Above the sky, accompanied by Liu Che’s extremely domineering voice.

In history, the decisive battle in Mobei between the Han and the Xiongnu started vigorously!

A series of pre-war mobilizations began.

Liu Che made up his mind to fight this battle, and he was bound to fight this battle!

in the screen.

One by one, the Han cavalry rode wildly on their war horses, bringing Liu Che’s will!

People all over the world gathered together with shocked faces.

The soldiers struggled to spread out the imperial edict and said loudly: “By the fate of heaven, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty decreed that I have the utmost respect and have worked hard day and night to unify the country today. However, the north is uneasy, the Xiongnu is rampant, there is constant turmoil, and the people are displaced. I am determined to fight against the whole country. Fight it with all your might and ask for your life for the people!”

At this moment, countless people were shocked.

Da Qin.

The First Emperor couldn’t help but admired, “This Liu Che is worthy of being as famous as me. This method is so domineering!”

“The whole country’s efforts to conquer it, such courage, indeed has the reason to become an emperor throughout the ages!”

The First Emperor stood up straight, his body filled with domineering aura, his eyes showing admiration!

at the same time,

The time and space of the Tang Dynasty,

The time and space of the Song Dynasty,

Ming time and space,

There was a hint of panic on the faces of countless people.

At this moment, the national war between the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu was unfolding before their eyes, and Huo Qubing’s peerless style was about to unfold before their eyes.

Song Dynasty.

Yue Fei looked at the sky with envy.

Huo Qubing’s glory in the history books swirled in his heart.

But if you give him Yue Fei a Liu Che, what level can he achieve?

Thinking of this, Yue Fei laughed to himself again.

Let alone an emperor like Liu Che, the previous short video has already assumed that Liu Chan’s soul can penetrate Zhao Gou.

With Liu Che, he would be satisfied.

As for emperors like Emperor Wu, I don’t dare to think about it, I don’t dare to think about it at all!

Xin Qiji couldn’t help but sigh when he saw the sky!

At this time.

The sound of the sky curtain sounded again.

[The decisive battle in Mobei, this is Huo Qubing’s peak battle, and it is also Huo Qubing’s highlight moment! 】

[This battle changed the structure of the entire world. Huo Qubing defeated the Xiongnu and defeated this once extremely fierce nation with 400,000 cavalry under his command. They came and went like the wind and were extremely powerful across the East Asian plate! 】

[Even though Huo Qubing died young, the Xiongnu only resisted stubbornly after this battle, and after four hundred years, they completely withdrew from the stage of history! 】

[The decisive battle of Mobei can be called a crucial battle in Chinese history! 】


“Is this Huo Qubing so terrifying?” Yi Zhixie’s face was filled with shock.

If he remembered correctly, according to Tianmu, Huo Qubing is only 21 years old this year!

At the age of 19, he alone led tens of thousands of cavalry into the Hexi Corridor. Isn’t this enough?

Does Liu Che want to put all the fate of the Han Dynasty on Huo Qubing?

Yi Zhixie’s face was distorted!

What shocked him even more was, where did Liu Che get his money?

“How can Liu Che get so much money if he launches a large-scale attack every year or two?”

“Did he go to rob it?” Yi Zhixie said a little depressed.

The Han Dynasty is far away from the grassland. Every time he goes to war, the amount of food, grass and baggage required behind him is astronomical!

Liu Che is simply endless!

On the side, King Xiutu, King Hunxie, and the wise kings of the Huns all looked unhappy.

This was the first time that they were shocked by a young man.

[Horses and men make walls and gold paves the road. This is Liu Che’s determination! 】

[But few people know how much Liu Che and Dahan paid for this battle! 】

[When such an unaffordable war begins, it will inevitably be followed by a series of plunders! 】

[Even if one person does not play well, it will lead to huge conflicts in the country! 】

[However, Liu Che pushed for this battle under tremendous pressure. The decisive battle in Mobei can be called the most important battle in the entire history of the Han Dynasty for more than 400 years! 】

[Some people in later generations called Liu Che the emperor of the ages, while others said that Liu Che was the tyrant of the ages, resorting to military violence and depriving the people of their livelihood! 】

[Both statements are correct. In terms of territory expansion, Liu Che has been tossing and conquering from the time he ascended the throne to his death. The territory of the Han Dynasty has expanded a lot, and he has displayed the domineering power of the Han nation! 】

[But in terms of military force, the people during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty were indeed miserable. Since the Battle of Mayi, wars between the Han and the Huns have become increasingly frequent! 】

[In war, what matters is not only the number of soldiers and their bravery, but also the strength of the country! 】

[In the decisive battle of Mobei, Liu Che decided to finish the battle in one battle. He would use 100,000 cavalry and 500,000 infantry! 】

[This is an unprecedented scale, and the whole country is fighting against it, which is not a joke! 】

[But where does the money come from? There is only plunder, plunder from the hands of the people! 】

[During his reign, Emperor Wu formulated a series of methods to plunder wealth, and for the next two thousandyears, had a huge impact. 】

[Generally speaking, such plunder will definitely lead to being nailed to the pillar of shame, or even facing the destruction of the country! 】

[But Liu Che succeeded. Not only did tens of millions of people pay for it, but his reputation was also passed down through the ages. 】

[To say that this Yi Zhixie is really unlucky. He is obviously not a mediocre person, but also has great talents. I guess sometimes he also wonders. Why did the Huns end when I obviously didn’t do anything? 】

Yi Zhixie: “…”

I can’t figure it out!

I can’t figure it out at all!

[In fact, there was nothing he could do. Who made him encounter the combination of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Huo Qubing and Wei Qing? This kind of lineup only happens once in a thousand years. Not to mention him, even his ancestor Maodun Shanyu couldn’t withstand it. 】

[To understand the glory of Huo Qubing in the Battle of Mobei, a battle that shocked future generations for thousands of years, we must also know what the Han Dynasty paid! 】

[After the Battle of the Hexi Corridor, the territory of the Xiongnu was extremely compressed, but the Han Dynasty was not much better. Although these battles were won, the amount of food and grass consumed behind them was also an astronomical figure. 】

[If you win the battle, you will be rewarded, and the family members of those who died in the battle will be compensated. Even the territory captured must be guarded by people, and even filled with immigrants. This all costs money! 】

[The Battle of Mayi, the Battle of Yinshan, and the Battle of Monan, these battles are like those without protective sleeves. It is really fun when fighting, but there are still many things to consider after the battle. 】

[Without money, what will soldiers eat? What do war horses eat? How to go through the vast deserts and grasslands to find the main force of the Huns? 】

[For the decisive battle of the Battle of Mobei. 】

[Liu Che thought of a way, and that was to sell his official position and get a title! 】

[This method is not Liu Che’s original creation, but a trick used by emperors of the Han Dynasty throughout the ages. As long as you have money, you can buy a title for it! 】

[Liu Che wanted to follow the path of his ancestors and make a profit, but soon, Liu Che felt a pain in his stomach. The money from selling his official position and title was really too little. 】

[There is nothing that can be done about it. Although the wealthy businessmen of the Han Dynasty are rich, they are not fools. Most of the titles they bought are sinecures and have no real power. They just sound nice and sound like a mascot. Naturally, they cannot be sold. price. 】

[Liu Che began to reform. He imitated the Qin Dynasty’s twenty-level military merit system and created the Han Dynasty’s eleven-level military merit system! 】

[The Qin Dynasty spoke with military achievements, while the Han Dynasty spoke with money. Liu Che’s ancestors sold it in one go, but Liu Che was smarter and sold it separately. 】

[Just like a skin, selling it whole is far worse than getting it through a lottery! 】

[This is what Liu Che did, and he threw out some bait. Different titles have different privileges, such as some immunity from criminal law. This is a killer and attracted a group of people’s attention! 】

[Just like Gongsun Ao and Li Guang, these two guys got lost on the battlefield and should be killed according to the law, but according to this system, they only need to pay! 】

[As for those who don’t have money, I’m sorry, kill them if they deserve it, and castrate them if they deserve it! 】

[But this was not enough. The speed of making money was too slow. Liu Che added a second item. Instead of selling his title, he started selling his official position! 】

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