[Originally, Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory was just an ordinary steel pipe factory that exported to the outside world. The steel pipes it exported were also used to lay gas pipelines. But now when you search on Du Niang, you will find that his entries are quite hardcore! 】

[The first thing that catches the eye is that Shandong Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory is the factory that became famous in the rocket bombs of the Lao Ba and Lao Yi war. 】

[Joking aside, but with direct official certification, who can withstand this? I’ve seen soldiers convert to civilians, this is the first time I’ve seen civilians convert to the military! 】

[In a sense, the steel pipes in Laiyang, China have lost their original purpose and meaning and become part of the world’s disputes. 】

[Take the recent conflicts as an example. As we all know, some small camel countries have no technology, no factories, and no raw materials, such as Lao Ba, but they have produced batches of rockets and attacked Lao and others. Launched wave after wave of counterattacks! 】

[Even these rockets, which were like a goddess scattering flowers, directly knocked out Lao Yi’s Iron Dome system. 】

[How can a factory like this, which has neither a factory nor technology nor raw materials, make rockets by hand and produce thousands of them at once? 】

[In fact, Lao Yi can’t figure this question out. It doesn’t make sense. Why does this old man rub so many rockets in his hands? Could it be that aliens have arrived to help them bomb Laos? 】

[You must know that the old Iron Dome system is very flawed, but the missile is also quite expensive! 】

[One cost 50,000 U.S. dollars. Lao Ba counterattacked with thousands of rockets. If they were to intercept them all, the price would be extremely high! 】

[Later, after analysis by a professional organization, I learned the truth. It turned out that Lao Ha was able to rub so many rockets with his hands. This was not an abduction of aliens at all, but a Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory from a mysterious eastern country! 】

[Actually, if you give them a little more time, they can learn the truth. After all, the Chinese sign is too clear. It says in big words, Huaxia Shandong Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory! 】

With the sound of the sky curtain.

A picture was also displayed. In the picture, the logo of China Shandong Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory was very clear on the rocket.

On the entire sky screen, there are several big characters of Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory!

China Shandong Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory!

[At first, they didn’t pay attention to these Chinese characters. After all, it was a foreign language to them. But when they learned about it, they were shocked and angry! 】

[This is a proper aid from the giant country in the East! 】

[And this also attracted the attention of foreign mysterious agencies. After investigation, they found that the quality of this batch of steel pipes made in China was very good and could be used to make various weapons and ammunition! 】

[The most important thing is that this thing is just like a gas tank, and the price is very cheap. Lao Ba rubs a rocket with his hands. Including labor, the cost is less than 800 US dollars, but Lao Yi’s Iron Dome interception system, a missile It’s $50,000 when typed! 】

[Eight hundred versus fifty thousand, the advantage is mine. 】

[As the war progressed, more and more people learned about this matter. Seeing that it could no longer be concealed, Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory quickly issued a document to clarify, fearing that it would be a war crime! 】

[The full name of these steel pipes is low-pressure fluid delivery pipes, commonly known as water pipes. These steel pipes were exported to a gas company in Camel Country for use in laying gas pipelines. As for how they ended up in other countries, they were also turned into weapons. , Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory has only one answer, that is, I don’t know. 】

On the sky screen, a chicken wearing overalls appeared on the screen, with the huge logo of Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory floating above its head.

Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory: “My hen!”

“I’m just a bad water pipe maker. They insist on using it to make cannonballs. This has nothing to do with me!”

The picture then freezes.

At this time, an overwhelming barrage emerged.

“Hahaha, I have such an advantage, I can’t say that!”

“Okay, okay, let’s play it this way. The gas tank directly corresponds to the Laiyang steel pipe.”

“Lao Yi: I suspect someone is playing me, but I won’t say who it is.”

“Rheinmetall and Rheinsteel pipes, I seriously suspect that something is wrong with Rheinmetall, 100%!”

“I’m a hen, I’m a real hen!”

“I want to know what MacArthur thinks about this?”

“Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory: I never expected that our people would turn into the army, and Yiyue would actually become a military factory!”

“I, the fisherman, don’t accept it.”

“There’s nothing wrong with the upstairs. The angler can do anything except catch fish. He can solve crimes and fish for corpses, and he can catch cultural relics from the bottom. The angler can produce the carbon fiber materials needed for the J-20. Who dares to believe this?”

“The fishing guy is awesome!”

When the emperors saw this, their mouths twitched.


It’s so magical.

First, a gas tank was exploded into a bomb, and then a steel pipe in Laiyang was exploded into a fire.Arrow bullet.

Made in China, it is indeed tough!


The First Emperor also laughed dumbly, “This Laiyang steel pipe is indeed exaggerated!”

But when he saw the comments of the fisherman, he was also a little shocked.

“This fisherman has made the carbon fiber needed for the J-20. Is the fisherman so strong?”

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin was also shocked.

“Who is the fisherman, and how can he be so strong?”

For a while, as the sky screen played, the gas tank, Laiyang Steel Pipe Factory, and the name of the fisherman spread across different time and space!

Countless people couldn’t help but feel numb.

Gao Yang also saw this video and called it awesome.

This is really a knife pulling the butt, it opened my eyes!

There is nothing to say.

The gas tank is powerful, the Laiyang steel pipe is awesome, and the fisherman is awesome!

He swiped his finger down.

The next video came into view.

A woman wearing a wide-sleeved fairy skirt appeared in the picture, with fair skin and beautiful looks, and her hair was piled high.

Eastern Han Dynasty.

Cao Cao’s eyes lit up!

“This beauty has a bit of flavor!”

At this time, the BGM also sounded.

A male voice BGM appeared first.

“Use a phone call to divide the world into two sides, but never meet.”

Then, a clear female voice sounded.

“The self in the mirror, occasionally in red.”

“Who hurt you and broke your appearance!”

Accompanied by the BGM, the woman in the blue wide-sleeved fairy skirt kissed the mirror.

Then, a completely different self in a red skirt appeared!

Cao Cao stood up straight!

“One person, two skins?”

“This, this, this…”

This transformation directly shocked everyone.

Gao Yang was also a little amazed.

This Longkui transformation is very creative!

At first glance, it was very stunning, and at second glance, it was boring.

He swiped his finger down again.

A huge video title appeared.

[King Zhou of Shang, is he really the legendary tyrant? ]

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