Nick Fury has been 100% sure that the villain in the story of Thor 1 mentioned in Luo Chen’s diary is 100% Loki, the god of trickery.

Everything is very logical, thinking from the logic of those Hollywood screenwriters, that is, logic deceived Thor, and Thor later discovered the truth, recovered his divine power, and finally returned to Asgard to fight Loki and regain his throne.

Perfect, this script, he gives full marks!

“Wait, what does this Lone Star mean?” Thor suddenly reacted and asked.

This heavenly lone star is not a good word to listen to.

“This, I know, seems to be a word used in Huaxia!” Coulson explained. “It seems to be said that a person, relatives and friends around him will die because of him, so it is called Tianxiao Lone Star!”

Thor heard it, and was immediately very upset, he is a god, the prince of Asgard, how can it be some kind of lone star.

If this is said by someone else, he must let the other party know his own power, but this is said by Luo Chen.

The words of this damned mortal may well represent some kind of reality, even if he still has a father, a mother, and a lovely but rebellious brother, but he is not sure that all this will become a reality in the future.

Everyone looked at Thor with a somewhat pitiful expression, obviously this evaluation is not a good thing, even if it seems that there is nothing now, but these tragic things are likely to appear in the future.

Even Tony Stark is not very envious now, what is envy, envy, soon it will be a lone star, father and mother brother, lover, what is worse than this?

[So, how many of these superheroes are not from the Lone Star?] It seems that they are all quite restrained, and those supervillains are similar, and few have a happy and complete life.

The so-called tragedy is to shape the most beautiful things, and then tear them up for you to see, don’t look at Loki’s rebellion like a second-year teenager now, when the time comes to watch the video, you have to cry, especially when he sees that because he wants to block his brother, resulting in the tragic death of his mother, maybe this is the person who loves him in the world.

That crying look, it should be that the mentality exploded on the spot! 】

Seeing this, everyone’s mood began to not calm down, because Luo Chen’s diary said that it was the Lone Star of Heaven, but not only Thor alone, but even other superheroes, and even supervillains, have a high chance of becoming the Lone Star.

You say how they can be calm.

Ordinary people can still enjoy a good life, but superheroes, because they have become superheroes, this time they have become a lone star, how can this stand it.

Just now I could pity Thor, the god of thunder, but don’t be pitiful now, he may not be much better than Thor, the god of thunder, everyone is half a pound and eight taels.

For Thor, what really made him not calm was to see with his own eyes that his mother mentioned in Luo Chen’s diary would die, and it was because of his brother Loki.

At this moment, even if he is a disciple, he can’t stand it a little.

And this has something to do with him, because Loki wanted to block him, which eventually led to the death of his mother.

That is, it was determined that his mother would die because of something in the future.

And his father, in Luo Chen’s diary, is just a matter of holding on for a few more years, in other words, he still has to die, and may even be more inexplicable than his mother’s death.

The mother’s death may still be some kind of accident, caused by Loki’s mischievousness, and if it can be solved, it is not impossible.

However, the death of his father may be irreversible, and at least Thor can’t think of a way to reverse this ending.

The real method may be in Luo Chen’s hands, but he refuses to say it, and everyone can’t help him.

Even, if you expand from this point of the Lone Star, then he will not only kill his father, mother, but even Loki.

Thinking of such an ending, Thor finally couldn’t sit still, he was so uncomfortable.

The problems that Thor can think of, others can naturally think of, and at this time, they all looked at Thor the God of Thor, with a bit of pity in their eyes.

“In this way, this Loki doesn’t look very bad either.”

Hawkeye Barton said: “Maybe in terms of setting, he is a character who is both good and evil!” ”

Of course, everyone understands what Hawkeye Patton means, if the whole world is written by a screenwriter outside the fourth wall, then Loki’s character may just be a character.

He can be a bad guy or a good guy.

“He’s not bad in nature!” Thor thought of this, and still planned to give his younger brother a little respect and save his bad reputation.

[But it doesn’t matter, it’s just a matter of dying early or dying for a while, under the snapping fingers of purple potato essence, everyone is equal, and they all have to die! ] 】

Another paragraph appeared in Luo Chen’s diary, which immediately shocked everyone into a cold sweat.

Purple sweet potato essence, this is not the first time that purple sweet potato essence has been mentioned in Luo Chen’s diary.

Before, Luo Chen had shown an amazing fear of that so-called purple potato essence, obviously this purple potato essence had very terrifying strength, so terrifying that even a prophetic traverser like Luo Chen was very jealous.

“This purple potato essence should be the same (Zhao’s) person as the purple potato essence last time!”

After a moment, Tony Stark spoke.

“If there is no other purple potato essence, it should be the same person, his real name should not be called this, it should be Luo Chen’s unique joke call!” Nick Fury spoke. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“This snapping fingers, he mentioned it more than once!” Coulson paused, then said. “Several times mentioned the point of snapping fingers, what can make him so jealous is obviously not a trivial matter, who is this purple potato essence? Is there a way to stop him from snapping his fingers? ”

Coulson was also a little depressed, there was no doubt that this purple potato essence snapping his fingers must be a super-large event that endangered the entire world, and the scope of influence was very wide, so wide that Luo Chen could not avoid this matter.

Obviously and other so-called crises are not a grade at all.

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