"Do you know why I seldom use my full strength? Because it will cause some adults to dislike me. It's always better to be cautious when serving the emperor." The guards around Zauri were also enveloped by the thick dark red flames, and their body structures were undergoing earth-shaking changes. When the flames burned out, the guards with bony horns and dark red hair slowly appeared, and the needle-like armor quickly changed to adapt to their true form. "I also have to thank you for helping me block those annoying surveillance, the unknown lady from another world."

Zauli's body did not change at all, but his cheeks began to disintegrate quickly, turning into a skeleton without flesh and blood, with blazing flames burning in his eyes.

"You are very strong, I am not your opponent, even with these guys who came together temporarily, I can only barely hold on for a few minutes."

The white plant began to disintegrate quickly and dived into the cracks in the wall again, without any intention of fighting with Zauli.

"So I arranged a more suitable opponent for you, I believe he will also like to fight with you."

"Then your friend has to work harder. As far as I know, the missile with the shortest explosion time should still have ten minutes to disintegrate."

As soon as Zauli finished speaking, a mark with disintegration energy fell on the barrier built by the guards, accompanied by a strong explosion.

"Protect the commander!"

The guards quickly built a more condensed dark red barrier in front of Zauri, and the blazing flames added a layer of nearly perfect physical defense.

"You go to support the brothers who have just awakened, and take the "EXD-126 Void Legacy" back by the way. I can do it here by myself."

"But, commander..."

"I haven't fought in more than two years. Let me enjoy the battle, okay?"


The guards quickly left Zauri and went to the area where the "Ochre Blade" troops were buried.

Cheng Xu, who did not hide his body at all, stood across the pit from Zauri. The broken scales on his body had grown out, showing dull scars without luster.

"Hello, little lunatic from another world, I am Zauri, the actual captain and archon of this ship, and you?"

Cheng Xu did not answer, and the three lynx behind him let out a low roar.

"Okay, I'll take that as your answer. Next... after both parties have announced their names, it's time to fight to the death..."

Cheng Xu did not attack first this time, because his goal in this battle was not just to kill the other party.

The hunter who merged with Cheng Xu used to like to challenge strong enemies in order to learn their fighting skills and enhance his own strength.

Cheng Xu now has similar abilities. As long as he encounters an opponent worth fighting, his instinct will take over and induce him to fight a life-and-death battle with the strong enemy.

"Oh, you're quite polite. I'll go first!"

Zauli suddenly stepped on the ground, and a purple wave spread rapidly around.

At the moment when he was covered by the purple wave, Cheng Xu felt a strong pressure covering him, and every inch of his body tissue became extremely heavy.

"Twenty years ago, someone was as arrogant as you, but he lost his head with one sword..."

Zauli's words did not contain any threat or murderous intent, but the sword he swung in his palm was majestic, with a powerful force like a whale swallowing a waterfall.

The nearly five-meter-wide flame instantly enveloped Cheng Xu, forcing him to use his skills.

When Cheng Xu shuttled behind Zauli, the bone sword seemed to have self-awareness and stabbed Cheng Xu's face at a speed that was almost predictable!


Cheng Xu raised his hand to block, and "Hundred Files" and the bone sword clashed with each other, making a crisp buzzing sound.

A huge force surged from the blade of "Hundred Files", quickly climbing from Cheng Xu's wrist holding the knife, and barely stopped at the base of his arm.

The power as powerful as a river and as violent as a raging fire added a few more cracks to Cheng Xu's scales that had just been completely repaired.

"You're quick. You can block my blow even under the influence of five times the gravity. Your head deserves to be hung at my doorstep!"

Zauli stepped again, and a more solid purple halo suddenly spread out. The scales on Cheng Xu's body immediately made a crackling sound.

The second slash came like a landslide, with an indescribable

The unquestionable pressure almost made Cheng Xu unable to breathe.

Under such heavy pressure, Cheng Xu did not retreat but advanced. His figure suddenly rushed like an arrow, turned into a shadow, and directly crashed into the blind spot of Zauri's bone sword, and the dagger suddenly stabbed at his heart!


A ball of fire with a solid core directly hit Cheng Xu's "Hundred Files", and the strong high temperature almost made the dagger out of his control.

The ball of fire was wrapped in the dark red flames surrounding Zauri, and had a powerful force similar to his own, directly knocking Cheng Xu, who was covered by a strong gravity aura, nearly two meters away.

When the fireball was completely extinguished, Cheng Xu could see its core clearly, which was a pale skull.

"Your attack is fierce, but not powerful enough. You will definitely suffer on the battlefield..."

Zauli was about to give Cheng Xu another gravity aura, and then completely solve this opponent who was no longer worth much.

As a result, Cheng Xu, who was not far from him, actually imitated him, raised his foot and stomped on the ground, releasing an almost identical gravity aura!

"Crack... Bang!"

Zauli's armor almost collapsed under the influence of gravity, and the somewhat disordered needle-shaped armor barely maintained its shape.

"Hey... I really didn't expect it!"

Zauli's bone sword suddenly burst into a ball of extremely blazing flames, and his heart was full of excitement.

"Come on! What moves do you have? Use them again!"

Cheng Xu did not mean to hold back at all. His muscles were pumping, and the "Hundred Files" in his hand were raised high, and he also launched a powerful slash like a landslide!

"Haha! Great!"

Zauli's flames suddenly surged, and he burst out with a terrifying momentum. He raised his bone sword and stabbed it, intersecting with the sword light slashed by Cheng Xu...

"Buzz... Boom!"

At the moment when the two slashes canceled each other out, the shock wave that burst out swept the broken debris around. Among the collapsed fragments, only the two figures fixed in place by gravity remained.

Cheng Xu looked at his hands, and a very strange feeling emerged in his heart, as if something was about to appear, but it could not be described in words.

Cheng Xu remembered that this thing was called inspiration in the mouth of the hunter!

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