
As soon as I walked out of platform nine and three-quarters, a beautiful little girl ran towards me.

"Oh - Ella," Sean hugged his running sister and laughed, "Oh, my God, I feel you are a little heavier again."

"No--" Ella chuckled.

There weren’t many stories worth telling during the journey home. I don’t know whether it was because of experiencing the story of the Annihilation Timeline or seeing the memory left in another Sean’s ring. Sean was so eager for it on the train for the first time. See your family.

Hogwarts Express (still doubtful), Sean thinks it really needs a name change.

Holding his grown-up sister in his arms and looking at his parents smiling at him not far away, Sean always felt that the beauty of this world couldn't be more than this.

However, before Sean could speak, a large crowd came out from behind. ,

"Hey, guys, pay attention-"

"Ouch - you stepped on my foot again, Ron!"

"Sorry, sorry, man - God, if anyone sees my owl, my parents will kill me if I lose them."

"Here...hey, you guys came out a little too concentrated, the Muggles are all looking at us!"

A large group of people came out of the platform pillars noisily, each carrying a large bag of luggage. Of course, what attracted more attention were the strange pets - the station patrol officer had already walked towards this side with some suspicion. .

Sean snapped his fingers, the patrolman shook his head and walked back, and the crowd that was originally paying attention to them also lost interest.

"Guys, don't make too much noise." Sean said helplessly.

Ella's eyes lit up, she pulled her brother's sleeve and whispered: "Sean, is that magic?"

"Yes, honey, I'll teach you when you get back - hey, can't you guys have some discipline?"

Harry had already gone to shake hands with Sean's parents. He was holding an owl and had suspicious claw marks on his forehead - they were scratched by Ginny's bat charm. He didn't know how Harry got it again. She was angry.

If the Wallops hadn't known Harry for a long time, they would have thought Harry was a weirdo.

Well...it's actually full of weirdos here.

Then, the parents of other students also found their children. Mrs. Weasley hugged her children and their children's friends one by one. Mr. and Mrs. Granger smiled and took Hermione's luggage. What was the agreement with Mr. Wallop?

The Potter family also came out en masse, not only James and Lily, but also Sirius and Lupin.

"Hey, Remus-" Sean smiled and went up to say hello.

"Thanks, boss." Remus winked at him humorously.

Under Sean, he has a generous salary and a good status. Even if he is a werewolf, he will not be discriminated against by his colleagues. Although Sean has never put on the airs of his boss, he has always been sincere from the bottom of his heart. Thanks Sean.

Sean burst out laughing: "Daisy is going to beat me up if we don't have a holiday - have a great holiday!"

"Of course, you too."

The noise coming out of the station finally calmed down a bit after the parents took away their children. People with smiles on their faces stepped out of the station, either getting into their own cars, or getting into their own flying cars, or getting into their own flying cars. broom or something...

"Dad, you bought a new car again? It's so beautiful." Sean sat in the back seat and praised with a smile.

"Discerning, kid, this is a gift from your mother to me -" Mr. Wallop and his wife in the passenger seat looked at each other and smiled.

The car started and while looking at the road ahead, Mr. Wallop said: "We almost thought you wouldn't come back this Christmas. Ella was sulky for two days."

Sean smiled and stroked the hair of his sister who was leaning next to him: "I'm sorry, last year, the year before last... there were too many, I'm really sorry."

"No, don't be sorry. You have things you have to do on your own. Of course we will always support you. Of course - when you come back to spend Christmas with us, we will also prepare the best for you." Mrs. Wallop said gently said.

A warm current arose in Sean's heart: "Thank you, Mom."

"Oh, by the way -" Mr. Wallop suddenly remembered something, "Do you like that car? Ella chose the color."

Sean smiled and said, "Of course I like it. To be honest, I drove the car around twice after it was delivered. Unfortunately, there seems to be no smooth road next to Hogwarts."

"After all, wizards fly -" Mr. Wallop nodded seriously, "Oh, by the way, there's this."

He threw over a small book, and Sean opened it and saw that it was his driver's license book.

With such a "Muggle-like" thing in his hands, Sean actually felt a little dazed.

"You know how to drive a car anyway, so I asked someone to get one for you - wizards don't need this, right? However, as a child of the Wallop family, you still need to abide by the law."

"But I didn't even take the exam—"

"Ahem, that's not important..."

Back at the Wallop family's villa, the maids immediately came to greet them and took over all the luggage.

"It's nice to see you, Jenny." Sean said to a maid with a gentle expression and capable movements.

"Me too, Master. Do you want to drink something first?" Jenny smiled and bowed.

"It's okay, you can do whatever you want - oh, a familiar home." Sean sighed with emotion.

In other timelines of annihilation, I am afraid that such a lively scene would no longer be possible in the Wallop family.

Parents, sister, Jenny...

Sean pursed his lips and put on a smile again: "I'm so hungry, I think I can eat a cow now."


Christmas is here, and the Wallop family has been decorated early with lights and colorful lights. A beautiful Christmas tree is placed in the living room. Sean casts a magic and turns a small statue into a dancing angel. The little angel becomes a dancing angel. Flying and dancing on the top of the Christmas tree, shining golden light from time to time.

Sean, who rarely had time to relax, sat on the carpet in the living room and taught his sister some simple magic.

Ella will be eleven next year, and will also receive the admission notice from Hogwarts next summer. Her magical talent has already been revealed, and there will be another witch in the Wallop family.

This makes the Wallops a little melancholy. Their two children are both wizards. Even though they have long accepted the reality and fully support their children, they still feel a little confused.

However, Ella didn't think so much. She had longed for the magical world.

The little girl who pestered Sean to eat dessert now has a bit of a slim beauty now, but when she sees her brother's magic, she will still jump up with excitement, just like always.

"Sean, why can you use magic without a wand?" Ella held Sean's wand, so just now Sean cast spells silently without a wand.

Sean shook his finger: "This requires a lot of practice and firm inner emotions. Of course, when you first start learning magic, the wand is still your best partner."

Ella nodded. She looked at her brother's wand again, and then said with slight disgust: "Sean, your wand is too ugly."

Sean didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Do you know the origin of my wand, and you just say it's ugly?"

As if in response to Sean's words, the wand trembled a few times, and a spark appeared on the tip of the wand.

"Look, it's not happy-" Sean spread his hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Wand, I was talking about my brother's aesthetics, not what you meant -" Ella's little mind was still spinning very fast.

"Ha, it's useless -" Sean deliberately wanted to tease his sister, "I decided not to take you to buy a wand next year. You should start learning to cast spells without a wand from now on."

Who knows, Ella, who was lying on the carpet, shook her little butt proudly: "No need! Sister Stephanie has promised me that she will help me create a wand that only belongs to me, and she will also Being able to develop my own wand based on my own habits and preferences.”

Sean leaned back helplessly: "You two have a lot of contact..."

"Sister Stephanie said that she specifically went to a place outside Hogwarts to call me." Ella said proudly.

"She dotes on you so much-" Sean shook his head.

"This is an exchange of love -" Ella shook her finger at her brother like a little adult.

"Okay, okay, as long as you're happy." Sean's tone couldn't help but take on a doting tone.

As the little princess of the family, Ella was favored by everyone, and in the wizarding world, she had also met a group of Sean's friends early on.

Not only Stephanie, but Sean also knew that this little guy was also connected to Hermione and Daisy.

This little girl is even smarter than Sean. She calls her sister every time and is extremely diligent. The three girls can't wait to take Ella home and raise her as their own sister.

The same goes for others. Because the children have a good relationship and the Wallop family has a very good attitude, even the adults often interact with each other - the magic skin care product Mrs. Wallop now uses was made by Lily.

Ella, who has a sweet mouth and is the most flattering one, is the one who is loved the most. All kinds of gifts come out one after another - the owl she and Hermione wrote to was given by Sirius...

"You are much more powerful than your brother in riding multiple boats..." Sean sighed with admiration.

Ella smiled sweetly at him. She had finished mocking her brother just now, and now it was time to start trying to please her again.

"Brother~ If you want anything to drink, I'll get it for you!"

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Ella waved the wand in her hand sheepishly: "Teach me magic?"

Sean raised his eyebrows: "You are not old enough yet."

"But there is already magic in my body - what Uncle Sirius said last time." Ella blinked innocently.

Okay, everything is shaken out...

Sean changed his posture helplessly: "Okay, what do you want to learn?"

Ella immediately became excited. She crawled to Sean's side, her eyes full of anticipation: "Is there any magic that is particularly beautiful, powerful, and cool?"

"The human heart is weak and a snake swallows an elephant. You know how to be greedy -" Sean sat up and thought for a while, "Let's start with the beginner."

Ella was slightly disappointed, but still nodded.

"The simplest and one of the most commonly used spells in daily life -" Sean let Ella get used to using his wand first, while he stretched out a finger.

"Illuminating spell - look at the arc of my finger, remember?"

Ella imitated his example and paddled back and forth a few times before nodding seriously.

Sean's eyes were slightly surprised. This must be his sister's first time, right? But her movements of waving the wand were very standard, and she did a good job of pausing at various points.

I didn't think I was that accurate back then, right?

With some expectation, Sean continued: "It's a wand wave, and then of course we need to-"

"Spell!" Ella shouted excitedly.

"That's right, read after me - Lumos"


"Yes, remember not to prolong the last note, so that your spell can maintain higher accuracy - when you recite it, you must have a strong desire in your heart, and you need your own magic wand to light up the front for you. This This emotion is the key to resonating with magic.”

Listening to Sean's words, Ella closed her eyes and tried it, and then said in surprise: "Sean! Sean! I feel it! Something strange is flowing inside my body, and then it wants to get out of my arm!"

Sean was even more surprised. It was his first time learning that he could sense the fluctuations of magic power so clearly?

He also became serious now: "Remember the feeling just now, and then combine the movements and spells to let the magic burst out."

Ella nodded, then raised Sean's wand. She paused for a moment, and then said seriously: "Lumos"

A bright light emerged from the tip of the staff.

The brother and sister looked at each other. Ella jumped up first, with excitement on her face: "I succeeded! I succeeded! Dad, Mom, look, I've used the magic spell!"

Ella raised her wand and went to show off to her parents, leaving Sean with a surprised look on his face.

The magic spell was successfully used on the first try... Although Sean's wand is very powerful, the wand itself recognizes its owner and will not work in the hands of others, that is, Sean's own sister. Otherwise, he might not even want to move his wand.

Ella's performance was completely beyond Sean's expectations.

"Is my sister the real magic genius?" Sean scratched his head.

Surprised, when Ella ran back excitedly holding the wand, Sean discovered that the light at the top of the wand did not dim at all, and even tended to get brighter.

"The source of magic power is also very powerful..."

"How is it?! Brother! Am I amazing?" Ella looked over expectantly.

"That's awesome, Ella," Sean said sincerely.


Sean laughed out loud: "It's forbidden - come on, let's try something else."

"The cool kind?"

"If you can meet my requirements, it's very cool - it's not impossible." (End of Chapter)


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