I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 754 Am I the kind of person who doesn’t keep his word?

I went to Hogwarts after being spotted by Grindelwald. Main Volume Chapter 754: Am I the kind of person who keeps his word? "It's no wonder Haierbo thinks so highly of you. The speed of your brain is quite inconsistent with your not-so-smart appearance." Sean said happily.

He was wearing the kind of pure black robe that Voldemort often wore, and his whole body exuded an evil wave of black magic. If you ignored this face, anyone's first impression would be that he was an evil dark wizard.

Andros's lips twitched a few times, and his eyes quickly turned gray. He had the soul of his left hand cut off. Even in his prime, he was no match for this guy, let alone now?

It's impossible to escape even if you run, there's no need to waste your energy...

Moreover, strength was secondary, and the deep thoughts of the boy in front of him were what truly frightened him.

The other party understands human nature too well, and also knows how to destroy defenses and seize secrets.

Those behaviors that deliberately humiliate oneself are just to make one lose one's mind and at the same time infinitely amplify the feeling of powerlessness.

A drowning person will try his best to grasp the last straw, not to mention that this "straw" is "one of his own"?

Even, in order to reduce his suspicion, he also used the so-called "sneak attack" and "binding spell" as a cover, plus the operation of tearing off his own arm...

Pain, powerlessness, humiliation, anger, longing... countless emotions were added together, leaving him with no doubt that this Voldemort was pretending.

Andros laughed miserably and said with despair: "Including those magic spells that can act on the soul...you have already researched it, right? But you didn't use it the last time we met, just to wait for this moment, right? ...Haha, Voldemort is indeed the master of souls. You have learned a lot from him. Of course, I ignored the overlap between the two images. I was even happy that it 'just happened' to be Voldemort... because only Voldemort can be in the world. Save me from your hands..."

His tone couldn't help but become resentful: "Wallop, what a deep thought, what a vicious plan... Haha... I'm not as good as you..."

Sean rubbed his nose in confusion: "You are quite good at figuring things out. If I knew so many tricks before, how could I let you run away?"

Andrews' tone became more and more distressed, even filled with resentment: "Wallup, it's another lie... Do you still want to use me? No, I won't say anything, and I won't be fooled. Absolutely not. Will...absolutely not..."

"Is the trust between people so fragile? Am I the kind of person who breaks his word?" Sean said dissatisfiedly.

The plans are all improvised. Why does Andros think he has planned it for so long? My trust level is so low?

Andros calmed down at this time, and he no longer felt the harshness of such ridiculing words. He even glanced at Sean: "I'm not a human being."

Sean was in awe and gave him a thumbs up: "Awesome."

Andros sat there with his eyes closed: "You can escort me back. I won't run away. Of course, if you kill me now, I won't have any objections."

Sean sneered: "Tsk, Andros, we can discuss it - tell me all of Haierbo's plans, and I'll give you a happy one, how about it?"

Andros glanced at him with a sorrowful look like an ascetic monk: "Wallop, you are a smart man, but I am not stupid either. Do you still expect me to be deceived again?"

Sean narrowed his eyes: "How about making an unbreakable vow?"

Andros shook his head resolutely: "Either kill me, or imprison me and continue to torture me."

Sean was a little surprised. This guy was actually quite conscious - he did have the ability to do something when making an unbreakable oath. The main reason was that the opponent was a half-ghost and could control too many things. I didn't expect this guy to be able to do anything about it. Not even tempted.

Is my trust level that bad now? When I was in school, I was known for my sincerity!

Someone glared at Andros dissatisfiedly, and then he was completely petrified on the spot.

Sean also knew that whether Andros was overthinking or simply accepting his fate, it was unrealistic to dig out anything more from him.

He did not rush to find the so-called "Avalon" and "Glass Island", but waved his wand and disappeared.

Sean has great confidence in Hermione, who is in charge of coordination, but he needs to stabilize the morale of others.

In just a few blinks, Sean returned to Hogwarts Castle again. As soon as he landed, he closed his eyes and began to feel it.

Just when the Room of Requirement was transmitting the specific information about the castle during this period, rapid footsteps suddenly came from the corner of the empty corridor.

A returnee who was in a state of embarrassment was staggering away, with a huge wound on his chest and rancid blood slowly flowing out of it.

He looked extremely injured and had a look of horror on his face.

"It seems that I still need to end the battle at the end..."

Sean was about to raise his wand when he suddenly felt a familiar and huge magic force approaching quickly.

The corner of the slightly dim corridor quickly became brighter, and a silver fire dragon spread its wings and soared over.

Below the silver fire dragon is a girl with an angelic face and a devilish figure. At this moment, her pretty face is full of anger, and the wand in her hand is trembling slightly. When she turns the corner and sees the returner, she becomes furious. Di Jiao shouted: "How dare you say such arrogant words to my mother!"

The invisible blade penetrated the space. The returnee was already half dead and half alive. He tried to stretch out his wand to resist, but he was unable to resist the invisible blade in time.

His wand was broken into two pieces, and the cross section was as smooth as his body.

The upper half of the body slipped from the waist as if it had been smeared with butter, and then a large amount of rancid blood erupted.

"Huh!" Daisy snorted coldly, and the anger on her face eased.

Then she saw the boy standing at the other end of the corridor holding a wand.

Sean blinked and put away his wand: "It looks like I don't need to take action anymore."

Xiao Baihua's face turned red visibly, and the silver fire dragon turned into silver mist and disappeared into the air like exploding fireworks.

She didn't know what she was thinking, but she suddenly covered her arm and said hesitantly: "Sean, you're here, ah - I'm injured, uh, the spell just now was a malfunction of the wand. Already..."

Sean's temples twitched. He looked left and right, and then tentatively cooperated: "Well, thank you for your hard work - I'm here, are you not injured?"

The emotionless conversation left both of them speechless for a moment. Daisy then took back her hand and muttered unhappily: "Why did you happen to see it..."

Sean laughed and shook his head. He walked to Daisy and didn't pay attention to her pitiful expression. Instead, he took her hand and inspected it carefully.

Although he knew that it was just a "clumsy performance" by Xiao Baihua, Sean was still worried. He was relieved until he was sure that there was no wound on the girl's body. \u003cdivid='gc1'''\u003e\u003cscripttype='text/javascript'\u003etry{ggauto();}catch(ex){}\u003c/script\u003e

"Thank you for your hard work," Sean said warmly.

Daisy's eyes became soft and attached, she bit her lip and nodded: "Well, you have worked hard too."

"How is the situation in the castle?" Although the Room of Requirement had already passed the general information to him, Sean still asked.

"The overall effect is still very good..."

Listening to Xiao Baihua's description of the attack and defense in the castle, Sean nodded repeatedly. Hermione's plan was very good, and all the enemies in the castle were basically wiped out.

Of course, it's not all good news.

Xiao Baihua walked beside him, her expression a little solemn: "There are still casualties, although they are not serious... However, many enemies are... the relatives and friends of the students, faculty and staff in the school who have passed away. Everyone's mood It’s all heavy.”

Sean also sighed silently. Although winning this battle was not very difficult, he did not expect that Haierbo would organize such an army - all his relatives, friends, and lovers in the past have now become Rotting, half-dead living dead, and standing on the opposite side of themselves, this is not something that anyone can easily accept.

Thinking of this, Sean said to Xiao Baihua: "Do you know the girl in the third grade, Cagallien Bruckner?"


"Her patron saint is Pu Rongrong, which seems to be related to the family, but that's not important. Her patron saint is very effective in soothing her emotions. When the time comes, you can go to her and ask your patron saint to assist you. Let’s calm down together,” Sean said.

Daisy nodded and agreed. She was actually not very happy. On the one hand, the returnee just said a lot of unpleasant things to her mother. On the other hand, her father's grandfather also appeared among the enemies.

Although James was expressionless when defeating the opponent, the considerate Daisy knew that her father must be in a bad mood.

Everyone needs reassurance.

When we found Professor McGonagall, the battlefield had already entered the cleaning stage, and corridors on several floors and many rooms had been bombed into rubble.

The enemy's corpses need to be disposed of, and some of the returnees they have captured alive need to be kept under unified custody. The most important thing is that the wounded here also need to be treated in time.

Sean told Professor McGonagall the general situation to reassure her, and then rushed to the Room of Requirement.

Hermione was checking through the pile of stone statues to make sure nothing slipped through.

"Sean—" Hermione shouted in surprise the moment she saw him.

Sean ignored the sudden surprised look in the other person's eyes, went up and hugged her vigorously, and then smiled and said after letting go, "Perfect plan, Miss Granger."

Hermione's face was slightly red, but she still raised her nose slightly: "You informed us quickly, and we have a lot of reinforcements."

"If it weren't for your plan, these half-ghosts hiding in the students' bodies would be difficult to deal with -" Sean looked at the few stiff black figures floating in the air, "I'll put them away first, well, there aren't many of them. .”

Hermione nodded: "The basilisk has been patrolling outside and has not caught any new returnees. However, it is up to you to conduct a more careful investigation."

"Well, I'll go to Hogsmeade to take a look, and I'll check it when I get back -" Sean opened the ring and took out a lot of mandrakes, and then smiled at Hermione, "I'm sorry for everyone, but when the time comes Just say I decided to do it."

To be honest, if it were Sean, he would probably adopt the same plan as Hermione.

In other words, Sean had already thought of "indiscriminate attack", otherwise he would not have prepared so many datura grasses in advance.

Surprisingly, Hermione shook her head with firm eyes: "No, I will explain it myself when they wake up, and I believe everyone will understand."

Sean blinked, he wanted to say something, and after a moment he smiled calmly: "You are getting better and better, Hermione."

The somewhat arrogant Miss Granger snorted, but the pride and determination on her face became more dazzling.

Saying goodbye to Hermione, Sean went to Hogsmeade. The battle here seemed to end earlier. Aberforth was instructing Aurelius to bring people to Hogwarts Castle for support.

"It's over for now, Aberforth——" Sean fell in front of several people.

Seeing Sean appear, several people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. The fact that this kid slowly appeared here meant that there were no enemies within Hogwarts.

After chatting about the follow-up matters, Sean left a lot of healing potions behind.

He scanned the crowd, but didn't see Stephanie.

Just as they were wondering, the crowd not far away parted ways. The elderly wizards showed kind and appreciative smiles to the visitors, and even some young wizards had some expressions on their faces. Awe.

It was Stephanie.

Aurelius leaned into Sean's ear and whispered: "The granddaughter of the Ollivander family, right? The wizards of your generation are really scary. That little girl looks beautiful and delicate. I originally wanted to protect her. In the end, she cut at least ten enemies into pieces without even frowning - her wand must be specially made, and the spell must have been invented by herself, a very powerful fusion spell."

Sean blinked: "Yeah, it's really scary."

Stephanie walked through the crowd and came to Sean, and asked calmly: "Did you solve it over there?"

"Well, you're pretty fast here too."

"Well, we caught an interesting person, the famous Bulgarian dark wizard Daya Rom in the fifteenth century, but his tongue needs to be repaired." The silver-haired girl said calmly.

"Hiss—" The people around took a breath of air, wondering how this little girl could say such scary words in such a plain voice.

Sean suppressed his laughter and said goodbye to the Aberforth family.

"Let's go, let's talk together then."

Stephanie nodded and followed.


Sean took Stephanie and called the basilisk to carefully explore the entire Hogwarts area. After making sure that there was no rat and half ghost hiding around, he returned to the Room of Requirement with confidence.

Hermione and Daisy were already waiting there. After seeing Sean and Stephanie, they walked up immediately.

"The response to this attack has been completed."

Hearing Sean say this, several people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"But..." Sean changed the topic, "Some things may not be explained clearly until my teacher comes."

The door of the disappearing cabinet not far away suddenly moved, and an old but arrogant voice came from inside: "Then didn't you inform me earlier?"

The silver-haired old man pushed open the cabinet door and walked out. He still had the strange-looking lapel pin on his chest.

Grindelwald smiled at Sean: "Let's see what the harvest is like this time?"

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