Twelve ways! ! !

Twelve in total!

Yue Fei didn’t know whether it was sadness or helplessness when the twelfth golden token arrived.


Yue Fei looked up to the sky and laughed, his laughter echoed throughout the military camp, but it carried an indescribable sadness!

This grief can be clearly felt by anyone.

It was as if the most cherished thing had been forcibly taken away from the body!



He, Yue Fei, resisted the attack of the Jin people. Even though the six armies all retreated, his Yue family army single-handedly defeated the Iron Buddha Tu and the Jin people!

But so what?

He could defeat the Jin people, but he could not defeat the hearts of Zhao Gou and the imperial court, which were like dogs wagging their tails for peace!

Is the Yue family’s army invincible?

Just a joke!

In one day, twelve gold medals gathered together. Looking at the entire Song Dynasty, who can get such treatment?

Yue Fei knelt on the ground, and his body that could carry the entire Song Dynasty suddenly hunched over at this moment.

He cried.

When he joined the army for the first time, he didn’t cry when the sharp sword of the Jin man scratched his body and caused severe pain!

When Paoze died in battle and witnessed purgatory with his own eyes, he did not cry.

He did not cry when his mother made him kneel down and carved with an embroidery needle the words “Serve the country with loyalty” on his back.

No pain, no pain, can knock him down. As a seven-foot man, he, Yue Fei, would rather bleed than shed tears!

But at this moment, when Zhao Gou issued twelve gold medals in one day, he ordered his troops to return to the court.

He cried!

he howled.

His youth, his thirteen turbulent years, and the unification of the north and the south he prayed for countless times in his dreams were all shattered!

The whole place is in a panic!

He is only one step away from defeating the Jin people, regaining the Sixteenth State of Yanyun, and reunifying the broken mountains and rivers!

Yue Fei looked up to the sky and screamed sadly: “Ten years of work have been ruined in one day!”

“All counties and counties will be closed at once!”

“The world of Qiankun will never be restored again!”

On the battlefield, Yue Fei’s cries of grief resounded throughout the sky, and his grief and anger were like weeping blood!

A low voice sounded from the sky.

[On the twenty-first day of the seventh lunar month, Yue Fei received twelve gold-lettered wooden edicts within one day. If he insisted on not retreating, the six armies of the Song Dynasty would turn their guns and attack Yue Fei. Ten years of hard work would be wasted in one day. ! 】

[After this time, it will be difficult to make the Northern Expedition again! 】

The scene freezes at the moment when Yue Fei kneels down.

“Yue Shuai!!!”

“Yue Shuai!!!”

“Yue Shuai!!!”

The overwhelming barrage swept across, which was moving.

Under the sky, countless people were silent.

Some generals could not help but shed tears from the corners of their eyes!

[Yue Fei withdrew his troops from Zhuxian Town. The soldiers and civilians along the way cried out in sorrow. They begged the Yue Family Army not to leave. But under the twelve golden tokens of the imperial court, what right did Yue Fei have to make the decision? 】

[If you don’t leave, it will be a rebellion. Not to mention whether the Jin people can be pacified, the entire Song Dynasty will fall into a new round of civil strife! 】

[Zhao Gou did not dare to attack the Jin people, but if he wanted to encircle and suppress Yue Fei, he would definitely use the power of the whole country! 】

[Yue Fei doesn’t want the world to be devastated again, so he has no choice but to withdraw his troops! 】

[When the Yue family’s army marched to Ezhou, Yue Fei went up to a high building alone and looked at the sixteen states of Yanyun not far away! 】

[There… is the land of the Central Plains that he has always dreamed of regaining in his life. There are the people of the Song Dynasty! 】

[The mountains and rivers of his motherland are right in front of him, but he is unable to restore the Central Plains. The dream in his heart is finally broken! 】

[Yue Fei was filled with grief and indignation. He couldn’t help but pick up his pen, wave ink, and with the grief and indignation in his heart, and the injustice in his heart, he wrote that poem that will be handed down from generation to generation! 】

[This word has been famous throughout the ages and is known as one word that surpasses both Song Dynasty and Song Dynasty! 】

in the screen.

Yue Fei stood on a tall building and wrote wildly on the paper!

Accompanied by the sound of the sky curtain.

“I was so angry that I leaned against the railing and the rain stopped. I raised my eyes and roared to the sky. I felt strong and strong.”

“Thirty years of fame and dust, and eight thousand miles of clouds and moons. Don’t wait for a moment. The young man’s head will turn gray, and it will be empty and sad!”

“The shame of Jingkang has not yet been resolved. The hatred of the ministers, when will it be destroyed!”

“Driving a long chariot, I traversed the gap in the Helan Mountains. I had great ambitions and ate the meat of Huns when I was hungry, and I laughed and talked about drinking the blood of Huns when I was thirsty.”

“Be from scratch, clean up the old mountains and rivers, overturned Que.”

Yue Fei stopped writing and stood on the tall building and looked at the sixteen states of Yanyun in the distance.

The light in his eyes suddenly went out!

As this word resounded across the sky, the whole world fell into silence.

Song Dynasty.

Zhao Kuangyin closed his eyes, but tears slowly flowed down his eyelids.

A commander who serves his country with all his heart, a commander who is dedicated to regaining the sixteen states of Yanyun!

If there are rogue bandits in the country, then destroy the rogue bandits!

If the golden man blocks it, then the golden man will be destroyed!

If Tiefutu stops him, then Tiefutu will be destroyed!

He just wanted to help the Central Plains. What was wrong with him?

It was Zhao Gou who was wrong, this is itTwelve golden tokens!

“Thirty years of fame and dust, and eight thousand miles of clouds and moons. Don’t wait for a moment. The young man’s head will turn gray, and it will be empty and sad!”

“Ten years of hard work, ten years of hard work!”

“Zhao Gou, you are so sorry for Yue Fei. Why should you let him feel cold when you are such a loyal minister?”

Zhao Kuangyin spoke, and this time his voice even sounded sad!

There is no greater sorrow than the death of one’s heart!

Zhao Gou not only chilled Yue Fei’s heart, but also chilled his heart!

How could the Song Dynasty be immortal if there was such a king?

Big man.

Liu Che was also stunned and lost his mind. He murmured, “The ambition is to eat the meat of the Huns when they are hungry, and to drink the blood of the Huns when they are thirsty!”

“A commander who is so loyal and loyal is suddenly made to feel chilled!”

Liu Che’s eyes were cold and murderous.

If Yue Fei was born in the Han Dynasty, Liu Che would definitely trust him with the whole country, let alone betray him like this!

Southern Song Dynasty.

Countless people who had smiles on their faces before were dumbfounded.

They looked in disbelief and couldn’t understand.



They shook their heads, as if they couldn’t believe what they were seeing!

Yue Fei, what’s wrong?

Why do we need to win twelve gold medals in one day?

The Imperial Palace of the Song Dynasty.

Zhao Gou also stared at the sky, and he was silent for a while.

Now, he has issued twelve gold medals to order Yue Fei to withdraw his troops.

It’s too late to stop…

In fact, at this moment, it is estimated that we will arrive at Zhuxian Town very soon!

“What should I do?”

“Do I still want to bow my head?”

Zhao Gou’s face was gloomy.

But from the side, Qin Hui’s voice sounded, “Officials, with such a sweeping sky, it’s hard for Yue Fei to have other thoughts. Now the people are so angry, if Yue Fei raises his arms and shouts…”

The words fell.

Zhao Gou’s face suddenly changed.

These words reminded him that now that he was looking at the sky, he wanted to slap himself twice, but what about the people?

What will the people think?

If Yue Fei raised his arms and shouted…

Zhao Gou simply didn’t dare to think about the consequences.

“What does Prime Minister Qin mean?” Zhao Gou squinted.

Qin Hui’s expression remained unchanged, and he said with murderous intent, “If you don’t do it, you won’t stop!”

After the words fell, Zhao Gou trembled.

At the same time, on the sky screen.

Countless barrages poured out crazily.

“Shuai Yue, rebel!”

“Shuai Yue, you can’t go back!”

“The official family and Qin Hui are not good people. They will be dead if they go back!”

“Shuai Yue, please, please go against me. This Song Dynasty is not worth it!”

The barrage was overwhelming, and everyone screamed in grief.

For a time, countless emperors could not sit still.


“Yue Fei will die as soon as he returns?”

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