[Land annexation has been a major issue in the past dynasties, and countless people have suffered greatly and been exploited. 】

[Land annexation reached its extreme in the late Ming Dynasty. This is also the most important reason why countless people rebelled under natural disasters, because the people no longer see hope! 】

[As long as they still have a way to survive, they will not embark on the road of rebellion! 】

[If Zhu Yuanzhang were Chongzhen, the first thing he would have to face would be the big issue of land annexation! 】

[How should Zhu Yuanzhang break the situation? 】

The sound of the sky curtain sounded.

Ming dynasty.

Inside Yingtian Mansion.

Zhu Yuanzhang fell into deep thought.

He had already put himself into Chongzhen in the late Ming Dynasty and began to think about the land annexation issue in the late Ming Dynasty.

If he takes action, can he solve this problem?

But before he could say anything, the sound of Gao Yang lying on the bed was heard.

“Zhu Yuanzhang wants to solve this land annexation. He has no other way but to tear it down and start over!”

“If the land annexation issue at the end of the Ming Dynasty is not pushed back, let alone Zhu Yuanzhang, even if Li Er, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and Qin Shihuang come in person, it will be useless!”

“If any Chinese emperor were to come to this problem, it would not be possible!”

Li Er: “???”

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: “???”

Emperor Qin Shihuang:”???!”

All the emperors: “Offended!”

Tang Dynasty.

Li Er said with a dissatisfied look.

“Forget it if you say anything else, but I don’t like to hear this. Although the land annexation is serious, if I take action, won’t it be easy for me to capture it?”

Although reason tells Li Er that this land annexation is extremely difficult to solve.

But this matter involves face, and you still have to pretend to be cool.

Big man.

Inside Weiyang Palace.

Liu Che agreed very much.

They are all arrogant emperors, although they all know that the so-called land annexation is a big problem.

But if you say they can’t do it, then they can’t stand it.

This is something that men have in common. Even if you really can’t do it, if you say it, then you must do it!

All the emperors praised it one after another.

Gao Yang had no idea that his words directly aroused the dissatisfaction of all the emperors.

On the contrary, as a history graduate, he had always been interested in land annexation.

He continued to talk to himself, “Since the Zhou Dynasty, China has gone through thousands of years of feudal dynasties. The birth of a new dynasty will definitely represent a reshuffle of interests!”

“The founding heroes should be rewarded, and the princes and grandsons should also have some privileges. Old brothers who conquer the world together, wouldn’t it be very chilling if they are not superior to others?”

“At the time of Liu Bang, the founding hero split the earth and became the king. How much trouble did this bring to the Han Dynasty? Otherwise, how could Han Xin, the Marquis of Huaiyin, end up being stabbed to death by the maids ordered by Empress Lu?”

As soon as these words came out.

Han Xin’s expression suddenly changed.


“Liu Bang, the bastard, dares to cross the river and burn down the bridge?”

Early Han Dynasty.

Han Xin stood in his own territory, his face gloomy.

During this period, he actually smelled a strong murderous intention, but after all, he felt that Liu Bang would not do it!

As a result, he never expected that Han Xin would be stabbed to death by the palace maid!

“@LiuBang, you are such an old man that you want to cross the river and burn the bridge?”

Han Xin was extremely angry.

Liu Bang also had a pained face. He never expected that Gao Yang’s unintentional complaints would directly trick him.

Talk about Ming Dynasty, talk about Mao Hanxin!

“@汉信, this is wrong. Empress Lu wants to kill you. What does it have to do with Liu Bang and me? There must be a misunderstanding!”

Han Xin: “…”

Queen Lu: “…”

She knew that Liu Bang was unreliable. During the Battle of Pengcheng, he kicked her and Liu Ying down in order to escape for their lives.

She knew it!

“Stop talking nonsense and order your troops!”

“Send troops quickly!”

Han Xin’s face was cold and he became angry.

As soon as Gao Yang said these words, he had no way out. He would die if he didn’t fight!

So this battle must be fought!

Moreover, if the Tianmu Land annexation includes Gao Yang, it directly targets the privileged class, which directly intensifies the contradiction!

He really needs to fight!

For a moment, because of Gao Yang’s casual words while lying on the bed, the situation among the big men was on the verge of breaking out.

Gao Yang naturally didn’t know all this.

On the contrary, he continued, “The big man is a lesson. The chaos of the Seven Kings is vivid in my mind, but it is not possible without privileges.”

“The tax exemption will come out.”

“This is almost an indispensable rule in all dynasties. From the founding heroes to the scholar-bureaucrats throughout the dynasty, almost all have tax-free privileges!”

“Princes, princes, grandsons, and dignitaries from all over the world, when they have tax-free privileges, they will naturally want to acquire land!”

“The laws of heaven are bad. After the peasants’ land was annexed, it became the land of the nobles. The taxes on these lands were directly exempted, but the taxes levied by the court are indispensable!”

“Finally take on thisWho was cut? ! ”

“When it prospers, the people suffer; when it dies, the people suffer even more!”

Gao Yang said quietly.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all the emperors changed.

They all understood the implication of Gao Yang’s words.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked serious.

According to the taxation system of the Ming Dynasty, taxes in various places were almost fixed.

If part of the land is annexed, then this part of the land will not be taxed.

But the total amount of local taxes is fixed.

So who is this part of the tax transferred to?

Zhu Yuanzhang’s heart sank.

According to this plan, he really didn’t know how to crack it!

Zhu Yuanzhang’s eyes became serious, and a powerful murderous intention enveloped the palace!

Not only Zhu Yuanzhang, but also other emperors also looked at the sky.

Gao Yang felt heavy in his heart.

When looking at history, these facts are disappointing!

When the land is annexed, the wealthy families do not have to pay taxes, which will have a stampede effect!

Where will these taxes come from?

Taking the late Ming Dynasty as an example, if the registered taxable land in the Ming Dynasty was 40,000 acres, over time, these 40,000 acres were annexed by local wealthy families and 10,000 acres were annexed, but the court still had to tax the land at the rate of 40,000 acres!

The ones who will bear all this in the end are the remaining 30,000 acres of farmers!

In other words, the farmers’ harvest has not changed, and even the weather will be worse next year, but the farmers of these 30,000 acres have to bear the tax of 40,000 acres!

Taxes have become heavier!

Gao Yang said to himself, “The worst thing is that the farmers know nothing about all this. They only wonder why the laws of heaven are getting worse and the taxes are getting heavier and heavier!”

“It becomes more difficult for them to survive, and then they enter the previous cycle. They don’t have enough food to eat in the summer, so they have to mortgage their land and exchange food with the landlords. The annexation will become more serious!”

“If there is a natural disaster, the tax will even increase to 40,000 acres, and 30,000 acres will be annexed. In the end, the farmers of 10,000 acres will bear the tax of 40,000 acres!”

“And if the law of heaven is bad, if big landowners are exempted from taxes, other farmers will have their land annexed and become servant farmers. At least they can have enough food and clothing. This will also make some casual farmers choose to join the big landowners!”

“After all, if I follow a powerful landowner, the government will not be able to collect taxes from me, and may even actively sell land!”

“As a result, a stampede effect will appear, and it will become increasingly difficult for those independent farmers who are struggling to support themselves!”

“The most disturbing thing is – this is just a normal method. The powerful people in the world hold endless power and can be called the local tyrants. How many landlords are so abiding by the rules?”

Gao Yang’s face was full of anger.

As soon as these words came out.


All the people showed expressions of disbelief.

With Gao Yang’s popular science, everything became clear.

No wonder they find life getting harder and crueler every year!

Once the law of heaven is bad, if the land in hand is not mortgaged, the whole family will have to go hungry together.

But even so, it’s even harder!

So that’s it!

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