock took advantage of the victory and she even hugged Colton's neck.

The woman's face was full of excitement, and her tone was almost triumphant: "Okay, you promise, everything you said is against your will - then, say the words you said that day in irony, and I will I believe you."

Colton pulled away slightly, but Sherlock's hand around his neck was tight.

He had no choice but to avoid the other person's eyes and responded coldly: "You are boring, Sherlock."

"Huh?" Sherlock, who seemed to have caught the opponent's flaw, became even more excited, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, in the past, you would have called me Hawke - who allowed you to call me so affectionately? Huh?"

"Then please let go of me, Miss Hawke."

"Dreaming-" Sherlock's nose almost reached its peak with pride, "By the way, you bought that limited edition Firebolt specifically as a gift to me, right?"

"You think too much, it was just an accident, and I have some relationship with the owner of the broomstick store, so I can get it at the cost price. I don't like the color. It happens to be your birthday, so I just gave it to you, and it saves money. I'm going to buy another gift - after all, I have to be polite." Colton said a lot of words in a rapid-fire manner, extremely smooth.

"Hey, have you been thinking about it for a long time? Are you so skilled?" Sherlock didn't care at all.

"This is a normal response organized by people with normal intelligence - if you don't understand this feeling, I can express my sympathy for you." Colton tried to pull Sherlock's hand down, but the latter held it tightly. , not even caring that her body was completely pressed against his.

"Aside from sympathy? Nothing else?" Sherlock said proudly.

Colton pulled her hand hard again, with some annoyance in his voice: "Pay attention to your identity and the occasion, Charlotte...Miss Hawke."

"That's good -" a flash of pride flashed in Sherlock's eyes, "As long as you answer me a question, I will let you go."

"...Say." Colton said helplessly.

Sherlock cleared her throat. She could already predict Colton's panic expression, which foreshadowed her upcoming victory!

The thought of this made her want to laugh out loud.

You kid, you were caught by me in the end, right? !

"Ahem -" She raised her head and looked at Colton with a strange look, "Mr. Colton Sterling, do you... like me?"

Colton's body actually froze.

Looking at the ever-changing wonderful expressions on the other person's face, Sherlock felt extremely proud - I knew it! This kid really has a crush on me, and this will be my biggest help in defeating him!

Colton remained silent and said nothing, and the look he looked at Sherlock gradually became strange.

Sherlock felt panicked for some reason.

He, he wouldn't really admit it, would he?

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