[During the Korean War, we captured a prisoner of Eagle Sauce, and a little corporal dared to shout loudly in front of me that he wanted to drop an atomic bomb for us to try and perform a surgical operation on us.]

[Dignity is only on the blade, truth is only within the range of nuclear weapons. If you fall behind, you will be beaten and threatened. I can’t forget our soldiers who were blown up by napalm and turned into burning men. They struggled and shouted. , calling for father, calling for mother, I was beside them, but I couldn’t save them. 】

Tang Dynasty.

When Li Shimin heard these words, his eyes showed murderous intent.

He can completely understand the grief, anger and despair in these words!

Moreover, Yingjiang really faced off against China. Although Yingjiang did not use nuclear weapons, it was definitely a huge threat!

Just listening to the words of that Yingjiang soldier made him feel unhappy!

“It seems that in this future world, if you want to have dignity, you must first develop nuclear weapons, otherwise, you will end up being passive!”

“I can’t make nuclear weapons, but I can make gunpowder first and let those barbarians have a taste of it!”

Li Shimin made up his mind.

This sentence of dignity is only on the blade, and truth is only within the range of the cannon, which made Li Er feel the importance of weapons again!

Not only Li Er was shocked.

The other emperors also looked solemn.

China’s passive situation also gave them new thinking!

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. If you fall behind, you will be in a passive situation!

For a moment, everyone stared at the sky with serious faces.

[Facing a world-class power like Yingjiang, especially under the threat of nuclear weapons, China has trouble sleeping and eating! 】

[If we cannot solve the big problem of nuclear weapons, we will always be in a passive situation. Whether to explode or not depends entirely on Yingjiang’s mood! 】

[In this context, China began to develop nuclear weapons, and it was determined to master this supernatural power. Mr. Lu (replaced by the image of the movie that turned out to be a surprise, everyone knows who it is) was one of the scientists selected to participate in the nuclear weapons program! 】

[Mr. Lu returned from studying abroad in Yingjiang and is a very outstanding talent. His knowledge and theories are among the top talents in the world! 】

[But nuclear weapons research is China’s top secret. In a complicated world with countless spies, the scientists involved must remain anonymous! 】

[Are you willing to remain anonymous for the rest of your life, just to forge a sword for China that will subdue the country? 】

[Faced with this question, Mr. Lu nodded almost without hesitation. I am willing to use my youth to forge the sword of China to conquer the country! 】

[With Mr. Lu’s nod, China’s nuclear weapons research plan was officially launched! 】

[But the nuclear weapons research project is huge. In addition to scientists, it also needs an army as a guarantee. In this way, General Zhang Yunyu was transferred back from the Korean battlefield! 】

[When he heard that nuclear weapons were being developed, General Zhang was immediately confused. I don’t know how to build nuclear weapons. Besides, what’s the point of building such a thing? It’s time-consuming and labor-intensive. Although Yingjiang has nuclear weapons, we are on good terms with Mao Xiong. With the threat of Mao Xiong’s nuclear weapons, does Ying Jiang dare to use nuclear weapons? 】

[Relying on others is unreliable. Mao Xiong can provide nuclear weapons as a deterrent now, but who can guarantee that they will continue to provide nuclear weapons as a deterrent in the future? 】

[Dignity, only when you hold it in your own hands can you have the confidence to speak! 】

[When General Zhang saw the ruins after being bombed by nuclear weapons in his childhood, he also realized the importance of nuclear weapons! 】

[In this way, an army that withdrew from the battlefield began to look for a nuclear weapons research site. At first, the nuclear weapons research site was built in Dunhuang! 】

[But after arriving in Dunhuang, General Zhang realized something was wrong. According to calculations by Mao Xiong experts, the test site here can only test 20,000-ton nuclear weapons. However, General Zhang had long heard that Yingjiang had already tested 15 million tons. Equivalent to a hydrogen bomb, he found a bear expert to question. 】

[But the Mao Xiong experts arrogantly said that it is enough for China to develop an atomic bomb, and there is no need to pursue nuclear explosion yield. Their Mao Xiong will provide China with a nuclear umbrella. When faced with the Mao Xiong experts, General Zhang only left one sentence, ” The equivalent of 20,000 tons cannot support a country of 60 million people.”]

[General Zhang returned to Beijing overnight and reported the matter. The Dunhuang test area was too small, not only lacked water, but also easily damaged cultural relics. So his superiors approved it and said that Dunhuang is a treasure left to us by our ancestors and cannot suffer any losses, otherwise we will They are all sinners through the ages! 】

[With the approval of his superiors, General Zhang led his troops westward and plunged into Lop Nur. It was a deserted place, a dry lake surrounded by endless yellow sand and Gobi Desert]

[This is the best testing ground, but there is still a big problem to solve as a top priority, and that is the water source! 】

[But it is not easy to find a source of water in the vast Gobi Desert, but for nuclear weapons, for China, for ChinaThere are sixty million compatriots in Xia. These soldiers have never looked back. I don’t know how many soldiers have lost their lives and buried their bones in the yellow sand]

Liu Che looked moved when he saw this.

Among all the dynasties, he knows the most about the desert.

It’s not that the big men can’t defeat the Huns, but they can’t find the Huns. They have no way to attack in the vast Gobi Desert!

Moreover, in the desert, backup baggage is a big problem!

Therefore, facing the future generations who will build a base in Lop Nur, his heart has been hanging!

Finding water in the desert is not easy!

[After going through untold hardships and paying countless lives of soldiers, General Zhang finally found the water source! 】

[Since then, the nuclear weapons base has been completely established! 】

[The Sea of ​​Death is filled with jade pulp, and the Tianshan Mountains serve as a barrier to Kunlun, stretching hundreds of thousands of miles from north to south. May I ask when the thunder will sound! 】

[Chinese nuclear weapons are about to rise, and the whole world will tremble with the rise of China! 】

[However, this road to rise is destined to be difficult! 】

[When General Zhang had just found the water source and China’s nuclear weapons were being researched, an accident happened. The bear who had been on good terms with China suddenly changed its face. The relationship between the two parties took a turn for the worse. Ten scientists! 】

[Not only that, before these bear experts withdrew, they also destroyed all the data they brought from the bear, even the papyrus for verification! 】

[These are all valuable information for China. Countless researchers endured the fire and rushed into the iron barrels to retrieve the drawings. Without this information, China’s research on nuclear weapons would be completely blank! 】

[When Chinese researchers were piecing together these spliced ​​data, Mao Xiong experts came in and poured cold water on Mr. Lu and other scientists. Stop struggling. Without us, China would not be able to research nuclear weapons! 】

[These data, even if calculated using a computer, would take two years, not to mention that China only has one computer. It is tantamount to wishful thinking to develop nuclear weapons! 】

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