The weather was very bad, but the weather was very good.

Cheng Xu opened the list, which covered more than 200 different types of weather.

In general, the weather can be divided into three categories.

The first category of weather is the most normal climate phenomenon, which does not exceed Cheng Xu's cognitive scope.

The second category of weather is somewhat abnormal, but it is not difficult to understand, such as "pollen warm snow" and "scarlet blood rain", which can basically be imagined at a glance.

And the third category of weather is something that cannot be understood literally, such as "worm silk phantom" and "shadow clusters", and there is no way to guess its true form.

After a while, the managers have almost filled up the remaining three days, all of which are extremely weird weather.

"Nanqie: OK, since you have all had fun, I will assign a few more tasks."

"Nanqie: @Shuiqie, write an analysis report on the monster ecology of this map. The leader wants to see it. Give it to me in twelve hours."

"Shuiqie: OK..."

"Nanqie: @Citianqie, write a geographical analysis report. Also give it to me in twelve hours."

"Citianqie: ... OK."

"Nanqie: @Ruqie, analyze the survivors' data and hand it in with them."

"Ruqie: Got it."

"Nanqie: The rest of you, follow me. Let's have a meeting. Lord Disaster is here too. Perform well."


"Ten Calyx: Damn!"

The managers went offline one after another and went to work on their own.

Cheng Xu did not get any useful information, so he could only continue to explore on his own.

"If I want to know something, I guess I have to wait for their reports to come out. I hope they will be posted to the group..."

Cheng Xu sorted out his equipment and planned to walk around the fifth floor of the mall and search for some food.

Due to the strong wind outside, some humanoid deformed creatures were awakened, lying by the window, and roaring threateningly at the invisible enemy.

There is no great hostility between these creatures, although they all look different.

Cheng Xu tried his best to avoid the position of those guys and walked towards his first target, "Sam's Burger".

"The back kitchen of this kind of fast food restaurant should have a lot of cooked food reserves. As long as it is frozen, it can be eaten for a while..."

With this idea in mind, Cheng Xu quickly came to the fast food restaurant to look for food in the back kitchen.

In the back kitchen of the hamburger restaurant, there are indeed many freezers, most of which are still powered. Only two or three were damaged due to accidents. A large amount of frozen food was thawed, and the soup with the taste of seasoning flowed all over the floor.

"Crack... Crunch..."

In one of the freezers lying on the ground, Cheng Xu heard chewing sounds, as if there was something alive.

Cheng Xu slowed down as much as possible and opened the first freezer that was still working.

After Cheng Xu spent more than five minutes slowly pushing open the sliding door of the freezer, he found that it was full of raw hamburger steaks. Although it had been marinated, the red traces of raw meat filling could still be seen.

"It's not a cooked semi-finished product, what a pity."

When Cheng Xu opened this door, the creature hiding in the freezer did not have any special reaction, probably because it did not notice Cheng Xu's presence.

The second door was also slowly pushed open by Cheng Xu, and inside was a large amount of cheese ingredients, all sealed in plastic packaging.

"Although it will melt when it leaves the low temperature environment, you can still take some to eat."

Cheng Xu took two packs and prepared them for today's dinner.

As the exploration went smoothly, Cheng Xu's mood improved a lot, and the sense of crisis brought by the new environment was slightly reduced.

But when he opened the third door, the tension of the crisis enveloped his heart again.

In the freezer, there was a person who was frozen to death.

There was no deformed weird tissue on her body, and her whole body was covered with ice chips. Her eyes were wide open and her pupils were completely dilated.

She was still wearing the chef uniform of a hamburger restaurant, and she was holding a kitchen knife tightly in her hand, which had frozen to her hand skin.


The human smell alarmed the monster hiding in the abandoned freezer, and the freezer lying on the ground was slowly pushed open...

Cheng Xu originally thought that a humanoid creature would drill out of the freezer, but the door of the freezer only opened a gap of five or six centimeters.

A very small monster drilled out from the gap in the door, walked a short distance on the ground, and then ran back.


The monster looked very much like a human hand, except that it only had three fingers, and those three seemed to be thumbs.

A few seconds later, another monster came out.

It not only had four fingers as legs, but also had three extra fingers growing on the top, holding an eyeball.

The eyeball did not rotate by itself, and each rotation depended on the movement of the fingers.

The monster that looked like a palm strolled around the freezer that served as its nest, and then looked at the employee who had frozen to death in the freezer.


It made a short call that sounded like the sound of a rodent.

A moment later, a group of similar monsters crawled out of the freezer and crawled towards the corpse that had been dead for an unknown period of time.

Cheng Xu jumped aside, took out his weapon, and was ready to defend and counterattack at any time.

But the monsters did not notice Cheng Xu's presence and went straight to the corpse.

Those tiny monsters kept jumping around the corpse, making tiny sounds, as if calling for something.

Then, the freezer lying on the ground suddenly opened a larger gap, and a group of black tentacles emerged.

At the top of the tentacles, there was a human head, with part of the shoulders attached.

However, the eyes, nose, and ear holes of the head were all occupied by black tentacles, and it looked like the shell of a hermit crab.

The group of black tentacles, like a starfish, slowly swung its tentacles and moved towards the corpse in the freezer.

"Crack... Crunch..."

The small monsters with fingers forcibly took off the head of the frozen person, waiting for the black tentacles to move in.

A few seconds later, the corpse that had turned into an ice lump suddenly trembled, and a large number of black tentacles sprang out from the cracks in the body, as if they were splitting and reproducing.

A group of split tentacles made a strange cry similar to that of a baby, and then slowly crawled towards the abandoned frozen head...

When it touched the head, the ears and eyeballs of the corpse quickly fell off and scattered on the ground.

The black tentacles quickly occupied every hole in the head, and then gathered together to form a mass, which kept squirming.

A few seconds later, a new finger monster walked out of the black mass and picked up the eye that had just fallen to the ground...

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