The damage caused by the Hulk Hulk is actually similar, and even when it comes out of military capture, the damage caused by the Hulk Hulk is equally amazing.

Of course, if it weren’t for the Hulk Hulk’s destructive power, he wouldn’t have been targeted by Nick Fury.

Such a big man, if he is his own person, he is still very good, he can beat the enemy to the ground, of course, his own home will also be smashed.

They themselves are also official people, naturally very clear about the official thinking, if these superheroes can be controlled, they will not be stingy.

But this matter has little to do with them, because it is officially promoted, and they can only be regarded as semi-official, above all intelligence organizations, but again, they are not the intelligence agencies of any country.


“Age of Ultron…”

Inside the New York Building, Tony Stark saw the word Ultron in his diary again, and added the word era, what does this mean?

It shows that the Ultron thing is likely to become the name of a big event.

“It seems that Ultron really caused great damage and became the villain of a certain story, that story is called Ultron Era, right?” Tony Stark said analytically.

He had been very skeptical before whether Ultron was his artificial intelligence, but now he almost got an affirmative answer, that is, Ultron did cause great damage and became the name of an Ultron era.

Even Luo Chen used a big event to describe the huge impact of the Ultron era, and even the birth of the superhero registration act later.

“Superhero Registration Act!” Tony Stark is not the same Tony Stark who has gone through the vicissitudes of the future at this time, so he can’t approve of this superhero registration bill at all.

He could already tell from the name alone that it was.

But how could Tony Stark, who threw Tony Stark directly at the congressional advisory meeting, accept this kind of superhero registration bill.

“This is a violation of freedom!” Tony Stark couldn’t help but whisper. “How can such a bill on human rights violations be passed!”

He is a typical lighthouse countryman and a big capitalist, born distrustful of the official, and when he sees such a registration bill, he instinctively has a huge disgust.

“But sir, since this bill can be passed, it must have a considerable degree of public opinion, otherwise, Congress will not be able to pass it, and perhaps something unpredictable will happen in the future!”

Jarvis reminded.

“Yes, something big must happen in the future, that is, this Ultron era, if our previous guess is correct, Ultron is an artificial intelligence created by me, then Ultron era may be a crisis of intelligent machinery, and may even involve multiple superheroes, so this bill will be born!” Tony Stark couldn’t help but say. “Moreover, superheroes, in the eyes of the public, can really be considered human?”

Tony Stark thought of the Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, and Hulk Hulk, Abomination mentioned in the diary.

If the so-called superheroes are all like that, extremely violent, and very destructive, then ordinary people can really see these superheroes as their own?

If it is not my race, its heart will be different, and it is not only the Chinese people who have this idea!

“Yes, sir, the birth of the superhero registration bill may be related to the crisis caused by these superheroes, as mentioned in Luo Chen’s diary, superheroes have nothing to do, not even once or twice, and the confrontation between ordinary people and superheroes in the future should be very serious!” Jarvis said.

“yes, it’s okay!” Tony Stark smiled self-deprecatingly, in Luo Chen’s eyes, he probably created Ultron with nothing to do, and then caused a series of dangers.

“And this purple potato essence snapped his fingers, this is the second time Luo Chen mentioned this matter in his diary, perhaps, this finger-snapping thing means some kind of very terrible catastrophe, so it will be repeatedly mentioned by Luo Chen!” Jarvis spoke.

“Yes, if it was an ordinary thing, it wouldn’t make Luo Chen so jealous, snap his fingers? What snap your fingers? Is this not really finger snapping, but some kind of metaphor? Tony Stark also thought with a bit of a headache.

Because Luo Chen’s diary uses a lot of memes that seem to be understood only by people outside the fourth wall, and he thinks he is humorous.

As a result, he, the person who reads the diary, only feels extremely headache, and he can’t get the information he wants from these words.


“Really, can’t he keep a good diary?” It’s a very bad habit to mix so many messy terriers inside! Hawkeye Barton couldn’t help but complain. Who is this second mentioned purple potato essence, what does snapping fingers mean, and who are those superheroes who have nothing to do? ”

At this time, in the office of S.H.I.E.L.D., these people looked at Luo Chen’s words, and they all felt very speechless, mixed with a large number of incomprehensible metaphors and words, which were simply outrageous.

If he could, he really wanted to find Luo Chen and beat him.

“It must be a very, very important thing!” Nick Fury said. “This purple sweet potato essence must be some very powerful villain, snapping his fingers may refer to the ridicule of something he did, as for the major events of the Ultron era, there is still no clue, I don’t know what it refers to!”

“But don’t you think that the real danger is the timeline that Luo Chen said is more dangerous than the purple potato essence snapping his fingers?” Widowed sister Natasha said. “This matter of purple sweet potato essence snapping fingers has been repeatedly mentioned twice, obviously in Luo Chen’s heart, it should have a very important position, I am afraid that it will affect the world, and may even affect the major events of the universe, but there is actually a more dangerous timeline than this, what will it be?”

“He mentioned the concept of timelines… At this point, Agent Hill finally found an opportunity to interject. “This seems to be different from the concept of parallel universes!”

“Physically, everyone’s different choices will give birth to different parallel universes, but the concept of timeline may be something else, for example, if a key node in history is changed, a new timeline will be born!” Nick Fury thought about it, maybe such a concept. “For example, in World War II, the Lighthouse Nation was defeated!”

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