Ming dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang also appeared on the scene, and his expression became serious little by little.

He is an authentic farmer. His parents starved to death due to corruption by corrupt officials in the Yuan Dynasty.

He had personally experienced the purgatory-like world at the end of the Yuan Dynasty.

Because he had been exposed to rain and been hungry, he knew the importance of food to the people!

In the third year of Hongwu’s reign, he gave the order.

Anyone found guilty of corruption in the Ming Dynasty will be killed without mercy!

Anyone who embezzles more than 60 taels will be peeled off.

Food is the top priority!

And he also regarded the people’s well-fed life as his lifelong ideal!

In his view, it is already a very happy thing for the people to have enough food and clothing.

Not to mention eating meat!

In the picture, tens of thousands of people were eating meat and drinking together, and the hearty scene was something he could never dream of!

Zhu Yuanzhang’s body trembled.

“What kind of world is this!”

On the side, Zhu Biao was also freed from sadness.

He also looked blankly at the sky.

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin also noticed this scene, and he said to himself, “The immortal said that I created the rule of Zhenguan!”

“But can this Zhenguan rule lead to the prosperous age in front of us?”

He, Li Shimin, has never been weaker than anyone else in his life, but at this moment, he is shaken!

He believed that the Tang Dynasty was far from reaching this point.

Da Qin.

Zu Long was also in agitated mood and his eyes were complicated.

Extremely fast high-speed train!

Unheard of aircraft!

Twelve hours, the taxi didn’t stop for a moment!

Everyone eats meat, everyone is well fed and clothed warmly!

Even Zu Long felt extremely complicated. He shouted, “Li Si!”

“How many years do you think this future generation is from our Great Qin?”

“Can I really see this world with my own eyes in my lifetime?”

Liston fell silent for a moment.

Even he couldn’t answer this question!

If possible, he would also like to see what kind of world the world in the sky is like!

Zu Long suddenly waved his hand and said coldly, “Xu Fu!”

Xu Fu immediately bent over and ran over, “Your Majesty!”

The First Emperor stood in the center of the hall with his hands behind his hands, and said without emotion: “I will give you seven days to prepare, and immediately go to sea to find the elixir of immortality for me!”

“Even if it means keeping my body incorruptible and my soul immortal, even if I sleep under Mount Li for thousands of years!”

“But I hope that when I am dug out by future generations one day, I will see such a prosperous age!”

Zu Long couldn’t contain his excitement!

Such a prosperous age is fascinating!

Suddenly, there was a stormy sea in different time and space!

Until Gao Yang made a slight stroke with his finger.

The next short video starts playing.

This diverted the attention of all the emperors.

Da Qin.

The First Emperor finally calmed down his inner turmoil, and he spoke again, “The last video was so unbelievable!”

“I don’t know what the next short video will be!”

The First Emperor looked yearning.

At this moment, he was full of curiosity about the sky.

Eastern Han Dynasty.

Lu Bu touched his red rabbit horse, his eyes twinkling.

Soon, a line of titles filled the entire skyline!

The screen is completely black, with only one line of subtitles appearing!

[History of development of high-speed rail in China! 】

Da Qin.

The First Emperor looked up at the title.

He frowned and said, “High-speed rail?”

“Is it the high-speed train in the previous video?”

“Can our country, Qin, develop high-speed rail?!”

The First Emperor sat up suddenly.

Big man.

Liu Che was also shocked and said, “Is it true that it takes four hours to cover a thousand kilometers of high-speed rail?”

“It’s incredible!”

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin also narrowed his eyes, full of doubts.

For a time, just this simple line of title firmly attracted everyone’s attention.

The screen appears!

Accompanied by the passionate BGM sound!


The steaming train is driving slowly on the railway, and the huge steam turns into the driving force for the train to move forward!

This novel big guy immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

The First Emperor’s eyes were full of surprise, “This, is this a mount? How can it still run on the road?”

Liu Che also frowned.

“I have never heard of such items. What is that huge steam used for?”

Next to the train, a line of subtitles appeared.

[In the last century, the train speed was 40 kilometers per hour! 】

[Because the speed is too slow and there are too few trains, the train station is always overcrowded, especially around the Spring Festival, when countless people cannot go home! 】

Inside the train station, a scene of a sea of ​​people appeared.

Countless people are struggling to get a vote.

Qin Shi Huang’s eyes widened!

“Forty an hourKilometers, isn’t that fast? ! ”

“If my Great Qin cavalry were as fast as this, how could it take ten years to destroy the six kingdoms?”

“I can destroy the six countries with just a flip of my hand!”

Lu Bu held Fang Tian’s painted halberd and looked towards the sky!

He reached out and touched the beloved red rabbit horse next to him, and said in surprise, “This appetite must be much larger than yours, right?!”

“How much grass does such a big mount need to eat?”

Warring States Period.

Lu Ban looked at the huge steam at the locomotive.

He looked thoughtful.

In the sky, the scene turned, and a scene of an old man visiting appeared.

Inside the carriage, the scenery outside the window changes.

Some foreign reporters, dressed in bright clothes, asked, “Sir, what do you think of taking this Shinkansen?”

The old man looked at the changing scenery outside and sighed, “I feel fast, and I feel like urging people to run!”

“Now we are suitable to build such a train. The trains in the past were too slow!”

The old man continued to look out of the car window. Although he was in a foreign car, the place he saw was not Chinese territory.

But his eyes seemed to see through space and saw the vast Chinese territory!

A smile spread across his face, and the subtitles appeared, as if with great determination!

“China must also have high-speed rail!”

“We want the Shinkansen too!”

The screen suddenly changed, and a map appeared. A red line quickly spread from Qinhuangdao Station towards Shenyang North Station!

So fast!

[In 2003, China’s first high-speed rail line opened! 】

[Design speed, 250km/h! 】

When the scene was played to this point, all the emperors in the dynasties became restless!

Da Qin.

The First Emperor suddenly sat upright and said in shock!

“This video actually comes from two thousand years after the Qin Dynasty!”

Because of the explanation presented in the video, the First Emperor immediately knew how long it had been since 2003!

This shocked him!

He never imagined that this would be the world two thousand years later!

But when he saw the subtitles, he subconsciously denied it!

“One hour, 250 kilometers?”

“Immortal, this sky screen is fake!”

This speed seemed to completely exceed the First Emperor’s imagination.

Behind him, the civil and military officials of Great Qin were also in great shock.

Wang Jian even murmured to himself, “If this is true, what kind of world will the future be like?”

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