Although Zhang Ke was still twitching, he was still alive.

Even though he had completely lost his vital signs, Zhang Ke's body was still twitching, like a real insect, his hands and feet trembling back and forth.

After Cheng Xu confirmed that the other party was not breathing, he carefully checked his equipment and found that he had no weapons or armor.

Cheng Xu stripped off his clothes, which were full of fleas and dirt. They could not be used at all, even as rags, which were disgusting.

Cheng Xu simply threw his body and clothes into the farm and quickly left the scene.

"Three more."

Cheng Xu took advantage of the three minutes left in the props and arrived at another roundabout, where there were still three completely dilapidated houses.

"There are no death reports in the morning now, and I don't know how many people have died..."

All those dilapidated houses were the same, filled with green mud, and Cheng Xu had no desire to go in and explore.

But just as Cheng Xu was about to leave, he heard a wheeze coming from one of the houses.

"Uh... huh... cough cough cough... vomit..."

Cheng Xu stood at the door and looked into the room. He didn't find any living creatures in the living room.

The sound seemed to come from the toilet, accompanied by the sound of walking.

A few seconds later, a person covered in pink mucus came out of the toilet, wrapped in a placenta-like thing, looking a little disgusting.

The guy walked all the way through the filth on the ground and came to the door, cursing as he walked.

"Damn it, I have to leave quickly, or I'll be blocked by that bastard again, and lose another body. I've saved up for so long!"

This time, Cheng Xu didn't take action, but chose to follow him. From what Zhang Ke said, it was obvious that he had more than one body.

"Teng Qie: Oh, it seems that he can meet all the requirements of the hidden mission by himself. This guy is unlucky enough."

"Shi Calyx Qie: One person provides four bodies. This is the consequence of not choosing offensive skills."

"Tian Qie: Indeed, if he had just chosen the "Escape Camouflage" branch in the talent tree, he wouldn't have died so easily."

"Bi Dong Qie: I've started to consider whether to weaken the "killer" appropriately. Why is all the good stuff occupied by him?"

"Teng Qie: This is strength, strength, understand?"

Cheng Xu followed Zhang Ke, keeping a distance, and followed him through four or five roundabouts.

Those roundabouts were reshaped by Zhang Ke using a lot of garbage, and even several passages were dug under the water that were only suitable for him.

Those passages were like the small intestines of an unknown beast, intertwined and filled with dirty substances. Normal people would feel physiological nausea just by looking at them.

In order to prevent Zhang Ke from placing traps in the passages, Cheng Xu just observed the direction of the passages, then surfaced and walked on land.

After passing three pools, Cheng Xu saw the footprints left by Zhang Ke and walked towards a house that had become a ruin.

The house was surrounded by branches and soil, like a masterpiece of beavers.

Those things formed a simple dam, which was piled up to the height of a normal house. There were many green sludges on the outer wall, which had dried and showed scaly cracks.

In this ruin that can be described as a "nest", Cheng Xu saw a rustling figure.

The figure seemed to be digging the soil, and a lot of soil was flying around him.

"I can't leave it here... It's too close, and that invisible bastard will find it! I have to move my eggs..."

Zhang Ke dug for a while, then suddenly squatted down, picked up a pink insect egg that was more than half a person tall, and then crawled out of the dam through the gap.

Cheng Xu, who was in a "dormant" state, carefully observed Zhang Ke's movements, and then quickly caught up after the other's figure gradually moved away.

After more than ten minutes of chasing, Zhang Ke crossed more than a dozen roundabouts and returned to his real shelter.

During this period, he kept drilling into various dirty places, and the roads he took were as evil as they could be. Fortunately, Cheng Xu had a grappling gun and could move from another height, otherwise it would be difficult to catch up with this guy.

His main shelter is completely different from that of a normal person. It has only one floor and is almost completely broken. There are no doors or windows at all, only branches and mud on the ground.

Zhang Ke seemed to be completely immune to sewage. He used it as normal clay and built a new shelter that looked like a termite nest.


He did not know what means he used to tear down all the floors of his house, dig out a basement, and cover it with a lot of mud.

At first glance, outsiders could not see where the basement was.

When Cheng Xu squatted on the top of the church in front of his house, Zhang Ke had already placed his first insect egg and was going to get the second one.

"Tsk... invisible thief... ugh..."

When Zhang Ke left the roundabout from the underground tunnel, Cheng Xu immediately entered his shelter and began to search.

"This guy's shelter is like a real rat hole..."

Cheng Xu barely squeezed into the tunnel full of turbid sewage and found that he could not see the situation below at all. All he could see was turbid green.

Relying on groping, Cheng Xu barely found the entrance to the basement, opened a door similar to a manhole cover, and crawled in.

The space in the basement was much more spacious than Cheng Xu expected. At least he could stand up without bending over all the time.

But there was no light in this space, it was completely dark, Cheng Xu could only explore the surrounding situation by groping.

He took out Zhang Yichi's former compound bow collection and used it as a broom to determine if there were any traps around.

After searching for a distance, he found that he should have been overthinking. The rat-like guy did not set any traps at all, and did not even dig a pit.

At the end of the corridor-shaped basement, Cheng Xu touched the group of insect eggs and the "split eggs" next to it.

The soft insect eggs carried an uncomfortable vitality, and even though they were nearly two meters apart, Cheng Xu could feel its wriggling.

"That's it..."

Cheng Xu stood near the insect eggs, put away the compound bow, took out the folding knife "Bai File", and waited for the hibernation to take effect.

After staying in the dark basement for more than ten minutes, Cheng Xu heard a sound of paddling from the top.

Then, a humming sound came with the opening and closing of the manhole cover: "Squeak... This time, that bitch will definitely not be found... No one can find me... Safe... Humph, safe!"

When Zhang Ke landed, he felt something was wrong. The soil under his feet was not moist enough. There was a high possibility that there was an intruder in his home...

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