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"Kashiga: So what effect does this blessing have?"

"Tengjia: I don't know."

"Kashiga: You are from a combat department, but you don't know anything about the killing blessing?"

"Tengjia: I haven't obtained it either. This thing must be obtained by being loyal to Lord Disaster since you were a mortal and constantly killing living beings..."

"Teng Qie: I joined the team halfway and never knew the gift of killing. What is the blessing?"

"Kashijia: Then how do you know what the killing blessing looks like?"

"Tengjia: Because I have seen its performance before and was very impressed."

"Kashijia: Where have you seen it? ? Is there such a ruthless person in our company? "

"Tengjia: Actually, he is the boss..."

"Kaxijia: That's not surprising"

In the banquet hall, the two guys who commanded the entire ship were already getting bored waiting In their eyes, the mysterious opponent seemed to be wasting time.

"It's been more than half an hour..."

"This guy seems to have killed a lot of big-headed soldiers. Is this just a personal hobby, or does he really think that doing so can weaken our strength..."

"The standing clone army in the shelter center is also The consumption is almost complete, and a production project has been hijacked. It seems that the legion structure needs to be optimized. "

Perli waved his hand, and the flashing light directly pulled a mechanical chef out of the workshop.

"Since he doesn't want to If you want to play with us, let's go find him."

He stretched out his fingers and opened the chef's skull, revealing the complex mechanical components and a transparent crystal filled with milky white liquid.

The liquid flashed with diamond-shaped Light spots, and occasionally some arcs can be seen shuttling through it.

Perri took off his gloves and stabbed his fingers directly into the crystal. The violent energy fluctuations quickly spread throughout the spacecraft.

All mechanical components, all The spacecraft structure was awakened at that moment, as if resonating with the liquid, releasing its own signals.

"All production units, listen up, expand the combat personnel to 10 times the number, regardless of energy consumption."

A dozen containment objects located in the core of the spacecraft were suddenly activated, and containment forces of various forms began to be mass-produced, with a wide variety of And diverse.

Those new troops quickly began to gather and counterattack the mechanized troops controlled by Qi Ling.

The situation that was originally in a stalemate changed instantly. The shelter center army, which had a clear advantage in both quantity and quality, easily recaptured the spacecraft. control.

The lower-level soldiers on the same front as the mechanical army had no ability to resist those special creations.

After several leaders with a strong will to resist were publicly executed, they chose to surrender for the second time.

The whole process It took only five minutes for the spaceship to quell the riot.

"What era is it now? Are you still thinking of earning status through riots and uprisings..."

Purley looked at the chef who collapsed on the ground, a little I stood up bored and walked towards the door.

"If your "Ochre Blade" doesn't come out for a walk, I'll go there myself."

"Then you go first."


Perri's figure was quickly submerged by a string of distorted light and disappeared into the banquet hall. After he left, Zauri pondered for a moment, and finally walked to one of his guards and gave an order. "Activate all the "Ochre Blade" troops to support Archon Perri! "

In that corridor full of corpses, Cheng Xu had completely devoured the flesh and blood of nearly 500 people, and his body's various values ​​had increased significantly.

The scarlet mist surrounding him also became It became more solid, emitting a faint sweet smell.

"Next, it's the two guys whose strength should not be underestimated..."

Cheng Xu was about to become invisible when he suddenly felt a sound coming from the corridor not far away. Abnormal emotional reaction.

"Save me the trouble of looking for you..."

The snake behind Cheng Xu suddenly shot out a thorn, shooting it at a corner of a corridor that seemed to be empty.

"Your perception is very sharp, which is interesting." A stream of arcs flashed by, and the thorn that had not yet blossomed disappeared out of thin air, turning into nothingness in Cheng Xu's perception.

"Bang! "

Cheng Xu quickly fired the second thorn, and the dark green thorn hit the ground directly. The large thorn filled with fear and neurotoxin suddenly bloomed!

"If you only know this trick, it's really boring.


Perli's fingers intertwined, and a gorgeous arc of light quickly appeared in front of him, directly engulfing all the thorns.

"How is it? Did you see anything?"

Perli walked towards Cheng Xu with a very relaxed pace, smiled, gently raised his right hand, and snapped his fingers.

A distorted light as fast as an arc rushed straight to Cheng Xu's head, and everything in the way was cut in half.

Relying on his body's instinct, Cheng Xu barely avoided this arc of light. The distorted light flew past his cheek and directly shattered several scales on Cheng Xu's face.

Under the scales, Cheng Xu's human skin was exposed, and a few drops of bright red blood were dripping out of the wound.

"Oh! You're actually a human, that's easy... Sorry, I thought you were a native from a certain planet..."

Perli actually laughed, not like he wanted to kill Cheng Xu just now.

"If you surrender now, I promise you don't have to accept any containment measures, just register and you can be in my..."

Perli's words were not finished, and he waved his fingers again, and a claw mark suddenly appeared in front of Cheng Xu, almost tearing off his shoulder blade.

But this time, Cheng Xu did not dodge, but turned into a shadow, rushed forward in the distorted light, and went straight through Perli's chest!

"This guy has no entity!"

After penetrating Perli's body, Cheng Xu suddenly found that the guy had no physical body in the conventional sense, and the whole person was a phantom of nothingness.

"Well, how about it, physical attacks don't work on me. ”

Perli still had that playful look, his mind was full of playfulness and joy, just like a child who found his favorite toy.

“I told you, surrender immediately, after all, no one likes the feeling of being torn apart…”

Perli interlaced his fingers, forming a large net woven by arcs of light, and surrounded Cheng Xu from all directions.

Cheng Xu, who was forced to transform into a shadow again, flashed behind Perli, subconsciously activated the "Harmony Color", and cut it down with one knife.

The blade of "Hundred Files" seemed to have swung in the air, touching nothing.

“Don’t waste your energy, gods don’t bleed…”

Perli spread his hands and put on a fearless attitude.

But Cheng Xu suddenly realized that his "Harmony Color" buff was clearly marked as "Second Slash".

“The first knife… took effect?”

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