“The first is a relatively normal timeline, that is, it points to the future where the purple potato essence snaps its fingers…” Widowed sister Natasha continued. “And the second is the zombie universe, and even that purple potato essence has not escaped the future!”

“How do I think, these two may be similar!” Hawkeye Barton couldn’t help but complain. “What’s the difference? That purple potato essence snapping his fingers may also be a crisis of the extinction level, and the crisis of this zombie universe may also be, and it makes no difference! ”

“What’s more troublesome is Luo Chen’s description!” Nick Fury said. In addition to these two timelines, there is also the so-called abandoned timeline, are you afraid when you see this word? The timeline is not naturally generated, and there is such a thing as abandonment! ”

Nick Fury feels that the most terrifying thing in this whole paragraph is not the zombie universe where all the members become zombies, but the concept of this abandoned timeline.


“Discarded timeline? Could it be the timeline, is there a master? Tony Stark muttered, he deduced from Luo Chen’s words in his diary that made him feel almost instantly creepy.

Timeline has masters!

In other words, someone is watching the timeline, someone is picking the timeline, in short, it means that the timeline may not be naturally generated and developed, but a process of someone selecting.

“At present, the timeline revealed in Luo Chen’s diary, in addition to the so-called abandoned timeline, is two, one is the timeline pointing to the purple potato essence snapping fingers, and the other is the zombie universe, all members have become zombies, and my head will be the first to be cut off!” Tony Stark said. “Every future seems to be very gray, very terrifying, for us is a disaster, but Luo Chen did not call these abandoned timelines, that is, the abandonment of the timeline may not be dominated by us, not the end of the earth, this timeline is meaningless, so what factors determine the meaning of the existence of this timeline?”

Thinking of this, Tony Stark’s brain is about to explode, the amount of information is too large, and the big one is a bit outrageous.

Parallel universes, isotopes of parallel universes, timelines, new timelines, abandoned timelines, too many concepts!

“Wait, I’ll straighten out the concept first!”

Tony Stark couldn’t help but pace left and right in the room.

“Different choices will produce new timelines, and new timelines may produce different parallel universes, but parallel universes do not mean that they are all new timelines!” Tony Stark muttered. “For example, the cinematic universe and the comic universe are both parallel universes, but they are not based on the same thing derived from the timeline, and they are both movie universes, our Marvel universe is the 1999 universe, and the X-Men universe next door, it seems that they are not the same, this is a completely different parallel universe, there is a connection between each other, but there is not much connection!”

“In addition, it is a new parallel universe based on the division of the timeline, and these things may be derived from human choices, so Luo Chen here is not using the concept of parallel universes, but the concept of timeline!” Tony Stark said.

Immediately he began to roughly draw on the projection on the desktop, drew a tree, and continued: “If we think of the timeline as a tree, then the different timelines should be from different branches of this tree, and the difference between the comic universe and the movie universe, the 1999 universe and the X-Men universe, should be different trees, which will not normally intersect with each other, only at certain times, such as when the screenwriter outside the fourth wall needs it. Having one of the actors make a cameo appearance in another universe, it’s really a shame that they can think of this, it’s a play on these concepts! ”

“So we assume that these trees have owners, so this owner is choosing from moment to moment, which branches are crooked, and cut off this branch, which is the so-called abandoned timeline!” Tony Stark felt as if he had found a pattern.

“So, is the reopening of the universe mentioned here uprooting the whole tree, and then re-transplanting the same variety of tree into it, so that he can grow again to meet his expectations?” When Tony Stark thought of this, he only felt that himself, no, the whole world, the entire universe, and even the entire multiverse were covered by one hand.

What is one hand to cover the sky, this is one hand to cover the sky!

Suddenly, I only felt cold sweat on my back.


“Discarded timelines, who is manipulating the timeline, who decides which timelines work and which cannot?” Agent Hill asked. “Someone in the back?”

“I think it should be!” Nick Fury said.

“I remembered something, do you remember, in the earliest chapters of Luo Chen’s diary, not long after he crossed over, he was worried that his arrival would attract the attention of a person named Gu Yi and another named Kang…” Widowed sister Natasha said. “At that time, we didn’t know who this Gu Yi and Kang really were, and even used a lot of resources to investigate, and finally came to the conclusion that it may be a figure on the extraordinary side of the earth, which we can’t touch, but at that time, Luo Chen, including him now, was just a small transparent, not famous, and even lived a very salty life every day, so why was he so sure that he would attract the attention of these two?”

“Nata, you mean these two are the ones responsible for maintaining the timeline?” Nick Fury immediately got to the point and asked. “And Luo Chen knows the existence of these two people, and also knows that these two people are responsible for maintaining the timeline, so that the timeline moves in the right direction they feel, and if something is wrong, cut it off immediately?”

“Yes, that’s what I meant!” Widowed sister Natasha nodded, and then said, “Don’t you think it’s strange? People like Luo Chen are all people who are destined to be, in our West, that is the child of destiny, doesn’t he want to make a career in this movie world that he thinks? Why is he so salty?

Are you afraid of something? Want to reduce your influence on the timeline to reduce the likelihood of being discovered by someone? ”

I have to say that if Luo Chen is here, he will be shocked when he hears this analysis.

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