Lu Guangnian this person, Wu Chen’s impression of him is very good, he is bold and righteous, and he sticks knives in the ribs of his friends, although in the process of making his fortune, he has also used many illegal means, but Wu Chen does not care about those.

Wu Chen liked to help others for a long time, and even donated all his savings to the orphanage, because it was reset every day, so the money donated “the day before” will come back the next day, it doesn’t matter.

In the previous thousand-year reincarnation, Wu Chen helped Lu Guangnian more than once and changed Lu Guangnian’s fate.

Although he can’t see the result, because there is no future in resetting time, it is also a means of killing time, which is very fun!

Lu Guangnian’s problem is very big!

Not a business problem, but from himself, and his family.

Lu Guangnian started with demolition, and when he was young, he had many disputes with people, and when he was in his twenties, he blocked knives for his brother.

It was that blocking knife that caused him a big problem.

It was when he was 26 years old, he went to the hospital with five stabs, almost did not recover, he lay in the hospital for three months, and when he was discharged, the doctor clearly told him that it might be difficult for him to have children in the future.

The doctor was right.

Lu Guangnian has indeed been unable to have children after that, and he has tried his best, even going abroad to do IVF, but he has not succeeded, which is why he divorced his first wife.

And with his success, not having children is already a piece of his heart.

He is indeed very successful in business, his relationships, fame, and reputation are also very good, and the brother he gave to the knife back then is still his best brother, his right hand.

It seems that everything is happy.

This magnified his heart disease a lot.

He has had many women and tried a lot, but none of them succeeded.

Until he met Liu Caixiu.

Liu Caixiu was originally one of his many mistresses, but she became pregnant three months after meeting him, and the child was successfully born, it was a boy, Lu Guangnian also did a paternity test, and the son was indeed his own!

His life was happily fulfilled.

This is also the reason why he especially spoils his daughter-in-law, Liu Caixiu is also because he was spoiled by Lu Guangnian to the sky, so he has developed an arrogant temper, and everyone dares to offend, that is, Lu Guangnian has relied on her for everything over the years.


According to Wu Chen’s findings in the millennium reincarnation.

He knew that Lu Guangnian’s son was not biological!

This is a bureau!

A bureau to seize billionaire property! A bureau for money and murder!

Lu Guangnian’s inability to give birth, before he married Liu Caixiu, everyone in the entire East China Sea business circle knew that a super rich man had no offspring, and no one would inherit the family property in the future, which would naturally become a talking point.

So Liu Caixiu and her cousin did this game.

Liu Caixiu’s cousin’s name is Liu Ligang, a native of Liujia Village, Surabaya Town, Erma County, Donghai City, in fact, Liu Ligang is not Liu Caixiu’s cousin, the two are not related by blood, but both are from Liujia Village, both surnamed Liu.

Liu Ligang is five years older than Liu Caixiu.

At that time, it was Liu Ligang who took Liu Caixiu out of the village and went to the bathing center to make chickens, and after Liu Caixiu’s plastic surgery, Liu Ligang began to do more high-end business, and Liu Caixiu was the mistress of several bosses under Liu Ligang’s arrangement.

Until, Liu Ligang and a close confidant of Lu Guangnian climbed into a relationship.

Liu Ligang threw a lot of money back then to send Liu Caixiu to Lu Guangnian through his connections.

Lu Guangnian was also “ill and rushed to the hospital” at that time, changing women every day.

In this way, Liu Caixiu took the initiative to approach Lu Guangnian and became pregnant “smoothly”! The child is not Lu Guangnian, but Liu Ligang’s!

To this day, Liu Ligang is Liu Caixiu’s cousin on the surface, working under Lu Guangnian and is reused, but in private, the pair of “cousins” are lovers.

Wu Chen even knew that Liu Ligang had planned to kill Lu Guangnian for a long time, so that Liu Caixiu and his son could inherit the inheritance smoothly.

However, it was stopped by Liu Caixiu.

Of course, Liu Caixiu did not find out in conscience, but because the child was too young, she was not so stable, and she was afraid that she would not be able to fight those old people in Lu Guangnian’s company.

Wu Chen once kidnapped Liu Caixiu and Liu Ligang together in one day… Everything was asked, so he knew very well!


“Your son is Liu Ligang’s species! He and Liu Caixiu are not cousins, so they are not related, they are all lying to you! Your son doesn’t look like that, and you found out, right? This was the first paragraph Wu Chen said in Lu Guangnian’s ear, and he spoke quickly.

He knew that Lu Guangnian had already discovered that the child was not like him, and he was not very similar to Liu Caixiu.

But because he had already done a paternity test, Lu Guangnian could only keep his suspicions in his heart.

And Lu Guangnian has heard some rumors over the years.

He and Liu Caixiu are old husbands and young wives, easy to be said, plus he has been unable to have children for many years, and suddenly has a son, but the child is not like him, gossip is inevitable.

This is a thorn in Lu Guangnian’s heart.

“Liu Caixiu’s real name is Liu Lijuan, she and Liu Ligang are both from Liujia Village, Surabaya Town, there is no blood relationship, Liu Caixiu was brought out by Liu Ligang back then, it is true that she was a young lady…”

“She appeared next to you, it was deliberately arranged by Liu Ligang back then, you can’t give birth All Donghai knows, they deliberately make a game, I know you can’t believe my words for a while, but this is the case, you should know who the child looks like!”

“If you don’t believe it, you can ask Liu Caixiu in a while, ask her where she was yesterday afternoon, she went out with Liu Ligang yesterday afternoon, what did you think yourself, this matter is easy to investigate, you arrange for someone to take the monitoring of Yunxiu Company yesterday, to see if they went out by taking the stairs to avoid people.”

“You can also ask Liu Caixiu directly, but I think she will tell you that she has been in the company yesterday, and her cousin can testify to her, and say that she has always been in the office and no one else.”

“You’ve noticed something is wrong, haven’t you? But they can always testify to each other, and because they are cousins, you don’t think in the direction of a relationship in which the two are lovers, and they take advantage of that. ”

“I did a paternity test!” Wu Chen said a lot, and Lu Guangnian gently turned his head and said something in Wu Chen’s ear, his face was expressionless, and he couldn’t feel his emotions.

“Paternity tests can also be falsified, this is a bureau, do you understand? Well planned! Of course, they will know that you will do a paternity test, and during Liu Caixiu’s pregnancy, you once gave Liu Caixiu 10 million abortion fees, do you remember? This money passed through Liu Ligang’s hands, all to the doctor who issued the paternity test report, if you don’t believe you can check, the doctor left the hospital shortly after you did the paternity test. ”

“By the way, you can trick her…” Wu Chen said a lot.

In fact, this kind of words, if he just said it unilaterally, will not have a direct effect, the reason why it has an effect now is because Lu Guangnian has long felt that something is wrong, but because of Liu Caixiu’s brother-sister relationship with Liu Ligang, as well as the paternity test report of that year, he can’t think of what the problem is.

Everyone watched Wu Chen and Lu Guangnian whispering, and they all continued to be confused.

Li Ruobing was also extremely puzzled, why did this atmosphere suddenly start talking? She understood Lu Guangnian’s temperament, but she didn’t know Wu Chen.

Finally, Wu Chen finished speaking.

He patted Lu Guangnian on the back, then walked back and sat down, picked up the wine glass, shook it gently, turned his head sideways and calmly looked at the situation.

Lu Guangnian slowly turned around and looked at his wife Liu Caixiu expressionlessly.

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