After recording the monsters, Cheng Xu temporarily left Li Enze's territory and went back to his home to check the situation and prepare various things for the evening.

While preparing things, Cheng Xu also took the time to complete some professional tasks related to manufacturing and unlocked a new skill:


"When hitting the enemy, it can cause small-scale mental shock damage and increase all damage received by the target by 40% within 5 minutes after the hit"

"Consumption: 1 point of mental value"

This skill enables Cheng Xu to fight against highly resistant opponents, which gives him more confidence in the hunting action at night.

For the rest of the day, Cheng Xu was conserving his energy and adjusting his state to the best gear.

At the moment when night fell, a strange chanting of scriptures rang out in the water dungeon, replacing the usual lighthouse alarm.

In every small church around the island, the statues wrapped in countless bandages began to come alive, growing fat bodies and stretching out dirty curtains.

The white fat placed in front of the statues began to burn, like a candle, illuminating the entire church.

The "Corrupted Walkers" hiding under the water climbed out along the steps of the church, squeezed into the church, curled up into a ball, and knelt on the ground, as if praying.

Those irregular chanting sounds gradually merged, like a chorus mixed with many elements, full of uncomfortable vitality.

Those sounds seemed to be a group of bacteria that continued to proliferate, gradually expanding, forming colonies, filling every gap in the world...

Listening to the disordered chanting, Cheng Xu felt that he instinctively wanted to vomit.

Just when his discomfort was about to reach its peak, the chanting stopped quietly.

The sudden silence was like the calm before the storm. Except for Cheng Xu's own heartbeat, there was no sound in the air.

"Boom... Buzz..."

A buzzing sound from the ground broke the moment of silence...

The whole water prison began to collapse, the earth cracked, and the green thick soup in the abyss was rising with the surging tide. Countless creatures with green fluorescence let out eager hisses.

Cheng Xu was originally standing on the top of the second floor, wanting to observe the situation outside carefully, but the sewage coming out from the ground was faster than he imagined, and directly submerged his second-floor fortress.

After the sewage submerged his ankles, the rising trend slowed down, but the water level was still rising.

Cheng Xu controlled his spider to climb to the highest point of the tree. He also took out the grappling hook gun, quickly reached the island, and climbed to the highest point in the current water prison.

The green sewage did not stop growing until it was about to submerge the tree canopy.

Fish creatures and some strange-looking creatures in the water began to swim around, forming an extremely complex formation under the vast water surface.

The center of the formation was very close to Cheng Xu, and it seemed to be the small church of the island.

Various green creatures swam while making sounds, praising a powerful existence.

The sound was similar to spiritual fluctuations, so Cheng Xu understood the meaning of those hums.

"The Great Mother will be revived tonight, the Great Mother will devour tonight... Celebrate, praise, new disciples will join us..."

Suddenly, in the center of the huge formation, Cheng Xu saw a deep green light.

The light came from the depths of the sewage, reflecting a huge existence whose shape could not be seen clearly.

The bloated and huge body slowly floated up along the water flow, and a series of bubbles stirred up the entire sewage, as if the water containing all the filth had already boiled.

When the huge body emitting light approached the water surface, Cheng Xu felt a disgust that came from human instinct.


"Mother of Corruption" jumped out of the water, and the huge body that looked like a mountain of flesh was flowing with pus, and the bulges all over the body kept spewing eggs of various sizes.

Those eggs fell into the sewage, and the creatures contained in them broke out of the shell and joined the sewage tribe.

Cheng Xu stared at the huge monster, deliberately showing a little nervousness, and his legs even made movements to prepare for escape.

Then, a voice sounded in his brain.

"Hey! It's me, it's me, it's me, remember?"

Cheng Xu cooperated with a hint of doubt, and then deliberately held back and did not respond to Tengjia.

"Since you have completed"

"The Corruptor", I can help you tonight... You don't really forget who I am, do you?"

Cheng Xu tried to respond to him in his head: "Manager, Tengqie?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Well, the boss doesn't allow me to communicate with you openly, so you can just act a little. I will lead these guys away immediately, and you can secretly hang on my back!"


The next second, the huge "Mother of Corruptor" began to move, spitting out a large number of green eggs from the back of its body, pushing its huge body forward.

Just as it passed the branch where Cheng Xu was, Cheng Xu jumped lightly, stepped directly on the back of the "Mother of Corruptor", and slowly squatted down.

"Perfect! I have limited time. Whoever you want to kill first, I will help you deal with him!"

"Is this part of the mission reward?"

"Why are you so obedient, you silly boy? Even if it's not, so what? I help whoever I want!"

"Why do you want to help me?"

"Well, it's a long story. Anyway, you must win a spot in the battle royale. As long as you win, my net worth will be multiplied by five... ahem..."

"Battle royale is..."

"Hey, look at my brain. We are going to have a battle royale at the end of this map, the kind with 500 people!"

"Will the venue still be between these roundabouts?"

"No, it will be in a real "water prison" with no entrances and exits, where the sewage can drown your chest!"

"Battle royale... tomorrow?"

"No, my task tonight is to reduce the number of survivors to about 500, and then give you two days of buffer time to prepare for the battle royale. ”

“Will other people know about the battle royale?”

“No, it’s exclusive news! I promise that only you know it, hehe!”

“Then…what do I need to prepare?”

“Take advantage of these few days to make more spiders and your mental attack traps. Don’t go out and save your strength!”

“Thank you, Tengqie.”

“Hehehe, as long as you can win, that’s the greatest thank you to me… Tell me, who do you want to kill first tonight! ?”

“That “tamer” Li Enze.”

“Let’s go!”

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