(PS: During the new book period, collecting is really important! I hope all book friends can collect it, thank you! It would be better if there are rich people who can give a reward or two. It doesn’t need to be more, just 100 points! Let the fans The list looks better!! Thanks, Ah Si!!)......................

Liu Zhe only knew that Xi Zhao Xi went to the city to recruit refugees early in the morning. Xi Zhao Xi did not tell him exactly how many people there were. When he saw the dark crowd, Liu Zhe was shocked. He felt that there were so many people. There are at least two to three hundred people

"Sir, there are 272 people in total, many of whom are from my hometown and are loyal and trustworthy."Xizhaoxi said.

In view of the fact that some of the refugees recruited before were motivated by wealth and seduced thieves, Xizhaoxi made great efforts this time to select this group of law-abiding refugees.

Liu Zhe did not speak. This was his first time. Seeing so many refugees, I was deeply shocked.

Many of these refugees were in rags, their faces were lined, their spirits were low, their eyes had no luster, and they seemed to have lost hope in the world. Many of them were skinny and skinny. They are skinny and skinny.

Rather than saying that they are refugees, it is better to say that they are a group of beggars. Because of the disaster in their hometown, many people migrated as a family and left their hometown, hoping to survive outside. Liu Zhe saw that many people were dragging their families. There were many children, the very young ones were held and carried on their backs, and the older ones were with their parents during the annual holidays.

"Master, if you think there are too many, you can choose some, you don’t have to keep them all."Xizhaoxi saw that Liu Zhe was silent and thought that Liu Zhe thought it was difficult to handle too many people. In fact, Xizhaoxi also knew that he had gone too far, but he really couldn't watch his fellow villagers suffer, so he simply brought them to Liu Zhe's selection

"Accept them, Mr. Xi, you must arrange them properly."Liu Zhe suddenly spoke, these people, Liu Zhe feels that something needs to be done for them. It costs thirty gold a month to raise a refugee, and the simplest food and drink for these people costs Liu Zhe about one hundred gold a month, but Liu Zhe I think it doesn't matter. If the money is gone, you can make it again. If these people drive away one of them, Liu Zhe's conscience will not be able to bear it.

"Thank you sir."The theater convened the banquet with great joy. He thanked Liu Zhe on behalf of his fellow villagers, and then loudly said to the refugees,"Quickly thank the master for taking you in.""

"Thank you sir for taking me in."The refugees knelt down in darkness to thank Liu Zhe.

Liu Zhe jumped away quickly, refusing to accept the kneeling of these refugees. He said:"Everyone, get up. The rules here are very simple. You are not allowed to kneel down casually. You all follow the arrangements of the opera housekeeper."

After Liu Zhe finished speaking, he handed the matter over to the play hall and ran away in a flash. He really didn't want to be knelt down by the refugees. Just like he didn't want to be knelt down by the play hall.

He waited until noon before the play hall took the refugees. After settling in for the time being, let them have a meal first, and then give them tools to cut wood and build houses. Although Liu Zhe's village is large, it is impossible to accommodate almost three hundred people. The refugees finished their meal Later, they were very motivated. According to what the play hall said to them, this place is equivalent to their new home. The owner is Liu Zhe. The fields are allocated to them for farming according to their head. Before the next grain harvest, all the food they eat is Liu Zhe. Zhe provided it to them. Moreover, they only had to pay a small part of the rent, and the rest belonged to them.

At the beginning, the refugees were shocked to hear such good conditions, because there had not been such a good owner in the world, and the refugees They even doubted whether they had been deceived, but after the show's repeated assurances and a bowl of white rice, they believed it. After eating, they didn't need to talk much, and they took the initiative to start working, sorting out their belongings. His own world, logging and building houses, etc.

In the afternoon, Liu Zhe squatted at the door and watched the refugees in the distance working enthusiastically. The more he watched, the happier he became. He was not only happy that he could have so many tenants, but also happy He could do something for these refugees.

Originally he was restless and wanted to help, but as soon as he showed up, the refugees knelt down to thank him and resolutely refused to allow Liu Zhe to help. In their words, they had already After eating Liu Zhe's food, he can no longer cause trouble to Liu Zhe.

Liu Zhe has no choice but to go back home and be bored.

Recently, he has nothing to do. He has added three rooms for wine making and taught the church. How did Xi Zhaoxi make wine? Who knew that after Xi Zhaoxi was churched, Xi Zhaoxi took care of everything himself, and Liu Zhe was not allowed to interfere too much. The reason for Xi Zhaoxi was very reasonable. Liu Zhe was the master and could not do such menial work.

So Liu Zhe was so bored that he wanted to watch the fun at the door. Just when Liu Zhe was bored, Guan Yu came to him with two people

"Master, I think you should meet these two people."

"What's up?"Liu Zhe stood up, very interested. He was getting moldy and had nothing to do.

"The two of them have good skills."Guan Yu said to Liu Zhe.

It turned out that Guan Yu and Dian Wei were captured by Xi Zhaoxi to work as young men to help the refugees, so they knew that these two people were quite capable, so they planned to introduce them to Liu Zhe!

"Good skills?"

Liu Zhe's eyes suddenly lit up.

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