Calculating the time, Hu Xilin probably hung up the phone with Lei Cheng and drove directly to the Zhen Manor Community.

Zhizhen Manor is a top mansion for many years, the people who live here are not ordinary people, the management of the community is very strict, and foreign vehicles will definitely not be able to enter this community if they are not greeted by the owner.

“I’m out, not home.” Lei Cheng said to the phone, and glanced at Wu Chen at the same time.

“You lie to me less, old Ray.” Hu Xilin directly pierced and said, “If you don’t arrange for someone to come out to pick me up, I will block the door.” ”

He wants to block the gate of the community.

Lei Cheng also has nothing to do with Hu Xilin, if Hu Xilin is just simply nosy and stubborn, then Lei Cheng will not be able to become friends with him.

Hu Xilin’s personality and style are consistent, he is not the kind of person who braggs about small things and does not care, and pretends not to see when encountering big things!

He’s righteous! Love to help!

Lei Cheng has been in Donghai for ten years, in addition to being the chairman of Fumao Group, he has also engaged in his own business in Donghai, and he has also done it, among them, Hu Xilin has helped him a lot!

“Alas! Ok, ok, ok… You wait. Lei Cheng’s impatient tone was mixed with helplessness.

Saying that, he hung up.

“Old Hu… Hu Xilin is at the gate and wants to come in. Lei Cheng looked at Wu Chen and said, “Before he said that he wanted to meet, I said there was no time, so he came to the door.” ”

“He’s really a quick temper.” Wu Chen smiled habitually, and there was no special change in his face.

Not surprised, not surprised.

Hu Xilin is also a figure with a head and a face in the East China Sea, although he has not reached the height of Lu Guangnian, Mu Sihai and others, but he has not fallen out of the level.

Wu Chen knew Hu Xilin and knew his temperament.

Not only that, Wu Chen also knew that Hu Xilin would look for Lei Cheng at this time, because in the previous “July 20”, Hu Xilin was looking for Lei Cheng at this time.

Although Wu Chen did not meet with Lei Cheng on July 20 last time, the originally scheduled meeting was canceled, but the two spoke on the phone many times, so Wu Chen knew.

For Hu Xilin’s coming, Wu Chen did not make a special statement.

He also did not mention whether it was convenient for him to meet Hu Xilin.

If you don’t mention it, you can.

Lei Cheng stood up, walked to the desk on the other side of the study, picked up the walkie-talkie on the table, and pressed it to the side of his mouth: “Leizi, Boss Hu is outside the gate, you go and pick it up.” ”

After ordering the bodyguards outside, Lei Cheng also left the study, went to the staircase and shouted a few words to the downstairs, instructing Tao Manying.

“Dabao, Lao Hu is coming, when he comes in, you let him go directly upstairs to the study…”

Wu Chen sat on the sofa in the study without moving, and he could hear anything Lei Cheng shouted.

Soon, Lei Cheng returned to the study and sat down on the sofa again.

Lei Cheng glanced at the mobile phone on the table, it was Wu Chen’s, he looked at Wu Chen again, raised his hand and gestured towards the mobile phone, “Brother, that video… Are you intending to…”

Qian Ruiling’s video of cheating on Zhu Haobo.

“Show Hu Xilin.” Wu Chen smiled.

“Give it directly?” Lei Cheng hurriedly asked, there was a feeling of “very cruel”, Hu Xilin and Qian Ruiling have been married for twenty years, have a son and a daughter, and the relationship between husband and wife has always been very harmonious.

Hu Xilin came over to persuade Lei Cheng.

This coldness let Hu Xilin know that he was cuckolded, it was too sudden! I don’t know what it will blow him into.

And this is likely to offend Hu Xilin, not only the family ugly is first discovered and exposed by outsiders, this will indeed make Hu Xilin very humiliated, and the man’s face is all gone.

But what is more important is – why did you secretly photograph Qian Ruiling?

Even Hu Xilin himself did not suspect investigating his wife, why did outsiders start first?

Very strange, very abrupt!

It will make people feel like they have a purpose!

“Yes, give it directly.” Wu Chen nodded to Lei Cheng.

“Directly to … Wouldn’t it be bad? Lei Cheng said, in a very difficult tone.

He considered this matter from the perspective of a friend, and now that he knows that Hu Xilin was cuckolded, as a friend, he must remind him and let him know.

But! How to remind, how to make Hu Xilin accept better, this is learning.

Lei Cheng feels that “giving directly” is not a good choice.

Lei Cheng is very clear that as long as Hu Xilin watches the video, then he will have no time to bother himself, and he will go back to divorce.

Although this is the case, as a friend, it can be said that it is very unrighteous to be so cold and does not consider the “direct giving” of the friend’s feelings!

“There’s nothing wrong with that.” Wu Chen glanced at Lei Cheng with a smile, paused and smiled: “You think Hu Xilin is clean himself?” ”

Lei Cheng was stunned for a moment before he understood Wu Chen’s words.

“He has other women?” Lei Cheng asked.

“Uh-huh.” Wu Chen nodded.

Lei Cheng was still stunned, because he had been friends with Hu Xilin for ten years, and he had moved around frequently in the past ten years, except for business contacts, he would meet every month in private… But he didn’t know that Hu Xilin had other women!

Not only don’t you know, you haven’t heard of it!

Big bosses with money, some love to play, some don’t like to play.

Hu Xilin is the kind of person who doesn’t like to play, and his husband and wife relationship with Qian Ruiling has always been very good, and the couple can even be regarded as a model couple in the Donghai business circle.

“He raises Mistress? Brother are you sure? Wu Chen nodded, but Lei Cheng still asked again in disbelief.

It was not that he did not believe in Wu Chen.

It’s a bit illogical.

For Qian Ruiling’s derailment, Lei Cheng did not think about it after watching the video, he would not doubt the authenticity of the video, nor would he think about why Qian Ruiling cheated on him.

Because Lei Cheng and Qian Ruiling are familiar with each other, but their understanding is limited, after all, it is a “sister-in-law”, and Lei Cheng will not get too close, so when the factual evidence of Qian Ruiling’s derailment is in front of him, he will not speculate and question for no reason.

Hu Xilin is different.

It’s so ripe!

Ten years of friends, Lei Cheng didn’t know at all that Hu Xilin had other women, and there was not the slightest hint of wind, if he really had, how did he achieve such impermeability? And why is it so secrecy?

Can’t figure it out!

Between men and men, there is no need to keep secrets in this kind of matter, they are all covering each other and helping each other to conceal it.

“I’m sure.” Wu Chen nodded again, and then smiled: “Although Hu Xilin has no plans to divorce, he still has feelings for Qian Ruiling, and even, the family has always been very harmonious, but he does have other women, moreover, there is more than one.” ”

Lei Cheng’s face was still strange.

Although listening to Wu Chen say this, it seems that the video is directly shown to Hu Xilin, and it is nothing, although he will be angry, he will not suffer much blow, after all, he himself is also cheating.

But…… Still can’t figure it out!

How did Hu Xilin’s secrecy work do so well?

In fact, not only Hu Xilin, Qian Ruiling too, this couple all cheated, but the confidentiality work is all very good! There is no wind at all, it is very weird.

Seeing Lei Cheng’s expression, Wu Chen knew what Lei Cheng was thinking in his heart.

Don’t go around the corner with him either.

“Hu Xilin signed a prenuptial agreement with Qian Ruiling.” Wu Chen looked at Lei Cheng and said directly, “The party who cheats after marriage, divorce and leave the house!” ”

Lei Cheng’s eyes widened, and he was shocked again.

He had never heard of prenuptial agreements.

Listening to what Wu Chen said, that Hu Xilin, Qian Ruiling and their husband and wife both cheated, but they all found the reason for ultra-strict secrecy! They are afraid of being known by the other party that they have cheated on, especially afraid!

As far as Lei Cheng knows, Hu Xilin’s current shares worth more than three billion yuan in Cerrité Electronics are actually the joint property of the husband and wife, which the husband and wife have worked together for 20 years, but the shares are only in Hu Xilin’s name.

So from another point of view.

The video taken by Wu Chen is evidence that Qian Ruiling cheated and is likely to make Qian Ruiling leave the house when she divorces.

Then the value of this video is – 1.5 billion!

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