[When the battle report rang through the military camp, the whole place fell into a moment of silence. 】

[Everyone looked at each other, somewhat doubting their own ears. 】

[What did they hear? His Majesty sent an order to stop Zhang He on the spot, and he was going to Jigu to compete with Cao Zhen. This…]

[Wei Yan was the first to break the calm. He waved his hand and said, all military and state affairs belong to the Prime Minister. How could your Majesty issue this order to drag this man down and behead him! 】

[The scout panicked when he saw this. He quickly took out the token symbolizing his identity. When he saw the scout’s identity document, Wei Yan was also stunned. Damn it, he was really a scout of Shu Han! 】

[Wei Yan still didn’t believe it. He had this identity token, but he still couldn’t get rid of the suspicion. He was afraid that he was a spy planted by Cao Wei in our army. The scout almost cried. He said that he was really not a spy. 】

[Wei Yan widened his eyes angrily and said, Ma Su Street Pavilion has been lost. This is the latest military report. We have just learned the news. How could Chengdu get this news and send it to the front line? Did your Majesty know that Ma Su was going to be defeated three or four days ago? 】

[Wei Yan didn’t say anything disrespectful. Who in the entire Shu Han family doesn’t know what kind of virtue your Majesty is? 】

[Not to mention predicting Ma Su’s defeat in advance. Even if he got this news, he would be confused and let the prime minister make the decision on his own. How could he take the initiative to order the prime minister to stop Zhang He? 】

[This is really not Wei Yan slandering Liu Chan, but it is the fact that after Liu Bei’s death, in the following six years, the prime minister made the final decision on all matters in the Shu Han Dynasty. For major events like the Northern Expedition, Liu Chan would not say much. 】

Seeing this, Liu Chan became furious instantly.

“You Wei Yan, how dare you arrange me like this!”

“I am going to punish you for the crime of disrespect!”

Liu Chan’s expression became a little tense.

What is the difference between what he said and that trash?

When Liu Bei saw this, he fell into curiosity.

All matters of the Shu Han Dynasty are decided by the Prime Minister!

Is this Zhuge Liang so trusted by him?

What happened between him and Zhuge Liang?

The marquee continues to play.

[The scout reported back that your Majesty really thought so. Three days ago, the Prime Minister’s combat arrangements were sent to Chengdu. His Majesty said that Ma Di was not useful and would not necessarily act according to the Prime Minister’s arrangements. Zhang He was also a famous general in the world, so Jieting would be defeated. So he led the army directly to Jigu. 】

[His Majesty said that as long as the Prime Minister holds Zhang He down and buys him time, he will give Cao Zhen a lesson in Jigu! 】

[Zhuge Liang’s eyes that had extinguished all the light suddenly ignited with hope, and he hurriedly said, “Bring your Majesty’s imperial edict!”]

[After watching for a long time, Zhuge Liang’s fists clenched violently, and then quickly released. He said to everyone, this is indeed His Majesty’s will, and it cannot be faked. 】

[As soon as these words came out, it was like a huge boulder suddenly falling from the calm lake, causing a wave of waves in the military camp! 】

[Zhuge Liang has a complicated mind. After so many years, the child who has never grown up in his heart has finally grown up. Regardless of whether this move is right or wrong, he has finally taken up the banner of helping the Han Dynasty. He wants to turn the tide in the Now that it has fallen, the building that is being held up is about to collapse! 】

[For a moment, Zhuge Liang felt extremely sad! 】

[But he then said, Jigu is a suspicious soldier of our army. Most of them are grain soldiers and have little combat effectiveness. Does your Majesty know this? 】

[The scout nodded, but His Majesty said that the way to use troops is all in the heart. Since he has gone to Jigu, Jigu is the main force, and the soldiers are not many, but good. Eight hundred elite soldiers can defeat Cao Zhen’s eighty thousand soldiers. Army! 】

[When the news of Jieting’s defeat comes, Cao Zhen will definitely attack in anger. At that time, it will be dangerous, but it will also be a great opportunity to save the entire Northern Expedition. Cao Zhen will be destroyed and his horse will march to Chang’an! 】

[As soon as these words came out, the ministers were shocked. Not only did this person change, he simply changed into another person! 】

[Not to mention Liu Chan, even if it were Liu Bei, Emperor Zhaolie of the Han Dynasty, he couldn’t be so domineering! 】

[Jiang Wei was even more stunned. He thought to himself, I just surrendered, and then I made such a big move? 】

[If Liu Chan wins and Jigu is firmly controlled by the Shu Han, then Zhuge Liang will not have to retreat at all, because there is no need to worry about his retreat. But if he loses, then Chengdu will be in danger and the Shu Han will be in danger of subjugation! 】

[Playing so big? 】

[He couldn’t help but look at Zhuge Liang and asked, “Prime Minister, what should we do now? Please make an idea quickly, should we fight or retreat?”]

[The wind from Qishan swept across the camp, making Zhuge Liang’s white robe rustle. 】

[Zhuge Liang looked at Jiang Wei and said extremely calmly: “Your Majesty’s decree has arrived, how can we retreat?”]

[Your Majesty is still fighting to the death, how can I withdraw my troops? If we retreat, won’t Your Majesty be attacked from both sides? Send the order and set up camp on the same spot. Zhang is not allowed to be let go.He’s soldiers and soldiers! 】

[As soon as Zhuge Liang’s order came out, no one refused to obey, but both Wei Yan and Jiang Wei were very worried. Who in the world doesn’t know who Liu Chan is? 】

[But only Zhuge Liang looked in the direction of Liu Chan from a distance. He vaguely thought of the first time he met the late emperor. At that time, he was also unknown, but the late emperor still chose to trust him! 】

[And he will grow old and die sooner or later. Liu Chan has such a shocking change. Is this a good thing? Why should he break it? 】

[Even if the war is defeated, the worst that can happen is that the country will be destroyed and we will die together. What is there to fear? 】

The end of the Three Kingdoms period.

Seeing this scene, Liu Chan’s eyes were filled with tears, “Xiangfu, Xiangfu, it’s Adou who has let you down!”

“It’s useless Adou!”

Liu Chan thought of the past six years. Since Liu Bei’s death, a huge mess had been left to him and the prime minister.

Every day is a mountain of memorials, but his life has not changed. He still plays with crickets, eats, and plays with his concubines.

As for state affairs, what does it have to do with him?

But instead of declining, the Shu Han Dynasty also accumulated a force for the Northern Expedition, and mountains of memorials were reviewed every day.

The memorial will not be transferred, so who will review it day and night?

Liu Chan’s heart was touched.

Seeing the present, he abandoned the discomfort of Soul Penetration and the concubine, as well as Wei Yan’s inner voice.

Even, Liu Chan suddenly had a thought in his heart, if he could be like Li Shimin on the sky curtain…

Would Wei Yan still say that to him?

Xiangfu, are you still so tired?

He didn’t know, but he already had the answer in his heart.

Even though that outcome may lead to the destruction of the country, but…

at the same time.

Jiang Wei looked at Zhuge Liang’s thin figure in the sky, and he was also touched.

“Prime Minister, Bo Yue will be so tired after you leave!!!”

“Bo Yue is incompetent and cannot hold on to this great cause of Shu Han!”

Under the sky, Jiang Wei burst into tears.

He didn’t know how he got here all these years!

But whenever he couldn’t hold on, a figure would appear in his heart.

Zhuge Liang!

Some people, even if they only appear for a short time, are enough to change a person’s beliefs.

“Prime Minister, I miss you!”

Jiang Wei burst into tears.

If given the chance, he really doesn’t want to go back to those days and go back to that sentence, “Old general, I am Tianshui Jiang Boyue!”

But now Shuhan.

The Five Tigers will wither, even the Prime Minister will fall in Wuzhangyuan!

The party dispute between North Korea and China is serious!

Most of the officials are mediocre and inactive people!

Your Majesty is not Li Shimin, the eternal emperor whose soul has penetrated the sky!

On the contrary, the real Adou was that the troops on the front line were still fighting hard, and he surrendered behind him!

The soldiers on the front line were still fighting bloody battles, but the emperor surrendered at the rear!

He did not make a military statement, and when he wrote the military statement, he had not yet surrendered to Shu Han.

Therefore, he has never been trusted!

But thinking of Zhuge Liang and Prime Minister Zhuge, Jiang Wei’s eyes gradually became firmer.

“Come here, give me my order. I have a plan to make the Han Dynasty regain its brightness!”

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