The boat was in a state of panic, but the boat was still in a state of panic.

When Cheng Xu carried the human into the boat, white plants quickly grew and spread on the boat's hull, and a large number of plant roots quickly secreted white liquid and hardened quickly.

The hardened substances turned into a transparent structure with optical invisibility within a few seconds, completely hiding the shape of the boat.

After hiding, the boat ran at full speed and quickly fled in a certain direction in deep space.

In the narrow pressurized cabin of the boat, Cheng Xu sensed twelve very clear emotional reactions, and there was no sign of dullness after being parasitized.

As the gas gradually filled up, the crystal protection on Cheng Xu's body gradually dissipated and returned to the crystal organism.


The door inside the cabin slowly opened, and two humans who looked hostile stood at the door, staring at Cheng Xu and the crystal creatures around him.

The spaceship behind them was already full of complex plant structures, and there were three "cocoons" that took up a lot of space hanging in the cabin, which looked very annoying.

Cheng Xu's perception could not penetrate these three cocoons. The material for weaving the cocoon shells seemed to be the plant structure shaped by Qi Ling.

Qi Ling, who was responsible for welcoming them just now, had already taken off the protective suit and reintegrated into the plant structure inside the spaceship.

"Members of the vanguard team, let me introduce you first. This is our future safety guarantee. You can report any danger to him as soon as possible."

Qi Ling took the unconscious human on Cheng Xu's shoulder and quickly formed a third plant cocoon to protect him in it.

"I hope you can support each other on the road to rebellion and get along well..."

While Qi Ling was speaking, Cheng Xu sensed the hostility and reluctance from those crew members. It seemed that they did not belong to the faction that was eager to overthrow the upper rule of the Foundation.

"Don't worry too much. I temporarily kidnapped this team as a backup offensive means. They are not a big threat."

Cheng Xu received a mental link from Qi Ling, which seemed to be a separate line.

"This team had previously detected our shelter, and successfully tracked down the information remnants that had not escaped successfully, and followed them all the way to my door..."

"So I kidnapped their captain and vice-captain, and also kidnapped the maintenance technician of the hull to prevent them from escaping."

The crew in the boat basically fell into silence. They lost a few backbones and didn't even know where the emergency communication of the boat was. They basically had no ability to resist.

"Now I will take them to the location of the shelter. I have completely camouflaged it there. Don't worry about safety issues."

Qi Ling sent a picture signal to Cheng Xu, in which it was his shelter, which was now wrapped in a force field and fixed in the plant mass.

The white plant vines were very far away from Cheng Xu's shelter and did not dare to approach at all.

"Your shelter is giving me a headache. It seems that it is unusually hostile to all plants. My tentacles can't get close to it at all..."

"Thank you."

"Oh, it's hard to imagine someone like you saying thank you. Well... you're welcome."

Qi Ling's thoughts didn't pause at all. She quickly sent a new video message to Cheng Xu, which seemed to come from the "Ochre Blade".

"I left a lot of parasites on that ship, from organic to inorganic, a total of more than 2,700. Our next attack focus is here."

Outside the "Ochre Blade", a medium-sized ship about one-tenth of its size was approaching. Cheng Xu could even clearly sense the communication signal it sent.

"The Pashwell is requesting to dock"

"Repeat, the Pashwell is requesting to dock"

"This ship will conduct a forced landing after the fourth repetition"

"The guys on this ship are more "contained" than the mercenary "Ochre Blade" Corps. They are all key targets for containment, and there are even a few "Crown"-level ones."

In the picture, the medium-sized ship slowly stopped and turned on the high-power signal transmitter on the side of the "Ochre Blade".

After the transmitter was turned on, a communication signal as powerful as a low-frequency radiation weapon rushed to the "Ochre Blade".

After Qi Ling's translation, Cheng Xu knew the information and purpose of the signal.

"Warning, this communication signal will restart the various functional engines of the spacecraft, please be prepared"


A ball of fire suddenly burst out from the tail engine of the "Ochre Blade", and the blazing flames swayed extremely unstably.

A few seconds later, the core engine of the entire spacecraft completely shut down and began to spray out a large amount of unused fuel that was poured into the fuel tank.

When the fuel material formed a dust cloud around the spacecraft, the failed main engine suddenly ignited, causing a series of explosions.

In the flames of the explosion, the entire core of the entire spacecraft began to overload, and after a period of time, it burned its own structure and went offline.

"Okay, then we'll wait for them to dissect the spacecraft. I hope they take these fragments as far as possible..."

After a few minutes of sailing, the boat began to turn and accelerate towards an asteroid belt.

In that slightly sparse asteroid belt, there was a twisted mass that drifted with the flow, which was the two shelters hidden by Qi Ling.

"I swallowed the memories of 19 navigators on the "Ochre Blade". According to the types of scanning radars they have, I hid the shelter in a targeted manner. It is basically safe."

When the boat sailed between two metal asteroids, an inward crack slowly opened up and swallowed the boat, and the surroundings returned to normal.

Cheng Xu saw his familiar house outside the porthole and felt a little tired.

Next to his three houses, there was a crystal giant that seemed to be sleeping soundly.

The boat slowly stopped next to the giant, and the door of the booster cabin opened quickly.

At the same time, Qi Ling's voice also sounded in the boat, like a bus announcement when it arrived at the station.

"Dear members of the rebel team, welcome to this hidden base, but unfortunately, you do not have the authority to leave, please wait patiently on the boat..."

Qi Ling stretched out the tone and made a disgusting sound, as if deliberately causing disgust among the crew members.

"Okay, everyone, I wish you all a good time here! ——”

After that, Qi Ling handed the cocoon that wrapped the observer to Cheng Xu, and asked him to take the cocoon with the crystal creature and leave the boat to the shelter.

“By the way, Mr. Cheng Xu, are you interested in visiting our shelter?”

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