Chapter 2306 Melee

Not long after Lin Yue finished the battle, Old Wei also took care of the two centipede puppets he was facing, but he was exhausted and collapsed on the ground half leaning against the wall.

"Huh...these ghosts are really hard to deal with!"

Old Wei gasped and said, but soon recalled the scene he saw when he just dealt with the two centipede puppets, and his face became a little ugly.

"Are these things puppets?

Or is it the existence of using the flesh and blood of practitioners to transform? "

He also saw the flesh and blood in the centipede puppet's body and the various wires buried in it, and unconsciously felt a very weird feeling.

At the same time, Fatty and the three of them also used their own means to restrain the action of the centipede puppet, and finally Lin Yue came on stage and chopped it off with a sword!

When they saw the scene inside the centipede puppet cut off by Lin Yue, they all frowned.

The fat man turned his head and shouted, "Old Wei, these things can't really be transformed with the flesh and blood of practitioners!?"

Old Wei shook his head, "How would I know?

Don't talk nonsense, no matter whether we have to continue to go deeper, we must at least find a giant puppet, investigate its situation, and the people in those gathering places, if possible, save them as much as possible. "


At this time, Lin Yue suddenly spoke.

"I don't know if you have discovered that after entering this cave, it seems that you will not be affected by the red mist."

After all, he took out a few spiritual plants from the storage ring. These spiritual plants were exposed to the air but did not undergo any changes, did not start to wither, and showed no signs of mutation.

Hearing what he said, Lao Wei and the others also reacted.

"It actually happened like this..."

Fatty also tried using Lingzhi, and then said in surprise, "This place is really not affected by Chiwu!"

Lin Yue nodded, but then said, "However, I suggest to keep the spiritual body protection first. First, I don't know the specific situation here, and there may be red mist somewhere. On the other hand, it is also because we We’re about to meet those people before.”


Hearing Lin Yue's words, Old Wei asked in surprise, "Did you sense the existence of those people in the gathering place?"

"Roughly the same."

Lin Yue nodded and said.

The old Wei looked at Lin Yue with a little surprise. You must know that he is also at the same level as the peak of the immortal, let alone the people in the gathering place, and he didn't even notice the breath of a living thing.

Seeing his suspicious expression, Lin Yue explained.

"I'm just better at it."

But Old Wei just glanced at him and said he was good at this?

It would be weird if he believed it. Lin Yue was also the fastest when he dealt with the centipede puppet before. He should be good at all aspects, right?

Several people rested for a while, and continued to walk towards the depths of the cave.

Soon, they discovered that the space in the cave gradually began to light up, and some lighted oil lamps appeared on the surrounding rock walls.

Old Wei paused, and quickly said to the crowd, "I seem to have heard something too..."

Following the direction from which the sound came, everyone continued to walk several hundred feet, and finally saw the scene in front of them when they turned a corner.

Huge puppets stood on the ground one after another, and the people standing on the platform of these puppets were full of fear and uneasiness, and all of them looked at a figure above.

It was a man wrapped in black clothes. He couldn't see his specific appearance clearly, but he could feel his cold breath.

The moment they saw the man in black, Old Wei and the others tightly shut their mouths, not daring to breathe...

And Lin Yue also knew that his guess was not wrong, and there really was a quasi-emperor-level supreme power inside 'Liming'!

But at this moment, the voice of the man in black stopped abruptly.

The next moment, the voice seemed to suddenly appear in Old Wei's ears, and the pupils of several people shrank suddenly.

"Okay! Everyone, congratulations on the arrival of these bedbugs, which can add some fun to our welcome ceremony!"

The cold voice of the man in black sounded.

Old Wei and the others turned their heads and found that the man in black had appeared beside them at some point, staring at them with a sneer on his face.


Old Wei pointed at the man in black, with a hint of fear in his expression.

"Are you a quasi-emperor?"

Hearing him ask this question, the man in black giggled, and suddenly flashed behind Old Wei, and asked close to his ear.

"What do you think?"

The next moment, Old Wei felt as if he was wrapped in infinite coldness, and every muscle in his body became stiff.


Old Wei coughed violently twice, but found that he couldn't breathe anymore!

Seeing the scene in front of them, Fatty and the others also turned pale with fright. They finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and they actually broke into the lair of a quasi-emperor, and even tried to investigate here! ?

Who exactly issued this task?

Why didn't you say in advance that there would be a strong quasi-emperor!

If they knew that they would meet quasi-emperor-level powerhouses during the mission, no matter how many rewards they gave, they would never come here.

After all, this is no different from courting death!

Looking at the terrified eyes of a group of people, the man in black laughed. He enjoyed the fear of other people's eyes, especially when transforming some practitioners into puppets, the terrified eyes of those people often appeared Let him want to stop!

However, he suddenly noticed that the eyes of one of the youths was very calm, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.


You are not afraid of me? "

The man in black raised his eyebrows and asked Lin Yue.

Before Lin Yue could answer, he laughed to himself again, "There are people who are not afraid of me! I will keep you until the end and torture you!"

After finishing speaking, he threw off Old Wei who was about to freeze, and bounced back to the previous height, appearing in the eyes of everyone.

"Okay, that's about it for the welcome ceremony, and it's time to treat your illnesses!"

The man in black said with a smile, and then clapped his hands.

squeak --

There was a sound of a wooden door being pushed open deep in the cave, and some people in white coats came out from inside.

The eyes of these people were numb, as if they had lost their feelings, and the surface of the white coat on their bodies was also stained with a lot of blood.

However, the most eye-catching thing is the bodies under their white coats, which show different degrees of distortion. Some people have a sarcoma on their bodies, and some people have an extra arm on their shoulders, and some people have heads. It was sunken in, and it looked very strange.

Among these people, Lin Yue and the others unexpectedly saw an acquaintance, and it was fellow Daoist Gu Ling who was in their team before.

"Fellow Daoist Gu Ling, you...!"

At this time, he was wearing a white coat, and his eyes were as lifeless as the others. After changing the clothes and removing the cover, an eye appeared on his neck.

Only then did everyone realize why the clothes he was wearing before had been covering his neck.

"My lovely doctors, hurry up and choose your own patients, if you move slowly, there will be no more patients!"

The man in black looked at the scene in front of him with a smile, his expression was full of joy from the heart.

He really likes this feeling!


Following the orders given by the men in black, these numb people rushed towards the newcomers crazily. They wanted to pass on what happened to them to other people, otherwise why would they be the only ones who wanted to Bear this alone pain! ?

With this kind of resentment, these madmen in white coats poured into the crowd, snatching the prey inside while screaming.

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