I Was Trapped on the Same Day For 100,000 Years

Chapter 728 Fan Zhenzhen's Predicament

"Daddy has told Fan Zhenzhen many times about the vice-sea master, saying that the sea-lord's merits are involved in good fortune, and he is probably the strongest vice-sea master in the 108 sea areas of the Boundless Sea."

"Oh? Senior Fan Tong actually praised me so much?"

An imperceptible light flashed in Yang Jing's eyes, and he said with a faint smile, "It's a pity, the vice sea master is always the vice sea master."

Fan Zhenzhen was puzzled by his words, and she immediately stated her purpose, "Fan Zhenzhen came this time because my sixth sea region is being attacked by other sea regions, and I need help from the seventh sea region to solve my urgent need in the sixth sea region! "

Yang Jing smiled, "Why should I help the sixth sea?"

Fan Zhenzhen frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

Why is Yang Jing calling the shots here?

"Zheng Haizhu once promised Dad that if there is a need in the sixth sea area, he will send troops to help us."

"That's what Zheng Haizhu promised you."

Yang Jing stood up, put his hands behind his back on the big seat, and looked down at Lin Yue and his party below.

"Zheng Haizhu is old, and he has already started to rest in bed a few months ago, and he is simply angry and tired, so I, the Seventh Sea Region, can't help you with this matter."

Yang Jing raised his hand, "Please."

This is like an order to evict guests.

"This... Deputy Haizhu Yang, can I meet Lord Zhenghai?"

Fan Zhenzhen begged that when she came out this time, the mission her father entrusted to her was to meet the Lord of the Seventh Sea in person and ask him to send troops.

But now, Yang Jing sent her away just like that, and Fan Zhenzhen came all the way here to rescue soldiers, how could he just give up like this?

"My seat has already said that Lord Zhenghai is seriously ill and cannot handle your affairs, so get out of here quickly."

Yang Jing's voice was also sharp.

But Fan Zhenzhen was still unwilling to give up. She remembered that her father once said that Lord Zhenghai of the Seventh Sea Region had a fateful friendship with him. If Lord Zhenghai could still call the shots, how could he stand on the sidelines to the embarrassment of the Sixth Sea Region?

"Then, please tell me, the vice sea master, what disease the sea master has, and I may be able to cure him."


Yang Jing gave Fan Zhenzhen an interesting look, "Do you know how to make alchemy?"

Fan Zhenzhen pursed his lips lightly, "I know a little bit, I can try."

Although she knew a little about alchemy, she was not proficient, but in this situation, Fan Zhenzhen could only bite the bullet and nod.

"That's it."

Yang Jing rubbed his chin, as if he had thought of something, "It's fine, you can refine a Tianji Fortune Pill, maybe it can cure Haizhu's illness."

"Extreme Heaven Creation Pill!"

Fan Zhenzhen almost didn't cry out. Although she is not proficient in alchemy, she also understands what this Tianji Good Fortune Pill means.

Alchemist rank nine, she should be around rank three now.

And this Tianji Good Fortune Pill requires at least a seventh-rank alchemist to mix more than 300 kinds of herbs to extract one.

And Fan Zhenzhen still remembered that the success rate of refining Tianji Good Fortune Pill was extremely low.

It is recorded in the ancient books that there are three celestial fortune pills, only one of which can really take shape.

And the other two are nothing more than waste pills in the end.

But the most troublesome thing is not the success rate, but the refining process of Tianji Good Fortune Pill, which consumes more than 300 kinds of herbs, and it takes more than 40 days to refine these medicines alone.

"Vice sea master, is there no other way?"

Fan Zhenzhen bit his lower lip lightly, only feeling that it was too difficult to refine a Tianji Good Fortune Pill.

"Yes, I have."

Yang Jing smiled lightly, "It's you who go back and tell your father that we in the Seventh Sea Region can't help you with this favor, see off the guests."


Seeing Yang Jing's sudden change of face, Fan Zhenzhen was so frightened that he might lose his last hope, so he said immediately, "Vice Haizhu, please give us some time."

"One month." Yang Jing said impatiently, "If you can't refine the Tianji Good Fortune Pill within one month, then you can go back to the Sixth Sea Region."

"One month..."

Fan Zhenzhen only felt that the other party was making things difficult for others, but she wanted to beg Yang Jing and Seventh Sea Region, how could she resist.

"What? If it's not enough, just twenty days."

Yang Jing said again.

"Enough, enough, one month, just one month."

Fan Zhenzhen was just a fifteen-year-old girl who had been made things difficult by Yang Jing several times. After she walked out of the hall, Lin Yue had already seen tears in her bright eyes.

Fan Jian handed over a handkerchief, but before it reached Fan Zhenzhen's hand, Lin Yue's hand took the first step and wiped away the tears from the corners of Fan Zhenzhen's eyes!

In this scene, he was faster than him and a hooligan!

However, Fan Zhenzhen was out of control like a flood breaking a bank, and fell directly on Lin Yue's shoulder.

"We don't have enough time, Mr. Lin, we can't go back to find friends with you right away."

Fan Zhenzhen's crying sound came, and he still wanted to help Lin Yue at this moment.

On the contrary, Lin Yue felt that this girl's nature was not bad, and if she added her appearance, she could score about eight points.

On the side, Fan Jian's eyes were straightened, his hand stopped in the air, and the handkerchief on it was still fluttering in the wind.

But now, Fan Jian can only take it back silently.

"It's nothing, it's just the Tianji Good Fortune Pill."

Lin Yue patted Fan Zhenzhen's hair

, thinking in his heart, he can make that thing, but the materials are a little more troublesome.

But looking at such a rich place in the Seventh Sea Region, it shouldn't be difficult to find them all.

"Hehe, boy, don't talk nonsense, do you know what the Great Creation Pill was that day?"

Fan Jian has been unhappy with Lin Yue for a long time, and he thinks that when a girl cries, he just wants to hand her a handkerchief. How can there be any reason for Lin Yue to do it directly?

Take love with a knife!

This is because Lin Yue has taken his love away!

"you know?"

Lin Yue raised his eyebrows and asked Fan Jian back.

Fan Jian couldn't bear this question, "This young master is a third-rank alchemist in the sixth sea region, do you think I know?"

"Is the third grade very powerful?"

Lin Yue blinked, Tianmo Universe didn't have a clear level plan for alchemists.

But after his own rough judgment, his level must be much better than the third grade.

At least according to Fan Zhenzhen's difficult reaction to Tianji Good Fortune Pill, she probably couldn't make it.

"Hehe, the third-rank alchemist, among the younger generation in the sixth sea region, only Zhenzhen and I have achieved it, what do you think?"

Fan Jian was obviously not convinced. Seeing that Lin Yue still looked indifferent, Fan Jian continued, "Let me tell you, Tianji Good Fortune Pill needs 300 kinds of herbs to make, and the refining process will take at least forty days. So, his success rate..."

"Less than thirty percent." Lin Yue interrupted him, "Can't you say something useful?"

"You...then tell me what is useful."

Fan Jian was in a hurry, but Lin Yue calmly let go of Fan Zhenzhen, "For example, those three hundred kinds of herbs, which three hundred kinds are they?"

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