“Purgatory level difficulty?”


As soon as these words came out in Tianmu.

In an instant, countless people gasped.

It even exploded!

You know, the difficulty level of Yingjiang is only horror level, but China’s Great Wall Watch copy is at purgatory level!

Da Qin.

The First Emperor suddenly sat up straight, with unconcealable excitement in his eyes.

“The Great Wall Watch dungeon in my future China is actually a terrifying purgatory level of difficulty?”

“This purgatory level seems to be more difficult than the horror level!”

There was unconcealable shock in the eyes of the First Emperor.

But then the sound of his laughter could be heard.

“Hahaha, okay, okay!!!”

“My great descendants have indeed not disappointed me!”

The eyes of the First Emperor were filled with unspeakable excitement.

Later generations of Huaxia gave him a big surprise. Not only was Huaxia one of the three permanent members of the Shang Dynasty, but the difficulty level was also terrifying at the purgatory level!

Big man.

Liu Che’s hearty laughter slowly echoed through the entire Weiyang Palace.

“Purgatory level!”

“What a purgatory level!”

“My copy of the Chinese Descendants is actually more difficult than that copy of Yingjiang!”

“I’ve already noticed that among the cartoon avatars in Wuchang, this rabbit is the one that I like the most!”

On the side, Wei Qing automatically ignored Liu Che’s words, with a smile on his face.

Obviously, he did not expect that China’s difficulty and level would be so high.

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin also spoke out.

“From the perspective of difficulty level, if Asan wants to attack China’s Great Wall Watch dungeon, it will basically be the most difficult existence among the Wuchang dungeon levels.”

“Whether it’s the Gallic chicken or John Bull, they are far inferior to me, the Chinese!”

“But what is in my copy of Huaxia’s Wuchang? The difficulty is actually advertised as purgatory level!”

Li Er looked shocked at first, then full of curiosity.

He couldn’t wait to read what was behind.

He wanted to see why China was listed as having a purgatory level of difficulty!

Ming dynasty.

Zhu Di looked thoughtful.

“The other four good people in the Wuchang are strong because of the increase buff, which triggered the so-called event, and then their strength soared.”

“Then what kind of special events will be triggered by my copy of China’s Great Wall Watch?”

“How terrifying will this buff be?”

Inside Yingtian Mansion.

Zhu Di was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, carrying a powerful and unrivaled aura.

His eyes were full of expectation.

Obviously, at this moment, he is extremely looking forward to the Great Wall Watch copy of China in the future.

At this moment,

The picture flows.

Accompanied by the sound of BGM, the copy of Great Wall Watch, which is the last of the five permanent members and one of the three permanent members, is also fully displayed in everyone’s sight.

[The Rabbit of Wuchang Dungeon! 】

[Copy Name: Great Wall Watch]

[Dungeon difficulty: Purgatory level! 】

[Task description: Declare war on the flower growers, and choose one of the Rabbit 38th Army, 39th Army, 27th Army, and 54th Army to eliminate them all until the number is cancelled]

[Task reward: Permanent member seat of the United Nations Security Council]

[Mission introduction: Rabbit’s army has always been the absolute cornerstone of protecting flower growers. The elimination of any of the above army groups will greatly weaken Rabbit’s ability to resist and rule. However, it is worth noting that Rabbit’s war zones share the same enemy. , once any military region is in danger, other military regions will quickly provide support]

[Hidden Mission 1: When any of the above group armies is reduced by 50%, the powerful buff of One Hundred Thousand Youths and One Hundred Thousand Army, One Inch of Mountains and One Inch of Blood will be triggered. Under this buff, more than 200 rabbits out of 1.4 billion people will be triggered. The standing army of 10,000 will begin to increase dramatically. The number of personnel will increase by 1,000%, and the morale will increase by 2,000%. Domestic military factories will enter violent mode, and the efficiency will increase by 500%. For every three kilometers of territory lost, China’s mainland will A hero will be born, his willpower will increase by 300%, he will be fearless in the raging fire, and fearless in the ice and snow]

With this cold voice.

A picture appeared. Although the copy of Great Wall Watch has not been completely revealed, only a part of it appeared.

But just these contents can’t help but make people gasp.

“One hundred thousand young men and one hundred thousand troops, every inch of mountains and rivers, every inch of blood!”

“Whenever the country loses three kilometers, a hero will be randomly refreshed in Rabbit’s homeland, and its willpower will increase by 300%!”

“The standing army of two million, based on the base of 1.4 billion, can actually increase by 1,000%!!”

Da Qin, the First Emperor said with a shocked face.

Just the content of the copy of Great Wall Watch displayed on the sky at this moment killed John Bull and Gallic Chicken in an instant!The difficulty of the two is not at the same level at all!

Especially the two million standing troops. Once the war starts, the number of soldiers will surge to 1,000%!

Wouldn’t that mean 20 million soldiers?

“Li Si, how many people are there in my Great Qin now?”

The First Emperor suddenly asked.

On the side, Li Si was shocked when he heard the words.

But since the First Emperor asked, he couldn’t avoid it, so he could only bite the bullet and say: “Your Majesty, according to my statistics, the people of my Great Qin… are about 20 million.”

“But this is only the data recorded by the government. If we count the unregistered people and the people who fled famine, there are probably about 27 million…”

Li Si said as rigorously as possible.

This number is about the same. In any feudal dynasty, the proportion of unregistered people is quite large!

Especially when the population is large and food is insufficient, there are more unregistered people evading taxes.

When the First Emperor heard Li Si’s words, his withered face trembled fiercely.

He looked at the sky and said in shock, “There are only more than 20 million people in my Great Qin!”

“But as long as the rabbit is threatened, the soldiers will explode once, and the soldiers will be more than the people of my Great Qin.”

“The future China is simply terrifying!”

The first emperor clenched his fists slightly, and his whole body was tense.

It can be seen that his heart was not calm.

“If my Great Qin had more than 20 million soldiers under its command, then…”

A trace of ambition appeared in the eyes of the first emperor.

But the next second, he gave up this idea and smiled bitterly.

More than 20 million soldiers, of course, the army can sweep across the world and no one can stop it.

But the first thing to solve is the food problem of more than 20 million soldiers…

When he thought of the daily meals of more than 20 million soldiers, even the first emperor trembled fiercely.

“Corn… sweet potatoes, and potatoes, go to sea, must go to sea!”

The first emperor’s eyes became firm.

First find Luzon, no matter if they have sweet potatoes at the moment, they must have them!

Then march along Luzon to South America and get potatoes!

As long as the food problem is solved, the population of Daqin will also surge, and Daqin will also be able to increase its troops!


Liu Che was also shocked.

He murmured to himself, “One hundred thousand young people, one hundred thousand soldiers, one inch of land and one inch of blood…”

Liu Che was shocked by this sentence, he couldn’t help but clench his fist, thinking of the sad road of Dahan for more than 70 years!

In the siege of Baideng, Han Gaozu Liu Bang was almost captured alive.

For more than 70 years, the Huns have been shitting on the heads of Dahan, and even that year, Maodun Chanyu dared to write a letter to tease the Queen Mother of Dahan!

This was regarded as a great shame by Liu Che.

Afterwards, Zhaojun went out of the frontier, and Dahan began to marry and began to use women to exchange for peace!

What a humiliation!

“The Chinese of later generations have such blood, why don’t we, the Han Dynasty, have the courage to burn our boats and cross the river?”

The Huns should not stop him!

And since he saw the sky, Liu Che’s footsteps should never stop at the Huns!

Liu Che’s eyes became firm, and endless domineering swept through the Weiyang Palace, and his eyes burst into a strong murderous intent!

On the side, Huo Qubing, who was just sixteen years old and his spirit soared into the sky, and Wei Qing, who was full of vigor at the time, also felt the grand plan in Liu Che’s heart!

The three monarchs and ministers looked at each other, and a violent spirit rushed straight to the sky!

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