"Why did we gather in the middle of the night..."

"I don't know. The professors came here to inform me. The prefects came to the dormitory one by one and shouted -"

"It's broken. Is there another enemy invasion?"

"It's possible, let's get closer..."

"Where is Professor Wallop? Will you hide next to Professor Wallop then?"

"Don't be stupid, Professor Wallop will definitely not be responsible for guarding in this situation."

The lights of Hogwarts Castle were brightly lit in the middle of the night, and all the students who had climbed into bed were shouted out.

They put on thick robes over their pajamas and nightgowns and gathered nervously into the common room.

However, under the reform of Hogwarts' education policy, although the students were nervous and panicked, there was no chaos, let alone the big-hearted fools who stayed in bed unable to get up like before.

In the Ravenclaw lounge, a neatly dressed Hermione was counting the number of people in the common room.

After confirming that it was correct, she reported to Professor Flitwick who came here: "Professor Flitwick, the number of Ravenclaws is okay - well, it's not that there is no problem. Sean is not here, one less."

Professor Flitwick said sharply: "Mr. Wallop has his own mission - Miss Granger, I need you to ensure that all students are in the common room at all times. Even if they go to the bathroom, multiple people need to go together and be accompanied by prefects." .”

"I understand, Professor Flitwick," Hermione said with a serious nod.

"Besides -" Professor Flitwick looked around for a moment, then waved his wand.

Invisible ripples spread from his wand to the entire periphery of the common room.

"Let the senior students stay at the edge and keep an eye on several passages, including the passages to the dormitories. If anything happens, notify them immediately!"

Are there enemies appearing silently anywhere in the castle? Hermione realized something and nodded seriously.

Leaving a professor in charge of guarding, Professor Flitwick hesitated and called a few names: "Daisy Potter, Capone Roman, Campbell Axton..."

The students taught by Professor Flitwick were of different grades, but they all had one thing in common: they were the best among the students, and basically everyone had a close relationship with Sean.

Hermione waited for a while. All the students whose names were called came to the front to gather, but her name was not called.

Professor Flitwick glanced sideways and explained: "This is the student named by Sean. Hogwarts Castle is too big to be defended by the staff alone. Sean proposed to let the students help defend the castle." Several places in Gwarts are led by professors - Miss Granger, I understand your excellence, but you need to be responsible for co-ordination."

Hermione was a little disappointed, but still nodded seriously. She understood her responsibilities.

Professor Flitwick added in a low voice: "Shaun asked me to tell you that the student body needs someone who can lead them."

When Professor Flitwick led the students whose names were called out of the passage, Hermione raised the corner of her mouth slightly and lowered it, and then a suggestive look flashed in her eyes.

"Everyone, follow my command——"

At this moment, Hogsmeade was also on alert. Adult wizards lived here, and they gathered in the central square of Hogsmeade town with their wands.

Aberforth Dumbledore is responsible for the command of Hogsmeade: "What we mainly guard is the passage. Our first goal is to detect unusual magic fluctuations and then quickly send a signal-"

Aurelius stood on the highest roof of Hogsmeade. One of his hands turned into black mist-like particles, slowly winding and floating around his body.

Nagini stood beside him, looking slightly nervous: "Sean said that there may be a mouth of silence among the incoming enemies... You have to be careful, Orui."

Aurelius scanned the surroundings with falcon-like eyes, and nodded seriously: "Don't worry, I met that guy once, and I won't take the bait again this time... Obscurus can sense the suppression of the Mouth of Silence, Now it can be used as an alarm."

As he was talking, two huge shadows suddenly passed quickly in the night sky high up. Aurelius raised his head and glanced: "Is that Sean's fire dragon?"

"Well -" It was Stephanie who spoke. She was standing on the roof on the other side, the end of her pure white robe swaying in the night sky.

She just met Sean and learned more about the situation.

The enemies we face this time may be a huge army that suddenly appears, or they may be spies who want to sneak in quietly. However, they can only appear through the Kingdom of God, that is, Hogwarts.

No matter what, those of them who live in Hogwarts must keep their spirits high. Whether it's a head-on confrontation or catching the mouse, this is the signal before Halpo is about to return.

The silver-haired girl couldn't help but look in the direction of the Forbidden Forest - only Sean was guarding there.

There is indeed only one person, Sean, but there is more than Sean alone in terms of guarding power.

Merlin's ashes lasted for a full twelve hours, and the terrifying jungle that Hogwarts was proud of lost almost all its magic, which was a fatal blow to all wizards.

However, magical animals still have powerful bodies and sharp claws after losing their magic power, and they will only become more dangerous at this moment.

At this moment, Sean has used his Gryffindor authority, coupled with his ridiculously high affinity with magical animals, the magical animals in the Forbidden Forest have been dispatched en masse, constantly shuttling and patrolling in the dense forest.

Sean used the flying spell to shuttle back and forth across the passages between the three major areas: Forbidden Forest, Hogsmeade, and Hogwarts.

The Forbidden Forest is the most likely place for enemies to appear. However, it is now a magic-free environment and is also the place where Sean's power is strongest. If enemies appear from there, Sean is not that worried.

What he was most worried about was the enemy's appearance of a few little mice from uninhabited corners of Hogwarts. If the enemy only wanted to sneak into this world, then he would be even more passive.

Against the icy night wind, Sean kept scanning the ground. He had drank night vision potion and eagle eye potion. Coupled with his unusually keen magic perception, as long as a magical creature appeared, it would appear to him like a magic creature. An infrared image outline appears.

"It's been an hour...no movement yet..." Sean looked at the time on his watch with a calm expression.

He was not in a hurry at all, and he could almost believe that Haierpo had come up with such a strange thing and would never let it go to waste.

He has plenty of patience.

Just after flying over Hagrid's hut, Sean's expression suddenly changed and he looked in the direction of Hogwarts Castle.

The enemy has appeared!

However, Sean did not immediately support him. He believed that the professors in the castle and the students he named could withstand the enemy's pressure.

He had to consider whether a vanguard would appear to attract attention and allow some mice to sneak in secretly.

At the same time, there was a commotion in Hogsmeade.

A group of patrolling wizards had just sent out a signal, and the area in the central square shook violently!

"The enemy is attacking!" Aberforth's loud voice spread throughout the wizard village.

The flat stone road undulated like waves, and huge cracks passed through the shops and fountains, directly dividing the Owl Post Office into two halves.

"Boom -" A huge explosion accompanied the fire, and the entire Owl Post Office exploded. Then, a large number of wizards wearing black hoods suddenly rushed out of the fire.

They were dressed in pitch black, with bare feet, and there was a mark of a python with a skeleton at the heart. The python's skull was flashing with a strange red light, and there was a hint of death in the madness.

Each of them held a short black wand, and as soon as they appeared, they launched a fierce attack on the residents of Hogsmeade.

Suddenly, the light of the curse burst out fiercely.

"Damn! There are still a lot of unsent letters in there!" The owner of the Owl Post Office was an old man with white hair. He roared and waved his wand, and the red light knocked away the nearest enemy.

However, just as he showed a slightly proud expression, the enemy who was knocked out unexpectedly stood up like a carp in the ruins, and the dark green magic light came straight to his heart!

"Don't be distracted! Old Hank!" The stone slab rose up, blocking the green light, and then exploded to pieces.

The frightened old Hank glanced gratefully at Aberforth, who was not far away, and shot back angrily.

All of a sudden, all kinds of magic spells were flying over Hogsmeade.

A group of Hogsmeade wizards patrolling the bridge were attacked by more than a dozen enemies. These guys suddenly flew out of the water and launched an attack without saying a word.

They barely resisted for a while, but their fists were no match for four hands. After a few rounds, the wand was knocked away into the river under the bridge.

"Stupid mortals-" A black hood sneered and raised his wand at them.

However, his spell did not come out, and the surrounding air shattered like a mirror, along with his right hand holding the wand.

"Ah——" He let out a scream, and the others immediately looked in the other direction.

"Returners..." A cold female voice sounded. Stephanie stood on the eaves holding the light blue thin wand. She glanced at the enemies with a hint of confusion in her voice, "They are all living wizards... …”

But the returnees obviously didn't want to chat with her. After a roar, dozens of magic spells suddenly appeared!

"Boom--" The huge explosion directly shattered the roof where Stephanie was standing.

However, even so, the returnees showed no signs of stopping, and the curse was cast as if it cost no money, directly razing the house to the ground.

"Mortal..." One of the returnees shook his hand, and then looked at his friend whose hand was severed in disgust, "Take him away to support the others -"

"That's my favorite breakfast restaurant..." An unhappy voice sounded from behind them.

The returnees felt a chill in their hearts, but they had obviously gone through a long period of training. Several of them immediately cast the Iron Armor Curse on the spot without even turning around. The transparent barrier formed a semicircle to wrap and protect all their teammates.

But how could Stephanie alert the enemy aloud when there was an opportunity for a sneak attack?

The air fluctuations in the semicircular barrier shattered. A group of returnees saw their companions turned into broken parts without even reacting. Then, they discovered that after the continuous intense pain, their vision became fragmented and divided into Ordered several copies.

They fell apart like dismembered pieces and collapsed on the spot.

Stephanie slowly emerged from the bridge.

Under her original spell, more than a dozen returnees didn't even have time to hold their breath, and they turned into parts all over the place.

What's even weirder is that not even a trace of blood seeps out from these broken limbs, as if all the blood is sealed in the cross-section.

The wizard who had just had one hand cut off became the only survivor. His eyes widened in horror, and then he swooped down, grabbed a wand with his still intact left hand, and pointed it at the silver-haired man who had his back to him. Witch.

Starting from the tip of the wand, to his nails, knuckles, palms, wrists, forearms... His left hand was evenly cut into thin slices only one centimeter thick.

He stared blankly at his "slipped" left hand, and then howled in pain.

Stephanie turned around and walked in front of the returnee with a calm expression: "Why are you alive?"

The returnees should be composed of half ghosts and magical creatures. Even if there are living people, there won't be too many, but all those who appear here are living wizards.

The returnee gasped for air, and the horror on his face slowly turned into resentment: "Stupid mortal, do you know who you are attacking..."

Before he finished speaking, one of his legs turned into a slice again.

Stephanie looked at the wailing man lying on the ground. She held up the light blue wand, and there was no wave in her eyes: "Can you please answer the question I just asked?"

"You, you all will be sacrifices when Master Haierbo returns!" Even at this time, the other party actually remained crazy.

"Forget it... let Sean have a headache then." Stephanie was just about to tie up the last returnee when suddenly, a magic spell shot out.

She jumped back nimbly. The magic spell didn't hit her, but it caused the returner to explode into a blood mist.

An eerie voice sounded: "Little girl, your original magic spell is very interesting...can you teach it to me?"

A withered, rotten face slowly appeared from the darkness. It was an old witch who was blind in one eye. She let out a harsh and sharp laugh, and the greed and malice in her one eye did not hide at all.

"If you want to learn, you can."

The one-eyed witch was stunned by the other party's answer, and then she let out a sharp laugh: "Okay, okay, I like you very much, little girl!"

Stephanie was about to answer, but she spotted a blood stain on the corner of her robe - it was the blood of the returnee who exploded just now.

Her expression suddenly turned cold.

"This robe is his favorite one I wear..."


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