The raging plant rushed towards Cheng Xu again, trying to crush him directly on the awning of the shop.

The moment it touched the awning, Cheng Xu turned into a shadow, flew behind it, stepped on its end, and ran wildly in the other direction of the road.


The anger of the plant was ignited to the extreme. It could not accept that it was fooled twice by the tiny insect in front of it, and its dignity was pressed to the ground by Cheng Xu.

Although the plant was not the source of the deformation, it was still the first generation of the mother body and was destined to become the king of the deformed creatures.

Since its birth, it has regarded itself as the real controller of this city, and it does not respect anyone except the mother.

It even sneers at its own kind, and looks down on their strength and blood.

But just now, that little bug that came from nowhere escaped from him twice, and openly challenged his authority...

The plant body suddenly opened its unevolved petals, spitting out a large amount of white pollen with scarlet scars, and quickly spread to the surrounding area.

A large number of deformed creatures were contaminated by the scarlet pollen, and began to become violent, roaring, and ran towards Cheng Xu.

Cheng Xu ran halfway and found that the plant body did not keep up with his pace. Relying on the hook, he stopped above a hotel sign and observed behind him.

A few seconds later, the creatures controlled by the plant body surged over, like a wave, piled together in a very primitive way, and climbed madly towards Cheng Xu's position.

Cheng Xu saw the plant body pacing behind the group of monsters. He did not rush to escape, but swung the hook and began to climb to the top floor of the hotel.

After climbing to the top floor, Cheng Xu estimated the distance and squatted on the edge of the floor waiting for an opportunity.

In his memory, there was a road near the hotel that could lead directly to the "mall wall" that blocked him.

The managers once mentioned that unless Cheng Xu crashed directly through the middle of the mall, he would face an extremely complex maze.

"Since you like to crash so much, why not do me a favor..."

When the monsters climbed to half the height of the hotel, the plant body also came near the hotel, near the intersection of the direct road.

Cheng Xu found the right angle, jumped up, launched the "Light Shadow Kill", and directly cut a knife on the huge petals of the plant body.

The bright red blood oozed from the petals of the plant body, forcing it to end its unskilled mental control and roared angrily again.

Looking at Cheng Xu's fleeing back, it once again gave up rational thinking, followed its instincts, and began to run wildly.

"Boom!... Boom!... Boom!"

Every time Cheng Xu was about to be caught up by it, he changed his direction, used the hook or skills to evade, and avoided the brutal collision of the plant body.

Relying on his own flexibility, Cheng Xu finally reached the wall of the mall before his physical strength was exhausted.

Looking at the towering building of more than 400 meters, Cheng Xu felt like he had completed the game and was ready to sacrifice this body.

He stood in front of the glass of the building, threw away the two damaged hooks in his hand, and waited for the last collision of the plant body.

The petals of the plant body have completely closed, and a layer of hard white bone shell protects its petals to prevent Cheng Xu from attacking again.

It is unknown how many of its legs were broken during the attack. Now every step it takes can spray a few drops of blood.

Pain, humiliation and anger filled the plant's brain, making it more eager to kill the creature in front of it.

The plant slowly stopped and reopened its petals in front of the building. There were five clearly visible scars on it, all of which were Cheng Xu's masterpieces halfway.

"Roar! Buzz..."

The plant roared, and with the spreading mental fluctuations, a large number of monsters quickly gathered and surrounded Cheng Xu.

Even the monsters inside the building sensed the plant's orders and roared in the maze behind Cheng Xu. Some even squeezed out of the door and surrounded Cheng Xu.

"Come on, beast! If you dare, hit me again!"

The plant, which had converged with human genes several times, roared, full of vicious hatred.

Cheng Xu understood that the plant obviously understood.

But looking at this posture, he might be directly killed by the monster next to him

torn into pieces.

Cheng Xu took out the worn dagger, raised his arm, pointed at the core of the plant's petals, and spoke again: "I promise to let you know what fear is before I die..."

Cheng Xu didn't know if the plant could understand this sentence, but it could definitely understand the provocative attitude.

This scene not only attracted the attention of the plant, but also attracted the attention of the audience outside the venue.

The popularity of Cheng Xu's live broadcast room even increased by more than twice than usual.

"Chronotype_32: @Disaster, I want a special of this segment"

"Rate Structure #65: It's commendable, the viewing experience is excellent, and the promotion calculation is in progress..."

"Antimatter Legion #775: @Disaster, do you have any peripherals? Last time, one of our fellow tribes said he wanted to buy one to keep at home"

"Spiral Storm_97: It's coming, it's coming, there are five seconds left!!"

"Wandering Star Cluster #9: There are only three seconds left before the first distortion in the program preview, we will broadcast it in real time!"

"Zerg Swarm_3968: Two!"

"Porous Spacetime_12: The last second!!"

Cheng Xu clenched his short sword, his legs were tight, and he maintained his explosive power, waiting for his physical strength to recover enough to use skills.

But in an instant, the whole world was quiet.

It was as if a noise lingering in Cheng Xu's ears suddenly disappeared, and the whole world fell into a quietness without any fluctuations.

All the deformed creatures surrounding Cheng Xu lowered their heads and stood still, no longer making any sound.

The plant also slowly dropped its petals and drooped on the ground, without any dangerous aura.


Just as Cheng Xu was considering whether to take the opportunity to escape, a strong tremor came from a distant direction.

All the monsters that had just been in death suddenly raised their bodies and roared towards the sky.

Amid the deafening sound, Cheng Xu saw a white "cloud".

When it slowly descended, Cheng Xu could see clearly that it was a large ball of pollen that was enough to cover everything...

A huge amount of pollen fell from the sky, completely burying Cheng Xu's figure.

Cheng Xu covered his mouth and nose to reduce his contact with the pollen as much as possible.

But no matter how Cheng Xu tried to block it, the pollen containing the parasite still touched his body...

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