I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 743 I’m not tough. If you don’t believe me, ask me about my girlfriend.

In the carriage, a girl was staring excitedly at the flowerpot in front of her.

There was a flowerpot in front of her and another boy, with a balloon plant growing in it.

This plant will expand whenever touched, until it finally explodes and covers its owner with ichor.

Wizards often use this thing to play, just like Russian roulette. Whoever explodes in front of them first loses. Because the pus contains a lot of toxins, the person who is soaked will have rashes all over the body, so it is also contraband. one.

The boy excitedly touched the plant in front of the girl again: "Hey, it was almost-"

"It's my turn, it's my turn - but did you hear anything just now?"

"No, hurry up, hurry up - there must be a winner between the two of us, and the student union president who will be inspecting the car will be here in a while..."


The Christmas vacation is over, but Hogwarts still retains some festive atmosphere. The Christmas tree in the auditorium has still not been removed - there is also a gnome dressed as a little angel tied to the top.

The unfortunate guy hasn't eaten anything during the entire Christmas holiday, and now he can't even lift his paws.

A girl came to Sean, hoping that the kind-hearted teaching assistant Mr. Wallop could save the poor little thing.

"Professor Wallop, that little guy is so pitiful, please save it... We don't know Professor Hagrid very well..." the girls said pitifully.

After all, Hagrid's size and his performance in the Care of Magical Creatures class meant that junior students who didn't know him were generally quite afraid of him.

In comparison, Mr. Wallop, the tall, handsome and powerful gentle assistant teacher, is obviously a better choice - Professor Wallop is gentle most of the time, and his strict requirements are only placed above the classroom.

In the grades taught by Professor Wallop, more than half of the young girls would take out photos in their free time - Sean didn't know which bastard was selling his photos. The key is that you sell photos. The owner of the photo was not happy that he did not receive any dividends.

Sean was happy to help with all kinds of insignificant requests. After hearing the pleas of several girls, Sean went straight to catch the goblin.

The unlucky guy was painted gold, and a small halo was tied to his big bald head, disguised as a little angel and shining for everyone.

Anyway, Sean felt that if the little angel looked like this, there would be a high probability that not many people would believe in the Lord.

Sean grabbed the gnome and went to the yard, and several girls followed him happily - they now felt that Professor Wallop's image in their minds was greater.

Then Sean stood in the yard and threw the goblin into the sky, burning it up.

Several girls were dumbfounded and ran away crying.

Sean was very puzzled. This goblin was ugly and a pest, so he gave it a happy end. Wasn't that kind enough?

Anyway, this is considered saved, right? Sean felt that he was really a kind person, and he couldn't care less about the crying girls.

Hermione, who had been watching, gave Sean a speechless look. This guy was usually so smart, but why did he suddenly become so coquettish and devoid of any love at all?

But I have to say that when those girls gathered around and begged Sean for help, she still felt a little unhappy in her heart.

But after those girls ran away crying, she felt much happier again.

Sean stole a glance at Hermione and then smiled with satisfaction.

Just as he was preparing the auditorium, he happened to see two figures walking out of the courtyard.

It was already night time, the visibility was not very good, and there was still light snow falling in the sky, so it was difficult to see who was coming.

Sean squinted his eyes and took a look subconsciously. The visitors seemed to be a man and a woman. He didn't know why they didn't even hold an umbrella.

What’s even more strange is that girls sometimes put their arms around boys’ shoulders or necks, like coquettish girlfriends, and sometimes wave their hands to hit him, like enemies from two lifetimes.

Just by looking at the style, Sean could probably guess who it was.

No wonder I haven't seen these two people since I arrived at school...

Hermione was also looking at the side curiously, and analyzed: "You are coming back from outside so late, so you must not be a student, but it seems that all the faculty and staff of our school are already at the long table in the classroom... Are these two lovers? Although it doesn’t look like it, it should be...this action...Senior Sherlock, and Colton?"

Sean smiled and nodded, and it was only these two enemies who could come back to fight like this.

Sean was quite curious. Not only did he give Colton some advice, he also turned around and told Sherlock a little lie. Under normal circumstances, the two of them would have something to say after dancing at the Christmas ball. Talk to the other person.

Sean made a small plan, and the requirements were not high. He just wanted these two emotional idiots to realize their feelings for each other. As long as they realize this, according to their personalities, they should not be able to escape.

Sure enough, as he and Hermione looked curiously, a man and a woman walked into the courtyard from outside.

The girl who had just been flirting with him suddenly jumped up and locked the boy's neck directly, cursing: "You shameless thing, how dare you be angry with me after you kissed me? You and I are incompatible."

Sean and Hermione couldn't help but look at each other - Sherlock is indeed still the same...

The person who was choked was naturally Colton. The face of the cold-faced elite man was a little blue due to the chokehold, but he was still talking calmly: "I'm not angry with you. This is proof of our relationship. Yes, yes...cough cough cough...uh-"

"What is it? Are you talking?" The shame on Sherlock's face flashed across his face, and he shouted.

After all, Sean couldn't stand it anymore: "Um, senior sister, if you choke him, Colton will most likely be speechless..."

Only then did Sherlock notice two people standing in the corridor of the yard, it was Sean and Hermione.

She subconsciously let go of her hand, then walked away from Colton as if she didn't know him, and said to the two of them enthusiastically: "What a coincidence, you are back? Did you have a good Christmas? It's cold here. , hurry back to the auditorium."

Sean \u0026 Hermione: "..."

Are you going to pretend that you don’t know Colton now? I have always been suppressed by Colton’s IQ before. This is not unreasonable...

Colton coughed twice, rubbed his neck calmly, and then nodded to Sean: "You saved my life again, Sean."

Sean smiled and waved: "You're welcome - what are you doing?"

Sherlock's face immediately turned red, and before she could react, Colton took a step forward: "Yes, she is my girlfriend now."

Sherlock's feet gave way, and he immediately pounced on Colton with bared teeth and claws, and said angrily: "I haven't agreed yet!"

Colton calmly adjusted his clothes, and at the same time, he cast an iron armor spell: "I kissed you, and I am responsible for you."

Sherlock became increasingly embarrassed, but Colton's Iron Armor Curse was only a thin layer - he was afraid that the full version of the Iron Armor Curse would really break Sherlock's teeth and nails.

If he used the wand to lift it, he would definitely hurt Colton behind him... Just spank and scold him, there is no need to hurt anyone - Sherlock would be so angry that his teeth would itch.

And Hermione covered her mouth, a surprise smile immediately filling her face: "Oh, my God - you are really together? Congratulations!"

Sean waved his finger, and a fireworks tube appeared in his hand.

"Bang -" the fireworks exploded and Sean clapped his hands, "Congratulations."

Sherlock was annoyed for a while, and had to give up her intention of pretending that she didn't know Colton. She glanced at the latter angrily, and could only hold her nose and admit it: "I'm really blind... …”

Colton said seriously: "I will help you cure it."

"Get out!" Sherlock rolled his eyes at his new boyfriend angrily, but she reacted a little better now.

Now that I have admitted it...

She immediately stepped over, making the snow crunch.

"Sean! You lied to me!" Sherlock's eyes widened, a look of pain on his face.

Sean spread his hands: "I'm trying to help you understand your own heart."

Colton also came up behind: "Sean, you lied to me too."

"Huh?" Sean tilted his head.

Colton came up and held Sean's hand firmly: "It's a good trick - you are really a genius."

Sherlock immediately got angry and said, "Okay, you didn't tell me - you asked Sean beforehand, right?"

Colton looked calm: "If I tell you, you will only be angry at yourself for being a fool, but it's okay. Even I was deceived by Sean, so it's not surprising that you were deceived."

My tongue is not as sharp as before, but my mouth still smells bad...

Sherlock was going crazy: "Bite you to death, you bastard!"

Hermione quickly grabbed her: "Forget it, senior sister."

Colton ignored the anger of his new girlfriend. He held Sean's hand sincerely: "Thank you, Sean. Sure enough, many things become more complicated when both parties find that the other party has realized something. It’s become simpler.”

"Simple? Didn't you say that you had been struggling for several days? Your original plan was to just be my friend for the rest of your life." Sherlock immediately became dissatisfied.

Colton's face didn't change at all: "I came up with this to get Sean to help me - I'm sorry, Sean, I lied to you too."

Sean was shocked and looked Colton up and down: "Why didn't I think you were so thick-skinned before...you have such a tough mouth!"

Colton kept a straight face and said flirtatious words: "It's not hard, it's soft. If you don't believe me, you can ask my new girlfriend."

Sherlock rolled his eyes and almost rolled his eyes to the sky. He didn't even care about being embarrassed at this moment: "Colton, do you still want to show your face?"

Colton showed a rare look of pride: "No - Sean, I'm so lucky. After falling in love, I suddenly felt relaxed and I can continue to fight her."

Sean \u0026 Hermione: "..."

The two of them felt at the same time that this guy didn't look so cold anymore, but rather a little heartless...

Is this what emotional idiots do when they fall in love?

As expected, Charlotte was so angry that smoke was coming out of her ears.

But she also seemed to realize that she would never be able to defeat Colton with words alone.

She snorted coldly, and then her expression changed, from a sassy elder sister to a shy girl.

Sean immediately noticed that Colton's expression became unnatural.

Charlotte bit her lip and leaned over, the cunning in her eyes flashed, and then she asked in a light tone: "Colton, do you like me very much?"

This sentence seemed to hit Colton's weakness, and his expression became visibly awkward.

"Don't use such crude tricks." His mouth was still hard, but his Adam's apple twitched hard a few times.

Sherlock's eyes were smug, and he didn't even care that Sean and Hermione were still there. He took advantage of the victory and said, "Then do you want to listen to me..."

Sean took Hermione's hand and walked away. As he walked away, he said angrily: "I've been fooled. These two bastards are here to show their affection..."

Hermione subconsciously held Sean's hand tightly, and when she realized it, she couldn't break free even if she wanted to.

A couple who had just established a relationship were having fun there that only they knew, while another couple was hurried back to the auditorium.

When the door of the auditorium was close at hand, Hermione quickly broke away from Sean's hand and hesitated: "It's not good to be seen by others... let's go and eat quickly."

Sean was not annoyed either. He waved his hand briskly and followed Hermione in with a smile.

The dinner was quite pleasant. In order to welcome the students back, Professor McGonagall had the kitchen prepare a very sumptuous meal - with the large number of international students in Hogwarts, the house elves learned many foreign dishes.

Sean had reason to suspect that the only oasis in Britain's food desert right now was Hogwarts.

After dinner, the students all began to feel sleepy. After Professor McGonagall announced that the dinner was over, everyone began to lazily walk to the dormitory.

When Sean walked out of the auditorium, he took a look. Hagrid was chatting excitedly with West. Professor Scamander seemed to be dozing in his seat, but in fact his ears were twitching - he had to prevent it. These two terrible guys are destroying the innocent world.

I have to do my part... Sean sighed secretly.

"You two go back and rest first, I'll go out for a while."

After speaking to Hermione and Daisy, Sean quietly slipped out of the castle.

He was not doing it for anything else, but for the two hidden monsters given to Hagrid.

It's really not safe to leave it at Hagrid's place. If some kind of invisible, flying and ferocious monster appears, Sean will have to take full responsibility.

When he arrived at school, he found an excuse to give Hagrid a set of dragon skin equipment to make up for his Christmas gift.

Hagrid was still in the castle, and Sean flew all the way to his hut.

Very good, there is no one, even that coward Yaya is hiding in the room.

Sean walked around the hut and quickly located the location of the Hidden Monsters - Hagrid built a small shed for the two Hidden Monsters and locked them inside.

Without any effort, Sean brought the hidden monster out again and locked it into the ring again.

After doing this, Sean whistled in a relaxed mood and prepared to go back to the castle.

Just two steps out, he paused on the spot, then narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.


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