I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 731 Get to know me, my teacher is Grindelwald

The old man and the young man exchanged curses mercilessly, and finally ended with Sean's defeat.

This old immortal is really cruel... Sean thought as he rubbed his stiff shoulders.

If you quarrel, just quarrel. How can you use the powerful magic you developed? It’s really not particular...

Grindelwald on the opposite side opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood-red mist, cursing: "You are such an uncouth boy, you actually cursed the teacher with boiling blood?"

"It has no effect on you." Sean grinned.

The two stared at each other for a while, and then lazily leaned against the chimney.

Christmas snowflakes fell on their shoulders, and no one cast a spell.

Grindelwald looked at the bright moon in the distance and said in a leisurely tone, "This is probably the last peaceful Christmas."

Sean turned his head slightly: "Any clues?"

"According to my recent investigation, Haierbo has already begun to gather an army."

"Assemble the army..." Sean chewed the word silently, and then said with a little doubt, "I have always been curious, what form does Haierbo's army take in the real world? Dementors, the Mouth of Silence, the ability to use... A cursed half-ghost?”

Grindelwald took out a glass of mulled wine out of thin air. He took a sip and said while shaking the goblet: "The details are not clear yet, but what you mentioned must be indispensable... But these are not the key. The key is that those who have My own memories, my own curses, my own feelings, but my old friends will still become enemies..."

Grindelwald's voice was light, but the snowflakes seemed to become violent.

Sean fell silent, he knew what the other person was talking about.

Halbo has the ability to "pollute" the souls of the dead, and Grindelwald doesn't care about anyone else, except Dumbledore.

There is a high probability that Dumbledore has been caught by Helbo, and "contamination" seems to be an inescapable situation.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered something: "No, teacher... I remember Professor Dumbledore told me that Haierbo's 'pollution' can be removed?"

Grindelwald nodded: "Of course... Albus is indeed a genius. His attainments in ancient runes are much better than mine. When we first saw 'pollution', it was him who The solution is just that the price is not small..."

"The price is not small..." Sean paused, and then his eyes widened, "Is that that time? In the second grade, Professor Dumbledore's hand suddenly turned black. I thought it was some kind of powerful spell. ?”

"That's when Albus met a... well, a wizard who was quite famous in history. Of course, the other person had been dead for hundreds of years. That guy was an alchemist, and his soul suddenly He returned and attacked his descendants’ alchemy workshop, almost killing all of his descendants.”

Grindelwald curled his lips and seemed to be a little disdainful: "Albus happened to be passing by at that time and saved the group of unlucky people who were almost slaughtered by the ancestors - well, a polluted soul is not too imprisoned. The rational choice is to eliminate it directly as its best destination."

"But Albus insisted on not wanting to do that. He paid a heavy price and somehow 'purified' the 'pollution' of that soul. He is really a kind wizard..." Grindelwald's tone was laced with emotion. Some dissatisfaction.

Sean asked slightly confused: "Why did Professor Dumbledore do this?"

Grindelwald glanced at him and said casually: "The polluted soul does not return as a ghost when it returns to the world. If it is directly destroyed with pollution, then its soul cannot even return to the underworld. Probably in the true sense Let it be wiped out... In extraordinary times, extraordinary things must be done, but your beloved Professor Dumbledore was not willing to let innocent souls suffer such treatment, and cleared the pollution at the cost of his own life force."

Sean suddenly understood, no wonder Grindelwald was so dissatisfied. He would never do this, because from a profit perspective, the pay and gain of this kind of behavior are completely out of proportion, and after all, the other party has been dead for many years.

After thinking about it for a while, Sean realized that his choice would probably be the same as Grindelwald's.

It is true that being contaminated was not the original intention of those innocent people, but the other party had become an enemy after all. If he had to consume his own life force to redeem the other party, Sean asked himself that he could not do it.

Seeing his expression, Grindelwald smiled: "Looking at your look, I know what you are thinking. Ha, I have confidence in you on this point. You don't have those unnecessary kindnesses."

Sean nodded: "Is this probably why Professor Dumbledore is more respected?"

"Probably, it's probably more than that..." Grindelwald's tone was either mocking or helpless.

"In that case -" Sean said doubtfully, "Suppose Halbo's army comes and Professor Dumbledore is among them, we can at least save him...wait..."

Sean was suddenly startled, and then discovered something he hadn't noticed.

People who have been cleared of pollution will directly return to the underworld...that means...

Grindelwald sneered: "You are not that stupid. You finally remembered... It is not difficult to catch the contaminated Albus. After all, he is already in a soul state, and clearing Albus' body of Contamination is not a problem, it’s just vitality—heh, the problem is that after it is cleared, he will directly return to the underworld. Hey, there are still so many troubles in this world, so he can’t expect to die so easily. "

You have such a tough mouth...

Sean sighed, of course he understood, or this was what he wanted to see.

He hoped that Professor Dumbledore could return and be resurrected in some way. However, judging from the current situation, all this has become a mirror in the mirror.

If the contamination is not removed, Professor Dumbledore will be his enemy. If the contamination is removed, Professor Dumbledore will completely lose all possibility of resurrection.

At the moment Professor Dumbledore was discovered in order to pass important information back, this ending seemed to be doomed...

The two fell into a brief silence. It seemed that there was no way to solve this problem.

Grindelwald looked at the night sky with snowflakes constantly passing by for a while, and finally chuckled: "There is nothing to worry about, people like Albus... he should have a backup plan..."

This statement is not entirely certain. After all, Haierbo's power in the illusion is almost unstoppable. However, the teacher and student can only firm up this idea now.

Grindelwald drank the mulled wine in his hand nonchalantly, and squinted his eyes: "Let's go, I'll take you to see something interesting."


Grindelwald put his hand on Sean's shoulder, and after a moment of spinning that was enough to stun the troll, they stood on solid ground again.

Sean shook his head and looked around.

It seemed to be halfway up a mountain, but the sky was just getting bright, and the fog was lingering around, giving it a slightly chilly feel.

"Where is this place?" Sean asked.

Grindelwald led him towards the top of the mountain and said as he walked: "An area controlled by the Australian Ministry of Magic."

"Australia?" Sean's temples twitched.

You apparated with people and teleported directly to a place that is nine hours away from the UK...Are you a little too outrageous?

Grindelwald didn't look tired at all. He stepped on the broken branches and thick layers of rotten leaves in the mountains, and walked up leisurely.

Sean followed him: "Is there a magic barrier around it?"

Grindelwald nodded: "It's hard to detect, right? It took about a month to build the magic barrier here, and two-thirds of the wizards from the Australian Ministry of Magic have been working here."

"I see, what do you mean?" Sean was stunned.

"Yes, this is a magical place. Of course, it is also the so-called 'Kingdom of God' in the mouth of the gods. The entrance to the tangled illusion is now monitored by my people around the clock, and the 'King of God' has a certain connection with the tangled illusion. If Haierbo wants If you want to do some infiltration before the army arrives, then these kingdoms of God are the best smuggling routes."

"The magic barrier here has almost no defense capabilities. It has only one function, to call the police - so no wizard has permission to pass through the barrier here, including me."

Sean followed Grindelwald's footsteps and climbed up: "If you use magic, you will be noticed? What if the other party only crawls like we do now?"

"We can do it, but those idiots who came out of the trance just now can't do it," Grindelwald sneered. "The trance is full of free magic, and they can't clean it away. So, in this magical place, As long as there is an existence with magic power, I will know it immediately."

He pointed to the distance, and Sean looked over. It seemed to be a flat land on the other side of the mountain, and it looked empty.

"My most elite wizards are stationed there 24 hours a day. Haha, if they join forces, you probably won't get much benefit - and the moment I received the news," he waved his palm, The mark of the saint flashed across the back of his hand, "They will know it immediately."

Sean nodded: "The safest and most complete strategy."

The two quickened their pace and soon reached the top of the mountain. Here they could see the remains of some buildings, which seemed to have been recently destroyed.

Grindelwald introduced casually: "This was originally a magic building of the Australian Ministry of Magic, but because the magic building also produces magic when it runs automatically, and the magic is mixed and difficult to distinguish, I had it demolished. .”

Sean: "..."

You are so direct...

"However, this place was originally part of a magic venue, and it was used to build a magic building because of its special nature. You can use magic inside - so I carved an additional rune circle inside, and everyone inside Everyone's magic power will be suppressed, including me. In this case, if the stowaway rat happens to appear here, it won't be able to exert its strength. Well, that's my person in the middle."

Sean looked in the direction Grindelwald pointed, and there was indeed a group of wizards wearing International Federation of Wizards uniforms there. They looked very busy, but also in order.

However, in the other direction of the crowd, there is also a group of wizards wearing blue, red and white robes. That group of people seems to have a hard time dealing with the people from the International Federation of Wizards. You can see the attitudes of the two groups in the part bordering the two sides. All average.

"Is that someone from the Australian Ministry of Magic?" Sean asked curiously.

Grindelwald's eyes turned slightly cold: "A bunch of idiots——"

"Is there anyone who doesn't listen to you now?" Sean asked in surprise.

Grindelwald sneered: "There will never be a shortage of people who think highly of themselves in this world. Most of the wizards in Australia are a mixture of local indigenous wizards and wizards from other continents. They haven't learned many good things, and they have learned everything from being superior to others. I haven't done much recently. Pay attention here, it seems that I was a little too kind to them when I first came here."

As he said that, he looked at the group of people under him with dissatisfaction: "In troubled times, you should use heavy code, but you can still be bullied to come here."

"Are you going to deal with them?" Sean said.

Grindelwald turned his head and suddenly smiled: "Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

Sean shrugged: "I came with you, I'll do the dirty work, isn't it suitable?"

"Stop talking nonsense and go quickly."

"Don't kick me, you old man is so rude."

Sean was kicked out, and the movement immediately attracted the attention of the two groups.

Grindelwald's group immediately became on guard. Two of the leaders pointed their wands at Sean: "Strange wizard, take off all your clothes and put your wand on the ground! Immediately! Now!"

Sean shrugged: "Don't fire, we're on our own."

"I don't want to do it again, now, right now!"

Sean rolled his eyes, waved his wand, and dark blue flames roared up.

This unique magic spell that belongs to Grindelwald cannot be simply imitated, and Sean's move immediately proved his identity.

The leader breathed a sigh of relief. Although the wand was still raised, his tone was already more respectful: "Are you sent by Lord Grindelwald?"

Sean put away the flame and made up a job title casually: "I am the inspector. Mr. Grindelwald sent me to check the situation."

"Please! Mr. Inspector!"

Sean walked towards the camp, but before he could shake hands with the leader, a magic spell was shot at his feet.

"Inspector? Why didn't we receive the notice?" A middle-aged man with an arrogant expression lazily shook the wand in his hand.

The leader of the International Federation of Wizards is Monsa Lana. He sternly said: "Are you questioning Lord Grindelwald's exclusive curse?! Reynolds?!"

Reynolds sneered: "We belong to the Australian Ministry of Magic, we are just cooperating with Mr. Grindelwald in joint operations."

"You are very courageous..." Mengsa Lana's eyes immediately became dangerous.

Sean stopped in front of him and looked across with a smile: "Are you dissatisfied with Mr. Grindelwald?"

"I don't dare." The other party replied lazily.

"That means you are dissatisfied with me?"

Reynolds shook his eyebrows: "I didn't receive any information about you -"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that his robe had turned into a terrifying python at some point, and the python's sharp teeth were already pressed against his throat.

"Let's get to know each other -" Sean smiled brightly, "My teacher is Grindelwald."

Just reload it after ten minutes, sorry.

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