After returning to Zhuangzi, Xu Shu's mother got off the horse, her hair was gray, she was about fifty years old, and after she saw Liu Xin, her face that had been tense showed a smile, and she loved Liu Xin very much.

"Brother Yuanzhi, I don't know what your plans are after the eldest lady recovers from her illness?" asked Liu Zhe, who was ready to launch a second round of solicitation.

"I plan to go south to Jingzhou. "

"Jingzhou?" Liu Zhe was stunned, "Go home?"

"No, it's to go for refuge. Xu Shu said: "There will be a big chaos in the north, and it will even affect the whole country. When my mother was old, I took her to the south to avoid this catastrophe and enjoy her old age. "

"Great disaster?" Liu Zhe said a little nervously, "What kind of catastrophe will there be?"

"I don't know, but there will be, only that it may be related to Taiping Taoism." Xu Shu said that these speculations were all based on a combination of what he saw and heard along the way, "If the owner is possible, go to the south, the southern disaster will be relatively small." "

Liu Zhe smiled bitterly and said, "The family is big, and where it is said to go, you can go!"

"Why should the owner care about this?" Xu Shu said, "With the owner's means, he will definitely be able to make a comeback one day." "

"I'm not saying this," Liu Zhe said with a smile, "There are so many people under me, I am gone, what should they do? "

"Brother Yuanzhi, can't you stay and help me? Liu Zhe suddenly stood up, saluted Xu Shu, and said solemnly.

"Owner, I'm sorry, there is an old mother in the family..." Xu Shu smiled bitterly, ready to refuse.

"Owner, there is no need to ask him, the old man agrees for him. At this time, Xu Shu's mother, who had been at the back of the hall, came out with Liu Xin, and she said to Liu Zhe: "The old man promised for him and assisted you in the future." "

"Mother..." Xu Shu was stunned.

Liu Zhe was also stunned.

You didn't listen to your mother's words?" Xu Shu's mother had a stern expression.

"The child does not dare. Xu Shu hurriedly spoke up.

"Then haven't you seen your lord?"

"Xu Shu, see, I have seen the lord. Xu Shu saluted Liu Zhe with a fist.

"Good, good, you and I do not distinguish between the lord and subordinates, we are all brothers. Liu Zheqiang endured the excitement in his heart!

Mother, it seems that in the future, recruit people to get his wife first, as long as you get his wife, are you afraid that they will say no?

"Zhicai, I have seen the lord!" At this time, Xia Zhicai also spoke out his loyalty.

"Good, good, haha... Elder play, go and prepare, put on a banquet tonight!"


Days later!

"Master, what is this?" asked Xia Zhicai, pointing to something.

Liu Zhe smiled and turned to the other humane: "Deheng, you introduce these things to us!"

"Back to my lord, this is the saddle and stirrup made according to the drawings you provided. The answer was a thin young man, about twenty years old, with dark skin on his face, which was caused by the fire all year round, but strangely, he worked iron all year round, but his body appeared thin.

His name is Ma Jun, and the character Deheng. It was the second junior brother of the blacksmith Wang Er in Gaoyang City, and before Liu Zhe signaled to the play to recruit Wang Er to come to Xiaoxingzhuang to build weapons for his subordinates, Wang Er was unwilling to leave the ancestral blacksmith shop, and he recommended his junior brother, Ma Jun, to the play summoning Xi.

Liu Zhe recruited Ma Jun, but what Liu Zhe didn't expect was that Ma Jun actually had a lot to offer. After successful recruitment, the system actually gave a reward, which contained many drawings of equipment, and the saddle stirrup was one of them.

Liu Zhe handed all the drawings to Ma Jun, and today Ma Jun asked Liu Zhe to come over and show the results of his recent success.

"The lord is a great talent, and the little one has never thought of installing such a delicate saddle and stirrup on the back of a horse to make riding more convenient. Ma Jun was full of praise for the drawings given by Liu Zhe and thought that Liu Zhe was a genius.

Liu Zhe did not blush at all when he was praised, but was very useful!

Lo and behold, this brother Ma just has vision and is willing to tell the truth!

Liu Zhe felt refreshed for a while, and then asked, "Have you tried it?"

"Tried it. Ma Jun asked someone to pull a horse, which had been fitted with a saddle and stirrups, and Ma Jun continued: "It is much more comfortable to ride than before, who will try it?"

"So-and-so. Guan Yu showed interest in the saddle, and he volunteered to come and test ride.

Guan Yu can almost be said to be the first in the position under Liu Zhe, he wants to come, and no one will fight with him.

Guan Yu turned over on the horse and rode the horse in the playground for a few laps, and the horse was controlled by Guan Yu, or running, or stopping suddenly, or jumping, and a series of movements were constantly made.

"Lord, this is indeed a good thing. After the test ride, Guan Yu returned to Liu Zhe and praised the saddle stirrups.

"Deheng, I'll help my horse load one later." Guan Yu said to Ma Jun.

Thanks to Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping, Xiaoxingzhuang's horse resources are abundant, from packhorses that plow the fields and pull goods, to war horses suitable for galloping on the battlefield.

However, what makes Liu Zhe a pity is that although there are many horses, there is no second horse that is the same as the white feather that was given to Tai Shici before. The war horse that Guan Yu and they ride can only be said to be excellent, and cannot be said to be one in a million.

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